Drug Use in Public Targeted
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Drug Use in Public Targeted
Posted by CN Staff on April 10, 2009 at 07:49:37 PT
By Steven Rosenberg, Globe Staff 
Source: Boston Globe 
Boston, MA -- Less than six months after residents voted by a margin of 65 percent to decriminalize possession of an ounce or less of marijuana, several local communities are seeking to create bylaws that give police more authority to deal with smoking pot in public.Police departments say the law has loopholes that favor marijuana users. Under the law, people can face a civil fine of $100 for possessing marijuana. The law does not address smoking marijuana in public, and police say people who drink alcohol in public face stiffer fines than marijuana smokers.
Over the last three months, Salem and Lynn have adopted bylaws that call for $300 fines for people who smoke marijuana in public; in February, Methuen adopted a $100 fine for public marijuana smoking.Also, Gloucester, Wenham, Wakefield, Wilmington, Marblehead, Ipswich, and Revere are set to vote on similar proposals in the coming weeks.On Monday, Manchester voters turned down a proposal at Town Meeting to fine public marijuana smokers $300. "The general consensus seemed to be we don't even know if we have a problem yet, we should wait and see," said Gretchen Wood, the town clerk.In Lynn, Mayor Edward Clancy Jr. said he opposed decriminalizing marijuana, and said the bylaw would serve as a deterrent to people who want to smoke in public."I think the outcome of the referendum was a mistake," said Clancy. "It will give the police the right to interdict that activity."According to the city, since the law was enacted in January, six people have received $100 fines for possessing an ounce or less of marijuana. In Salem, fewer than five people have been fined, and in Gloucester - where on April 21 the City Council is scheduled to discuss a proposal to fine public marijuana smok ers $300 - just one $100 fine has been issued.Lieutenant Joseph Aiello of the Gloucester police said the proposed $300 fine in Gloucester would create an even playing field."I don't want to subvert what the voters have asked for, I got that loud and clear," said Aiello. "I just see this as a problem that wasn't addressed in the law that was passed. What does that say to kids? It says: Don't drink beer - smoke pot, because if you drink a beer you're going to get arrested; if you smoke pot you're only going to get a citation for $100."City Council president Bruce Tobey, who also served as mayor, thinks police should focus on other duties - such as being more visible in the city and creating walking beats downtown."It's just a ridiculously bad and unnecessary idea. It's time to get off the war on drugs. It's been decriminalized and state-sanctioned, and enough is enough. We've all got more important work to do now," said Tobey.Steven Epstein, a Georgetown lawyer and founder of the Massachusetts Cannabis Reform Coalition, said police should trust the public's vote and accused law enforcement officials of taking the law into their own hands."They're trying to get some of the power back that they lost," he said.But some police chiefs say a $300 fine will cause people to think twice about smoking marijuana in front of a school, or even a police station."As it stands now, there's no teeth to it," said Wakefield Chief Richard Smith, who has proposed a $300 fine for public marijuana smoking. That proposal will be heard Monday at Town Meeting.In Ipswich, where voters will vote on a proposed new fine at Town Meeting May 12, Chief Gavin Keenan said that since decriminalization began in January, his department had not received complaints about public marijuana smoking.Still, he called the proposed bylaw a proactive measure. The proposal calls for graduated fines beginning at $100 for the second offense and leading to $300 for a third offense.In Marblehead, voters will decide on Chief Robert Picariello's proposed $300 public marijuana smoking fine at the May 4 Town Meeting."This bylaw will close what I think are some potential loopholes within that statute that was passed," he said.He also said a new bylaw could reiterate that marijuana possession is still illegal.Epstein said the bylaws undermine public opinion, and accused police departments of trying to change last November's referendum vote."It's just reefer madness."Source: Boston Globe (MA)Author:  Steven Rosenberg, Globe Staff Published: April 9, 2009Copyright: 2009 Globe Newspaper CompanyContact: letter globe.comWebsite: -- Cannabis Archives 
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Comment #22 posted by Hope on April 27, 2009 at 07:58:48 PT
Clancy ... a traitor to the American people.
How dare he? For your own good, of course. Busy body tyrants and traitors to the American way and their precious vote. He says their vote is wrong and he will overcome the wrongness of it and make it right... by sending the Stazi after people, for their own good and for the good of "society" as he sees it. He's so not a representative of the people and needs to be dis-elected as soon as possible."I think the outcome of the referendum was a mistake," said Clancy. "It (his adjustments to the law) will give the police the right to interdict that activity."Ah... nothing like petty little tyrants and dictators making little adjustments where they can to devalue the vote of the people. The public servant changing the orders of his employer to suit the servant's desires and not the employer's. Delightful. Fire him!Where's the media and the virtual political "guillotine", which these little adjusters of the people's will and vote, need to take a good look at.
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Comment #21 posted by greenmed on April 26, 2009 at 21:22:55 PT
FoM, Had Enough
Glad you enjoyed the link. I don't have the album yet, but hope to get the cd/dvd package soon:)Had Enough, that salad sure sounds delicious. I am partial to broccoli and fried tofu cube salad drizzled with olive oil. It may not seem like the ingredients would go together well, but it is a tasty snack. There is much synergy in the flavor.
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Comment #20 posted by Had Enough on April 12, 2009 at 08:28:14 PT
re: #17Tasty salad…yes it is…I like to slice up a tomato, put it on a plate, cover it with extra virgin olive oil, oregano, sea salt and pepper, with a little bit of garlic granules. When the tomatoes are gobbled up, I take a couple of slices of stone ground whole wheat bread and soak up the remaining olive oil and gobble that down too. Uhhmm…gooooood….Try it…you’ll like it…The little things in life seem to be the best…************Free the weed…clean the streets.Equal with lettuce, tomatoes, onions and beans…
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Comment #19 posted by Vincent on April 11, 2009 at 18:34:09 PT:
Public pot smoking
Mayor Ed Clancy of Lynn and Lieutenant Joseph Aiello of Glouchester obviously never smoked a joint in their life.
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Comment #18 posted by museman on April 11, 2009 at 08:45:48 PT
"Does it have a tune?"Not yet, but I'm going to enlist a couple of young hip-hop guys I know to help me with the music.It just seems thats where it should go.
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Comment #17 posted by afterburner on April 11, 2009 at 05:26:15 PT
Salem - They Imprisoned 'Witches' There Too
National Geographic Salem Witch-Hunt--Interactive
A small girl fell sick in 1692. Her “fitts”—convulsions, contortions, and outbursts of gibberish—baffled everyone. Other girls soon manifested the same symptoms. Their doctor could suggest but one cause. Witchcraft. That grim diagnosis launched a Puritan inquisition that took 25 lives, filled prisons with innocent people, and frayed the soul of a Massachusetts community called Salem.
} Had Enough #16 Cannabis, "Equal with lettuce, tomatoes, oregano and olive oil…"Sounds like a tasty salad.museman #2 Great poem. Does it have a tune?
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Comment #16 posted by Had Enough on April 10, 2009 at 19:16:08 PT
The long winding, bumpy road…
Yes there is a fork in the road…just up ahead…Cool tune…Thanks…***Free the weed, clean the streets…Equal with lettuce, tomatoes, oregano and olive oil…
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Comment #15 posted by FoM on April 10, 2009 at 18:30:09 PT
OT: Woodstock 40th Anniversay Edition
We have the Director's Cut and it's great. If they have more footage it would be nice to buy.
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Comment #14 posted by FoM on April 10, 2009 at 18:11:13 PT
Now you made me smile. I got the CD and am waiting on the CD-DVD to arrive. I think I've almost worn out the CD! LOL!Happy Holidays.
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Comment #13 posted by greenmed on April 10, 2009 at 18:00:48 PT
some music for Friday
This link appeared on the NYT website today... it may be familiar to some here:, and Happy Holidays!
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Comment #12 posted by Yanxor on April 10, 2009 at 17:34:31 PT
  Sam Adams' "Police"
The Japanese had a much bigger problem with former soldiers still fighting for the glory of a fascist japan into the 1970's ... there is so much crazy out there. It's a big shame some of them have guns.
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Comment #11 posted by OverwhelmSam on April 10, 2009 at 16:52:50 PT
Test It In Court
This is a prime potential precedent setting opportunity. Sue these cities in Federal Court! Make them waste their citizen's money and see what happens next election.
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Comment #10 posted by runruff on April 10, 2009 at 15:37:45 PT
OT- I am a romantic dufus!
I was trying to get romantic with my wife last night. She finally asked me to please take off her nightie!She hates it when I wear her clothes!
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Comment #9 posted by runruff on April 10, 2009 at 15:33:35 PT
Speaking of cops!
My aunt married one. They have been divorced for many years now. After they divorced he told me he was going to Mazatlan, Mex. for a week. I said when you get there put a rolled up sock in your speedos to meet girls. When he returned he was a bit mad. He said they laughed at him the whole week because I should have told him to wear the sock in front! 
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Comment #8 posted by FoM on April 10, 2009 at 11:56:19 PT
Maine: Medical Marijuana Bill Comes up Monday
April 10, 2009The citizen initiative to change the state's medical marijuana law will get a public hearing at 1 p.m. Monday in front of Health and Human Services.Among other things, the bill allows the establishment of nonprofit dispensaries to provide marijuana to qualified patients. However, as my colleague Bill Nemitz pointed out in a Portland Press Herald column in February, dispensaries in other states have been targeted in recent years by federal officials who consider marijuana illegal, regardless of the use.So Monday's public hearing should be pretty interesting. The bill is L.D. 975, if you want to check it out at: before the hearing.Copyright: 2009 Blethen Maine Newspapers, Inc. URL:
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Comment #7 posted by museman on April 10, 2009 at 10:20:50 PT
Had Enough
"…”We don’t make the laws son…we just enforce them…the law is the law…and if you don’t like the laws then change them…”Gee, they must've passed out a memo to all the cops in the 70's -suspended for 4 years while Carter struggled to deliver, and renewed during Reagan, becaue i swear they said exactly the same thing , in the same way, while I was handcuffed to a chair in the Bakersfield Police conference room (because they didn't have a warrant and had to get one).I used to have respect for some of the cops, there used to be some vestiges of humanity in their ranks. But now they are just scum and lowlifes with illbegotten power and false authority.Garbage heads.FREE CANNABIS FOREVER
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Comment #6 posted by FoM on April 10, 2009 at 09:26:10 PT
Had Enough
That sounds good to me.Equal with lettuce, tomatoes, peas and carrots… 
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Comment #5 posted by Had Enough on April 10, 2009 at 09:20:17 PT
The Laws and their makers.
“”City Council president Bruce Tobey, who also served as mayor, thinks police should focus on other duties - such as being more visible in the city and creating walking beats downtown. "It's just a ridiculously bad and unnecessary idea. It's time to get off the war on drugs. It's been decriminalized and state-sanctioned, and enough is enough. We've all got more important work to do now," said Tobey. Steven Epstein, a Georgetown lawyer and founder of the Massachusetts Cannabis Reform Coalition, said police should trust the public's vote and accused law enforcement officials of taking the law into their own hands. "They're trying to get some of the power back that they lost," he said.””Sounds of music…to these ears…***“” In Marblehead, voters will decide on Chief Robert Picariello's proposed $300 public marijuana smoking fine at the May 4 Town Meeting. "This bylaw will close what I think are some potential loopholes within that statute that was passed," he said. He also said a new bylaw could reiterate that marijuana possession is still illegal. Epstein said the bylaws undermine public opinion, and accused police departments of trying to change last November's referendum vote. "It's just reefer madness."”Looks to me like the police chief is trying to make laws that he can selectively enforce.I remember…while being severely talked down to…”We don’t make the laws son…we just enforce them…the law is the law…and if you don’t like the laws then change them…”It’s reefer madness all right!!!************Free the weed…clean the streets…Equal with lettuce, tomatoes, peas and carrots…
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Comment #4 posted by mykeyb420 on April 10, 2009 at 09:12:55 PT
In response to an investigation by the FCC, the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department (IMPD) has taken action to prevent further use of Amateur Radio frequencies by unlicensed officers. Any Amateur Radio equipment in the cruisers of unlicensed officers was removed by order of IMPD Chief of Police Michael T. Spears.According to the FCC, some IMPD officers were using the radios to supplement their normal communications channels, including using amateur frequencies for tactical communications during drug surveillance. As part of its inquiry, the FCC reminded the IMPD of the large number of tactical channels available on a secondary basis to police departments from the public safety pool of frequency allocations."We are pleased that IMPD has put a stop to this unlicensed activity," said ARRL Regulatory Information Manager Dan Henderson, N1ND. "The investigation by the FCC, coupled with the expedient cooperation and correction of the problem by the IMPD, eliminates a situation that had raised serious concerns in the amateur community."The FCC stated they would monitor the situation and follow-up appropriately if needed.BTW- It is a violation of FEDERAL law to use a HAM radio without a FCC license,,, federal laws were broken here
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Comment #3 posted by runruff on April 10, 2009 at 08:41:48 PT
Hey Museman,
Here's a poem for you.roses are red............ha, just kidding!Good poem ol' Buddy!
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Comment #2 posted by museman on April 10, 2009 at 08:34:14 PT
Cops of America
( a repost)We are the cops of America, The special elite,Better do what we say, ‘cause we’re the kings of the street.We got a mandate from hell, To secure Satan’s reign,And though the people have spoken, And it causes us pain,To witness any liberty other than our own,we think the concept of freedom is way over blown.Better pay attention To the rules of our game.‘cause once we get you in our system, your life will never be the same.We’re the cops of America, You better watch out,We’re gonna shoot you down, If you dare to speak out.We just love this war, That ‘ol Ronnie created,It gave us such power, we are over-inflated.And thanks to bushy criminals, We got more rights than you,Unless you got lots of money, Then to you we are true blue.The economy may be busted, But we’re stocked up for the war,With guns, cars, and armor, And lots of money for more.We had to close the libraries, So we could hoard the funds,And cut short education, Gotta buy more guns.We’re the cops of America, The people just don’t rate,We’re better than you, And so is the state.We built lots of prisons, To put the people in,Though the premise we use, Might get a little thin.You have no constitution, Its just paper to us,Of course most of us can barely read, What’s all the fuss?All you liberals be damned, It doesn’t matter who you elect,We’re Lucifers chosen, It will have no effect.We’re the cops of America, And we are never wrong. We’ll murder old ladies Cause the neighbors smoked a bong.We’re the cops of America, Do your hear that sound.It’s our siren of terror as we race trough your town.No matter what we do, We will always be cop,We’re the cops of America,’ Who’ll make us stop?LEGALIZE FREEDOM 
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Comment #1 posted by Sam Adams on April 10, 2009 at 08:10:06 PT
these guys are reminscent of the Nazi extremists who fought on for months and years after Allied victory over Germany.Most Germans and Nazis accepted defeat, but for a few years the really stubborn ones hid out in the hills and denied reality.When enough time has passed even the most stubborn LEO will realize they can't arrest us anymore and they'll go back to quietly eating their donuts.
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