Bid To Legalize Pot is Counter To U.S. Trend
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Bid To Legalize Pot is Counter To U.S. Trend
Posted by CN Staff on January 05, 2010 at 06:00:45 PT
By Joe Garofoli, Chronicle Staff Writer
Source: San Francisco Chronicle
San Francisco -- With Californians likely to vote in November on whether to legalize marijuana, some key swing voters - Democratic and independent women - are expressing a surprising reason why they would support the initiative.The suburban "soccer moms" who are likely voters have told pollsters that the measure, which would give local governments the authority to tax and regulate the sale of cannabis to adults 21 or older, would provide a safer way for their adult children to buy pot.
"One of the scary things to some people is that their kids may be buying it from someone dangerous," said Ruth Bernstein, a pollster with EMC Research, an Oakland firm that has been doing polling and focus groups on behalf of the measure's proponents.California already boasts some of the nation's most pot-friendly laws. Possession of an ounce or less of marijuana is a misdemeanor, and those who obtain approval from a physician can grow or possess cannabis under the state's voter-approved 1996 medical marijuana law.In 2001, state voters approved a law allowing first- or second-time possession-only offenders caught with larger amounts of pot to avoid jail by requesting a treatment program instead.The initiative, known as the Tax and Regulate Initiative, would expand those laws by allowing local governments to tax and regulate marijuana sales, increase penalties for providing marijuana to a minor, and prohibit consumption of marijuana in public, smoking marijuana while minors are present and possession of pot on school grounds.But none of those provisions matters to law enforcement organizations and conservative religious leaders who oppose legalization on public safety and "moral" grounds. Battle In The Suburbs  The battleground to legalize marijuana will be in the suburbs, experts say."The legalizers have yet to explain what the social betterment is by legalizing another mind-altering substance," said John Lovell, a lobbyist for law enforcement agencies, including the California Peace Officers' Association, that are opposed to legalization. "They're smoking something if they think soccer moms are going to go their way.""It's a moral issue," said Bishop Ron Allen, leader of the International Faith Based Coalition. The former crack cocaine addict is on stop No. 14 of a tour of 100 churches that oppose the initiative. "Can you imagine legalizing more drugs in this area?" asked Allen, pastor of a south Sacramento congregation where, he says, "there are more liquor stores than grocery stores." Snipped   Complete Article: San Francisco Chronicle (CA)Author: Joe Garofoli, Chronicle Staff WriterPublished: Tuesday, January 5, 2010Copyright: 2010 San Francisco Chronicle Contact: letters sfchronicle.comWebsite: CannabisNews  -- Cannabis Archives
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Comment #11 posted by runruff on January 06, 2010 at 06:15:43 PT
What makes the caged bird sing?I know!
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Comment #10 posted by The GCW on January 05, 2010 at 22:43:26 PT
Ads???One thing I'd like to see in an ad in California to help with RE-legalization is the word,  CAGING.Caging humans for using cannabis is just plain wrong. The word caging, puts it right out in the focus of what this is all about.I've talked to some cannabis prohibitionists and when theY hear someone tell them directily, that they are in favor of caging humans for using a plant, they take a step back and then another. They often don't want themselves to be a part of that picture when it is presented that way.We have been using the word caging for about 10 years now and it is an arrow splitting bull's-eye word.Not jailing, incarcerating, ruining, but rather, CAGING.
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Comment #9 posted by rchandar on January 05, 2010 at 17:38:38 PT:
It's a start. Advertising for this measure should broaden the lifestyle plugs so that as many people as possible see the positive import of MJ.What I sometimes worry about is the Viagra ads. We don't want to come across like, we're basically making fun of your no-good, lame, conservative lifestyle. You can have all kinds of good, hedonistic pleasures if this plant is legal. No, an ad that is direct, stating the failed overtures and draconianism of the Bush years would probably be welcome news indeed. To use the spectrum of MMJ in a different vein--namely, to profile lives basically ruined by strict drug laws--would work in tandem with MMJ and the rights of the sick.Even an ad that admits that legalization would curb "drug abuse" and the exploitation of users would be very welcome. Those of us who watched the "hood" films of the 90s remember well, that anti-drug ads portrayed us as vicious monsters who kill kids. From our side, we've got to be particularily aggressive in putting forth our sense, that a lot of people lose their employ, loans, and citizenship in pursuit of drug-war goals. The alluring point is quite simple: "have kids? Any reason why they should have a criminal record, just because they smoke pot? Now Chelsea can't get a loan." Flit to picture of a pregnant girl, struggling with a cash register, and a boss yelling heatedly at her as the lights dim.It's very important--and many DPA representatives have said this--that we build our "coalition" beyond idle pleasure seekers. In short, "you've held a job for 30 years. Why should your kids be punished for something that you did? What happened, why did everything you labored for fall apart?"It would also be nice to vent some criticism of other states that are harsher on MJ than Cali. --rchandar
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Comment #8 posted by josephlacerenza on January 05, 2010 at 12:44:14 PT
Montana and the Conservatives
We had a good reform measure last year at this time that passed in the Senate, but was stopped in the House along party lines!Montana is a true red state! I do appreciate the pragmatism of individuals here. They understand that the RIGHT to own a gun, I stress the RIGHT, is the same as the RIGHT to the pursuit of happiness.This is one aspect they understand up here, an individuals rights. They had no speed limit during daylight hours until ~2001, and got their 1st open container law in ~2006!! Now if gay rights becomes an issue up here, I think that is where individual rights will end. But, I could be proven wrong, it has happened before!!!We are trying to move in the same direction of Colorado with regard to self regulation, but the individual spirit is hard to get through. Montana Biotech offers any patient or caregiver the ability to have their cannabis tested for potency and purity! We want to move into the direction of variety/cultivar certification, but that will take the entire industry in Montana to sigh on!
Cannabis Potency and Purity Testing
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Comment #7 posted by James Crosby on January 05, 2010 at 12:43:34 PT:
Hemp cores for new UK homes
Hemp cores for new UK homes - CHECK IT! Finally another movement! I wish my house were made of hemp... I live in Oregon, so that would help a lot. Heating can be rough here, and the summers are so hot... Save me hemp!
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Comment #6 posted by James Crosby on January 05, 2010 at 12:30:35 PT:
News Updates:
"Industrial Hemp’s Impending Growth Spurt" --"5 January 2010, Strasbourg - One of the high points of the recent European Confederation of Flax & Hemp (CELC) 60th Congress in Strasbourg, was an awards presentation made by Georges Beylerian, President of Material ConneXion, to members of CELC who have been recognised for their creative and innovative use of flax and hemp." --"California: Historic Vote On Cannabis Regulation To Take Place On Tuesday, January 12" --! The world is finally seeing cannabis for what it really is: a gift to us from the Earth. 
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Comment #5 posted by Vincent on January 05, 2010 at 11:32:34 PT:
This article
"But none of those provisions matters to law enforcement organizations and conservative religious leaders who oppose legalization on public safety and 'moral' grounds".Oh, how I wish that Law Enforcement and Religious leaders would mind their own business.
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Comment #4 posted by GeoChemist on January 05, 2010 at 10:45:42 PT
The piglet was emailed, I will post it and the reply if I get one. The good Bishop pulled the email address off of his contact page, I wonder why, never the less, I found a way to get my message to them, but I cannot get a reply. Well, back to the front lines, I'll check in later.....................
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Comment #3 posted by GeoChemist on January 05, 2010 at 10:12:01 PT
I take offense
"The legalizers have yet to explain what the social betterment is by legalizing another mind-altering substance," said John Lovell, a lobbyist for law enforcement agencies, including the California Peace Officers' Association, that are opposed to legalization. "They're smoking something if they think soccer moms are going to go their way."Some donut swilling pig that uses pseudo-words (legalizer)with a high school diploma and 6 months at a community college isn't telling me what to do.....time for another call out.......stay tuned
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Comment #2 posted by JiMorrison on January 05, 2010 at 09:40:57 PT:
California Dreamin & Votin
For those who have not yet, please get involved LOCALLY, ASAP. Here is todays LAT lead story link: stressed in the article, the battle will be won/lost locally, in the suburbs, with churches, PTA, etc. constituting the majority of the opposition. Spread the word. Do not assume everyone you know KNOWS: inform them as a Green Paul Revere might. Silence is our greatest enemy.
The same regressive forces that defeated gay marriage are poised & ready to let fly their arrows of fear, paranoia, & disinformation. "Not on My Watch", you cry !
 Lets not let them defeat progressive forces on this beach-head, which could wash over America with a tsunami of change.
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Comment #1 posted by paul armentano on January 05, 2010 at 08:44:17 PT
California: Assembly to Vote 1/12 on AB 390
California: Historic Vote On Cannabis Regulation To Take Place On Tuesday, January 12Tue, 05 Jan 2010 16:15:16 By: Paul Armentano, NORML Deputy DirectorShare This Article     On Tuesday, January 12, members of the California Assembly will hold a historic vote on statewide marijuana policy. Members of the Public Safety Committee will decide on Assembly Bill 390, the Marijuana Control, Regulation, and Education Act, which seeks to regulate and control the production, distribution, and personal use of marijuana for adults age 21 and older.Tuesday’s vote will mark the first time since 1913, when California became one of the first states in the nation to enact cannabis prohibition, that lawmakers have reassessed this failed policy.If a majority of the Public Safety Committee votes ‘yes’ on AB 390, the bill will immediately face a separate vote in the California State Assembly Committee on Health. (I have been tentatively invited to testify before this committee; you can read my prepared testimony here.) In short, members of both committees will likely be voting on this historic measure next week. That is why we need your support in contacting the members of these legislative committees today!To date, over 8,000 of you have contacted your California Assemblymembers via NORML’s Capwiz ‘Take Action’ Center. This is a tremendous outpouring of public support, but we need to ramp up our advocacy before next week’s vote.If you reside in California please click here to find a list of Assembly members who sit on the key committees overseeing AB 390. Constituents in their districts are urged to phone or fax support their for AB 390 today. Lawmakers’ district phone numbers, fax numbers, and e-mail contact information appears here.If your member of the Assembly does not appear on this list, please take a moment this week to call and leave a polite, concise phone message voicing your support for AB 390 with the Assembly Committees of Public Safety and Health. You can find the direct line for these committees, as well as for their Chair and Vice-Chairs, here and here.Finally, Californians can also send a letter of support directly to their individual member of the Assembly by using NORML’s pre-written letter service here.Let’s begin 2010 by letting California’s politicians know that the time to end the state’s nearly 100-year failed experiment with marijuana prohibition is now!
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