Effort To Make Pot Legal in WA State Begins function share_this(num) { tit=encodeURIComponent('Effort To Make Pot Legal in WA State Begins'); url=encodeURIComponent(''); site = new Array(5); site[0]=''+url+'&title='+tit; site[1]=''+url+'&title='+tit; site[2]=''+url+'&title='+tit; site[3]=''+url+'&title='+tit; site[4]=''+url+'&title='+tit;[num],'sharer','toolbar=0,status=0,width=620,height=500'); return false; } Effort To Make Pot Legal in WA State Begins Posted by CN Staff on February 19, 2010 at 05:40:06 PT By Jerry Cornfield, Herald Writer Source: Herald Olympia, WA -- Backers of an initiative to legalize marijuana launched their signature gathering drive Thursday.Initiative 1068 would remove all criminal penalties for adults for growing, possessing and using marijuana. A bill that would have accomplished the same goal failed this year in the state Legislature. Philip Dawdy, campaign director and a co-author of the measure, said the seeds of the effort got planted before lawmakers acted. “On Jan. 1, I was sitting down with Doug Hiatt watching the Rose Bowl and we realized that there was no way the governor was going to sign it,” he said of the legalization bill. “It was time to take this to the people.”Dawdy, Hiatt, Seattle Hempfest founder Vivian McPeak, longtime medical marijuana patient Ric Smith and Seattle attorney Jeffrey Steinborn drew up the language.To qualify for the ballot, the organization formed to push the measure, Sensible Washington, needs to turn in 241,153 valid signatures of registered voters to the Secretary of State's Office on or before July 2. Dawdy said the goal is to gather 320,000 signatures.This week, training of volunteers on how to properly fill in petition sheets was held in Seattle, Spokane and Tacoma. Dawdy said he hoped to conduct similar trainings in Snohomish County in the next couple weeks.For information and petitions, contact the group by e-mail at: sensiblewashington gmail.comSource: Herald, The (Everett, WA)Author: Jerry Cornfield, Herald WriterPublished: Friday, February 19, 2010Copyright: 2010 The Daily Herald Co.Contact: letters heraldnet.comWebsite: -- Cannabis Archives Home Comment Email Register Recent Comments Help Comment #1 posted by rchandar on February 21, 2010 at 13:55:37 PT: What??? No Posts at ALL??? Well... ...I honestly can't see why we shouldn't get this bill passed in WA. They should have been in our column a long time ago. And especially Seattle--home of the techies and the "garage rock" movement. People always told me, Da Kine in Washington is damn good--though I myself have never picked up...--rchandar [ Post Comment ] Post Comment