Pot Proposals: Calif. Sees Tax , N.J. Eyes MMJ Pot Proposals: Calif. Sees Tax , N.J. Eyes MMJ Posted by CN Staff on February 24, 2009 at 08:46:28 PT By Peter Mucha, Inquirer Staff Writer Source: Philadelphia Inquirer PA -- If some legislators get their way, marijuana could help ailing New Jerseyans - and help what's ailing California. Legalizing and taxing California's supposedly biggest cash crop - pot - could add more than $1 billion a year to California's coffers, according to backers of a proposal put forward yesterday in Sacramento.The idea would fly in the face of federal law, which bans the recreational use of marijuana. Medical use of marijuana is legal in 13 states, including California. New Jersey would join that group if a bill passed yesterday by a 22-16 vote in the state Senate becomes law. Whether the Assembly will go along is unclear, observers say.Under the bill, patients with chronic or terminal illnesses, such as cancer, glaucoma or AIDs, could grow up to six plants or have them grown at an approved facility.Opponents fear the bill would increase illegal usage, while creating new headaches for police or other enforcement officials.One poll showed that 86 percent of New Jerseyans favor such legislation, said Roseanne Scotti of the Drug Policy Alliance, which backs the bill.The other states that permit marijuana to be used medically are Alaska, Colorado, Hawaii, Maine, Michigan, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont and Washington.Legalizing pot in California would also free police to focus on more serious problems, according to Assemblyman Tom Ammiano, the San Francisco Democrat who proposed the bill in the Golden State."I think there's a mentality throughout the state and the country that this isn't the highest priority – and that maybe we should start to reassess," he said.The bill would let adults 21 and older smoke weed out of public view, while making producers and sellers buy licenses and collect taxes.Critics express concerns about public health.To dodge the federal ban, the bill would prohibit local and state officials from taking part in marijuana-related arrests.Backers hope federal law also might change.Under the bill, part of the revenue raised from taxes and fees would go toward educating children about the dangers of smoking pot.Inquirer wire services contributed to this report.Complete Title: Pot Proposals: Calif. Sees Tax Windfall, N.J. Eyes Medical UseSource: Philadelphia Inquirer, The (PA)Author: Peter Mucha, Inquirer Staff WriterPublished: February 24, 2009Copyright: 2009 Philadelphia Newspapers IncURL: Inquirer.Letters phillynews.comWebsite: Articles:NJ Senate Passes Medical Marijuana Bill Legal Pot: Bill Sees Cash Harvest for State Home Comment Email Register Recent Comments Help Comment #11 posted by FoM on February 25, 2009 at 05:24:02 PT itsonlyaplant I didn't think taxing cannabis would make it to the TV news. If we were moving cannabis out of Schedule I that would make the news I believe. [ Post Comment ] Comment #10 posted by FoM on February 25, 2009 at 05:19:47 PT knightsmanx I'm glad you liked it. [ Post Comment ] Comment #9 posted by itsonlyaplant on February 25, 2009 at 00:16:19 PT Funny thing I searched all of the major cable news outlets, the old boy networks, and the major Spanish language television web sites for Assmeblyman Ammiano's name, the ONLY one I found with regards to his announcement yesterday was on MSNBC. One MIGHT think this announcement would be national news.... I guess not. Funny, a state representative from THE most populous state in the union announces he is submitting legislation to legalize cannabis, and it gets no television coverage nationally. Odd. Unfortunately I think this lack of coverage sends at least me a message about our chances of the passage of such a bill. I sent my representative an email asking for the end of prohibition and the form response was, sorry but "the children", "gateway", "health hazard", etc. so, I fear this, as MSNBC put it is for me just a pipe dream. BUT that doesn't mean I can't still imbibe from time to time while dreaming my dream. :) [ Post Comment ] Comment #8 posted by knightsmanx on February 24, 2009 at 20:53:26 PT: Thank You FoM FoM, that was the best thing I've read all day. Made me laugh for like 5 minutes straight. :) It really is funny the lies that ignorant people tell that they believe is truth. [ Post Comment ] Comment #7 posted by FoM on February 24, 2009 at 17:48:08 PT OT: Bill from Assembly's Democratic Majority Bill from Assembly's Democratic Majority is a CrimeFebruary 23, 2009New York -- The Assembly's Democratic majority today launches a drive to soften state drug laws. Pray it fails, because at risk is continued success in the war on crime.They're rolling out legislation pushed by so-called reformers who have long agitated to weaken penalties under the tough Rockefeller drug laws. The bill is a dream come true for dealers, as well as for proponents of decriminalization.Complete Article: [ Post Comment ] Comment #6 posted by FoM on February 24, 2009 at 17:16:10 PT OverwhelmSam I did see it on the news today. Thanks for the article. [ Post Comment ] Comment #5 posted by OverwhelmSam on February 24, 2009 at 16:54:29 PT Cop Gets 10 Years for Fraudulent Warrant & Murder In case you missed it:Ex-Atlanta cops sentenced in deadly botched raid [ Post Comment ] Comment #4 posted by FoM on February 24, 2009 at 16:09:13 PT Why Do People Care About Cannabis? When I look at our issue I think of why people care about Cannabis. I look at this issue as a moral issue. Money doesn't enter my mind when I think about why I want the laws changed. To me it is morally wrong no matter how we look at it. This plant has been on this earth since the beginning of time. It wasn't manufactured it just was! Ta Da! Cannabis does not cause withdrawal symptoms unless maybe being annoyed because you run out of cannabis but a person will go oh well and they won't climb the walls. Why is it illegal again? [ Post Comment ] Comment #3 posted by knightsmanx on February 24, 2009 at 15:50:15 PT: Something that really really ticked me off... The first part is something that a guy posted on a different type of blog site, which i copied, and responded to the way i saw fit.HomerSentional (2 friends, send message) wrote: 16m ago This is just a headline grab for the assemblyman in question. Marijuana possession and use is prohibited by federal law, which would still supersede California law if the bill were to pass. That would leave California to challenge that the federal law is unconstitutional, which it is not.-------------Do you really want to get into constitutional and unconstitutional arguments here? Inevitably you will lose. Since you do, we can go to the easiest part of this to point out: Medicinal use of marijuana. Since it's marijuana, the federal law supersedes any state law legalizing medicinal use of marijuana, now let's take a look at something we all know:"Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness " is one of the most famous phrases in the United States Declaration of Independence. These three aspects are listed among the "inalienable rights" of man.Now let's look at the very first word in that phrase: Life. People with debilitating diseases (meaning people that can barely move because of them/hurt all the time) and people with chronic pains (meaning people that literally hurt all the time). Would them being able to move about without pain and actually do things be considered life? (If you don't think so, get our of america because your not an american.) A lot of those people decide to use marijuana to be able to move about freely and without tremendous pain... meaning they want LIFE. Oh but wait... they get busted anyways because of federal law stating that marijuana is illegal... Constitutional? I THINK NOT.Find me more then 10% of people that get high that aren't happy from doing so, and if you do, then they shouldn't smoke anyways. Who is the federal government to decide how people go about for the "pursuit of happiness" huh? Okay, I will will restrain myself a bit towards drugs that form addictions, kill people, and can cause other irreparable diseases. Hmmm, by my count, that points towards tobacco, alcohol, harder drugs like cocaine, aspirin, and even so called "prescribed drugs". Marijuana though... untouched. admittedly in some cases it can cause a mental dependency, but dependency is completely different from an addiction.Still think that law is constitutional? [ Post Comment ] Comment #2 posted by MarijuanaSavesLives on February 24, 2009 at 12:28:26 PT: Thank you Mr.Armentano Thanks for all your hard work.We salute you. Keep it up! [ Post Comment ] Comment #1 posted by paul armentano on February 24, 2009 at 12:11:30 PT CA, NJ, WA, and MT updates...’s Weekly Legislative Round UpFebruary 24th, 2009 By: Paul Armentano, NORML Deputy Director Share this Article Wow, things are really heating up! If you have not yet gotten active in your state, now is most definitely the time to start. State legislatures around the country are taking significant strides to reform their marijuana laws, and here’s how you can help!California: On Monday, state Assemblyman Tom Ammiano introduced AB 390, The Marijuana Control, Regulation, and Education Act — the first bill ever in legislature to legalize and regulate the commercial production and sale of marijuana in California. You can see local, network, and national media coverage of this effort here, here, and here. If you live in California, please go here to contact your state assemblyman and urge him or her to support AB 390.New Jersey: Lawmakers took a major step on Monday toward making New Jersey the fourteenth state to legalize the medical use of cannabis. Senators voted 22 to 16 in favor of Senate Bill 119, the New Jersey Compassionate Use Medical Marijuana Act. But this battle is only half over. Members of the New Jersey Assembly must also vote on this issue. If you reside in New Jersey, please take a moment to contact your members of the state assembly and urge them to support companion bill, A804. You can further support this effort by contacting the Coalition for Medical Marijuana - New Jersey or NORML New Jersey.**Note: Additional information and interviews regarding these breaking events in California and New Jersey are available here on the NORML Daily Audio Stash podcast.Montana: Ready for even more good news? Senate lawmakers in Montana today voted 28 to 22 in favor of SB 326, which seeks to expand the state’s medical marijuana laws. As introduced, SB 326 (1) Expands the number of qualifying conditions for which marijuana may be legally recommended; (2) Increases the amount of marijuana a patient may legally possess; and (3) Prohibits employers and landlords from discriminating against medicinal marijuana patients solely because of their medical status. NORML thanks all of you who took the time to support this important measure, which now moves to the House for consideration. For more information about this and other statewide marijuana law reform efforts in Montana, please contact Montana Patients and Families United or Montana NORML.Washington: Finally, last week the Senate Judiciary Committee approved SB 5615, which seeks to reduce the penalty for minor marijuana possession offenses to a civil fine of no more than $100. You can listen to audio from the hearing and vote here. This proposal now goes before the Senate Rules Committee, which must take action on the bill to put it before the full Senate. Tell them to do so by going here.To learn about additional pending legislation in Alabama, Connecticut, Illinois, Minnesota, Missouri, Oregon, Rhode Island, Tennessee, and Texas, please visit NORML’s Legislative Action Alerts page here. [ Post Comment ] Post Comment