Pot Bill Advocates Remain Hopeful
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Pot Bill Advocates Remain Hopeful
Posted by CN Staff on June 02, 2009 at 04:58:20 PT
By Laura Griffith, The Telegraph
Source: The Telegraph
Illinois --  Time ran out on a medical marijuana bill in the latest session of the state Legislature, but advocates are hopeful of passage when the measure does come to a final vote.The Compassionate Use of Medical Cannabis Pilot Program Act (SB 1381) had passed the Senate 30-28 last week and soared through the House Human Services Committee. It was waiting for a final reading and a vote on the House floor over the weekend, but tax legislation took top priority.
"Although (the) top priority was the tax bill, I think the time has come for Illinois to enact a medical marijuana law. We just need to shore up a few votes before calling this bill to the floor," said Rep. Lou Lang (D-Skokie), deputy majority leader and chief House sponsor of SB 1381.Sen. William Haine, D-Alton, who sponsored the bill in the Senate, keeps a positive outlook regarding the bill's chances when legislative sessions resume."It was dramatic that the bill got out of the Senate," Haine said. "We had a busy spring. This bill was one of hundreds. It had one of the highest profiles because it surrounded the whole debate on drugs and marijuana and came with a lot of baggage."Still, Haine says medical evidence bodes well for patients and advocates and remains steadfast on his conviction that his restrictions will keep abuse from being a problem, any more than other prescription drugs are abused."Many of these questions were asked on the floor, about the potential for abuse," he said.Haine spoke out against misinformation that marijuana is not a helpful drug or that this legislation will contribute to marijuana abuse."I have full confidence that the men and women at police departments around the state can enforce this without any trouble whatsoever," he said. "The 30 senators who voted for it voted for it in spite of similar comments around the state, (which are) based on fear. The scientific evidence is many doctors find it good for patients."Haine said that the break between now and a possible vote in November (during a veto session) or January (when the General Assembly reconvenes) will mean more time to think on the issue. He encourages members of the Senate to contact doctors to learn more about it from a medical perspective.Jamie Clayton, a longtime AIDS patient living in Grafton, said now is the time for education."We've got to keep it on people's minds and we've got to talk about it," he said. "I would hate to just stop. I think it's going to be important that we focus on this during the summer. Maybe now's the time we need to look into education."Clayton said he is disheartened that some people still aren't pulling for options for patients like himself, who are in severe pain or are dying from diseases like AIDS or cancer."We're fighting for our lives," he said. "I should have died in 1996 but I didn't; I'm still here. We're not giving up and we're not going away."Source: Alton Telegraph, The (IL)Author: Laura Griffith, The TelegraphPublished: June 1, 2009Copyright: 2009 The TelegraphContact: telegraph thetelegraph.comWebsite: http://www.thetelegraph.comURL: Articles:Doctors Divided on Medical Pot Split Over Medical Marijuana Bill
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Comment #11 posted by BobbyRa on June 04, 2009 at 20:28:51 PT
I appreciate Senators Haine and Lang
for the work they have done. Hopefully this can get moving forward again soon.
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Comment #10 posted by FoM on June 03, 2009 at 04:45:49 PT
I agree. 
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Comment #9 posted by afterburner on June 02, 2009 at 23:36:11 PT
FoM #4 
Michigan."Senate Bills 616-618 ... would ... require the herb to be purchased only through a pharmacist with a prescription from a doctor"These prohibitionists cannot be ignorant of the following fact: Arizona has an unworkable medical marijuana law due to the inability of their doctors to "prescribe" cannabis because of the federal schedule 1 catch-22.These underhanded Michigan senate proposals point to the necessity to reschedule cannabis to a lower level, which is the only way to make "prescription" legal. Republicans, crooks and law enforcement: work to reschedule if you really believe in that pharmacy scenario. You first; then, we might consider your suggestion. In the meantime, keep your hands off our medicine!As written and within the present federal framework, these bills are nothing but a transparent attempt to turn back the clock by gutting Michigan's voter-approved Compassionate Use Act.We are not amused. Be forewarned: any legislator who votes in favor of these abominations (as currently written) will face the wrath of the voters in the next election!Doctors run risks under pot laws: Federal licenses could be... 
Newspaper article from: The Washington Times; December 25, 1996 ; Price, Joyce; 676 words... Doctors in California and Arizona who prescribe marijuana for medical purposes under new state...expanded to go after physicians who prescribe marijuana. In the past two years, about 900...likelihood of moving against doctors who prescribe marijuana, Donald Maple, a spokesman for Gen... leery to prescribe marijuana as medication. 
News wire article from: University Wire; November 12, 1998 ; Sarah Spivack; 700+ words...for medicinal purposes, doctors are unlikely to start prescribing...over-estimated the number of doctors who will be willing to prescribe (marijuana)." Arizona Sen. Ruth Solomon...prescribe such drugs, and doctors could lose their licenses...said, adding that cancer doctors ...
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Comment #8 posted by FoM on June 02, 2009 at 16:45:36 PT
That's good news.
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Comment #7 posted by FoM on June 02, 2009 at 16:44:49 PT
Iowa: Board Shoots Down Medical Marijuana
 June 2, 2009URL:
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Comment #6 posted by Sam Adams on June 02, 2009 at 16:41:20 PT
Phish at Fenway Park Boston - no citations
A great day for Phish and New England
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Comment #5 posted by FoM on June 02, 2009 at 16:30:49 PT
Boston: Beacon Hill Roll Call
Medical Marijuana (H 2160): June 2, 2009The Committee on Public Health is considering legislation allowing the medical use of marijuana by qualified patients. The measure allows these patients to possess up to four ounces of marijuana and 12 marijuana plants for medical purposes. The state would issue identification cards to qualified patients and to caretakers who could grow and provide marijuana for a severely disabled patient. Doctors would be allowed to issue prescriptions for marijuana use by patients for debilitating medical condition including cancer, glaucoma, HIV/AIDS, hepatitis C, Lou Gehrig’s disease, Crohn’s disease, Alzheimer’s and any disease or treatment that produces severe pain, nausea or seizures.URL:
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Comment #4 posted by FoM on June 02, 2009 at 16:10:15 PT
News Article From
Legislation Would Undermine Michigan's Voter-Approved Medical Marijuana Act***Tuesday, June 02, 2009Michigan -- The drug warriors are at it again. They are trying to undermine the will of the voters and put medical marijuana patients in prison with new legislation.Sen. Kuipers, who opposes medical marijuana, recently introduced legislation to develop unnecessary and unjust regulations on medical marijuana. Senate Bills 616-618 have been sent to the Senate Judiciary Committee for consideration.Some of the bills' measures would include: Restricting a patient's ability to obtain the drug, require the herb to be purchased only through a pharmacist with a prescription from a doctor, create sentencing guidelines of up to two years in prison for patients who violate the proposed legislation.URL:
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Comment #3 posted by NikoKun on June 02, 2009 at 14:02:12 PT
This is good actually...
This will give us more time to reach our representatives, and hopefully convince them to vote in favor of this bill...
If it had come up for a vote right now, it probably would not have passed... But now we have more time to gain support.If you live in Illinois, we need a BIG push for this, all summer long, in order to ensure this passes! Call your reps! And make sure we get as many pro-MM articles in the media as possible!
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Comment #2 posted by greenmed on June 02, 2009 at 12:00:36 PT
I agree with you. I would liken the statement by DeeAnn Wedemeyer-Oleson, a member of the Iowa Board of Pharmacy, to a well-known line that children use with their teachers when they don't do their assignment that "the dog ate my homework."
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Comment #1 posted by Cheebs1 on June 02, 2009 at 11:06:50 PT:
More Lies seems to me that the Pharmacy board did not do as instructed and should have to answer to the judge that requested they do the research. No where in the article does it mention that anyone from the board performed one iota of research into the efficacy of cannabis as a medicine. The only thing they did was say that 14 other states are wrong without siting any evidence to support their opinion. People who's income depend on cannabis being illegal will never admit that they know how beneficial the plant is. They will continue the web of deceit until the day they or we die. It doesn't matter how often we talk about it or how hard we push , the opinion of the populace does not matter in a corporatized America. They have all the money and all the power and all we have is the knowledge they are lying to us. Peac, Love, and Pot
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