Medical Marijuana May Soon Be Legal function share_this(num) { tit=encodeURIComponent('Medical Marijuana May Soon Be Legal'); url=encodeURIComponent(''); site = new Array(5); site[0]=''+url+'&title='+tit; site[1]=''+url+'&title='+tit; site[2]=''+url+'&title='+tit; site[3]=''+url+'&title='+tit; site[4]=''+url+'&title='+tit;[num],'sharer','toolbar=0,status=0,width=620,height=500'); return false; } Medical Marijuana May Soon Be Legal Posted by CN Staff on April 29, 2009 at 04:51:52 PT By Brigitta Glunk, Staff Writer Source: Washington Square News New York -- Steps to legalize medicinal marijuana took a huge step forward last week. Assemblyman Richard Gottfried and Sen. Thomas Duane spoke about their support of two bills at a press conference held last Tuesday. They were joined by patients fighting for the legalization of the drug, and the lawmakers cited that marijuana could lessen the patients’ painful conditions.“It is cruel to make seriously ill patients criminals for relying on medical marijuana for relief when their doctor recommends it,” said Gottfried, who has been working on the bill for 13 years. He said: “I hope that the Senate and the governor will make this the year we protect patients from arrest for simply treating a serious condition.”Legislators proposed the bill in the hopes of giving relief to chronically ill patients while strictly enforcing policies that will ensure people do not abuse the availability of marijuana.“There is no reason we can’t establish common sense controls to ensure safe access to this medicine for suffering patients who have their doctors’ recommendations while ensuring it doesn’t wind up in the wrong hands,” Duane said.Some NYU students, such as LSP freshman Gigi Braybrooks, say they doubt marijuana abuse could be prevented if the drug’s use is legalized.“If marijuana was legalized for medicinal purposes, as it is in California, of course people would abuse it,” Braybrooks said. “But don’t the positives ultimately outweigh the negatives?”Because Democrats hold a majority of the seats in both the New York Assembly and Senate, both Gottfried and Duane are hopeful for the passage of the bill.“It’s the best chance we’ve ever had,” Gottfried said.While Gottfried claims that there is still plenty of time for the chambers to pull through, there are currently no members of the Republican party signed on to Duane’s bill.Gottfried’s bill currently rests in the Assembly Health Committee but is expected to move to the floor of the chamber by late May.Source: Washington Square News (New York U, NY Edu)Author: Brigitta Glunk, Staff WriterPublished: Wednesday, April 29, 2009Copyright: 2009 Washington Square NewsContact: opinion nyunews.comWebsite: Articles:For Medicinal Use Only Predicted for Medical Marijuana Home Comment Email Register Recent Comments Help Comment #7 posted by crabjuicer on April 30, 2009 at 22:02:32 PT: New York just needs some targeted lobbying Its very simple, really. We just look and see which committee is considering the law. We then call each politician on the committee. Any politicians that are not in favor are then the focus of a massive social network campaign to encourage constituents to call/write/email/text message the not-in-favor politicians. Viva la molta! Scannabis - Cannabis News and Reports [ Post Comment ] Comment #6 posted by Hope on April 29, 2009 at 12:39:14 PT Comment 4 Amazing wonderful!Ten years ago or so, we, many of us, were often timid about offering, before "Outsiders", who treat us like crap, that many of us had a deeply held belief that at least some cannabis use was, in fact, VERY beneficial to some of us. I hated all the outlandish persecution, the outrageous seizures and death by police situations, and punishment and everything around the prohibition of cannabis business. That's why I had to say something. To stand up and say something about it, as my only means of fighting what appears to me to be an outrageous injustice.But in allying with some people who proclaimed great medicinal benefit from the herb, I actually believed them... which of course led to thinking about the effects that some people experience from use of the plant.But back then... I never imagined the extent of the benefits to mankind and earth's kind to make good use of the amazing cannabis plant.Cannabis might be one of, if not "Man's best friend" in the plant kingdom.It's amazing. Amazing wonderful. [ Post Comment ] Comment #5 posted by Hope on April 29, 2009 at 12:23:25 PT Runruff That sounds like very good news. You're free of them now? More or less? [ Post Comment ] Comment #4 posted by Cheebs1 on April 29, 2009 at 12:08:02 PT: Could This Be the End? there were ever more need of the truth I can't think when it might have been or be.Peace, Love, and Pot [ Post Comment ] Comment #3 posted by FoM on April 29, 2009 at 08:59:41 PT NH Senate Votes To Allow Medical Marijuana April 29, 2009CONCORD, N.H. -- The New Hampshire Senate has voted to allow those with crippling ailments to use small amounts of marijuana.The 14-10 vote sent the bill back to the House for review of an amendment.Medical marijuana advocates argued the legislation would show compassion to the severely ill. Opponents sided with law enforcement who said the proposal would invite abuse and be difficult to regulate.The bill would allow severely ill patients or their caregivers to grow and possess six marijuana plants and two ounces of the drug. It requires doctors to certify a patient has a debilitating medical condition and would benefit from the therapeutic or palliative benefit from using marijuana.Copyright 2009 by The Associated Press [ Post Comment ] Comment #2 posted by runruff on April 29, 2009 at 07:11:25 PT Hey Mister, can we have our cabal back? It is almost May and I haven't seen my PO since Feb. the day the AG announced the feds would no longer persecute mmj patients who were in compliance with state law.I had seen my doctor the day before his visit and received a recommendation for cannabis from him. I told my doctor I was on probation with the feds for growing. He gave me a prescription for Marinol but said it was good for nothing except to pass a urine test.He has glaucoma like me. He said whenever he uses Cosopt eye drops for his ocular pressure it does about a 50% job. He also uses cannabis three times a day and says this in addition to the Cosopt maintains a near normal level of pressure and this is what keeps the ocular nerve from degenerating. He recommended that I use cannabis to extend the quality of my eyesight.My PO said that in 15 years of doing this job I was the first to come up with a Marinol prescription. My test was positive but he told me not to worry I am legal and they would not hassle me.Uncle Sam said, in effect, You can now do legally what you recently did two years in the BoP for!John P. Walters the Son-of-Babs and the Great White Toad are criminals and I cheer every time I hear Congress will investigate the many [or some of] crimes committed by this Bush Cabal. [ Post Comment ] Comment #1 posted by HempWorld on April 29, 2009 at 07:02:33 PT Mexico will legalize Drugs for personal use By admin | Published: April 28, 2009 While everybody its talking about the flu, Mexico senado has in their hands a law that would allow for citizens to carry up to 5 grams of marihuana. Here its the table for the drug and the allowed quantity: On a mission from God! [ Post Comment ] Post Comment