Pot’s a Gateway Drug That Leads To Heartache

  Pot’s a Gateway Drug That Leads To Heartache

Posted by CN Staff on November 10, 2008 at 08:23:27 PT
By Joe Fitzgerald  
Source: Boston Herald 

Massachusetts -- They disingenuously called themselves the Committee for Sensible Marijuana Policy, and they were ecstatic last week after persuading the electorate that possessing a small amount of weed is really not that big a deal.That same morning a call arrived here from an old friend whose voice revealed something was terribly wrong.
Indeed, “What’s new?” elicited an anguished response as he told of a daughter now flailing in the riptides of addiction.“It’s like knowing there’s going to be a car accident and you can’t do a damn thing to stop it,” he said. “All you can do is watch. She won’t give up this guy who got her into Oxys (Oxycontin), which led her into heroin. She says, ‘Dad, if I don’t stay with him, he’s going to kill himself.’ She thinks she can fix him; instead he’s taking her with him.”He tries to think of things to tell her, things that might penetrate the wall of tension that’s risen between them.“She had a best friend in high school,” he recalled. “A few years ago her dad found her dead with a needle in her arm. He’s a wonderful human being and they were the all-American family. I said to my daughter, ‘Remember how we stood at her grave and watched how hard he cried? Do you really want to see me doing that, too?’“The answer I always get is, ‘Dad, I’m not comfortable discussing this with you.’“It seems like yesterday when the two of them were playing ball together; I’d be driving them home, listening to them giggling and laughing, the way 15-year-old girls do. I never could have imagined this stuff getting to either one of them.”He continues to think of things to say, appeals to make, futilely searching for magic words that might bring clarity to this kid he loves.“It’s like I’m in a dark room, groping for the light switch,” he said.That’s when Question 2 came up, the referendum implying marijuana is relatively harmless.“I’ve learned this much,” he said. “Talk to anyone using heroin, crack cocaine or any of the barbiturates destroying kids today, and just about every one will tell you they began with marijuana.”Everyone knows it’s a gateway drug, and those who succeeded in advancing its acceptance and availability surely had to know that, for many who fall into its clutches, it’s a gateway that leads to heartache and tragedy.How can anyone celebrate that?Source: Boston Herald (MA)Author:   Joe FitzgeraldPublished: Monday, November 10, 2008Copyright: 2008 The Boston Herald, Inc.Website: letterstoeditor bostonherald.comRelated Articles & Web Site:Committee for Sensible Marijuana Policy Fear MJ Law Will Lead To Increased Use Initiatives Provoke Ire, Joy

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Comment #35 posted by Hope on November 13, 2008 at 22:34:14 PT
Peppermint Schnapps
is bound to be the gateway to something.Hot Damn Schnapps for sure.
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Comment #34 posted by Commonsense on November 12, 2008 at 08:43:28 PT
"Sad to see about the Dutch mushroom ban. When fear can cause the Netherlands to further prohibition on soft drugs, you know we are a long way off in the US. Hard to believe after the psychedelic 60's that the genie was kept mostly in the bottle. The witch hunters are alive and well"I think this was mainly about "drug tourists" coming over and being a pain in the neck. I've been to the Netherlands a few times and Amsterdam in particular really is kind of a Mecca for hell raisers who just want to get as wasted as possible on anything and everything they can get their hands on. There is definitely a nuisance factor that comes along with this. The Dutch are cutting down some on the number of coffeeshops, especially on border towns, and they're banning the sale of shrooms from "smart shops" mainly I think to reduce the nuisance factor from tourists who come just to get wasted and who do cause them problems. I doubt they mess with people growing their own shrooms or even those selling a little to Dutch people. They aren't going to get rid of the coffeeshops entirely. They're just going to change things slightly to try to reduce the nuisance factor from "drug tourists." 
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Comment #33 posted by ekim on November 11, 2008 at 18:29:07 PT
thanks Mike
i have read Davids book and watched the dvd as well.
with renewable ethanol good jobs will follow.
all this baleout now the autos -- 
 only after giving money for cellulose ethanol for fuel then sit down the auto exs and iron out how to do it-- with the volt engine able to run on ethanol for starters. Nov 21 2008 - 12:00am
End: Nov 23 2008 - 12:00am
Timezone: US/Central
David will present several talks and host a special 2/12 hour workshop at EXPO Taking Place November 21 - 23, 2008 at the Historic Chicago Cultural Center. (
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Comment #32 posted by Hope on November 11, 2008 at 16:56:59 PT
Gateways and all,2933,449916,00.htmlLos Angeles Sheriff to Ban Off-Duty Deputies From Mixing Booze, Guns
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Comment #31 posted by FoM on November 11, 2008 at 13:44:30 PT
I was surprised by the ban.
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Comment #30 posted by FoM on November 11, 2008 at 13:43:40 PT
That's great news. Onward and upward we go!
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Comment #29 posted by fight_4_freedom on November 11, 2008 at 13:04:12 PT
I am pleased to announce the launching of
The Michigan Medical Marijuana Association! is the current site. They are working on a different version but for now this is it.The movement continues.
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Comment #28 posted by Yoshi on November 11, 2008 at 13:00:21 PT:
FoM #26 Mushrooms
Sad to see about the Dutch mushroom ban. When fear can cause the Netherlands to further prohibition on soft drugs, you know we are a long way off in the US. Hard to believe after the psychedelic 60's that the genie was kept mostly in the bottle. The witch hunters are alive and well
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Comment #27 posted by The GCW on November 11, 2008 at 11:37:33 PT
Prohibitionists are serious problem in America.
Historically, near every study including government studies show cannabis is not a gateway substance.There have been studies showing cannabis can be a gateway off hard drugs though.There are man made gateway effects created and linked due directly to prohibition. Example: when prohibitionists tell lies about cannabis and then young people try cannabis and find out what they're told is mostly all lies, -youth does not believe other information about honest hard drugs and will then proceed to do hard drugs.Sometimes I'm surprised there are not stories about angry parents that have murdered cannabis prohibitionists because their cannabis prohibition lies caused their children to do hard drugs.The cannabis prohibitionist is a serious problem.-0-When I was a teen, I went to get a small bag of pot from the usual and I was told they were out but they had some "T".I asked and thought they said it was THC. A white powder, but it was just THC; so what, I'll take it. Well the guy could tell I was unaware and said I should try some first. So I did.It screwed Me up badly enough that I could not bike home and had to call someone to come pick Me up.That should be an eye opener. That happens to parents little darling daughter all over the country.-0-Another eye opener for Me occured the 1st few times I ever smoked cannabis. I remember spending the first few times trying to feel the buzz which was so small that I missed most of the fun of it.But the real part of that eye opener was My extreme overwhelming thoughts as I was realizing and communicating with friends and together realizing that cannabis was not as bad as alcohol, We were realizing that We were being lied to by the Government and that was OVERWHELMING.This was not like learning Santa was a lie. The way the mind and the heart became aware of this was huge.Respect for government went downhill from there.Now, I have 2 children; one teen and one preteen and I'm trying to make sure the governments IGNORACNE doesn't put them in a compromising situation, which could mean things like addiction or rape due to trust where truth is absent.I dare say, thousands of citizens have been harmed due to prohibitionists and their lies.It is Our responsibility as humans and Americans to stop these IGNOIDS from harming any more people.Prohibitionists are the heartache.
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Comment #26 posted by FoM on November 11, 2008 at 10:47:27 PT
OT: Magic Mushrooms Banned in Netherlands 
November 11, 2008
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Comment #25 posted by Mike on November 11, 2008 at 10:36:55 PT
Unless this has changed, people will be unable to listen online through the Coast to Coast AM website unless they're a Streamlink member.However, people can listen free online through this site:
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Comment #24 posted by museman on November 11, 2008 at 09:43:32 PT
dongenero - gateways
Prohibition is just the symptom of social imbalance, an effect of sick ideologies, and unfortunately the contagion is on the prohibition side. In a society that claims over and over with its public face, to be a 'compassionate, freedom-loving people' the fact that is is far from that speculation -at least in the controling factions, and the celebrity role modelling- seems to be aknowleged only from the medieval kill-what-you-fear mentalities that are prevalent in power circles.Prohibition is just one big nail in the coffin of true liberty and freedom. The other nails; economic bondage, programmed servitude, and propagated religious claims of absolute 'morality' are all threatened by the use of mind, body, and spirit expanding substances like cannabis. That is why it is so important to focus on this one issue; pry that nail up, and the coffin lid flies off from all the pressure of people desiring to be free, and live normal, healthy lives without war, enslavement to the rich, and a polluted environment.The gateway is society, and particularly one that is full of inconsistencies, hypocrisies, and obvious lies and subterfuge.Control is essential for the status quo to maintain their corrupt imbalance. Enforcement is necessary when the powers take liberties their 'under subjects' aren't allowed to do or access. Laws are needed to protect property from those that society has robbed of providence -even if the ethical behavior of the assumed thief (those without) is higher than the ethical behavior of the ones with property -who by the very nature of propriety and posession must needs value things over life experience, and are responsible for imprisonment, deaths of countless, and the complicity of the destruction of our planet. The society holds these corrupted values in high esteem, but they can only remain there through force of arms, because the natural course of human destiny is to be free, and to be free is to be able to experience what the universe has to offer without having to get permission from some arbitrary (and false) authority.Contrary to the propaganda being fed the american people for over 2 centuries, the laws aren't there to protect our liberties, but only the 'liberties' of a select few. Law enforcement is about containment and suppression, not about 'protecting and serving.' Oh I am sure that some of our founding fathers had good and high intentions, but the money has always made the rules. Without money and posession, there aren't too many rules to have to deal with, that would even 'fulfil' (finish) at least 3 of the orginal Guidelines of God (the 'ten commandments').Having, and posession are two different things. What you hold in your hand, is yours to use, but when you are finished using it, you don't continue to hold it, and when you leave this plane of existence you most definitely won't get to take it with you.Things are wonderful. We can use them as tools, entertain ourselves and others, live comfortably in our environment, and in general get some enjoyment out of life. But when those things start taking on value that is held in higher esteem than life itself, and in particular other life other than our own, well this is what you get;Prohibition, and other 'laws' that oppress people and their liberty and freedom.As a symptom of a greater social disease, it like other symptomatic effects of corrupted organisms in that it needs attention to the cancerous roots of dis-ease in the society itself in order to either be 'cured' or 'surgically removed.' The bandaid solutions of compromises with error (law) only perpetuate the control of the elite, and ensure that the root cause of the social disease is 'protected and served' at it's source.The cure for oppression is consciousness, knowlege, awareness, and stalwart opposition through them, against the apartheid currently embedded in american society.Apply band-aids, by all means, but let us not fool ouselves into thinking that the solutions of a sick society in denial are going to accomplish anything except profit for the few who are selling them to us.LIBERATE GANJA FOR EVERYONE
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Comment #23 posted by ekim on November 11, 2008 at 09:08:06 PT
more info on David Blumes upcoming interview
COAST to Coast Radio with George Noory David on for a 3 HOUR Special Call In welcome program 
Start: Nov 13 2008 - 11:00pm
End: Nov 14 2008 - 2:00am
Timezone: US/Pacific
Coast to Coast RadioDavid slated for interview Thursday 11/13/0811:00pm to 2:00am with George NooryCall-ins welcomeWestern US: 1-800-618-8255 (toll free)
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First time caller: 1-818-501-4721
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1-800-893-0903, Press Option 5Listen on-line's jump the ethanol revolution into high gear for 2009!
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Comment #22 posted by dongenero on November 11, 2008 at 08:28:17 PT
The gateway is Prohibition
The common thread between marijuana and heroin? Prohibition. That is the TRUE gateway. 
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Comment #21 posted by THCdrummer on November 11, 2008 at 08:23:00 PT:
pots not a gateway. tobacco and alcohol are the gateways. almost every person i know did not "start with pot." they all experience their first interactions with being intoxicated by trying some of their parents liquor or cigarrettes. from that, maybe the first illegal drug they try is marijuana, but when it comes to drugs in general, its the first two
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Comment #20 posted by Zandor on November 11, 2008 at 07:01:23 PT
"Everyone knows it’s a gateway drug, and those who succeeded in advancing its acceptance and availability surely had to know that, for many who fall into its clutches, it’s a gateway that leads to heartache and tragedy. How can anyone celebrate that?"
******************************************marijuana is NOT the gateway, it's the drug dealer that is the gateway!!! It's their job to sell the customer UP thus they are the real gateway!!If you allow people to grow there own and take care of their own needs then you eliminate the drug dealer and thus in return you eliminate the gateway!!Time to END the LIES, half truths and misdirections. The Republican Right Wing Evangelicals have had power too long. They have abused their power and abused the word of God to benefit their political agenda for far too long!!! Many Religious leaders of the Christin Right have been caught too many times snorting coke off of the penis of their gay lover....but they just say God forgives me and you should too!!! Then they go back to spreading more lies about Marijuana and saying Marijuana users need to be locked up for their own good!!!!Time to Celebrate the loss of power to the Christian Right and I hope the country will move back to the middle and have a proper drug policy, respect states rights and the will of the people in those states who KNOW BETTER then the Christian Right that Medical Marijuana is just that..Important Medical relief for many of us!!That is worth celebrating to me!!!!
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Comment #19 posted by E_Johnson on November 10, 2008 at 23:17:10 PT
Where's my heroin darnit?
Gosh these people are so full of the same old drama.He should talk to the parents of college students who died from binge drinking.But that's not the kind of drama they're interested in.They're such hypocrites.
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Comment #18 posted by afterburner on November 10, 2008 at 23:16:12 PT
museman #2: More Fuel for the Fire
{ Mass education and awakening has only begun. The labor is only going to get more intense, and in my opinion the celebration should be short, because the only thing that has changed so far -really- is our belief that it CAN change. Without backing up the concept with action in our lifestyles and community, it won't change, thus; "The Party is Over, time to make something happen we can really celebrate.... }WAR.
Why a momentous election won't change the military-industrial complex.
Nov 09, 2008 04:30 AM. 
Comments on this story (10). 
Sarah Barmak. 
Special to the Star
For all who expect the end of the Bush administration to bring to a close to an era of out-of-control military spending and drawn-out foreign wars, Eugene Jarecki suggests that we think again. ...You've warned that real change "goes far beyond the effort of casting a ballot." Why?The way we have to look at it is that our vote is just one small part of a larger commitment we all have to make: acting as engaged citizens of this would-be republic. I say "would-be" because it is 
a republic in peril. (Real change) is not the kind of change that both campaigns (were) promoting as a slogan. Change is trickle-up. Candidates are in too-impossible positions to be our saviours . . . This comes from the perception that Americans have of the cult of personality. We think of history as once upon a time there 
was Jesus, then there was Caesar, then there were the Founding Fathers, then Hitler, then Martin Luther King, Jr. and Gandhi – these individuals that we think of as cornerstones of history. Yes, 
those are influential voices, but wrapped up in that is the mass popular movement. Even with a well-meaning candidate coming to office, (good intentions) can be swallowed up if he's not surrounded by a public mandate. ...So won't the end of the Bush administration mean a new start?It's a mistake to diagnose it this way, that it's just a couple of evil conspirators and if you got rid of Dick Cheney you'd make the world safe for democracy ... The new guy is still going to have to 
live in an administration, and the culture hasn't changed. No matter how strongly inspiring that individual is, if he isn't paired with an alert citizenry, that candidate will be a disappointment. ...But don't everyday Americans have enormous faith in, and admiration for, the military? I think (military policies) are a disfiguring of the well-intentioned spirit of everyday people. People want what they learned about a great country to be true. And whether it's George W. Bush and 
Cheney breaking our hearts in Iraq, there's this desire to cling to the past. I think that's an admirable impulse, but I think it must be paired with social change. There's a real power in the idealism 
of Americans, as long as it's not blind faith. If the American military reinstated the draft, would the country begin to resist militarism the way it did with Vietnam?America has what's called an all-volunteer military, (but that) plays a trick on the American people. As soon as you start carting people off, the draft shines a light on a political issue. But for most 
young people coming out of American high schools, this is not that much of a choice: I can end up probably in jail, I can try to get a penny job and be mistreated by my employer; it's hard to get 
into school with (expensive) student loans, there are such hard conditions in inner cities. What does it say about a society when the best option is doing a job where you might end up killing 
people? When society comes to that point, it is cannibalizing itself to stay alive.
}Leaders without an active, intelligent mass movement of "trickle-up" citizens will not get us to the future we want.Q107 Classic Rock test rock report.
Young Continues To Promote His Experimental Car
Neil Young believes his experimental, energy-efficient Linc Volt car is an example of what independent automotive innovation can accomplish. "Guys in garages around the world have come 
together, and this is one of the results," he said Monday while addressing San Francisco's Dreamforce conference. Meanwhile, Young, Jefferson Airplane and Bob Dylan will contribute music to 
the in-the-works Grateful Dead biopic that's based on Home Before Daylight, the memoirs of band roadie Steve Parish.
}LINC VOLT - Repowering The American Dream - the media page BIG. 
A ray of sunshine for solar energy. 
A new solar-cell system could one day make power from the sun as cheap as electricity from fossil fuels.
Nov 10, 2008 04:30 AM. 
Comments on this story (6). 
Tyler Hamilton, 
ENERGY REPORTER"Guys in garages around the world have come together," says Neil Young. The Big 3 auto makers are suffering while private citizen inventors tinker in garages and warehouses to create new green energy innovations. Energy solutions, like health and justice solutions require sustained citizen input and action to forge the infrastructure of the new age.
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Comment #17 posted by konagold on November 10, 2008 at 20:28:00 PT
Alohaevery time the gateway theory is trotted outthe response a 1000 times should be ibogaine[google it]rather than holding up junkies as an object of fear the response should be ibogaine an opportunity for cureAloha
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Comment #16 posted by runruff on November 10, 2008 at 18:54:22 PT
Association not "assossiation".I laugh at myself! 
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Comment #15 posted by yoshi on November 10, 2008 at 17:33:46 PT:
In case of emergency anti-drug piece break glass
Same old song. Sadly I know former drug addicts who can't wrap their heads around decriminalization. Sixty years of propaganda, and limited plant usage rights has bred a nation of fluoride-headed jellyfish who want the state to tell them what to do.
 Opium, cannabis and mushrooms are our birthright. Overgrow the government
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Comment #14 posted by Yanxor on November 10, 2008 at 16:17:50 PT
Damn, What a good argument
Except, a lot more people who use heroin, crack cocaine and barbiturates started with milk.Its not pot thats the gateway drug, its the forcing of pot into the black market - making people interact with drug dealers that leads to an increase in the use of hard drugs.Furthermore, treating drug addicts as criminals is just plain medieval. When heroin addicts worry about getting caught more than they do about getting a friend to the emergency room - that's when you have problems.And if you're really REALLY concerned with heroin use, look to Afghanistan, which is producing 130% of the world's DEMAND for heroin. Will the US do shit about that? No, since both our enemies AND allies are growing poppies to fund their militant efforts.If you're really REALLY concerned about heroin, crack, alcohol, ketamine and other addictions - things like Ibogaine would not be Schedule I, just because its a hallucinogenic in the same family as LSD and psilocybin.No, the government does not care about addicts, they are an unwanted segment of society that nobody has the balls to protect or speak up for. Drug addicts of America are the Jews of the third reich. And just as the reich collapsed because its own bigoted ideology prevented it from finding strength in the diversity of their population. So is America harming itself by failing to see that our puritanical impulses are causing society more harm than good.Treat, Educate, Rehabilitate.
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Comment #13 posted by Had Enough on November 10, 2008 at 16:08:58 PT

Hey Joe…Where you going with that
Pen in your hand…Boy-o-boy…This guys words so unbelievable I wonder if the story about having friends is believable. However many people in fact do die with a needle in their arm. And many more are addicted to legal pharmaceutical drugs. Like Rush Limbaugh…Cindy McCain…Sounds just like the crap most of us heard when we were younger.Gateway? The true gateways are the lies…After hearing all about enlarged breasts on males (why did they not include females), from a toke on a joint to a needle in the arm in a week’s time. When someone does burn a joint they find out they have been lied to. Then while realizing the whole War on Drugs is a lie, some choose to try harder drugs thinking that what they were taught are lies, and hard drugs must be a lie too. Next thing you know…junkie city.Lies are a Gateway…Museman go here  Comment #12 will end up leading you to here:Comment #266 was for you… zap my other post. #12 I needed to fix the wording. Thanks

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Comment #11 posted by vincent on November 10, 2008 at 13:55:22 PT:

Article in the Boston Herald by Joe Fitzgerald
The story that the author tells in this article about his friend's daughter sounds as though it were written in 1969. I will assume that the friend that he is talking about is of my generation, a Baby-Boomer, due to the statement that the daughter is a teenager. But for once I gotta ask, how could anyone my age, having lived through the revolution of the 1960s and 1970s, still be against the smoking of herb? Was he living under a rock? In my opinion, anyone my age that is against Marijuana legalization is a...traitor!
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Comment #10 posted by observer on November 10, 2008 at 12:50:10 PT

Propaganda Analysis
That's so formulaic and false a robot could see through it. [3]
Indeed, What s new? elicited an anguished response as he told of a daughter now flailing in the riptides of addiction . 

(Sentence 3) re: "addiction" - Prohibition propaganda rarely misses an opportunity to link crime, violence, and insanity with "drugs". The propagandist insinuates that prohibited drugs cause evil, and if it weren't for "drugs" bad things would not exist. (Madness,Crime,Violence,Illness (propaganda theme 2) ) 
It s like knowing there s going to be a car accident and you can t do a damn thing to stop it, he said . 

(Sentence 4) re: "accident" - The rhetoric of prohibition asserts that insanity, crime, and violence are caused by drugs, or are controlled by prohibition. (Madness,Crime,Violence,Illness (propaganda theme 2) ) 
He s a wonderful human being and they were the all-American family . 

(Sentence 12) re: "American" - Because of prohibition (prohibitionists assure us), society is protected: the community is safe, and the nation is saved. (Survival of Society (propaganda theme 3) ) 
He continues to think of things to say, appeals to make, futilely searching for magic words that might bring clarity to this kid he loves . 

(Sentence 18) re: "kid" - Prohibitionists are champions of "the child", "kids", "children", etc. Only continued or increased punishments of all adults caught using "drugs" will send the correct "message" to children. (Children Corrupted (propaganda theme 5) ) 
Talk to anyone using heroin, crack cocaine or any of the barbiturates destroying kids today, and just about every one will tell you they began with marijuana . 

(Sentence 22) re: "kids" - "The inflaming of this fear about the fate of our own children [makes] it difficult if not impossible for most Americans to take a careful and reasoned look at our drug policies."[W.White,1979] (Children Corrupted (propaganda theme 5) ) 
Everyone knows it s a gateway drug, and those who succeeded in advancing its acceptance and availability surely had to know that, for many who fall into its clutches, it s a gateway that leads to heartache and tragedy . 

(Sentence 23) re: "gateway drug", "leads to", "gateway" - Prohibition propagandists try to smear targeted drugs by announcing they are "gateways" to other truly wicked behavior. (Use is Abuse, Gateway (propaganda theme 4) ) 
 summary: drugwar_propaganda = 100% 
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Comment #9 posted by Mike on November 10, 2008 at 10:59:50 PT

Steve Kubby: Wake up and smell the ganja - "Unless you can name any other issue in American politics that delivers 65% of the vote, this is THE biggest issue on the political landscape." the voters - Hawaii will continue enforcing marijuana laws despite the passage of a ballot initiative - "The resolution does not invalidate federal law."
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Comment #7 posted by tintala on November 10, 2008 at 10:36:31 PT:

So even comparing it in the same sentence as oxies and heroin is just absurd. Herb made me realize from an early age that it expands the conscience and helps people be aware of being healthier, more body awareness too. not a gateway drug to addiction. I have seen tobacco and alcohol destroy my family.
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Comment #6 posted by ripit on November 10, 2008 at 09:36:01 PT:

one more example
of the prohibitionists trying to use fear to control others!why do they always throw out the cannabis is the gateway ball? yet they fail to ever mention the fouls tobbacco or alcohol,the true gateways!
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Comment #5 posted by knightshade on November 10, 2008 at 09:26:58 PT:

ive seen a lot of baseless attacks on cannabis recently, but this one really takes the cake. the gateway drug theory is a myth. addictive, weak personalities are real. ive done drugs. all it made me want to do was put them down and smoke more weed. to imply that weed lead to oxycontin which lead to heroin is preposterous, especially when there arent any details in the story supporting that me, it sounds like the girls daddy needs a scapegoat other than his own bad parenting to blame for his daughters downward spiral. 
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Comment #4 posted by Mike on November 10, 2008 at 09:15:10 PT

Here's the source link
For reader comments...
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Comment #3 posted by runruff on November 10, 2008 at 09:14:28 PT

Hey Joe!
Say hello to Alice and the Door Mouse for me 'cause , you see, you must be reporting from the other side of the looking glass.Cannabis is an exit herb not a "gateway drug." The problem your friend's daughter had seems to have originated with an FDA approved drug not an healing herb. So why even try to associate cannabis with heroine and manufactured drugs of which all are deadly?I can no longer tell which of these prohibitionist know they are lying or if they are just some self richeous automaton reciting verse and chapter? Since day one of the war on cannabis they have been telling us the opposite of the truth. 'Giving us the ol' guilt by assossiation routine.Hey Joe, shut up!!!!!! 
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Comment #2 posted by museman on November 10, 2008 at 09:12:41 PT

grasping at straws
The fact that the pharmacuetical companies make such and addicting drug as Oxycotin -with full knowlege of its addicting tendencies- doesn't enter into the 'get the facts straight' dept.The fact that during almost every commercial break on TV, there is some drug being promoted, and that people are taught that the 'doctor will give you a pill, or medicine' for whatever ails you, doesn't have anything to do with 'drug addiction' - and the fact that a lot of modern teenagers, as they begin to see the santa, easter-bunny- free world (as in 'without') begin to look for escape when their parents tell them things like "That's just the way it is." "That's life, son, get used to it." And "You can't fight city hall." -when they come asking for answers. So what answers do we give them? None, because the status quo, all its horses, and all of its men can't put reality back together again -and any young intelligent mind is capable of seeing the hypocrisy, and the lies. And the institution that should be taking up the slack where the parents, schools, and governments are failing, is religion, which has now been sown quite comfortably into the pockets of the emporers invisible clothes.Perhaps this is the 'end of the lying era' I surely see the opportunity in making an end of it, but as long as the people continue to invest their belief in failed systems, failure is the only option. Mass education and awakening has only begun. The labor is only going to get more intense, and in my opinion the celebration should be short, because the only thing that has changed so far -really- is our belief that it CAN change. Without backing up the concept with action in our lifestyles and community, it won't change, thus; "The Party is Over, time to make something happen we can really celebrate....FREE MARIJUANA FOR EVERYONE
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Comment #1 posted by MarijuanaSavesLives on November 10, 2008 at 08:40:46 PT

We are celebrating the end of the lying era.
To bad this man does not know how cannabis could help his friends daughter get off the drugs....If they would only tell the truth...The day is coming! Thanks Committee for Sensible Marijuana Policy
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