Reefer Madness Continues

Reefer Madness Continues
Posted by CN Staff on October 20, 2008 at 10:01:02 PT
Source: Boston Magazine
Massachusetts -- November 4 can not come soon enough for us. Not only will it put an end to the back and forth between Barack Obama and John McCain, but it will stop the circular argument Massachusetts district attorneys make against decriminalizing small amounts of marijuana, even though several of them admit to trying pot in their younger days.As a student at Stonehill College, Suffolk District Attorney Daniel F. Conley found himself in a room with guys passing around a bong.
“When it came to me, I inhaled so hard that it burned my lungs,” he says. “I don’t want to sound Clintonesque; I inhaled, but I couldn’t handle it.”So let’s get this straight. Because Conley was lucky enough not to get caught with that bong in his hand, he didn’t have that on his record. This allowed him to become the DA, and now he wants to prosecute kids who are experimenting the way he did in his youth?The district attorneys say decriminalizing small amounts of pot is as dangerous as repealing the state income tax, but we’ve yet to hear a truly compelling reason why. Surely Martha Coakley has some good evidence.“There are a lot of reasons why I think this is a bad idea,” said state Attorney General Martha Coakley.Finally, some facts! Statistics! Hard evidence that civil fines for possessing small amounts of weed will unravel the very fabric of our society!“The bottom line is that this sends a message that it’s OK to use marijuana . . . but to pretend it’s not a public safety issue is disingenuous.”. . .Or not.It’s interesting—there were two accidents in which police officers were struck or nearly struck by drivers operating under the influence of alcohol this weekend. And yet nobody wants to make it illegal to carry a six-pack. (We hope.)Most of the arguments we’ve heard for keeping the criminal penalties for small amounts of pot boil down to “because we said so” or “drugs are bad.” This isn’t enough to convince us that we’ll be hit by a droopy-eyed driver come Nov. 5 if the measure passes. But good attempt at fear-mongering, DAs. Source: Boston Magazine (MA)Published: October 20, 2008Copyright: 2008 Boston MagazineContact: editor bostonmagazine.comWebsite: Articles & Web Site:Committee for Sensible Marijuana Policy Fight Bid To Ease Penalty for Marijuana Skirmish In The War on Drugs
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Comment #13 posted by The GCW on October 22, 2008 at 07:46:42 PT
I'm reading John Gierach's Death, Taxes, and Leaky Waders... Chapter, Bamboo.He mentions, " the parking lot, there was a MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Dirvers) bumper sticker. Inside, the bartender was wearing a DAMM (Drunks Against Mad Mothers) T-shirt."
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Comment #12 posted by FoM on October 22, 2008 at 07:36:33 PT
I didn't know that any parents were working for change in marijuana laws. I never comment on minors only adults since   I believe it is up to the parents to take this and go with it if they want too.
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Comment #11 posted by Natasha on October 22, 2008 at 07:11:25 PT:
"It’s interesting—there were two accidents in which police officers were struck or nearly struck by drivers operating under the influence of alcohol this weekend. And yet nobody wants to make it illegal to carry a six-pack. (We hope.)"....I couldnt say it any better!! (Moms for the leglization of marijuana)
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Comment #10 posted by Hope on October 21, 2008 at 23:40:38 PT
It is all too true... sadly, Comment 6
"To put this bluntly, we now have an entire generation that has been alienated to believe that the police and their civic leaders are instruments of their oppression rather than their protection.And the sad fact is: They're right!"
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Comment #9 posted by John Tyler on October 21, 2008 at 18:25:05 PT
weak arguments
Wait a minute, these two people are lawyers. One is even the state Attorney General. These people are smart and educated, but yet their argument is, that it would send the wrong message, and the other said he tried it in college and didn’t care for it. (He admits breaking the law that he now is sworn to uphold.) Here is their chance to give a reasonable objection to not changing the current cannabis law in Mass. and they spew this stupid drivel that convinces no one. How could they ever win a court case with arguments like that? How did they even get through law school? On the other hand, maybe they are very ignorant and, or out of touch, or they have a really low opinion of the voters and think whatever they say will sway the vote. Whatever way it is, it does not reflect well on them.
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Comment #8 posted by afterburner on October 20, 2008 at 23:07:03 PT
Paul Armentano #6
They say it's the so-called "parents movement" that derailed the "pot progress" of the 1970s. Well, then, I say that it's high time we recruited our own "NORML Parents" movement to finish the job once and for all.
}We are on the same page. I was just thinking today about such a group, something like Fathers And Mothers Against Marijuana Prohibition (FAMAMP), Fathers And Mothers Against Youth Cannabis Arrests (FAMAYCA), Parents Against Caging Kids (PACK). 
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Comment #7 posted by Sam Adams on October 20, 2008 at 16:15:01 PT
yellow journalism
Observer you are right on target, Boston Magazine is the one that has all the ads of expensive wristwatches and all the stories are about spas, restaurants, vacation spots, etc. Not the slightest tinge of yellow! Chamber of Commerce wouldn't like it. They probably like cannabis though!Here is your classic Yellow Journalism:
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Comment #6 posted by paul armentano on October 20, 2008 at 14:39:31 PT
Alternet: The War on Pot Is a War on Young People
The War on Pot Is a War on Young People
via AlternetNORML’s Deputy Director Paul Armentano delivered this speech at NORML’s 2008 National Conference, “It’s Not Your Parents’ Prohibition” in Berkeley, California.According to a 2005 study commissioned by the NORML Foundation, 74 percent of all Americans busted for pot are under age 30, and 1 out of 4 are age 18 or younger. That's nearly a quarter of a million teenagers arrested for marijuana violations each year. To put this bluntly, we now have an entire generation that has been alienated to believe that the police and their civic leaders are instruments of their oppression rather than their protection.And the sad fact is: They're right!Why is this the case? And why, as a community, don't we talk about it?(Text of full remarks here:
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Comment #5 posted by observer on October 20, 2008 at 14:08:39 PT
Stories On Crime
stories on crime.Does the news outlet -* downplay legitimate news in favor of eye-catching headlines?* feature exaggerations, scandals, sensationalism?* fill pages with crime stories?* devote a huge percent of its space to crime, presenting the stories as morality plays? If so, the news outlet may be engaging in Yellow Journalism.
"harping on its crime stories and stunts while ignoring its more serious reporting ...""...the Examiner devoted 24 percent of its space to crime, presenting the stories as morality plays, and sprinkled adultery and "nudity" (by 19th century standards) on the front page."
Old (yellow journalism) trick: crank out lurid images of "true crime" to pump up sales. Too bad if people are sent to prison unjustly, we have ad space to sell. 
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Comment #4 posted by Sam Adams on October 20, 2008 at 12:21:05 PT
another thought on DA-worship
Consider this as you read the Boston Magazine story: Boston Magazine doesn't do ANY stories on crime. Therefore, they are outside the domain of the DA's. This is why these comments are so jarringly realistic. They are from outside DA-world.The DA's are the first and only source for most crime information in the media. Thus the mainstream media's slavish fealty to them in all ways! Half of the 24-hour news cycle is about crime.
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Comment #3 posted by Sam Adams on October 20, 2008 at 12:17:24 PT
Boston Globe 
Here is the article that she is referring to (a great one!):
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Comment #2 posted by museman on October 20, 2008 at 12:01:38 PT
"Most of the arguments we’ve heard for keeping the criminal penalties for small amounts of pot boil down to “because we said so” or “drugs are bad.” This isn’t enough to convince us that we’ll be hit by a droopy-eyed driver come Nov. 5 if the measure passes. But good attempt at fear-mongering, DAs."All arguments against personal liberties are FALSE. There are no 'facts' to support the usurpation of the Bill of Rights, or the 'undefined' 'inalienable' rights of 
'life, liberty, and the PURSUIT of happiness.'It seems to me that these prohibitionists are pursuing happiness other than their own -specificly to stop others from finding it. What is probably their only true claim in their long list of inventions, is that 'happiness' itself is not a 'right' as constitutionally 'defined', but only the 'right to pursue it.' Find it, experience it, pass it around -no, those things aren't in the LAW.What a bunch of pirhannas the sleeping amerikans have allowed to ride herd over them!When Obama gets elected, please don't go back to sleep. Rout those ignoids, drive 'em to the sea. REMOVE THEM FROM OFFICE. People need to learn the art of personal responsibility- which contrary to popular ignorance, does not have anything to do with your bank account, or your job.
 ******-the financial crash of '08Money goes somewhere when it disappears, or else it never actually existed in the first place. So where has it gone? If it exists, it has gone into the pockets fo those who invented it, who create the numerous scenarios in the world to ensure their control-including the latest financial debacle being blamed on 'americans living beyond their means.' If it doesn't exist -well of course it is an illusion, perpetuated since the dawn of civilization- well there is no point in trying to promote this form of consciousness, when 90% (or more) of the earths population have been thoroughly indoctrinated in the way of the Almighty Dollar- and the idea that life cannot exist without it.The truth is outside the grasp of the status quo, no matter how much they change definitions and meanings to suit their agendas, or how many 'publications' they can throw at you to 'substantiate' their ridiculous (but widely accepted and believed) claims.Fear is used by the status quo, in every institution, as the bottom line basis for nearly all faiths and beliefs on the planet, at least the 'acceptable' ones.Compromise is in the tool box of satanic manipulators - 'you know them by their fruits'One of the most notably obvious proverbial 'fruits' is money, and what it can and can't 'buy'. It CAN buy you all manner of pretense, distraction, entertainment (just a form of distraction) and of course many toys and tools to perpetuate the 'making of money.' But it can't buy you what you really need.People erroneously believe that money buys you the 'necessities' of life and that is true only as far as the status quo itself. Before money, providence served us much better.Providence is a natural feature of life on earth that has literally been stolen from us by those who now pretend to be our masters.If you take providence and sell it back to me, you are just a thief, now matter how well dressed you are, how much of the 'money' you have, or posessions, or whatever.Liars, thieves, and other malcontents rule the world and occupy the 'high' positions. It is going to end, soon. Those who believe in money above and beyond providence are going to have a hard time eating their cash....FREE BURNING BUSH FOR EVERYONE
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Comment #1 posted by Vincent on October 20, 2008 at 11:25:13 PT:
It's always like this
So, it appears that some of these anti-marijuana animals--I mean DA's--have tried pot smoking when they were younger but would deny that privelege to today's young people. It's always like this, "do as I say, not as I do". Such BULL!
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