Senate Should Back Off Medical Marijuana function share_this(num) { tit=encodeURIComponent('Senate Should Back Off Medical Marijuana'); url=encodeURIComponent(''); site = new Array(5); site[0]=''+url+'&title='+tit; site[1]=''+url+'&title='+tit; site[2]=''+url+'&title='+tit; site[3]=''+url+'&title='+tit; site[4]=''+url+'&title='+tit;[num],'sharer','toolbar=0,status=0,width=620,height=500'); return false; } Senate Should Back Off Medical Marijuana Posted by CN Staff on February 02, 2010 at 06:18:52 PT LSJ Editorial Source: Lansing State Journal Michigan -- It's not unheard of for a voter-ordered change in state law to require additional work by the Legislature. Constitutional amendments and initiatives do leave strings dangling, details missed.But the move afoot at the Capitol now to tinker with the state's new medical marijuana regime has a different feel to it. This seems more the stuff of derailing the voters' intent, rather than executing it. Among the changes proposed in the Republican-led Senate: Barring registered private citizens from growing marijuana and installing a system of state dispensaries instead.Backers of the idea cite confusion and the need for closer oversight of how much marijuana is grown. Such concerns are a tad disingenuous in light of the Legislature's record on medical marijuana.First, the Legislature never seriously dealt with the issue on its own. It could have tackled all these problems via its own legal acumen; it did not.Then, when supporters collected the signatures to place the issue before the voters in 2008, legislators had six weeks to act on the topic to bypass a statewide vote.The legislators, again, sat on their hands. The voters didn't.Nearly two-thirds of those voting approved the ballot measure, which, in part, would explicitly "permit registered individuals to grow limited amounts of marijuana for qualifying patients in an enclosed, locked facility."That's not legal mumbo jumbo. The voters knew what was asked of them and they gave a clear answer.It's too bad that some lawmakers don't like the answer the voters provided. But that is not grounds for them to use their state offices to try to short-circuit all this.And it's not like lawmakers don't have other pressing duties at hand.After all, this is the same Legislature that cannot handle its prime responsibility - passing a balanced budget on time; the same Legislature that can't impose punishment on itself for its failures; the same Legislature that can't find a way to immediately reduce lawmakers' generous, taxpayer-supported lifestyle.Last Friday, Gov. Jennifer Granholm unveiled a broad array of changes to state government at a Rotary Club luncheon in Lansing. An eyewitness says the audience's loudest applause was reserved for Granholm's call for docking lawmakers' pay for each day they are late in delivering a balanced state budget.The voters have spoken. The question is, do lawmakers really care what they said?Source: Lansing State Journal (MI)Published: February 2, 2010Copyright: 2010 Lansing State JournalWebsite: Medical Marijuana Archives Home Comment Email Register Recent Comments Help Comment #35 posted by Hope on February 05, 2010 at 09:08:46 PT Paint with light That's a wonderful story of overcoming. It's always encouraging to hear about an overcoming experience. Everyone, or nearly everyone, I would think, has to face trying to overcome one thing or another at some points in their lives. It's encouraging to know of people's experiences in facing a problem and whupping it. Thank you for sharing it. And I'm glad you overcame it. That's strange about it ceasing, mostly, the day you registered for college.My problem isn't severe. I seldom notice it, but other people do. When I do notice it, I just stop and take a moment to pace myself and try and get my tongue in unison with my brain, or something. I could never really tell if it was my mouth or my brain. My family and friends gave me speech therapy by constantly telling me, "You're stuttering".I think reciting poetry out loud may have helped me. It is worse when I'm tired, too. [ Post Comment ] Comment #34 posted by Paint with light on February 04, 2010 at 23:00:01 PT Hope Thank you for your kind words.You made me feel welcome here from the first time I posted.I appreciate the friendship you and FoM have always shown me.Do you really stutter?I was a chronic stutterer from my earliest years.It is almost always funny to everyone except the stutterer.When I went to school in California(Pomona "57-59, Kingsley school, I remember Jon Provost went there at the same time) they had me in speech class.In high school I could have been exempted from oral reports but instead I would volunteer.Of course a five minute report could result in a ten minute or longer period of snickering, laughing, and humiliation from my class mates.For some reason the first day of class was usually one of the worst.It always took multiple times for me to say my name.I learned to use a practiced phrase "and uh" to start my sentences. That made things flow easier, sometimes.The day I registered for college I was walking around and suddenly realized I had not stuttered all day.It never returned except momentarily when I was real tired.It was really a life changing event.Now, my friends would tell you, it is hard to shut me up.I love giving presentations before large groups.I have given presentations to several large photographic groups, and I love every minute of it.It is a skill I hope to put to use for our cause someday.I just have to get control of my reactive personality.Posting here has helped me do that.Ah...that I could be as cool and deliberate as Obama when he is rattled.Someday I would love to give seminars and presentations in different communities on the benefits of cannabis and changing the laws.Thank you for your wisdom, passion, and friendship. I also love the way you use words.One thing I like about posting here is the level of discourse is usually adult, serious, and informed.FoM keeps it that way.Equal with alcohol. [ Post Comment ] Comment #33 posted by Hope on February 04, 2010 at 22:14:35 PT Paint with light I don't mean that you shouldn't keep up with news about what is going on. We definitely should. We need to be informed, about everything that's going on to some degree or another. We don't have to be inundated with something unless we want to be. This is what I call a news story about the Tea Party phenomenon... and yes... I, too wish we were as as big and paid attention to as much as they are. We don't have anywhere near the type of money this large group of people can put together. We're not as big and noticeable as a lot of political activists... but we are being heard a lot more than we were ten years ago. A lot more. It would be nice if we could get the kind of power and fervor the tea partiers have put together. I don't know how that could happen. We already are dealing with people being killed, lives destroyed, and homes invaded by the government. Our voice is getting louder, though. Much louder. We are being heard. More people are joining us in our point of view everyday. Actually, in this next year or two, we are probably going to get more actually done in the way of progress towards our goal than the tea partiers will. I wouldn't be surprised at that, at all.'Tea party' movement: Who are they and what do they want? [ Post Comment ] Comment #32 posted by Hope on February 04, 2010 at 19:59:22 PT Because I have a bit of a speech impediment... I stutter a little bit, occasionally, I like conversational writing, because it usually eliminates any stuttering. Lol!Looking back at one of these comments... I managed to stutter in writing!Sorry 'bout that. [ Post Comment ] Comment #31 posted by Hope on February 04, 2010 at 19:55:40 PT Paint with light "Tea partier was mentioned over 65 times in that 30 minutes."You need to stop that. I can't believe you counted that. Give yourself a break, man. You don't have to know the enemy THAT well! Keep up with what they're doing... but limit the time you give them. FoM is right. You don't really find out any real news from those shows. They're just about agitating people and getting ratings. That's all. [ Post Comment ] Comment #30 posted by Hope on February 04, 2010 at 19:45:28 PT Years ago My husband and I never missed Hard Ball or any of the other political shows.I kept telling him... and he finally realized that it was true that those shows and the agitation and misery they caused him were unhealthy. They did not add in any way to any quality of life.We stopped watching them. I'm so thankful.He still gets his knothead pundit fix off the radio. Aaargh. I had to run him and his little buddy, Rush, out of the living room yesterday. (His radio is portable).I don't want to even hear those hateful troublemakers' voices. That's what they are is troublemakers. Arrrgh. Aaargh. Aaarrgh.A lot of us think a a lot of Museman. We think a lot of you, too.Let's carry on. We have to. [ Post Comment ] Comment #29 posted by Hope on February 04, 2010 at 19:29:45 PT Comment 25 Paint with light The teabag people's hatred for Obama is revolting. I find them and their various hatreds appalling. I hope they fade away. The sooner the better.The idea of Palin becoming President is pretty dang revolting to me. I hope Obama gets in gear and does some of the things we hoped he would do. If he doesn't, he won't have any kind of chance at getting re-elected. [ Post Comment ] Comment #28 posted by FoM on February 04, 2010 at 18:04:42 PT Paint with Light First of all some people don't get along in any big forum. That can't be helped that just happens.I am watching an animal program and wasn't watching the news so I missed it but I would have turned it off if I had it on and that is what they talked about. It just doesn't interest me. Cannabis isn't a subject that gets people pumped up on the news. That's why 24 hour news likes to keep people agitated on the most part. It's all about sucking in viewers by most of them including Chris Matthews. I find the Ed Show is focused on issues like health care that are important. [ Post Comment ] Comment #27 posted by Paint with light on February 04, 2010 at 17:34:41 PT FoM Just a quick and brief note.FoM it was only respect for you and the others here that I did not continue to interact with my critic more than I did.He is also the only one here who ever treated me that way.You have told me several times how much he means to you and I have seen how much he means to others, but for me he was always a very very negative presence.That is the fact of how he always treated me. That interaction I will never forget or likely be able to forgive.I just quit interacting directly and have never spoken his name since. He is shunned in my mind."They do believe in smaller government, less taxes, and a reduced deficit."I added that after the other comments because I also believe in those things.I just got back from a dinner break.During that break I listened to 30 minutes of hardball.Tea partier was mentioned over 65 times in that 30 minutes.The next segment was to be about the tea partier convention in Nashville this weekend.I got a phone call and was unable to watch the rest of it.Almost the whole hour tonight on MSNBC delt with the tea party movement in some way.I did not hear the word cannabis even once.That unfairness in coverage was the initial point I was trying to make.Legal like alcohol. [ Post Comment ] Comment #26 posted by FoM on February 04, 2010 at 16:25:52 PT Paint with Light I can't imagine anyone arguing against less taxes and less government but the facts are in my opinion that captalism without checks and balances will keep putting out defective cars as an example. When making money is the only goal then it isn't a good thing. I believe in a balanced system of free market enterprise but concern for the people who live in the country too. As far as museman goes I love the man. I know you guys just can't get along. You irritate each other but he doesn't irritate me but has given me strength when I needed it the most. I voted for Reagan because he said he wanted the government out of our lives. I made the mistake of believing him.Obama is smarter about politics then Carter was. That is what makes Obama better in my mind as far as a President goes then Carter. Obama was worldly and lived a free spirited life and that helps him to understand where we are coming from and another big thing is now is different then way back then. Technology has educated us in a way that was impossible before the Internet. [ Post Comment ] Comment #25 posted by Paint with light on February 04, 2010 at 15:54:43 PT Hope and FoM This is the first time in more than a year that I have been on in real time.At one point, I am sure you remember, I was getting attacked on a regular basis by one of the CNEWSers.To try to avoid those conflicts, I started to only get on early in the morning when I can't get into a real time conversation.As a mostly behaviorist I believe if a person can't control their actions, then they have to control their environment.I agree mostly on Carter.At the end of Carter's presidency I also, was upset with him, mainly over his 180 on decriminalization. Just remember what was done to him by our movement.Awhile back in a post I think I mistakenly attributed the outing of Bourne to Kevin instead of Keith. I just got my K's mixed up.That still doesn't justify Carter's actions as far as I know.It just makes it more understandable. I don't know exactly what role Borne(sp?) was expected to play in Carter's plans at the time, but to Carter it must have been pretty important.Maybe the fellow that had to resign and the flack that followed upset a policy change that Carter was working on for our cause.Imagine if behind the scenes he was about to push for full legalization and had paid dearly to set up the prospect.Then all of a sudden the people you are fighting for give you an ultimatum and screw you when you don't agree.Maybe that is where he started to lose his political capitol and ended up doing things he had not intended to do when he was elected.Sometimes one act can create a lifetime of hate.I am still glad I didn't vote for Reagan.I saw him as a return to the Nixon years, except worse.If he had lost we might not have had "Nancy No", and the Just say no campaign which set us back more than a decade.My other gripe about Reagan was his announcing his run at the place in Mississippi that was a hotbed of racism and old south politics.I thought that was clearly a signal to racist American's that he was on their side.All that is the past though.For me Obama is a lot like Carter was in the beginning.Carter said he was for decriminalization when he ran.I don't think Obama has ever gone that far.Carter was against war and for green initiatives.I don't remember the question he asked Amy but I remember there was one that was controversial. I will probably remember soon as I push confirm post.His problem was he tried to over intellectualize things that aren't based on logic.I believe in his heart he started out with a lot of the same compassion and love for the possibilities for our country that a lot of us share.Somehow he just lost it.As for tea partiers being our enemy.......I don't think they are any more our enemy than extreme right wing republicans.I may be wrong on my facts but I think........The majority hate Obama.....The majority believe in the birther movement(that Obama isn't really a citizen)......That white people are better than others(over 95% of tea partiers are white).....That Sarah Palin is going to be their keynote speaker in Nashville this weekend.There are more but I don't want to spoil anybody's dinner.They do believe in smaller government, less taxes, and a reduced deficit.They just blame Obama for the deficit instead of the Bush years.The thing I dislike most about them is that even with all the hate and lies they spread they are taken seriously or at least given more press than we are.I hope this wasn't too long.I try to keep my comments short.Legal like alcohol. [ Post Comment ] Comment #24 posted by FoM on February 04, 2010 at 14:40:28 PT Hope That's a good question. I hope he answers. I don't know I just don't pay any attention to them. [ Post Comment ] Comment #23 posted by Hope on February 04, 2010 at 14:18:46 PT Paint with light Are the Tea Partiers our enemies? [ Post Comment ] Comment #22 posted by FoM on February 04, 2010 at 14:14:42 PT Paint with Light I wanted to mention that I was so upset with Carter that I voted for Reagan. When he didn't decriminalize marijuana that upset me and then in a debate he mentioned asking his daughter Amy about something and it really bothered me.Obama isn't anything like Carter. I really appreciate Carter for his work but he just wasn't a strong President. [ Post Comment ] Comment #21 posted by FoM on February 04, 2010 at 14:04:07 PT Paint with light I guess I should mention that I am not watching near as much news anymore. I like the Ed Show but often tune out on the others. As far as the tea party people even if I hear anything about them I don't hear it. I have a way of tuning out. It drove my parents crazy when I was young but it just came naturally. [ Post Comment ] Comment #20 posted by Paint with light on February 04, 2010 at 13:58:44 PT FoM "Avoiding conflict is sometimes best.I have nothing against anyone who chooses that path."I was thinking of you when I wrote those words.When you posted, "It must be on a channel I don't watch", I did not know you were joking.During some periods I have heard the tea party mentioned almost nightly on msnbc.If you go to you tube and search msnbc + tea party you get over 200 links to coverage of the tea party on msnbc.I spend more time on MSNBC than any other news outlet except NPR.Maybe I did not make my point clearly enough.If you look at almost any media outlet the tea party is covered much more than the cannabis movement.I was trying to make the point that our movement is much more worthy of coverage than a right wing fringe movement with few actual members.Right now, in some areas of the country, it seems they are influencing the political climate more than we are.I attributed that to possibly better organization.It was not meant as a critique of any efforts on our side, just an observation.You know I appreciate the work you and others do, but I want us all to be vigilant and try to learn from the actions of others.As of now I think Obama will be re-elected, but then again....I didn't think Reagan could beat Carter(based on policy and intellect)......I also didn't think George Bush could be elected....Twice.I am just being cautious and aware.Look at me as a canary in a coal mine.If I smell foul obnoxious gas I want to warn those that might not be aware of it.Get some rest and avoid those hard back chairs.Equal with alcohol. [ Post Comment ] Comment #19 posted by FoM on February 04, 2010 at 06:10:11 PT Paint with light I am very aware of what is going on. I also am working hard to keep my focus on what we might be able to get done while we have Obama as President. I'm also working on getting better. He would really have to do something really bad to not get re-elected. That means we have 7 years to get it done until the angry Party will be back in power. I focus on this time frame for our issues. When the RP regains control of the White House we better have what we are working on done because it won't happen after that time. [ Post Comment ] Comment #18 posted by Paint with light on February 03, 2010 at 21:43:46 PT know your enemies When a democrat can't hold on to Ted Kennedy's seat and a certain group is given a lot of the credit for the atmosphere that caused it(according to several pundits on msnbc, not FoX).....then it is time to be aware.When a lot of long time democrats seats are being given up to the fears of re-election losses and a certain group leads the most vocal of the causes for the fears....then it is time to be aware.We have come too far to be caught sleeping.I am a news junkie.I follow over a dozen news sources, the least of which is fox.If you want to know what the other side is thinking and the logic or lack of logic, of their actions, then you have to listen to at least some of what they have to say.If you are going to debate the legalization of cannabis and you don't anticipate your opponents arguments, then you are giving yourself a handicap.Right now the most vocal critics of our movement share a lot with the group some would prefer to ignore....which is your right.Avoiding conflict is sometimes best.I have nothing against anyone who chooses that path.My own path involves becoming progressively more vocal with our opponents each year starting with this one.That includes letters to,and conversations with, anyone who supposedly serves as my representative in government.We thought we were on the way to reform back in the 1970's.We were wrong.I don't think we can be turned back this time.Until cannabis is legalized, rescheduled, and we have the freedom we want, all we have is a dream and not reality.Legal like alcohol. [ Post Comment ] Comment #17 posted by FoM on February 03, 2010 at 10:26:14 PT Hope I believe that we need to focus on important things. I don't like being around people that like to get riled up. What's the sense in that? Doing something positive has a ripple effect. Those are the people I respect. [ Post Comment ] Comment #16 posted by Hope on February 03, 2010 at 10:14:10 PT Drug Policy Reform is not a "tempest in a teapot". It's serious as death, slaughter, and destruction.Some of my time, every day, if possible, has to be devoted to this deathly serious matter. [ Post Comment ] Comment #15 posted by Hope on February 03, 2010 at 10:11:20 PT :0) I know what you mean.I kept up with them for a few weeks, I guess... then I thought... forgeddaboutit. I've got better things to do than to devote too much time to that tempest in a teapot. [ Post Comment ] Comment #14 posted by FoM on February 03, 2010 at 09:39:44 PT Hope I know about them but I tune out. I won't clutter my mind with things that aren't important to me. I value my sanity! LOL! [ Post Comment ] Comment #13 posted by Hope on February 03, 2010 at 09:00:28 PT FoM You know about Tea Baggers.You're just blocking it. [ Post Comment ] Comment #12 posted by Hope on February 03, 2010 at 08:59:17 PT News If I can avoid it, I, generally, prefer not to watch any of them. The Internet is my preferred way to keep up with what's going on.Yahoo.Google.The large network news and the local news, newspapers, TV, and radio, are all online. [ Post Comment ] Comment #11 posted by FoM on February 03, 2010 at 07:53:42 PT dongenero I think you're correct. I don't watch Fox News ever. I watch MSNBC and sometimes CNN. I like MSNBC and have watched them for years. I get the information that I want to know from MSNBC. [ Post Comment ] Comment #10 posted by dongenero on February 03, 2010 at 07:23:19 PT tea partier's I think the tea partier's news is mostly covered on their founding TV network, Fox News. [ Post Comment ] Comment #9 posted by FoM on February 03, 2010 at 05:50:01 PT Paint with light I haven't seen any coverage of a tea party. It must be on a channel I don't watch. [ Post Comment ] Comment #8 posted by Paint with light on February 03, 2010 at 01:16:58 PT Green Tea Party Whenever I see the "Tea Party" coverage and see all that they supposedly accomplish and influence.....I have to wonder what would happen if the cannabis movement was as organized.I am sure we have more people.I feel our cause is just as deserving.I feel science, history, and compassion are on our side.Chipping away with truth and facts isn't as dramatic, but it is a lot kinder and more civil.As more and more states see the light.....There is more light to see.Legal like alcohol. [ Post Comment ] Comment #7 posted by afterburner on February 03, 2010 at 00:08:36 PT Hope #2 'Monsters' - Created by War on Doctors Ron Woods of the Rolling Stones is undergoing treatment for alcoholism using Campral. In researching the effective methodology of this medication, I chanced upon the following links:Acamprosate (Campral): Medication for Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Treatment is a very interesting link from the previous link:The War on Drugs, the War on Doctors, and the Pain Crisis in America - Eighty Years of Naked Emperors. by Alexander DeLuca, M.D., June 4, 2004 [ Post Comment ] Comment #6 posted by Sam Adams on February 02, 2010 at 18:03:34 PT michigan politicians as Bob said it's time to "chase those crazy baldheads out of town!" [ Post Comment ] Comment #5 posted by runruff on February 02, 2010 at 16:49:38 PT "They'll be hoist by their own petards" If the politicians had any petardswe wouldn't be in this mess! [ Post Comment ] Comment #4 posted by kaptinemo on February 02, 2010 at 16:40:45 PT: They'll be hoist by their own petards "The voters have spoken. The question is, do lawmakers really care what they said?"They will. They will when said voters realize the depth of the unconscious arrogance revealed by this attempt on the legislators part to tamper with the very basis of our government, a.k.a. 'democracy' itself.This has been a long time coming. When economic times are sweet, and the taxpayers are 'fat, dumb and happy' and easily distracted, legislators can get away with this behavior. But when times get hard, and money gets tight, people's awareness gets sharpened to a thin edge. They start to realize what's been done behind their backs. Then you see things like tax revolts and 'tea parties'. I want to write more, but it gets downright incendiary after that, so I'll just say this: those who live in the State of Michigan should let their employees (a.k.a legislators) know they are holding said employee's 'pink slips', and if they don't do as their employers say and back off from tampering with the 'will of the people', then that 'will of the people' shall be made manifest in the next election with their dismissal. Times are getting tough, and when that happens, there's less patience on the public's part for these games.It's that simple. They listen or they're unemployed. And there's vastly more use for a plumber or an electrician or a truck driver than there is for a former politician. Enough said. [ Post Comment ] Comment #3 posted by rchandar on February 02, 2010 at 14:34:35 PT: My Thoughts These people are eventually going to try their hand with Congress and with the President. We should put forth a counter-measure and challenge the Supreme Court to hand us a decision.Getting President Obama to make a statement is a bad idea, but I'm certain their side will try that as well. We have until about summer, then this whole thing will explode because of the Congressional elections. It's good that MMJ is winning in some states, we need to keep that big picture in mind or face a bunch of court cases and drawn-out, emotional stabbings from both sides.--rchandar [ Post Comment ] Comment #2 posted by Hope on February 02, 2010 at 13:16:36 PT Cannabis prohibitionist doctors Every time I read one of those freak doctors talking about "brain damage" and trying to spread fear and grief about cannabis, I'm more and more struck with their stupidity and apparently insane mindset. How dare they be so cunning and stupid and misleading?Cannabis damaging the young brain? What about all the harsh liver and stomach burning meds they prescribe? They don't think those harsh, harsh, drano type chemicals are doing anything to the young brains they prescribe them for? They know better! Surely! They have to be lying and trying to deceive people on purpose.They prescribe poisons... real poisons... all the time.It's so hard to not hate the anti-cannabis people that are spewing sheer wickedness and blatant lies as part of their diabolical plotting and planning. They are despicable monsters. Despicable! They are actively harming people, and even society, constantly. Monsters! [ Post Comment ] Comment #1 posted by Sam Adams on February 02, 2010 at 09:08:03 PT Maine look at this, psychiatrists are brazenly trying to knock out the competition for their drugs on under-18's....fearing that MJ-caused brain damage that is SO hard to prove, but happy to dispense Paxil and others that kill hundreds per year....I have to agree with Tom Cruise on this one, it sure seems like psychiatrists have an institutional evil about them...they're like a street-thug drug pusher who wants the competition off his corner [ Post Comment ] Post Comment