Police Chief Critical of Marijuana Measure

Police Chief Critical of Marijuana Measure
Posted by CN Staff on October 20, 2008 at 06:35:49 PT
By Jim Totten, Daily Press & Argus
Source: Livingston Daily 
Michigan -- A Livingston County police chief has serious concerns about the ballot question on the Nov. 4 election to legalize medical use of marijuana and is encouraging voters to reject the measure.Howell Police Chief George Basar, president of the Michigan Association of Chiefs of Police, said Proposal 1 would make it easy for people to grow and use marijuana, and the lack of regulations would lead to more people, including children, using the drug.
He said the message is, "If you feel bad, let's sit around and smoke marijuana and get high."Basar said there are associations of doctors, law enforcement and prosecuting attorneys opposed to this ballot issue.He also said this measure is really aimed at a more sweeping change."This is the nose under the tent to the general legalization of marijuana," Basar said.Supporters of the measure said that's not true.Former state lawmaker Dianne Byrum, spokeswoman for the Michigan Coalition for Compassionate Care, said a community-based effort pushed for the statewide referendum to provide an option for patients who are experiencing pain due to disease or illness.She said legalization is not the goal. She said other states have approved similar measures allowing for medical use of marijuana, and those states have not legalized marijuana.Byrum said she met with numerous law enforcement officials this year to explain the ballot question, and she said many called the proposal "well-written." She said these officials knew about the issue for seven months and questioned why they would suddenly organize a "campaign of misinformation and rhetoric" to oppose the proposal.Although California passed one of the first measures making it legal to use marijuana for medical reasons, Byrum said that measure was flawed and didn't provide enough safeguards. Since then, she said, 11 states have adopted their own measures, and there's been no impact on law enforcement in those states. She said the Michigan proposal has many prohibitions and safeguards.On Nov. 4, Michigan voters will decide the fate of the medical use of marijuana ballot question. Under Proposal 1, there would be specific guidelines to using marijuana. A physician would need to approve marijuana use for a patient with a debilitating medical condition, and patients would receive an identification card. Patients would only have protected use in their home and could not smoke it in public places.If approved, cancer chemotherapy patients suffering from nausea and vomiting would be able to use marijuana to ease those symptoms. Other patients who might seek this treatment would be those with HIV/AIDS, multiple sclerosis and glaucoma.Basar said he and other opponents have "nothing but compassion for those who are truly in pain."However, he said, there are loopholes in the ballot proposal. He said voters need to understand the proposal does not require a doctor to write a prescription for marijuana use. If this were truly a medical use, he said, the proposal would mandate prescriptions, which provide control over quality and quantity.Under the proposal, he said a patient could grow 12 plants, which could yield 5 pounds of marijuana."That seems a bit excessive," said Basar, who questions what would happen to the excess marijuana.Source: Livingston County Daily Press & Argus (MI)Author: Jim Totten, Daily Press & ArgusPublished: October 20, 2008Copyright: 2008 Livingston Daily Press & ArgusWebsite: http://www.livingstondaily.comContact: Articles & Web Site:Stop Arresting Patients Need Relief Marijuana Gives 'Yes' on Medical Marijuana Plan Doctor Supporting Marijuana Initiative
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Comment #5 posted by The GCW on October 27, 2008 at 17:56:14 PT
Critical of police that are critical of cannabis.
US MI: PUB LTE: Don't Believe All the Anti-Pot HypeDON'T BELIEVE ALL THE ANTI-POT HYPE Colorado legalized medical cannabis ( marijuana ) use and it has worked properly, protecting sick citizens from confrontation with government. Amen. Colorado law enforcement groups alleged what Howell Police Chief George Basar ( "Police chief critical of marijuana measure," Oct. 20 ) claims; however, the claims have proven false. Another reason to permit sick humans to use the relatively safe God-given plant cannabis ( marijuana ) that doesn't mentioned is because it's biblically correct since Christ. The Ecologician indicates he created all the seed-bearing plants, saying they are all good, on literally the very first page. Further, the only biblical restriction placed on cannabis is that it is to be accepted with thankfulness ( see 1Timothy 4:1-5 ). And "But whoever has the world's goods, and sees his brother in need and closes his heart against him, how does the love of God abide in him?" ( see 1 John 3:17 ). Jesus Christ risked jail to heal the sick. S. W.Dillon, Colo. Pubdate: Sun, 26 Oct 2008Source: Livingston County Daily Press & Argus (MI)
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Comment #4 posted by FoM on October 20, 2008 at 14:32:27 PT
Medical Marijuana for Michigan?
October 20, 2008
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Comment #3 posted by runruff on October 20, 2008 at 08:05:07 PT
Cop, physician, philosopher,policy maker.
"lack of regulations would lead to more people, including children, using the drug."- he is saying I have no confidence that any of us can raise our children correctly by his standards so suffering people will just have to continue to suffer.He said the message is, "If you feel bad, let's sit around and smoke marijuana and get high."-he is saying if we feel bad just take some zombifying chemical and sit around in a stupor.What he is really saying is this law will really mess up a good thing we've got going on here like money for nothing. All we have to do is perpetrate this lie. [Jesus said we will always have poor and suffering with us so don't worry about the sick and infirmed us hero cops deserve all the perks we can get.]LEOs don't really die, they are shipped off to a Hormel meat packing plant.
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Comment #2 posted by goneposthole on October 20, 2008 at 07:15:23 PT
here's some news for the police chief
People everywhere are smoking cannabis. 25 thousand metric tonnes grown, processed, and delivered each and every year, year in and year out, is ample proof that grandma and grandpa are smoking to their heart's content.They don't want no stinking FDA approved drugs, they kill.That's the reality.The people in Michigan can decide for themselves. Leave it at that.
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Comment #1 posted by FoM on October 20, 2008 at 06:37:46 PT
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