Home Grown function share_this(num) { tit=encodeURIComponent('Home Grown'); url=encodeURIComponent(''); site = new Array(5); site[0]=''+url+'&title='+tit; site[1]=''+url+'&title='+tit; site[2]=''+url+'&title='+tit; site[3]=''+url+'&title='+tit; site[4]=''+url+'&title='+tit;[num],'sharer','toolbar=0,status=0,width=620,height=500'); return false; } Home Grown Posted by CN Staff on April 09, 2009 at 05:27:44 PT By Jonathan Nightingale Source: Daily Nexus California -- The United States is currently stuck in a failing war against its own people in the so-called War on Drugs. Of course, the best way to win this war is to “just say no” to saying no and continue to use certain substances that this land of liberty does not give us the freedom to use. This can pose certain problems, which for most of us just means thinking about how broke you are 10 minutes after smoking some of the herb that you just dropped 50 bucks on. Of course, you could also find yourself shooting heroin into your last few healthy veins in a truck stop bathroom while the “Intervention” crew records the whole thing, but if that’s the case then you probably aren’t sitting in class reading this. As well-educated students trying to survive in these tough economic times, there is an easy step we can all take to save money: Help win this failed war on drugs and smoke a lot of marijuana at the same time. All you need to do is invest a little time and grow your own weed.The reason it’s even called weed is because it is a resilient plant, which basically means that it is easy to grow. Of course you can get technical and use more advanced products, fertilizers and techniques, such as hydroponics or aeroponics, but all you really need is soil, water and some source of light. Preferably the best place to grow is outside, as the sun provides the brightest and cheapest light you can find, and you have much more space to allow those small weed plants grow into monsters. However, with many of us students living in small apartments, not to mention in a town with a ridiculously bored and unnecessarily large (and I’m not just talking about Lt. Brian Olmstead’s waist size) police force, matters of space and security might make growing outdoors quite tricky. Luckily, it also happens to be very cheap and easy to bring your garden indoors with you.You know those compact fluorescent lights that environmentalists always tell you to replace your old bulbs with? Well for only about seven or eight bucks each, you can have yourself a very capable grow light for a smaller operation. Or you can invest about $200 in a high intensity light that can easily be purchased online or in a local hydroponics store and can illuminate a large area. If done correctly, even just one small plant could yield you enough weed to earn your money back and leave you with enough chronic left over so that every day of your life would be like hanging out on Snoop Dogg’s tour bus.Another bad thing about the war on drugs is that it forces you to deal with scary criminal drug dealers who probably lace your weed with PCP and crack without telling you and won’t hesitate to put a cap in your ass if you don’t have exact change. You also have to worry about your weed coming from some cheap grower who flooded his fields with harmful, inorganic chemicals. Since you’re growing the weed yourself, you get to control what you’re putting into your lungs without having to pay the unreasonably overpriced cost for a simple plant.Finally, the most important reason to grow your own weed is to combat global warming. As Al Gore, who is probably smoking a blunt at this very moment, says, there is far too much carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Plants consume carbon dioxide and, thus, growing marijuana is obviously the only solution to solving this enormous problem facing the world today. So stop driving your SUV to spend half of your paycheck on weed, and get on the Internet to learn specifics on how to grow it yourself. Then clean out that closet, which is holding nothing except that vacuum cleaner and surfboard you never use and start growing your own. Together we can inspire hope in our fight for the right smoke weed… by smoking a lot more of it… for free.Jonathan Nightingale is a third-year political science major.Source: Daily Nexus (CA Edu)Author: Jonathan NightingalePublished: Thursday, April 9, 2009 - Issue 101 - Volume 89Copyright: 2009 Daily NexusContact: opinion dailynexus.comWebsite: -- Cannabis Archives Home Comment Email Register Recent Comments Help Comment #29 posted by museman on April 10, 2009 at 09:33:38 PT ekim Interesting, and important point. As the trees begin to burn and die from the elimination of the ozone layer (as we are witnessing every spring summer and fall -especially on the west coast) and the increasing intensity of UV, cannabis may be the only plant that can help restore the balance -if we stop doing the things that made the problem in the first place -like worshipping money and the corrupt society that believes it is their god -.It is also interesting and important to note that those same properties of the plant that resist, and perhaps even thrive on the potentially damaging UV rays, also are translated into our metabolism when we partake, and act as a partial shield and protection against cellular damage from UV rays. These same properties are no doubt related to the cancer inhibitors we have been discovering the in the past few years.These same properties also affect the pituitary gland and the thyroid gland, and offer more protection from radioactive isotopes than any other substance.Keeping us from growing, smoking, and using cannabis, is one of the biggest crimes ever done against humanity and the earth.FREE CANNABIS FOREVER [ Post Comment ] Comment #28 posted by ekim on April 10, 2009 at 09:16:40 PT is planet getting more U L for the sun from konagold -to improve THC one needs to add the correct abundance of Ultraviolet Light of the most beneficial spectrum not the ordianry black light but the type sold for lizard aquariumsmore info on just how much U L is increasing on the face of earth.and how this will effect plants and there ability to has been said that Cannabis likes this spectrum as many others do not. [ Post Comment ] Comment #27 posted by knightshade on April 10, 2009 at 06:39:53 PT: Thomas Jefferson and Francis Kea are my direct ancestors (my first/middle names are Thomas Kea) and a part of my blood gets all warm and fuzzy every time i see someone remembering what they taught us!their America was so beautiful......... Herb is the Word [ Post Comment ] Comment #26 posted by josephlacerenza on April 09, 2009 at 18:52:11 PT Museman I'm stilla newbee, but you can put it down!!!!!!!FREE WEED FOR ALL [ Post Comment ] Comment #25 posted by FoM on April 09, 2009 at 18:47:27 PT afterburner Thank you for the article. It was very good. [ Post Comment ] Comment #24 posted by dankhank on April 09, 2009 at 18:44:50 PT great stuff ... thanx muse ... [ Post Comment ] Comment #23 posted by museman on April 09, 2009 at 18:00:30 PT 22 a magic number.. John, Tom, and Ben.Tom was quite a conisseure of cannabis, from what I hear.Printed the Declaration of Independence on hemp paper.All three of them smoked pipes. Not much of a strectch to imagine ol Tom out there in the "Indian Hemp" patch (what we affectionately refer to these days as 'Cannabis Indica,' a very potent strain that is the genetic base of Cannabis Americana) smelling those sweet buds -and not smoke 'em? Lol.Liberty and cannabis kinda go together in America, despite the major cover up of prohibition. At least in the free America. I was born in it. I know it was once here. Man if I hadn't tasted liberty I guess I wouldn't know the difference. But I did.The teachers said I was a sovereign, free individual, -in the propaganda of the Great White American Conquest known as 'american history' the words are all there. I chose to take it. I hadn't made it to my 21st birthday before I began to realize that this society, and the powers in this society -specificly the federal government, and most of the sub government to a city/county/state level- had no intention of allowing me the very freedom and liberty that they taunted me with through my entire bondage to the institution of 'education' - a friggin carrot on a stick that nearly ended me as cannon fodder in one of their generational 'wars and conflicts.'But that didn't stop me. I'm no special anything, but I do believe in some very special things -that belong to each and everyone of us.I found the jewels and the treasure, and the only neck these gems can addorn is The Most High Creator Of Universes- they aren't found in stores, crafted in sweatshops, or mined at incredible human expense.You simply can't get there from that place of false value and decieved senses, without the desire to do so, but its all literally all around us, all the time, that beautiful necklace of pearls of great price.Walking on the earth, touching the sky, swimming in the air, and sharing it with love and joy. A simple plan.FREE CANNABIS FOREVER [ Post Comment ] Comment #22 posted by afterburner on April 09, 2009 at 17:21:07 PT May Corruption of Prohibition of Cannabis Passover Passover maintains modern message,By Bernard Baskin. The Hamilton Spectator. (Apr 8, 2009) excerpt: { The influence of the Passover story has been widespread. When a seal for the newly born United States was under consideration in Congress, a committee consisting of John Adams, Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson proposed the slogan, "Rebellion to Tyrants means obedience to God," together with a scene depicting the escape of the Israelites and the destruction of their Egyptian pursuers at the Red Sea. } [ Post Comment ] Comment #21 posted by museman on April 09, 2009 at 17:15:45 PT and furthermore I've grown at least one budding plant almost every season since 1979, and after my first bust, I make it a point of defiance to do it, even if I get hardly any yield. And I'd like to point out that one plant -no matter how small is still a 'felony' if you aren't a legal medical grower. (which I now am)I call them my '"f_ck you!" plant' -its my patriotic duty. [ Post Comment ] Comment #20 posted by FoM on April 09, 2009 at 17:14:29 PT Museman Those Are Very Wise Words You said: Growing marijuana illegally, or legally -but particularly illegally -if it is done for other reasons than personal profit- is an act of freedom, and defiance of not only corrupt LAW, but corrupt systems that make the corrupt law. [ Post Comment ] Comment #19 posted by museman on April 09, 2009 at 17:01:12 PT Co2 and Oxygen Don't feel like statistical googling, but from past involvements with hemp and other cannabis related movements, it is close enough to absolute to claim that 1 acre of cannabis -produces as much oxygen as 10 acres of trees. Cannabis is renewable every year, trees are not.Indoor growing is a product of prohibition, not cannabis culture. Profit is the motivation, and all the baggage and negativity that comes with that.If all the cities grew cannabis on the rooftops it would make such a notable difference it would be revelatory to the world. Of course I wouldnt recommend smoking any of that, but it would make great rope.If freedom were a fact instead of an anecdote, the discussion would be about how quickly we could implement all the wonderful aspects of cannabis from its 'hemp' applcations, to its medicinal properties, and its Spiritual assets as well, instead of sidling up to status-quo attitudes of 'crime and punishment'But no, its about the nuances of psuedo 'science' and the status-quo class distinction of preferred lifestyles.It is incomplete to say that cannabis is the 'only' solution, but far from naive or incorrect. Cannabis is the crux, the base of issues of planetary and human health, it is also the crux and base of issues concerning personal liberty and natural human freedom -like what is written but not performed, in the US Constition.Petitioning the rulers for table scraps of freedom has really paid off in the last few millennia hasn't it? Some obviously believe that, and that is naivety of biblical proportion.Liberty is not a priviledge, it is a right, and as soon as the people stop waiting for some trumped up false authority ot give it to them, and just live it, it is surprising how free one can be.Civil Disobedience was encouraged by some of our founding fathers as perhaps the only way sometimes to get the attention of the rulers whomever they are.Growing marijuana illegally, or legally -but particularly illegally -if it is done for other reasons than personal profit- is an act of freedom, and defiance of not only corrupt LAW, but corrupt systems that make the corrupt law.So everybody should grow pot, just like they should be growing their own food at this point. Or they should support their local farmers who do grow. Yes if you don't grow, then support the ones who do, but every good sized pot plant is worth at least a couple trees in oxygen, and they scrub the air like the trees.FREE CANNABIS FOREVER [ Post Comment ] Comment #18 posted by FoM on April 09, 2009 at 16:31:36 PT A Great Eco Material From Hemp and Certified Pulp [ Post Comment ] Comment #17 posted by FoM on April 09, 2009 at 16:20:10 PT George We used cast stone on the front. I would love it see hemp fiber insulation developed for future homes. They make light weight hemp counter tops too. [ Post Comment ] Comment #16 posted by FoM on April 09, 2009 at 16:16:38 PT Cement Siding When we built on our home we put Hardie Plank on the whole house. It's great. [ Post Comment ] Comment #15 posted by FoM on April 09, 2009 at 16:14:06 PT cliff I like that simple and nice looking house. [ Post Comment ] Comment #14 posted by George Servantes on April 09, 2009 at 16:13:10 PT cliff How about using clay, stone and other natural minerals isn't that even better? [ Post Comment ] Comment #13 posted by George Servantes on April 09, 2009 at 16:05:24 PT GeoChemist Yes, you are right and like you said we could plant more trees and stop cutting existing trees, they live pretty long and can help with oxygen release. I wish we had scientist and humanist replace our stubborn politicians. [ Post Comment ] Comment #12 posted by konagold on April 09, 2009 at 15:03:52 PT naive 2 a key to indoor growing is lumens per area and ultraviolet light enough compact florescent would probably provide a slow growth rate and relatively poor THC content to improve THC one needs to add the correct abundance of Ultraviolet Light of the most beneficial spectrum not the ordianry black light but the type sold for lizard aquariumsalso the type that makes one go blind so added to the gardening and wiring and ducting expertise would be expertise in exposure and timing of lighting systems [harder on the small space scale than a wholsale indoor grow op]regulationtaxation pot taxes to treatment of alcohol addiction [number one drug problem in the countrycard idthose are the solutions we should strive for not cavalierly telling folks to endanger themselves by illegally growing contrabandafter all the greatest harm one can get from consuming pot comes from the racist sexist pot LAW [ Post Comment ] Comment #11 posted by cliff on April 09, 2009 at 13:40:56 PT hemp for building could be key to zero-carbon houses April 9th, 2009 Hemp, a plant from the cannabis family, could be used to build carbon-neutral homes of the future to help combat climate change and boost the rural economy, say researchers at the University of Bath.A consortium, led by the BRE Centre for Innovative Construction Materials based at the University, has embarked on a unique housing project to develop the use of hemp-lime construction materials in the UK.Hemp-lime is a lightweight composite building material made of fibres from the fast growing plant, bound together using a lime-based adhesive. The hemp plant stores carbon during its growth and this, combined with the low carbon footprint of lime and its very efficient insulating properties, gives the material a ‘better than zero carbon’ footprint. ......continued link [ Post Comment ] Comment #10 posted by konagold on April 09, 2009 at 12:56:17 PT naive this author is mistaken to assume that more than but a few in this culture have the skill set to grow plants as most seem to assume milk comes from a carton and beans come from a canadd the complexities of mold, and vermin control, wiring exaust fans,etc. and this article is ludicrouswhen skilled gardeners grow pot it is relatively easy but so is corn lettuce and tomatoes yet look at how few grow these species and they are legal to grow the combination of the idea of indoor growing and "Plants consume carbon dioxide and, thus, growing marijuana is obviously the only solution to solving this enormous problem [greenhouse gases]facing the world today" is sillygrowing indoors will increase greenhouse gases through the carbon released to generate the electricity to grow these plants so this stupid idea is disgustingly hypocritical let us hope such ill-thought prose will not be extolled as an example of why pot should not be legal [ Post Comment ] Comment #9 posted by GeoChemist on April 09, 2009 at 12:50:31 PT Strom I know what is what, I have been around the block a time or two before and at one time was an experienced hydro grower, but thanks to a child molesting cop with a vendetta I am now stuck buying sub-par sacks. I was speaking purely from a scientific standpoint. The carbon sequestered breaks down and is released regardless of the process, the only way plant matter can sequester carbon in the long term, which is the goal, is to leave the said carbon sinks alone. The second any plant dies, decomposition begins, in other words use hemp for all of out paper product, et al. needs and leave the trees alone. [ Post Comment ] Comment #8 posted by GeoChemist on April 09, 2009 at 12:42:34 PT George I understand all of the methods of delivery, I was making a point about hemp and how it could help with the global carbon cycle as carbon sequestration is my research area. Even if one vaporizes/ingests cannabis there is still left-over plant matter that decomposes releasing carbon. We live in an oxidizing atmosphere, almost everything oxidizes, combustion just enhances the process, i.e. rapid oxidation. [ Post Comment ] Comment #7 posted by FoM on April 09, 2009 at 11:39:42 PT Storm Crow You're welcome. [ Post Comment ] Comment #6 posted by Storm Crow on April 09, 2009 at 11:09:30 PT Hi MSL! You got that right! First cyber-stop every morning is Cannabisnews! (And thank you FoM, for being who you are and doing what you do!)And Geo, much of the plant is NOT smoked- usually it's only the buds that are smoked- the harsh stems and fan leaves are only rarely smoked! The carbon sequestered in them stays in brownies, or the compost heap, and the "trash" heavily outweighs the buds in most cases! Vaping also releases less carbon than smoking, and edibles release even less.I hope this article is the first of many giving out the basic "how-to"s! Even in a college newspaper, it would have been banned just a few years (months?) ago. Here's to a FREE press! [ Post Comment ] Comment #5 posted by George Servantes on April 09, 2009 at 10:44:24 PT GeoChemist You don't have to burn it, you can vaporize, drink or eat it. [ Post Comment ] Comment #4 posted by MarijuanaSavesLives on April 09, 2009 at 09:23:02 PT Great article Wonderful to see this type of thought process in our newspapers. Thank you for posting. CannabisNews is the equivalent to my morning paper! The only interesting read in the country! [ Post Comment ] Comment #3 posted by museman on April 09, 2009 at 07:38:29 PT no joke "Plants consume carbon dioxide and, thus, growing marijuana is obviously the only solution to solving this enormous problem facing the world today. "THE "ONLY" SOLUTION. And one that does damage only to the minds of greedy, fearful, power/money-hungry humans - and in my book that kind of 'damage' is called "JUSTICE"FREE CANNABIS FOREVER [ Post Comment ] Comment #2 posted by GeoChemist on April 09, 2009 at 07:29:52 PT Carbon dioxide sequestration It is a great thought, but the second the plant matter is ignited the carbon dioxide is re-released into the atmosphere. Hemp on the other hand would serve the purpose of carbon sequestration in an indirect way. If hemp products were to replace all products that currently come from trees, one acre of hemp will supply the products equivalent to four acres of trees, then the trees would be left alone to continue to grow thus sequestering carbon for 60, 80, 100, 200 years depending on the species. [ Post Comment ] Comment #1 posted by FoM on April 09, 2009 at 06:16:34 PT Another Oops 'Harry Potter' Actor Jamie Waylett Arrested On Drug ChargesBritish actor, who plays Vincent Crabbe in the series, was reportedly growing 10 pot plants in his house.By Larry CarrollApril 8, 2009URL: [ Post Comment ] Post Comment