How Much Pot Is Too Much? How Much Pot Is Too Much? Posted by CN Staff on October 03, 2008 at 07:06:39 PT By Gene Johnson, The Associated Press Source: Associated Press Seattle, WA -- The state Health Department on Thursday defined a two-month supply of medical marijuana as 24 ounces of usable pot and up to 15 plants, a limit designed to end a decade of confusion over how much patients are allowed to have.But patient advocates criticized the limit as arbitrary and insufficient, saying it could leave sick people in danger of going to jail, and they threatened to sue to prevent the rule from taking effect. "We looked at what appears to make sense for most of the patients in the state," said department spokesman Donn Moyer. "There will be some who don't need as much, and there may be some who need more."Washington was among the first states to approve the medical use of marijuana to treat AIDS, cancer and other debilitating illnesses. The law, passed in 1998, allowed patients a 60-day supply of marijuana, but didn't say how much that was. Over the years, several patients with a doctor's authorization to use marijuana have been arrested by police who deemed them to have more pot than necessary.Patients who need more marijuana than allowed by the new rule can make that argument to a judge if they're arrested.The limit adopted Thursday takes effect Nov. 2, and nearly matches the rule used by Oregon, which allows 24 ounces plus six mature plants and 18 immature ones. Some California counties allow more marijuana, but many of the dozen states with medical marijuana laws allow much less than Washington's new rule - just an ounce or two, in some cases.The Health Department decided against using a mature immature plant distinction largely because it didn't want police to have to determine what constituted a mature plant.Instead, officials went with a limit of 15 plants at any stage of growth.Law enforcement officers "really just want a line in the sand," Moyer said, and the 15-plant limit allows patients flexibility to decide how to grow them.Patient advocates scoffed at that. Douglas Hiatt, a Seattle attorney who represents patients, noted that only female marijuana plants are usable as medicine, and about half of all plants growing from seed grow to become male. So to get to 15 usable plants, a patient or provider might have to plant 30 - in violation of the law."No patient I know of anywhere in the state is in compliance with that number," Hiatt said.And, he said, the 24-ounce limit for dried bud might work for patients who smoke marijuana, but not for those who eat it. He called the limits "completely nonscientific.""We all know this is a political decision that doesn't have anything to do with the reality of patients' lives."The Health Department initially considered setting the limit at 35 ounces plus 100 square feet of plant canopy. But Democratic Gov. Chris Gregoire found those numbers too high and urged officials to get more input from law enforcement and doctors.The Health Department did so, and cut the numbers accordingly. Law enforcement had worried that drug dealers could use a higher limit to conceal illicit marijuana growing operations.The Washington Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs' policy director, Joanna Arlow, did not immediately return a call seeking comment Thursday. But she previously called the 24-ounce limit "reasonable."Steve Sarich, a patient and advocate from Kirkland, said he would go to court to seek an injunction to prevent the rule from taking effect. He argued that it was arbitrary, and he took no comfort in knowing that patients could try to prove in court they need more than the limit - something that would likely require a doctor's testimony."How is the doctor going to prove you need more plants? Is the doctor going to prove you're not very good at growing," he said. "Where is the clarity this rule was supposed to provide?" Source: Associated Press (Wire)Author: Gene Johnson, The Associated PressPublished: October 3, 2008Copyright: 2008 The Associated PressCannabisNews Medical Marijuana Archives Home Comment Email Register Recent Comments Help Comment #10 posted by FoM on October 04, 2008 at 13:55:52 PT museman I think this is a good thing. People that have experienced being in prison have something to say too. I always thought why do they punish people who have done their time by not allowing them to vote?Push To Register Felons to Vote Could Aid Obama [ Post Comment ] Comment #9 posted by museman on October 04, 2008 at 13:30:59 PT power Is the people. And what they believe in. If they believe in the false authority of a system of 'laws' that are corrupt, evil, and just plain wrong, then how right can they be, or their 'power?'We are on the threshold of change. The election of other possiibility besides the current status quo may provide us with a window of opportunity, but just electing a new president is a far far cry from where we need to go to regain what we lost to all those rich f--kers who are now calling in all their markers and getting the amerikan taxpayers to be their footstools.After the election, when Obama wins, it will be time to really get to work, not to celebrate. It will be time to chase the status quo over a cliff to be dashed to pieces on the rocks of reality and TRUTH.Power to the people indeed. Of course, if the people can't handle the responsiiblity of real power, then they will do what the congress, the senate, the cops, the judges, the lawyers, and all their high finance masters have been getting them to do along; compromise, capitulate, surrender liberty to the bottom line of financial 'profit and solvency.'Freedom is inevitable. Sanity is present amongst a significant part of the population, and they cannot stop the true progress that is going on below the mainstream radar. Stop giving credit and credibility to a failed system, and start living on earth- like intended before the interfering kings, principalities, and other fake authorities that convince people to follow their corrupt plans and designs got so embedded in our lives for so long.Time for REAL change. Compromise is not that change.FREE MAUI WOWIE FOR EVERYONE [ Post Comment ] Comment #8 posted by FoM on October 04, 2008 at 09:03:46 PT One More Thing I wanted to say something about Sarah Palin. She has been very entertaining almost like she is running in a beauty pageant. I'm not full of hate like many people are about Obama though. She's just not ready to be a prime time player in politics. In 8 years she might be ready. PS: I guess there isn't any news so far but I'll keep looking. Have a great weekend everyone. What an exciting time to be tuned into politics. Change is in the air and all I can say it's long past due. Power to the People! [ Post Comment ] Comment #7 posted by FoM on October 04, 2008 at 07:24:30 PT nuevo mexican I love the new Rachel Maddow show on MSNBC. She is polite and allows the people she has on to finish speaking with no interruption. Keith is great too. David Letterman has been so funny. Hey John you need a ride! LOL! He is from Indiana and it might make Indiana turn blue since they love him there. [ Post Comment ] Comment #6 posted by FoM on October 04, 2008 at 07:19:24 PT nuevo mexican You need to see the CSNY Deja Vu Documentary. It is very inexpensive and the quality is excellent. We have friends coming over tonight and we will watch it again with them. [ Post Comment ] Comment #5 posted by FoM on October 04, 2008 at 07:09:12 PT nuevo mexican My father was an accountant and he said just when you think you will be able to make ends meet someone moves the ends away. They just print more money. Our first home cost less then a cheap new car today. Inflation will drive prices up even more. We have one credit card but we keep the balance very low compared to most people I think. Freight has slowed down and that is a basic sign for how the economy is going for us.Neil said we need a clean win to regain confidence.Maybe this time we will get that clean win with Obama. I sure hope so. [ Post Comment ] Comment #4 posted by nuevo mexican on October 04, 2008 at 06:56:39 PT Does anyone doubt the criminality of our govern.. ment, local, state or federal?While we are fleeced in broad daylight of 700 billion taxpayer dollars, people are limited to growing 15 plants, seedlings included. Un-effing-believable!Why fix something that isn't broken. Oh, that's right, we can't use our common sense.That's a thing of the past.I think that the people will be unified in this view, that all in our current government has become criminal and aggressively so, blatant in this latest move, with bushes signature, we've had the final step of the bush coup completed. And they got the Dem's by the balls, with threats of martial law if the bill wasn't signed, according to a congressman, a Repug even, I believe. It's on Youtube, and Democratic Underground. Got mortgage? Got savings? Got investments? Got a Future? Got medicine? NO, no, no, no, no! Oh, and bush had nothing to do with 9-11!Think about it now folks, what will these guys stoop to next? It won't be pretty!It's all up for grabs when you're an American. Notice the timing: Before the election, all of our money, savings and investments are up being transferred to pay the rich for their mistakes, and we gonna have a fair election?This is what it has all led up to, wow! Surrealistic as the sixties were, 1963 through 1973 from my experience.Pretty amazing, and we've a month to go for the Truman Show to collapse upon itself. Thank you Sarah, thank you Johnny 'Heh' McCain! And thank you David Letterman! You Rock!Cannabis prohibition appears to be the lynch-pin of all that ails the world, a symptom of our lack of sanity, health and wholeness, due to the purposeful disconnection by the matrix, the 'system' or what have you.We experience distress when cut off from compatible ways to live in harmony with Mother Nature.We DO get it. Anything sane or reasonable is against the law, and all laws only apply to those of lesser economic means, and not to those who shall make them.On a brighter note, Obama looks like he's headed for a landslide, (the bushies will likely get caught stealing the election this time, can you imagine all the repug mobsters NOT being on automatic mind crime pilot?). Consider volunteering to man the polls, if you can.To offset the level of election crime that is already taking place, in voter rolls, the media, (the pundits still attempt to call everything a tie or a draw, when the polls are lopsided for Obama and Biden now, to their obvious consternation). Be forewarned, they WILL carry the water for another stolen election, they have twice now, unless we do everything WE can to stop it. Though since Rachel Maddow got her own show on MSNBC after Keith Oberman, McCains polls have plummeted, I noticed this and then she mentioned it last night, (you can watch both of them at I was glad she said something about it.Then, McCain finally had his first spokesperson on the show, and things only got worse.With the two of them working overtime,Keith and Rachel, we seem to have these guys on the daily defense, and should keep them there, as they know they are headed for prison. Think about it. Keep them on the defense!I ask all C-Newsers to make it so, as all roads lead to November 4th, the writing is on the wall, the way is clear, the path is obvious, and all of our conversations here over the years culminate in an action made by ALL, in an epiphanous event that will change and shape the world to come. Let's come together and UNITE!I choose to claim it, easily, happily and quickly!So be it!(with McCain pulling out of Michigan, watch his campaign begin to fold, though the bushies will try to pull another heist based on fear). It has been suggested by many that we all make plans in our community for the day AFTER the election, based on the best and worst case scenarios, A big PARTY, or a place to protest to results, as I am sure it will be stolen somehow.I think Obama will still end up Prez by the end of November. Remember Al Gore and how long that went on? It can and will likely happen again, these guys, all Repugs, and most Democrats, (not Obama, Dennis, and a few more)seem so much like Bill O'Reilly at heart, after watching them congratulate themselves for their last minute greatness in front of the cameras, they ALL seem so totally clueless, perhaps it's due to their wealth, though I believe it is the spell of having so much power over us that steals their souls, and makes them channels for dark forces both seen and unseen. Reptilian and otherwise.Did you see Bill O'Reilly go after Barney Frank? Our Cannabis guy in Congress? Whoa! Barney needed a joint after that attack on him.This economic collapse could make this place like the seventies again, and I liked it actually, if you remember the days of REALLY scrimping by, like I'm sure you all do, Americans seemed like good people then, not so much now.I am not FOR poverty, I just remember when we didn't have credit cards and life was very different, without the security blanket of high interest debt hanging over our heads.I like Michael Moores plan for the restoration of the economy, and I suggest we Cannabists' make a Cannabis-based Marshall Plan Ala Jack Herer to initiate a state of preparation for the hard times to come, based on common sense Cannabis-based alternatives to global warming and permanent debt. Massive planting of hemp, industrial, medical, and recreational worldwide will help avert and minimize any catastrophes, we all know it here, lets make it viral.We can do it, and we will, because we must! WE have the solution, and people are finally listening!Anyway, this article really pissed me off FOM, I'm glad there will be a lawsuit, the new regs are bunk and should be stopped. We are DONE with the BS, now and forever! [ Post Comment ] Comment #3 posted by yoshi on October 03, 2008 at 13:25:10 PT: Too Much ? When you get a 700 billion plant bailout from Congress, and it doesn't get you through the weekend [ Post Comment ] Comment #2 posted by FoM on October 03, 2008 at 10:48:20 PT HempWorld That's a good one. [ Post Comment ] Comment #1 posted by HempWorld on October 03, 2008 at 10:35:53 PT How Much Pot Is Too Much? Any amount over 0 grams, because you can't have it! On a mission from God! [ Post Comment ] Post Comment