Center Goes Green as Grass function share_this(num) { tit=encodeURIComponent('Center Goes Green as Grass'); url=encodeURIComponent(''); site = new Array(5); site[0]=''+url+'&title='+tit; site[1]=''+url+'&title='+tit; site[2]=''+url+'&title='+tit; site[3]=''+url+'&title='+tit; site[4]=''+url+'&title='+tit;[num],'sharer','toolbar=0,status=0,width=620,height=500'); return false; } Center Goes Green as Grass Posted by CN Staff on June 14, 2009 at 04:06:03 PT By Bob Strauss, Staff Writer Source: Los Angeles Daily News Los Angeles, CA -- It wasn't the highest old time you could imagine at the inaugural THC Expo held at the Los Angeles Convention Center this weekend. But even though actual consumption of marijuana was strictly forbidden at the two-day trade show, the capacity crowd seemed to enjoy the contact high of checking out booths full of everything from hemp-oil massage lotions to Marley Brand Jamaican coffee to brochures from groups like Law Enforcement Against Prohibition - active and retired cops who want to, well, legalize everything. "We're gonna do this constantly," said West Hills-based Expo co-producer Todd McCormick, a legalization advocate who says marijuana helped him survive a cancer-ridden childhood of severe chemotherapy side effects. "It took 11 months of work and a lot of money and organization, but I'm really happy with how all this is working out. We're real pleased with the phenomenal turnout." Bail bondsmen, hawkers of very scary-looking hydroponic growth accelerator devices and women in gold bikinis packed the convention hall floor. An over-18-only area had seed packets, many representatives of Amsterdam-based businesses and a whole alley of bongs and other smoking paraphernalia that, at retail stores throughout California if not at this particular venue, must legally be sold "for tobacco use only." Even at a place like Daddy's Pipe and Collective, a Sherman Oaks smoke shop that recently added a medical marijuana dispensary. "We carry everything from small little glass pipes to 24-inch bongs and percolator chambers," said Daddy's manager Adam Powers. "We also give free doctor referrals and have free deals when you sign up as a new patient." Delta 9 is the Sun Valley-based glass company that makes many of the elaborate pipes sold at Daddy's; a smoked gray water job with a detailed etching of Jimi Hendrix was a particularly impressive work. "We specialize, pretty much, in glass water tubes," explained Dennis Belloso, a Delta 9 sales rep. "We do our own sand-blasting, our own frosting, and we like to make our designs a little more deep-etched than anybody else, so you can not only see it, you can feel it." Chatsworth resident Ashley Gold, 22, was visiting the Expo with a bunch of her girlfriends and enjoying its general good vibes. "I'm very much interested in the subject matter," she said. "We're just here to check out what everybody has to offer. It is a great turnout. There are a lot of people and a lot of nice people too, surprisingly. We're about to go over to the other convention; it might be a little bit different there." The "other convention" was the EroticaLA porn show held at the same time in the hall right next door. It's no coincidence that McCormick and his co-producer, Brian Roberts, scheduled their show on the same weekend. But not everybody was mellow about a pro-hemp convention taking place at a city-run facility. "Our biggest issue with the THC Expo is that their Web site encouraged kids of all ages to attend," said Paul Howarth, CEO of A Better Tomorrow Treatment Center, a Murrieta rehab facility. "I'm embarrassed for the city of Los Angeles, that our city is hosting such a show." Howarth asked City Attorney Rocky Delgadillo to shut down the convention for that reason. The City Attorney's Office declined to do so. Source: Los Angeles Daily News (CA)Author: Bob Strauss, Staff WriterPublished: June 13, 2009Copyright: 2009 Los Angeles Newspaper GroupWebsite: http://www.dailynews.comContact: -- Cannabis Archives Home Comment Email Register Recent Comments Help Comment #2 posted by HERBALFRESH on June 15, 2009 at 10:25:32 PT: Children at the THC EXPO My Husband and I went to the THC EXPO and we brought our 3 year old son. It was a wonderful lifetime event to be able to say yes, we were there at the very first one and when our son grows up he will be able to say the same thing. My message to Paul Howarth, CEO of A Better Tomorrow Treatment Center and for anyone else out there like him is...Education starts at an early age, in fact the younger the better..If more people were educated about what good Marijuana is and about the difference it makes, prescription drug abuse, alcohol, and cigarettes would be the taboo subject. The fact that our government put good people in prison because they wouldn't farm Hemp and now put good people in prison because they do, is insane. I guess old lessons die hard when it comes to prohibition. We are supposed to learn from our past transgressions, like Slavery and the Holocaust, but as a Modern Human Race we are still failing. The Human Race has been using Marijuana for centuries as medicine and clothing and rope etc...Our own Native people use it and know how to properly use it, but remember what we did to them in thanks for helping out the first settlers...nasty diseases like Small Pox and then The Trail of Tears and..RESERVATIONS..WOW the wisdom and knowledge we all could have had from our Native People...some of us out there lucky enough, still do. So in ending, our proper education of our Natural Herb, MARIJUANA has to start young so that horrible mistakes won’t be made in the present and future, and that the quality of our lives won’t be taken away by Neanderthal thinking.. But opps..They were probably tokers too..So..To early education!!! HERBALFRESH [ Post Comment ] Comment #1 posted by LJ on June 14, 2009 at 08:49:05 PT Kristof in the Sunday NY Times Nicholas Kristof has a piece in Sunday's NY Times you may want to read. Drugs Won the War [ Post Comment ] Post Comment