Time To Prune The Weed Laws Time To Prune The Weed Laws Posted by CN Staff on August 23, 2008 at 08:32:03 PT By Barry Saunders, Staff Writer Source: News & Observer North Carolina -- James E. Hand, my junior high school football and basketball coach at Leak Street School in Rockingham, would often ask why I hadn't done something anyone with half a brain would've known to do. As I groped futilely for a fitting response, he'd answer his own question. "Because that would make too much sense, right?"That's the same response you could give as to why Congress will never pass U.S. Rep. Barney Frank's recently introduced bill to remove federal penalties for possessing small amounts of marijuana. Even Frank, a Massachusetts Democrat, knows his bill has as much chance of surviving as a fatty -- that's a "thick marijuana joint" to us squares -- at a Lollapalooza concert. That's especially true during an election year, when no politician worth his lapel flag pin is going to risk providing his opponent with a sound-bite accusing him of supporting drug use.They wouldn't be, of course: They'd be supporting common sense.As a summer camp counselor in high school, I once had to -- and I mean "had to" -- show the 1930s-era anti-pot propaganda movie "Reefer Madness" to a bunch of adolescent kids. In the unintentionally campy movie, one toke of weed led to instant madness, suicide, murder or debauchery. Even in the 1970s, kids were sophisticated enough to see through the smoke being blown at them and to realize that the movie bore only a passing resemblance to the reality they witnessed daily.Research by the National Institute on Drug Abuse shows that "marijuana users who have taken high doses of the drug may experience acute toxic psychosis, which includes hallucinations, delusions, and depersonalization -- a loss of the sense of personal identity, or self-recognition."The same symptoms appear in people who use high "doses" of alcohol.Marijuana has been demonized for decades, as much for what it allegedly makes users do -- go insane, act loony, enjoy Adam Sandler movies while consuming copious amounts of Cheetos -- as for what it leads to. Once the "Reefer Madness" accusations were debunked, marijuana was tagged with being a "gateway" drug, meaning it led smokers to harsher, more debilitating narcotics such as cocaine and heroin.Regardless of which end of the lighted joint you stand at, there's research on marijuana use to support your view. For instance, studies purporting to show that marijuana use invariably leads to use of harder drugs are frequently cited as one reason to oppose legalizing it. Other studies purporting to debunk that theory have been been popular among proponents of decriminalization.The findings of a 2002 RAND study -- cited, of course, by NORML, the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws, dismissed the so-called "gateway theory ... and raised doubts regarding the legitimacy of federal drug policies based upon its premise." Marijuana is usually the first drug used by hard-core drug users simply because it is more accessible, the study concluded.Regardless of the studies or how politicians feel, few will have the courage to back Frank's common-sense approach to overly harsh marijuana laws that have destroyed lives and crowded prisons. Frank, on television, said, "The notion that you lock people up. for smoking marijuana is pretty silly ... I'm going to call it the 'make room for serious criminals' bill."As Mr. Hand would say, removing criminal penalties for something that many people view as being at least as benign as alcohol -- and which, among a certain segment, is just as common -- makes too much sense.Makes you want to say "Bartender, pour me a double." Barry Saunders' column appears in the City & State section on Tuesdays and Fridays. Source: News & Observer (Raleigh, NC)Author: Barry Saunders, Staff WriterPublished: August 23, 2008Copyright: 2008 The News and Observer Publishing CompanyWebsite: -- Cannabis Archives Home Comment Email Register Recent Comments Help Comment #66 posted by Hope on August 26, 2008 at 18:58:32 PT Museman, Hair as antennae. What an amusing thought. I never thought or heard of such a thing. It seems funny, but lots of stuff, that's ultimately true, people never thought of before, seems funny. It's amusing to think about... and amusing is good. A smile is good. Thinking is good.I, too, have long hair. Waist length, I guess. My hair is little child fine and very curly, and apparently always growing new hair, which I take as good, so unless I straighten it or use hair spray, even slicked back in a braid, or bun, or pony tail... little hairs are always escaping and sticking right straight out, usually. It's antennae trying to poke up!Thanks for the thought and the smile. That's a rather wondrous thought.:0) [ Post Comment ] Comment #65 posted by The GCW on August 25, 2008 at 21:04:04 PT The order of things. How does President Biden sound?That’s what We may be in for.Police investigate possible plot to kill Obama Killing Obama is on a lot of twisted minds in America. Twisted? I imagine there are many twisted Democrats who will vote Obama and look forward to Prez Biden.I can imagine slack security and inside job security breaches to help insure a Biden leadership if they even get to election day alive and then win it.I imagine a lot of twisted minds that will not sleep with a President Obama. Twisted minds that will not even wait for the election.But 1st, I STILL believe Bush will come up with a scenario which will allow Him to declare some sort of environment, marshal law or what ever, to keep the elections from going forward and allowing Him to stay in office. …Bush has not met His limit. We have not even begun to contain this evil.-0-The order of things.Want peace?Credibility for America? Etc. etc.???Then cannabis Re-legalization MUST come first. Cannabis makes LIFE and everything right and it was created to do so.-0- We are not going to achieve peace AND THEN re-legalize the superplant; it’s the other way around. [ Post Comment ] Comment #64 posted by FoM on August 25, 2008 at 20:31:28 PT ekim I didn't know that about JFK. That was very interesting. Thanks. [ Post Comment ] Comment #63 posted by ekim on August 25, 2008 at 20:16:31 PT please see Jacks site for more info emperr chapter 4 on AMA and Harry [ Post Comment ] Comment #62 posted by ekim on August 25, 2008 at 20:10:12 PT like to see a film Kennedy gets Harry J. Anslinger FoM i can not look at a Kennedy and not think of how that went down.On Tues night the Gov of MI will talk about renewables and how the auto industry needs 50 billion to retool--- i hope that James Woolsey will be somewhere in Denver and will be able to give his insight on allowing the farmers to grow Hemp for fuel and part of that 50 billion the big three wants should be spent on local ethanol plants close to the people.see the book Ethanol can be a gas-- David Blume.\the last story is what Howard Wooldridge of has compiled that the ONDCP must be reauthorized in two years -- so just how that is done is of great importance to many.As the AMA’s Dr. Woodward had asserted, the government’s testimony before Congress in 1937 had, in fact, consisted almost entirely of Hearst’s and other sensational and racist newspaper articles read aloud by Harry J. Anslinger,* director of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics (FBN). (This agency has since evolved into the Drug Enforcement Administration [DEA]). *Harry J. Anslinger was director of the new Federal Bureau of Narcotics from its inception in 1931 for the next 31 years, and was only forced into retirement in 1962 by President John F. Kennedy after Anslinger tried to censor the publications and publishers of Professor Alfred Lindesmith (The Addict and the Law, Washington Post, 1961) and to blackmail and harass his employer, Indiana University. Anslinger had come under attack for racist remarks as early as 1934 by a U.S. senator from Pennsylvania, Joseph Guffey, for such things as referring to "ginger-colored niggers” in letters circulated to his department heads on FBN stationery. Prior to 1931, Anslinger was Assistant U.S. Commissioner for Prohibition. Anslinger, remember, was hand-picked to head the new Federal Bureau of Narcotics by his uncle-in-law, Andrew Mellon, Secretary of the Treasury under President Herbert Hoover. The same Andrew Mellon was also the owner and largest stockholder of the sixth largest bank (in 1937) in the United States, the Mellon Bank in Pittsburgh, one of only two bankers for DuPont* from 1928 to the present. *DuPont has borrowed money from banks only twice in its entire 190-year history, once to buy control of General Motors in the 1920s. Its banking business is the prestigious plum of the financial world. In 1937, Anslinger testified before Congress saying, “Marijuana is the most violence-causing drug in the history of mankind.” This, along with Anslinger’s outrageous racist statements and beliefs, was made to the southern-dominated congressional committee and is now an embarrassment to read in its entirety. Howard Wooldridge thank you for this and all you are doing--- The Office of National Drug Control Policy Reauthorization Act of 2006 (P.L. 109-469), reauthorized ONDCP through FY 2010, contained several reporting requirements, and expanded the mandate of the agency. A few key changes include the following: Statutorily created the position of the U.S. Interdiction Coordinator (USIC) and the Interdiction Committee (TIC) within ONDCP, moving it from the Dept. of Homeland Security; Authorized the Interdiction Committee (TIC) which is comprised of agency partners who review the National Interdiction Command and Control Plan, and discuss and resolve issues related to interdiction in support of the National Drug Control Strategy; Added faith-based organizations and tribal officials to the National Drug Control Strategy consultation list; Required the establishment of a HIDTA designation petition process, whereby local law enforcement agencies may petition to receive a HIDTA designation; Granted statutory authority to CTAC's Counterdrug Technology Transfer Program, which transfers technology and associated training directly to state, local, and tribal law enforcement agencies; Recognizing the importance of informing parents and adults of the impact of drugs on young people, the statute included parent advertising in the mandate of the National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign, codifying the campaign's existing practice of directing a portion of campaign advertising to adults who influence youth. Among other things, the Act authorized the Director to emphasize the prevention of youth marijuana use in campaign advertisements, and required the Director to expend at least 10 percent of appropriated funds on advertisements to reduce the use of methamphetamine. Reauthorized the Drug Free Communities Support Program through FY 2012, increased the maximum annual grant award amount to $125,000. Established within the Dept. of Justice a National Methamphetamine Information Clearinghouse (NMIC) [ Post Comment ] Comment #61 posted by FoM on August 25, 2008 at 17:17:01 PT charmed quark I don't believe the polls because they don't poll people who just have a cell phone and many of the young Obama enthusiasts are in that class.I am totally enjoying going back and forth between CNN, MSNBC and C-Span. I think I will cry when I see Senator Kennedy. I have always loved the Kennedys. [ Post Comment ] Comment #60 posted by charmed quark on August 25, 2008 at 17:12:31 PT obama needs to define himself I'm anxiously waiting to see Obama's movie bio at the convention. The republicans have been defining him through misleading ads and viral emails as a foreign socialist muslim black radical extremist who has nothing in common with most Americans. They have even said he's a rich elitist while McCain is salt of the earth (although hopefully McCain's house gaff has corrected this).A lot of Americans believe this crud and the polls now show him neck and neck with McCain. I'm hoping his video will do what Bill Clinton's movie did when he first ran. [ Post Comment ] Comment #59 posted by FoM on August 25, 2008 at 17:00:54 PT Brown: Some Medi-Pot Dispensaries May Be Illegal August 25, 2008 SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - Local police may soon join federal authorities in cracking down on some of California's hundreds of marijuana dispensaries under guidelines issued by the state attorney general.Attorney General Jerry Brown released the nonbinding guidelines Monday aimed at clarifying the state's medical marijuana laws.Brown says formal cooperatives that are registered under the state's Food and Agricultural Code or as less formal "collectives" are legal. But he says that in all instances the organizations must be not-for-profit.According to the guidelines, anyone running a for-profit storefront dispensary not operating as either a registered cooperative or collective can be arrested and prosecuted by local authorities.Copyright: 2008 The Associated Press [ Post Comment ] Comment #58 posted by FoM on August 25, 2008 at 16:09:00 PT C-Span: DNC I turned on C-Span and it isn't a lot of talking but music and the Convention floor. Thanks nuevo mexican. [ Post Comment ] Comment #57 posted by nuevo mexican on August 25, 2008 at 15:18:43 PT This will make you laugh FOM! Not that the dailykos needs promoting, though Dr.Zombiexx does a great job over there, he used to frequent C-news, and this blog makes sense, (and fun) of our discussion over here better than anyone could ever do, and rams it home with humor, something I lack at times, though not for long! Glad people are interested in grass-root activist politics now, and if we all stay engaged, we will easily create the next foundation for the future, based on the experience and experiment we call America. Barack Obama MUST, SO TOTALLY, ABSOLUTELY DO... by JeffLieber Mon Aug 25, 2008 at 12:03:22 PM order to make the Democratic convention a "success".* JeffLieber's diary:'Barack Obama must get a six-hundred and thirty-eight point bounce.Barack Obama must be inspiring, but not TOO INSPIRING SO AS TO SEEM A PROPHET, and present his ideas clearly, but not TOO CLEARLY SO AS TO SEEM SIMPLISTIC, and with specifics, but not TOO MANY SPECIFICS SO AS TO SEEM WONKY, and be tough, but not TOO TOUGH SO AS TO SEEM TO HAVE GONE NEGATIVE.'It goes on and on, and is a perfect tonic for C-Newsers fired up about the Convention, whether pro or con. [ Post Comment ] Comment #56 posted by E_Johnson on August 25, 2008 at 15:09:39 PT BGreen, Biden this is what Biden needs to know He thinks science will find something better than dirty old marijuana with the slangy Mexican name.He doesn't understand that cannabinoids ARE the advanced science that scientists would have had to invent in the lab to treat pain if marijuana didn't already exist.We need to bombard Biden with cannabinoid science.Complete and total info-bombardment. [ Post Comment ] Comment #55 posted by FoM on August 25, 2008 at 15:06:05 PT Good News To Me Rachel Maddow from Air America is getting her own show on MSNBC. She will take over the time slot of the Dan Abrams show. [ Post Comment ] Comment #54 posted by BGreen on August 25, 2008 at 14:37:01 PT Biden COULD change his mind One of the biggest factors in changing the way we feel about something is to personalize it. Many lawmakers have changed their minds on medical cannabis after the watch a loved one die. Others have changed their minds after they themselves have been sick.Look at Sen. Arlen Specter and you'll see a 78-year-old who pretty much gets it. All it took was a personal bout of cancer and he now understands that cannabis is medicine, at least enough to allow scientific studies.Biden sort of gets it, but he doesn't know enough about the medical benefits of cannabis to fully understand the true power within this plant.We really don't need people who are 100% pro-medical cannabis to occupy he White House. All we need are people who are willing to stop the terror of the DEA and allow the scientific community to freely research the effects of cannabis.Even if they think the studies won't show favorable benefits of cannabis, we all know the results will be too phenomenal to ignore.And to nuevo mexican, I'm one CNews poster who has always felt the only way the Bush/Cheney cabal is going to get their just rewards is through the International War Crimes Tribunal in The Hague, exactly where former Serbian President Radovan Karadzic has found himself. The only problem right now is that Bush removed our cooperation with the International Courts back in 2001, fully knowing that his actions would later place him as a defendant in that Court, so we need a new President to reinstate our participation.I don't know if Obama will, but I know McCain sure as hell won't, so I'll support Obama and hope for the best.The Reverend Bud Green [ Post Comment ] Comment #53 posted by observer on August 25, 2008 at 14:32:04 PT To Me, Ending Cannabis Prohibition Most Important On (call me what you may) but nothing is more important to me than ending cannabis prohibition. Gentlemen may cry, "Peace! Peace!," but when you're being shot at by the government because of cannabis, your property is being stolen by the government because of cannabis, when you are tossed into jail because of cannabis, I have a feeling that international power politics will take a secondary role to that policeman's truncheon that's being applied to your head, and that concrete cage you are being jailed in. I'm never going to endorse any politician who wants to jail me for using cannabis. Peace begins at home, and as long as we're subject to a military-style SWAT raid at 3am for the sin of "marijuana", there is no peace. Disclaimer: NONE of the above can possibly be construed as endorsing Obama's political opponent(s), who (in terms of cannabis-related arrests and past bad cannabis-related laws) may well be even worse than Obama. Just because I refuse to be a cheerleader for one party, does not mean that (by default) I'm endorsing any other party. That's a tough concept to get through sometimes, so it bears repeating. Bad or worse. Either way, I don't want any to get on me. [ Post Comment ] Comment #52 posted by FoM on August 25, 2008 at 12:58:01 PT museman Today I am tuned into the Convention on MSNBC. I have looked forward to this event for months. I really liked BGreen's comment last night. That is how I feel but can't put it in words like he did. I won't let much of anything rain on my parade since someone always tries. I am hopeful for a better country. If it all flops it won't be because of the lack of young people being involved this time. I think what people call the Indigo Children have woke up. [ Post Comment ] Comment #51 posted by nuevo mexican on August 25, 2008 at 12:55:46 PT I'm rooting for total exposure of the fraud that.. America really is.Museman, observer, hope, FOM, BGreen, overwhelmsam and all C-newsers, here is my take, thanks for sharing yours!Obama will make a nice prez, Biden should do well as Obamas' attack dog, we'll see if he rises to the occasion, if he doesn't, you know the fix is in, though I'm sure it is already. Karl Rove is still calling the shots, and the Dems are afraid of being pulled into investigations of bush/cheney, otherwise, why would Nancy Peloser grant bush/cheney a get out of jail free card so EARLY in her role as speaker, unless bush/cheney knew what would happen all along, and you know from the wire-tapping, they know what ALL of us are doing ALL of the time, including Right NOW! Hello traitors! You're time is coming!Kerry was a war hero, and it appears he went along with the swift-boating, knowing it would be his excuse as to why he lost, even though it was STOLEN from him, and he didn't care. He needed an excuse to use, and this was it.(Kerry is a Sag Sun with a Gemini Moon, oh-oh! We've seen this before!)Now for the o/t part!A little Astrology for those unafraid of metaphysics, or Astro-logic, the Logic of the Stars!Remember the sixties, when Astrology was 'out there', and take a look at it now, a horoscope on every front-page news site! Now that's progress for this child of the sixties!Not that daily horoscopes are not enlightening, or revealing of much, they are, but mostly helpful, though a REAL reading reveals all, and I do mean ALL!Though Sun sign Astrology has its' limits, it is still accurate, and thank you Nancy Reagan for inadvertently promoting the use of the stars, I'd feel alot better if I thought the bushies had an Astrologer, though he/she would be serving evil, the worst-case scenarios might be diminished, as with Reagan. Even Hitler's Astrologer fed him incorrect info to minimize the harm. Read up or Google it!Biden is a Full Moon Scorpio, so he may actually rise to the occasion, to be Obamas' mouthpiece, though he is very 'fixed', and only sees what he wants to see, as his lens is very narrow, thus his support of credit card companies and the war on drugs. Of course, you can't pick a man like Dennis Kucinich, he's just too short, and we all know you just can't have that, principles or no principles, it IS OKAY to have a dumbf... for 8 years, and a POW who has PTSD, and call his wife a trollop and a well as not being able to remember how many houses he has, I mean, how many houses Cindy owns.John is a 'kept' man. His run for the president was engineered back when he was first caught by the Vietnamese, as his father was an Admiral, and Johnny became known to all my Veteran of Viet Nam friends as 'songbird' for telling them what they wanted to hear, while other men where prosecuted for following military code after they came home.Nor could we have a Russ Feingold, Yes, we can have Joe Lieberman, but NO Russ, he's Jewish, (isn't Joe L.?) and NOT a repub, so forget about it! Why NOT!But you just can't have someone who loves his country, the Constitution, and has the balls and spine to stand up for it!Not very American of you Dennis, you and Russ are so 'old school'.I know Obama loves America, and he is smart, likeable, attractive, half black/half white, and the rest, I would like him to embrace Russ and Dennis more, to bring the activist base back into the fold, or the polls will be 'close'. And only lead to his demise, as close polls allow the media to call it a close election regardless of exit polling, and they have it down pat! Even if they're are not close later, which I blame on his move to the center, which is still the 'right' now that the left is the 'far left', and the far right, the new middle. I hope you all know this, if not, I'm happy to remind you!Remember in Fox News world, everything is: Up is down, black is white, truth if false, and all that is false is really true, just ask Sean Hannity.Back to Obama:He's way better than most, though I am not too hopeful, I expect the current corpocracy to continue to pillage, rape and run roughshod over the people, per the Olympics, China, the kid-gloves treatment of bush/cheney/McCain the media gives them, it will take a epiphany for America to throw off the shackles we have embraced, out of fear, misplaced totally, but so it goes.A global warming weather event, 'might' wake us up, though I think most of us are in major denial, out of necessity, a survival mechanism used throughout the history of mankind, as this is just business as usual for criminal kingdoms and the like.Mr. Magoo could be the president of the most powerful country in the world and this point, who would notice? McCain gets a pass from the media no matter what, so why not another stolen election, 2 down, 1 more to go!Mission accomplished!The votes will be stolen, many will be told they can't vote, and voter 'fraud' a fraud in itself, will be the hue and cry from the Karl Rove instructed Media, and the media will carry the water for the stealer's. Nice provocation to the American People who may finally realize they've been had, as our last hope dies in the voting machine November 4th. Get off your meds and smell the coffee burning please!After McCain becomes prez, shockingly for many, though totally predictable in a place like the U.S. where people have no education, no health care, mortgages are becoming a thing of the past, endless war, and only hopelessness and despair to look forward to, America will be repainted as totally Pro War, Pro McCain, Pro idiot, pro MSM media, pro torture, and all this is easily done by the media, who we refuse to hold accountable for some reason.Everyday we have these guys rub this crap in our faces over and over, while we seem to revel in the tiny, tiny bit of attention we get from it, like low self-esteemers with no idea what self-esteem even is. What IS there to be proud of anyway, except for recent history, 40 years back.The Musicians, songwriters, writers, journalists', and especially Abbie Hoffman, Jerry Rubin, and the rest of the Chicago Seven were genius's, who's actions laid bare the ruthless, and deadly tactics of the right.Now, 40 years later, we see the wheels coming of the cart, and WE STILL don't have a clue as to how far these guys will go to destroy the planet, the constitution, us and anyone who isn't on their team.Clue: They WILL do anything, and are doing everything they can, to sustain to killing, the wars, the attacks, the despair, as it makes huge profits from big pharmos due to permanent depression being their source of huge profits!Happiness be damned, it's not fit for consumption.Why do we continue to give these guys the benefit of the doubt?Does anyone here really think the corpocracy wants to be held accountable, or even give those like us who think the bushies should be held accountable, any hope of that?It's off the table, and even some smart people who post here think that's okay, just wait for Obama, he'll fix everything yeah, that's it!A don't even talk about holding bush/cheney accountable, let's put that era behind us, like we did with Iran-contra!Democrats like Nancy Pelosi should be investigated, as should Reid, and all of the DLC'ers who are keeping Hillary out there, per Karl Roves instructions. Examples should be made, and NEVER AGAIN should be the cry and hue!Who needs John McCain attacking Obama when Hillary does a better job of dividing and conquering, with no help from John McCain, we'll just let the Dems implode, like they always do?Yes, we have the Internet, and most of the people on our side these days, but where are they? You won't see any of this mentioned in the MSM, not that you would ever expect to, anything anti-corporate is anti-American, or anti-murkan, bushes latest term for us.We've had an idiot in chief for 8 years, and many say if he raped a child on the front lawn of the White House, it would be praised, and 're-framed' as a heroic act, and you know it would.For example, take bill Clintons blow jobs from Monica, (no big deal, oh, it's impeachable though, but Hillary really IS appropriate for the Presidency)? After all that? Jeez-us Key-rist!How did we go from Ken Starr's' gross, highly detailed, and best-selling report and all the repulsiveness over it, to considering someone like Hillary, who married the bastard, for Pres. Does anyone follow me?WTF?The only thing good about Biden is he isn't Hillary, IMHO.And that IS huge.At this point, we are disillusioned, silenced, despondent, discouraged, and sidelined. Our voices don't matter, we're shouting into the wind, Obama DID help Joe Lieberman defeat Ned Lamont, so even if he does become Pres, he is likely a corporate plant, to save the economy from bushes further destruction, and nothing more.He pretty must lost me with his vote on FISA, though I'll give him the benefit of the doubt, though I'm not sure why.He has a Gemini Moon (his 'inner self' is weak, though his Leo Sun is strong, and Aquarius rising, very smart).A good chart overall, though I am always discouraged by Gemini Moons, too duplicitous for my taste, always willing to give the other side too much credit, like the way he ALWAYS says John McCain is an honorable man. He isn't, He murdered lots of innocent women and children in Viet Nam, from the air, an undeclared war-crime, and NO ONE mentions this. Why not? We are toast! Are we not?Obama will continue to flip-flop, though this Moon sign gives him brilliance, he is no Dennis Kucinich when it comes to taking the right position and sticking with it. This country is more than a horoscope, though you can boil it all down to a 'chart', all countries have one, a date in time that sets our 'intention', and is karmic, no matter who set the date, it was 'meant' to be.Imagine India and Pakistan, born the same day, and even, moment, now that's rich! Don't see them getting along too well, now you know why! Two Leos! (Like Bill Clinton and Obama, Bill refuses to do the right thing, unless it's at the convention, where he gets his 'attention deficit disorder' prescription filled.July 4th, 1776, which was supposedly picked by 'free' Masons' using Astrology, and the chart they constructed had many good things in mind. But they didn't know about Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. (So much for using Astrology to determine the outcome of a countries' destiny by picking the best time, it worked out well for many landowners, slave-owners, future corporate CEO's and the military, and not for millions of dead people world-wide, as we've been the country of WAR for ever, with over 100 wars to our name, more than any other country in history). Still proud to be a 'murkan'?Go wave that flag, yeah! Unfortunately, the planet Uranus was only known to exist by advanced, (though history books say 'uncivilized') tribes in Africa, and NOT known by the Freemasons, and is the planet of revolution, radical change, freedom, and Universality.Thus, the beginnings of this country were just that.On the down side, it represents Uranium, as in Depleted Uranium, Nuclear destruction and radiation, nuclear power and explosive violence, unabated in the streets of the U.S. and in homes, whether on TV or being imitated by drunks beating their wives.The founding fathers were unaware that Mars AND Uranus were conjunct in Gemini, the sign of 'duopoly', explosive, nuclear, and untrustworthy, thus, we were and are destined to self-destruct, from within, with no help from the terrorists, (except for the ones who rule without ever being exposed as the true terrorists, the neocon bush/cheney cabal!So the planets allow us to set ourselves up for us to lie the populace into self-destruction, as we have, and will continue to do, until we call it good, end the charade, likely dividing the U.S. up into new chinese-(formerly Indian. like Indiana, Massachusetts, etc, named after the natives we genocided back to pre-stone age), provinces, rename them, and continue to praise the Olympics and the Chinese, or else......Like Greenwood, where there 'used' to be green woods. Like Deer Creek, where there 'used' to be a creek with deer. Like Indian Lake, where natives 'used' to hunt, live, and fish. The examples are plentiful, and reveal the hypocrisy of our ways.Anyone see this coming? I do.The planets send positive energy, the only negatives are our lack of responsiveness, to the higher vibrations, and thus, we create our response, as the wise man rules his stars.We are the ones at fault, we get the democracy we deserve, and we ARE getting it. Anyone disagree?So it is still up to us to create the world we choose to create, once we decide to, which we obviously haven't, as the neocon corpocracy plods along it's course, headed for the nearest cliff. BTW, has a great show today, I recommend you watch it, and get a broader picture of how people are feeling, you won't get it from the teevee machine.Just check out how the Dems won't let the press in to a delegate party where ATT thanks the Dems who voted for immunity for the phone companies. The rich will stay rich, and the press, unless they're lapdogs for the rich, can go to hell, you must watch or listen to todays' show to believe what happened when Amy Goodman tried to report on the party for those who caved. Check out the part on the blue dogs, and then tell me you're excited about this election.The fix is in, if you watch the same clip I just did.Better get active, or live out your worst nightmare, sitting behind our computers hasn't done anything to change things, that I can see anyway, when it comes to stopping the war in Iraq anyway. Maybe we can stop them from attacking Iran, though our track record is lousy so far.Am I being positive enough? [ Post Comment ] Comment #50 posted by museman on August 25, 2008 at 12:37:42 PT FoM I believe it is, and have had enough personal experience to confirm the hypothesis. It also works in reverse; if you don't want to recieve the 'Universal Broadcasts' (which can be scary to the average human) cutting your connection makes it easier to ignore. Can one recieve the info without long hair? I am sure they can and do, but if metaphoricly (relating it to an antenna) you can get clearer reception of the Broadcast (some have also called it the Living Word of God) and are stubbornly refusing to get it because you are afraid of what the neighbors might think of you is just assinine and ridiculous.I must also point out -within the metaphor- that just having a good antenna doesn't guarantee good reception; you have to know how to connect the correct wires, and position the antenna.Just having long hair doesn't get you in contact with God, any more than just smoking pot gets you high, but it helps. A lot. Like smoking pot CAN get you high, if you are intending to go there in the first place. [ Post Comment ] Comment #49 posted by FoM on August 25, 2008 at 12:24:08 PT museman Hair is an antenna. I never heard that before. [ Post Comment ] Comment #48 posted by museman on August 25, 2008 at 12:10:21 PT FoM "All that glitters is not gold."Today that axion has evolved to "All that is gold, is not 'gold.'" -if you understand my meaning.I cut my hair 3 times after the military; Once for a job, once just to make a comparison of the people I would meet (what an eye-opening experience that was - pretty much determined that I was more likely to meet agreeable folks with long hair, than without), and once because I got thoroughly disgusted with the way 'hippidom' was going, and I was out to make a 'fresh start' in Colorado. After getting busted there, I realized that hiding behind short hair wasn't doing me any good either, and reeupped my old vow -related to the 'vow of the nazarene' and the modern intrepretation called Rastafarianism. My hair is my antenna. I like being able to recieve universal broadcasts without the interference that comes from inadequate reception. Another reason why the status quo promotes the 'clean-cut'. Cut off the natural connections, and confusion of identity is easier to pull off.This is probably why women have traditionally been more 'intutitive' than men, because they kept their antennas for the most part.Since I have decided to 'let my hair down' for life, I have certainly gotten a taste of the green-eyed beast of jealousy and fearful prejudice that is held in high esteem by the suits and ties, daily. Still.My hair is a small thing, but apparently larger than most amerikan males can muster without whimpy fear of social shunning. Just taking that liberty has empowered me more than a crewcut can ever understand, sorry. Just one compromise I refused, and all the rats and worms came out to play; prejuduce, social stigma, jealousy (of my freedom), fear, etc., etc.I certainly do not judge a man because of the length of his hair, but if your antenna isn't giving you good enough reception, perhaps you should riase it up a little and lengthen the wire. [ Post Comment ] Comment #47 posted by FoM on August 25, 2008 at 11:39:12 PT museman Last night I watched the closing ceremonies from China. It was spectacular particularly the beginning with all the neon lights. I thought about how hard the young chinese people worked to do it like they did. I thought while all the beautiful displays were being seen about people that are on the outside of the glitter and how their lives are. I thought of the Dalai Lama.All that glitters is not gold. [ Post Comment ] Comment #46 posted by FoM on August 25, 2008 at 11:27:08 PT museman One time when I came in first I knew that the girl that came in second had done a much better job then I did that day. I rode over to her and gave her my blue ribbon. That day I felt content.PS: I know you mean a guy cutting their hair but my hair is very long. LOL! [ Post Comment ] Comment #45 posted by museman on August 25, 2008 at 11:20:55 PT rambling through the thread Competition, and war, are two different aspects of the same human attribute -the need for challenge, to grow-. The fact that the makers and keepers of the status quo -most definitely including the marketing factions- deliberately confuse war and competition, seems to escape most folks minds.The original concept of 'honor' came from the way one treated their enemies with respect, as well as their 'challengers' in life. As war became a tool of conquest and aquisition for the ruling factions, honor became less and less profitable for them, and the lower chakra aspects of brutality and destructive force became highly regarded skills for war.Some anthropologists believe that 'games' were derived out of war, and that 'competition' is an 'evolved state' of mind that is directly rooted in the 'primal origins' of war. That may or may not be so, but the distinction still exists.Competing willingly in a game, with challengers capable of matching or bettering ones skills, can be fun and exciting, exhilarating even, especially if you win. But being forced to compete, whether you are willing or not can lead to aspects more related to war, than gaming. If winning is more important than playing, people cheat, they backstab, they lie, steal, sometimes murder. When the prize is power the 'rules of engagement' go out the window.Our society is competitive on very unhealthy, destructive levels. At a time when cooperation, and consensus has never been more of a priority -just for the little issue of survival- the wars escalate.Competition for success. Competition for power and 'position.' Competition for housing, jobs (that require little brain function or actual skill to perform) and more.The concept of "battle of the bands" has always pissed me off. This is a perfect example of the powerful redirecting potential challenges to their authority; by creating the competition, setting the 'acceptable parameters' and thereby screening out any potential substance or spirit. If the 'successful parameters' have more to do with pleasing the leaders of the status quo that the essence of art and inspiration -that comes from the human heart- then those 'leaders' can sit back like the gods of Oympus, amused at the struggles of the poor humans, and throw laurels and 'certificates' at the 'winners.'I like a good challenge myself, but being essentially thrown unarmed and unprepared to the lions from the gitgo is not a 'game' it is war. War against me and those like me, by the pretenders to authority in this world.The war was declared a long time ago. We are all born into it, on one side or the other. There are no 'choices' except what the kings, pharoahs, emporers, presidents, and 'bosses' present us.Music is a perfect example of how the finest aspects of humanity have been hijacked to serve the spirit of the status quo, instead of the spirit of man. In order for more than one musician to play together, there must be mutual respect. There must be cooperation, and agreement. If all musicians were in constant competition with each other -like the 'industry' would have us- there would never be an orchestra, or a band, just a bunch of wanna-be prima donnas trying to outdance, outperform, and put down the 'competition.'The mega-concert phenomenon that started with woodstock created an incredible impetus of control for the music industry status quo, and the banker/marketeer 'promoters.'The idea was great until the money got hold of it, then the spirit left, and all we got is over-priced, crowded, smelly, uptight 'concerts' that only the ones that can justify the ridiculous expense can get to experience. The spirit of the 'gathering' we rediscovered at woodstock has been redirected into glitter, hype, and celebrity.Of course the people aren't so subtly aware of this, they just want to experience the gathering, and the music, they like the 'show' too, but from my own stage experience I can say that audiences get more out of great music, and the rapport between the performers and themselves than all the light shows and high-end productions that the 'industry' can muster.The idea that such things as the 'right to gather peaceably' without the intense meddling and control currently being established by the government have been whisked away while we were laboring to pay the taxes for these criminals to legislate away our freedom, is certainly not a new one. For example; As a bandsman, one of the hardest things for us to do, was find a place to practice where the neighbors wouldn't call the cops. We used to play in the parks, until Reagans administration, in conjunction with his WOD got every township and city in amerika to enact noise ordinances that essentially prevent such things as unsanctioned rock'n roll or whatever.I recently checked out some of those noise ordinances, and made a startling, but unsurprising discovery; THEY ALL HAVE EXACTLY (or near exact) THE SAME WORDING! "...any sound of noise that upsets the reasonable sensibilities of a normal person..." The definition of 'reasonable sensibilities' falls directly into the 'jurisprudence' of the 'law officer' called on the complaint. Its a catch 22. Deliberate, and insidious.The fact that they should legislate a broader control, such as the RAVE act mentioned by phil, comes as no surprise to me.The war against the Rainbow - about first ammendment rights- has been going on for over 30 years, and it has taken the ACLU that long to get involved. Only because the feds made some faulty assummptions about the capabilities of the rainbow family, and got caught in their true form -on video and radio.When the Roman people were hungry and rioting, the senate called for games -that were bloody and brutal- to entertain the populace and make them forget their poverty and pain, by witnessing greater pain and misfortune in action. They handed out bread to temporarily fill bellies, and the populace went away talking about the 'benevolence and generosity' of their leaders. Its an old ploy, but apparently most people still buy into it, as is evidenced by the 'olympic games.' The amount of suffering in the world is temporarily ignored for the incredible (and expensive) glitter and hype of commercialism, and CONTRIVED CELEBRITY. -it is interesting to note that this concept was kind of busted in the opening ceremonies in Beijing; the little chinese girl who sang, actually lip-synched to the one who was singing backstage, because the singer wasn't "cute enough."Competition. War. In amerika there is not much difference. The banter between the candidates may not directly result in the immediate death and destruction associated with war, but since ultimately the highest priority of legislative office is enacting, maintaining, and justifying the various wars; War on Terror, War on drugs, War on RAVE music, War on immigration, War here, War there, everywhere a war war. O'l mc'merika had a government, ee-i, ee-i, o.Of course the solutions, as simple and obvious as they ought to be, are obscured by most folks mistaken belief in a system that was originated and maintained by the power elite. They believe that their power (that they give mostly unwittingly on a daily basis to the status quo, its offices and minions) is insignificant enough to enact any commonsense or cause reality to take precedence over invention. They believe that because the power is there, it cannot be successfully challenged. Untrue, What is true is that the masses seem to wait for leaders to take them where they want to go, and the fact that the status quo is providing THEM ALL seems to also slip through the cracks of awareness.When an individual stands up in themselves; takes personal responsibility for their actions, understands and claims their sovereignty of being, it becomes impossible for them to be led anywhere, by anyone. This kind of true liberty is the most feared thing by the status quo, which is why we have martyrs, and why the instilled fear of 'taking liberties' is so deep. We admire and elevate those who have been noted and dealt with by the establishment, and echo their words in our conversations, but dare not follow through with our own action. We mostly live our freedom through wishful thinking, and fantasy and fiction.The only way to freedom is by embracing it whole-heartedly, kind of like the marriage vows of 'in sickness and in health, until death us do part' kind of thing, not the half-hearted, weekend warrior amerikan, 'have a beer and watch the games' mentality that is unfortunately so prevalent in the ambient consciousness of this country.This country. A land of wonders. A place where the hope of man came to grow, but didn't grow all that big and fast. There is magic here on the back of the turtle, but it has almost been buried in concrete and distracted and redirected by 'technology.' Less than a century ago there was a great forest from which only remnants survive. We visit these remnants as tourists, and seem to have forgotten our relationship.The original caretakers of this land, did so for a thousand years or more, living good lives -the kind their grandchildren only dream about and try to remember- and they did it without destruction of the world. The spirit of conquest and aquisition came here, set up New Rome, and in less than 3 generations almost completely destroyed and diminished the majesty amerikans brag about but surely do not understand.The time is upon us, from every prophecy known to man, from even the narrow perspective of 'science' science comes dire warnings, even as the state sanctioned 'scientists' try to pooh-pooh the incoming facts.The powers that be DO NOT SERVE mankind, but a great and ancient evil -call it what you will- and ultimately they are in it only to serve their own ends. Compromises with Satan do not win friends and associates in the Greater Universe, though you might get quite rich, powerful and comfortable, if you 'play the game' 'successfully.'It's been a long time comingIt's going to be a long time goneAnd it appears to be a longAppears to be a longAppears to be a long timeIt's a long, long, long, long timeBefore the dawnTurn any cornerHear what the people sayYou know that something is going on around hereIt surely, surely, surely won't stand the light of dayAnd it appears to be a longAppers to be a longAppears to be a longSUch a long, long timeBefore the dawnSpeak out, you got to speak out against the madnessYou got to speak your mind If you dareDon't, no don't TRY TO GET YOURSELF ELECTEDIF YOU DO YOU HAD BETTER CUT YOUR HAIRAnd it appears to be a longAppears to be a longAppears to be a long timeSuch a long, long, long, long timeBefore the dawnIt's been a long time comingIt's going to be a long time goneBut you know, the darkest hourIs always just before the dawnAnd it appears to be a longAppears to be a longAppears to be a long timeSuch a long, long, long, long timeBefore the dawnThe Dawn has arrived. Did you cut your hair? [ Post Comment ] Comment #44 posted by FoM on August 25, 2008 at 10:50:18 PT Wash. Medical Pot Patients Protest Caps on Supply August 25, 2008 OLYMPIA, Wash. (AP) - Medical marijuana activists plan to pack a state Health Department hearing to protest limits on how much pot a patient can have.They're upset with the state's proposed caps, which will define the amount of marijuana and plants that are considered a legal two-month supply under state law.State officials once wanted to propose 35 ounces and 100 square feet of plant-growing area. But Gov. Chris Gregoire thought that was too high, and ordered the Health Department to meet with law enforcement.Afterward, the proposed limits dropped to 24 ounces of usable pot, along with six mature plants and 18 immature plants. Those are the same limits used in Oregon.Copyright 2008 The Associated Press [ Post Comment ] Comment #43 posted by FoM on August 25, 2008 at 10:10:03 PT About The Convention I'm really happy to hear on the news that Senator Kennedy might appear at the DNC tonight. These next few days should really be an uplifting experience if all goes well. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. [ Post Comment ] Comment #42 posted by FoM on August 25, 2008 at 08:55:31 PT Hope I spent a lot of time competing in years past but how the right tears down liberals is really hard to take. I believe in a challenge. I believe in winning but to tear down every aspect of a party or people isn't good. Tell me the qualities of a person and I will pick the best person that way. Looking on the dark side is how the right wins because it feeds angry people what they want. [ Post Comment ] Comment #41 posted by Hope on August 25, 2008 at 08:42:19 PT It's a contest... One trying to win over the other. It's not going to be pretty. It never is."Tear down" instead of "Build up" is what this country has been about for a very long time.Things that ought to be done to get this country on track for a better life for everyone: Increase the attractiveness of education. Increase it a lot. Stop making schools places to cull people out, instead of building them up. Don't treat our young people like suspects in crime or prisoners in a gulag system.Cut down on the size of the "big stick" that's hanging over every citizen's head... guilty and innocent alike... the prison/industrial complex/extreme law enforcement system. Drop the chains and whips and try for building up instead of tearing down. [ Post Comment ] Comment #40 posted by FoM on August 25, 2008 at 07:35:30 PT Just a Comment I can't find any worthwhile news to post but I'll keep checking. I'm looking forward to watching the Convention this week. The only thing I am not looking forward to are the hateful people on the right that try to find a fault with anything Obama has done or does. How to tear down a country is how the right likes to do things. I will not miss them having control of the reins if all goes well. [ Post Comment ] Comment #39 posted by Hope on August 25, 2008 at 07:29:45 PT "a big-mouthed attack dog as VP" Biden is that, for sure, BGreen. Biden is known for viciousness and extreme arrogance. I have trouble with that. A lot of trouble.Biden is personally responsible for so much that we are trying to "reform".Biden has been in government for so long and has had a very long time to prove that he can make things better in government... and he's mostly made them worse.Biden and Barr. Have they really "seen the light"? I don't know. God knows, I hope so.It's like learning to trust the snake that bit you. I have real trouble with that. I can't bring myself to have much confidence in "snakes" in the first place... much less those that have proven themselves to be cold, cruel, and vindictive and have inflicted painful wounds in the past.I'm not up to "patting" it yet. I'll just watch. Carefully. Very carefully. [ Post Comment ] Comment #38 posted by OverwhelmSam on August 25, 2008 at 04:23:26 PT BGreen I know what your mean. I feel so used by candidates who promise one thing to get the nomination, and then conveniently blow your support and issues off, after they have the election.We Won't Get Fooled Again: least, I hope we won't. [ Post Comment ] Comment #37 posted by BGreen on August 24, 2008 at 21:12:16 PT phil_debowl (Don't mind if I do) LOL I know FoM feels the same way I do. We all hope Obama doesn't let us down. All we can do is make sure the worst of the candidates don't get elected and hope our choice doesn't let us down. That's the story of my life. Unfortunately, I've been let down many times by those I supported and those I didn't.I won't give up hope and I won't judge Obama until I see who he appoints as drug czar.As far as a wolf in sheep's clothing, I'd rather have the unknown Obama over the known McCain any day, any way.The Reverend Bud Green [ Post Comment ] Comment #36 posted by phil_debowl on August 24, 2008 at 20:14:58 PT Bgreen Very good points and I agree with a lot of them. I'm just worried about the devil in sheeps clothing.A lot of really bad people in history have built support based on really good ideas of change. Good enough ideas and speeches to pull the majority into hell with them. I just hope Obama isn't one of them, and picking Biden as a running mate really makes me worry about that.At this point i would feel safer with Obama for sure, but I'm still very worried.Where is the blue collar candidate, not the one that supports blue collar, but is blue collar? What happened to "When you grow up you can even be president"It seems like really good people have no desire for power.I don't know, I just don't feel like the people control anything anymore, or have for a long time, and it frustrates me. [ Post Comment ] Comment #35 posted by FoM on August 24, 2008 at 19:51:12 PT BGreen You're welcome. I believe this could be our last chance to get it right. If we continue on the path we are on we are doomed to having a society that won't be very good. [ Post Comment ] Comment #34 posted by BGreen on August 24, 2008 at 19:47:20 PT Aw, shucks {blushing}Thanks, FoM.The Reverend Bud Green [ Post Comment ] Comment #33 posted by FoM on August 24, 2008 at 19:33:28 PT BGreen My goodness BGreen. That is the best comment you have ever written. Thank you. [ Post Comment ] Comment #32 posted by BGreen on August 24, 2008 at 19:27:03 PT I'm not worried, and I'll tell you why There is one thing more important to me than cannabis prohibition and that is my country. If we don't elect Obama, our once-great Country is finished.We have to have a big-mouthed attack dog as VP to counter the Karl Rove brand of lies/slander/lies or else McCain is President and we're screwed. We'll be at war with Russia and every other Country in the world, and the United States of America will go the way of the Roman Empire.Besides all of that, the only VP in my lifetime that has done anything other than attend funerals and misspell "potato" has been the current administration, and there's no reason whatsoever to assume Obama is a puppet like the idiot in chief we now have.For now I just want to get our Country back at least to the point where we were respected by the rest of the world, and Obama is the person that can and has done that.We've blackmailed the rest of the world to do what we say or else we wouldn't send money their way, so-called "foreign aid" but nothing more than taxpayer-funded bribes, but we can't afford to do that anymore and Obama knows it.The rest of the civilized world has shown a greater amount of common sense when it comes to cannabis, but the pressure by the USA has kept cannabis prohibition going. Without that pressure, I have no doubt that more European Countries will follow the Dutch model and not the US model.President McCain = nuclear war.The Reverend Bud Green [ Post Comment ] Comment #31 posted by FoM on August 24, 2008 at 19:16:54 PT phil_debowl Obama said that change comes from the bottom up. I think that's right. We will change the way we are going if we work hard and don't lose hope. I think Obama maybe will listen. [ Post Comment ] Comment #30 posted by tintala on August 24, 2008 at 19:12:04 PT: OBAMA should get it coz Mcain scares the hell outa ME! Man if we think it's bad in USA now, wait till Mccain get the NOM, I mean wholly crap that scared me! He is almost 72 years old, we need NEW BLOOD , not OLD blood, the supreme court justices need to be cleansed also! Where the hell is this country heading? NOT in the rigt direction! If Mccain gets it, Im outa here and will move to Nepal. [ Post Comment ] Comment #29 posted by phil_debowl on August 24, 2008 at 19:01:48 PT Thoughtful words as always :) I embrace change, I just don't think change is where we're headed. I feel that we're being given a dog and pony show, so we feel like we're in control, when we're actually only given a choice of who is presented to us.I feel like it's been this way for the better part of a century, for a purpose, to divide a lot of people that most likely want a lot of the same things, but get so caught up in the little bs that doesn't really have any affect on anything.I do hope Obama wins, and actually changes things which I doubt, but if he doesn't and it turns out to be a lot of talk (again), maybe people will wake up?Of course that's what I told myself after the 2004 elections after people saw what bush was really going to do.I just can't sell myself out anymore for the less evil. I've done that in the past and it hasn't done any good.We're all people, we should all be on the same team, compromising to make things better for everyone, not divisive and destroying ourselves.Sorry for all the off topic stuff. I haven't posted in over a year (not for lack of checking in a few times a week :) ), and I apologize for my posts being off topic :). [ Post Comment ] Comment #28 posted by FoM on August 24, 2008 at 18:49:49 PT phil_debowl These are very difficult times. Obama supporters have hope because they have listened to him for many months. I want Obama to listen to Republicans if he wins. I don't think there is one correct political party. People really are imperfect. We can't seem to all find a common wave length sometimes. I believe the Internet has moved the general publics ideas forward faster then I thought was possible. Some people are afraid of change. I don't like major changes in my life but when they come they always open up new doors. [ Post Comment ] Comment #27 posted by phil_debowl on August 24, 2008 at 18:24:20 PT bothers me most The thing that I think bothers me most is that he couldn't pass his rave act the right way the 1st time by getting votes for it so he slid it into the Amber Alert Bill like a little weasel, completely flipping the bird to democracy and everything else we're supposed to be about.What does that say about the ideals of the person that picked him for their running mate?I'm sick of being force fed my choices by the same corporations that stand to gain or loose profits based on our votes, or how much money can be raised from those corporations that don't give a crap about me, or my family. Does nothing seem wrong about that?And then we have the closest running 3rd party which I agree with on a lot of issues (libertarian), but wants to give even more control to those corporations to stick it to us even more, and then the green party which wants to heavily regulate the people and the corporations. Where is the middle ground here? Is there anyone that is just for the people who pay to support this system? I guess if there is they won't see any money from the main money holders.I'm just really frustrated right now. [ Post Comment ] Comment #26 posted by observer on August 24, 2008 at 17:53:54 PT Biden on Drugs People are commenting on Biden's drug (including cannabis) policy stances. The kinds of laws he's created and voted for in the past. Ed Brayton (Michigan Citizens for Science) puts it like this. [F]rom a policy perspective, it's a disaster. Biden has sponsored more damaging drug war legislation than any Democrat in Congress. Hate the way federal prosecutors use RICO laws to take aim at drug offenders? Thank Biden. How about the abomination that is federal asset forfeiture laws? Thank Biden. Think federal prosecutors have too much power in drug cases? Thank Biden. Think the title of a "Drug Czar" is sanctimonious and silly? Thank Biden, who helped create the position (and still considers it an accomplishment worth boasting about)... Biden voted in favor of using international development aid for drug control (think plan Columbia, plan Afghanistan, and other meddling anti-drug efforts that have only fostered loathing of America, backlash, and unintended consequences). Oh, and he was also the chief sponsor of 2004's horrendous RAVE Act...Biden's record on other criminal justice and civil liberties issues is just as bad. Opponents of the federalization of crime might note that the 1994 crime bill he sponsored created several new federal capital [death penalty] offenses... [Biden] believes "most violent crime is related to drugs" (if he had said "drug prohibition," he'd be closer to the truth).He said last year he favors "universal national service," either in the Peace Corps or the military. Sounds like conscription [i.e., the draft] to me. He says he's opposed to the PATRIOT Act, but he voted for both the original bill and its re-authorization in 2005., Biden was chosen (by the political masters and controllers) to allay fears that Obama is too young, or has admitted to taking too much cocaine in the past, or may be too "soft on drugs." White, male, older, gray-haired, "tough on drugs", pro-authoritarian Biden who has "sponsored more damaging drug war legislation than any Democrat in Congress" will do nicely. Perhaps after Biden suffers a similar fate as Barr did politically at the hands of medical marijuana users, he'll see the light. But I am not holding my breath waiting for such a conversion in Biden's case. I shudder to think of all the time people have spent in jail for cannabis, how many people who have been guned down in cold blood by police for the cannabis plant, in part because of this politician's (Biden's) enabling acts and laws he has created, endorsed, and voted for. It's not a pretty picture. And Obama's political opponent, is (arguably of course) responsible for even more cannabis users, sellers and growers jailed, stolen from, and killed. [ Post Comment ] Comment #25 posted by phil_debowl on August 24, 2008 at 17:53:32 PT upset and done with lesser of 2 evils voting and selling out ideals for votes.The War on Drugs has often been used to suppress music and lifestyles disliked by the political establishment. Local, state, and federal drug laws give the government enormous power and this power has been used to exert control over emerging subcultures. Jazz in the 1940s. Rock and roll in the 1960s. Heavy metal and rap in the 1980s. Electronic music and Hip Hop today.The RAVE Act which threatens to squash live music and free speech was passed in 2003 when it was tacked onto an unrelated child protection bill. In 2004 there were two additional pieces of legislation considered - the CLEAN-UP Act and the Ecstasy Awareness Act - that threatened to widen the laws to prosecute anyone who holds an event and fails to prevent illicit drug use.Senator Joe Biden (D-DE) forced the controversial legislation commonly known as the "RAVE" Act through both houses of Congress as an attachment to an unrelated child abduction bill. The "RAVE" Act, also referred to as the Illicit Drug Anti-Proliferation Act of 2003, was introduced as an addition to the Child Abduction Protect Act of 2003, widely recognized as the AMBER Alert bill (S151). The "RAVE" Act had not passed a single committee before being attached to the AMBER Alert bill. In addition, it was so controversial when it was introduced during the 107th Congress that two Senators withdrew their sponsorship.The "RAVE" Act makes it easier for the federal government to prosecute innocent business owners for the drug offenses of their customers - even if they take steps to stop such activity. This is a threat to free speech and musical expression while placing at risk any hotel/motel owner, concert promoter, event organizer, nightclub owner or arena/stadium owner for the drug violations of third parties - real or alleged - regardless of whether or not the promoter and/or property owner made a good-faith effort to keep their event drug-free. It applies not only to electronic music parties, but any type of public gathering: theatrical productions, rock concerts, DJ nights at your local club or tavern, and political rallies. Moreover, it gives heightened powers and discretion to prosecutors who may use it to target events they personally don’t like, such as Hip-Hop events and gay and lesbian fundraisers.The "RAVE" Act was passed despite the fact it did not have a public hearing, debate or vote in Congress. It is important to note that because of overwhelming opposition to the "RAVE" Act, legislators were forced to remove some of the most egregious language before it passed. For example, the word "rave" was removed from the version of the bill attached to the AMBER Alert. Eliminating such blatant discrimination is a victory for our continued freedom of speech. Also, the original bill suggested that prosecutors should view the sale of water and the presence of glowsticks or massage oil as evidence of drug use. These ludicrous "findings" were completely removed due in large part to activists who sent nearly 30,000 faxes in 2003 alone to their Senators urging them not to support the dangerous legislation.When it was first introduced there was widespread belief that the "RAVE" Act would move through the legislative channels quickly with no revision. Instead, it took 10 months, a change of power in the United States Senate, backroom policymaking, and substantial changes to the bill before it was passed - and even then it did not pass via "normal" legislative procedures.The "RAVE" Act gives the government even more power to harass and arrest innocent musicians, promoters, venue owners, and fans - all in the name of the War on Drugs. Law enforcement agencies already target certain types of musical and cultural events and the nightclubs that host them. The Drug Enforcement Administration is prosecuting nightclub owners and promoters that organize electronic dance music events and the military is using drugs as a pretext to close down gay nightclubs. In Michigan in March 2005, a nightclub was raided with some attendees reportedly being strip-searched and over 100 people being ticketed and slapped with a misdemeanor charge, just for being in proximity to people using drugs. A similar incident happened in 2002 in Wisconsin. In addition, drug laws are often enforced unevenly against African Americans and Latinos. Hip-Hop could easily become a target.Opposition to the "RAVE" Act remains strong - over 3,000 of you spoke out after the arrests in Michigan. In July 2005 the Alliance submitted a Freedom of Information Act request to the Department of Justice for information on how the RAVE Act is being used, in order to determine whether it is being abused by prosecutors. The Drug Policy Alliance and its coalition of partners will continue to work to protect property owners, prevent further criminalization of dance and music events, mobilize opposition, and advocate amending this dangerous law. [ Post Comment ] Comment #24 posted by FoM on August 24, 2008 at 16:25:28 PT E_Johnson I agree with that. [ Post Comment ] Comment #23 posted by observer on August 24, 2008 at 16:12:56 PT Something Different I want something different.Yes, I can agree with that. I want something different, too. I want the U.S. government to immediately cease jailing people for using, growing or selling the cannabis plant. When I say "worse" here, I mean worse from the point of view of jailing more people for their involvement with the cannabis plant. [ Post Comment ] Comment #22 posted by E_Johnson on August 24, 2008 at 16:10:34 PT Biden on MMJ from Granite Staters web site At a house party in Canterbury, New Hampshire, on May 12, 2007, Sen. Biden was asked if he would end the federal raids on medical marijuana patients. He responded, "Yes!" He added, "But you know that one of the things we have got to deal with is the issue of pain management. I spent a lot of time in the hospital, fortunately I wasn't, for most of the time, in serious pain. But, you know, lying there for 59 days in an ICU unit you see people and hear people in pain. We have not devoted nearly enough science or time to deal with the pain management and chronic pain management that exists. There's got to be a better answer than marijuana. There's got to be a better answer than that. There's got to be a better way for a humane society to figure out how to deal with that problem."*********He's trying to have it both ways, but the science is going to lead him in the right direction, because cannabis is the better way and the science isn't going to stop proving it.If Bob Barr can change, then anyone can change. [ Post Comment ] Comment #21 posted by E_Johnson on August 24, 2008 at 16:03:32 PT Okay now remember Bob Barr Was there a bigger enemy of cannabis reform than Bob Barr?I think Joe Biden's heading the same way. His exit strategy will be keyworded under "accountability," as in, maybe we should make this policy area "accountable." [ Post Comment ] Comment #20 posted by FoM on August 24, 2008 at 15:37:24 PT observer I'm comparing the two and the policies of Obama are more compatible with my values. I didn't say McCain was worse. He's a Republican and his values are different then mine. That doesn't make him worse though. He's just the same as what we have now. I guess some people like how things are but I want something different. [ Post Comment ] Comment #19 posted by observer on August 24, 2008 at 15:18:11 PT No Friend to Cannabis And/Or Drug Law Reform Here's what I mean: Obama doesn't look like any kind of friend to drug (or "cannabis law", "or marijuana law" or "marihuana policy" etc.) reform, about the best you can say is that Obama's political opponent, is even worse. I wish this were not so; but I think that would just be wishful thinking. [ Post Comment ] Comment #18 posted by FoM on August 24, 2008 at 14:23:31 PT observer I don't know why you used brain damaged when referring to Biden. I don't believe in insulting people. He had a brain aneurysm. So did Neil Young. PS: I can't substitute cannabis law policy for drug policy. They are very different to me. [ Post Comment ] Comment #17 posted by FoM on August 24, 2008 at 13:59:47 PT observer I also hope you are wrong about Obama. I look at life differently then many people. I look at our social structure more then politics. I'll define a good President. I want a President who knows when to check himself. I want a President who is intelligent and can listen and learn. I want a Progressive President. I want a President that can make people a little less uptight. Most of all I want a President who might be able to restore a good standing in the world for us. [ Post Comment ] Comment #16 posted by observer on August 24, 2008 at 13:44:54 PT VP Picks I don't think people on CNews understand..I think this site is "cannabis" news for a reason, of course. You may substitute "cannabis law policy" for "drug policy" in what I said below, if you like. It stands, all the same. What do you think about _____'s possible VP picks?About the best you can say is that fill-in-the-blank over there, Obama's political opponent, is even worse. Bad and Worse. Not a pretty choice. Just because Ivan is worse than Igor is no reason I should like either of them. Either way, you end up with an establishment pre-approved puppet. A puppet is still a puppet. Of course, I could be wrong and Obama could usher in a new day of sunshine and truth and happiness. Ol' Brain-damaged Biden wasn't chosen to make the Obama ticket look "tough", oh no - Obama is now going to convince Biden of the error of Biden's jail-the-cannabis-user ways. But, I don't think this is going to happen. Yet I hope I'm wrong though. Would love to be wrong on this one. I would love to be wrong about Obama. [ Post Comment ] Comment #15 posted by FoM on August 24, 2008 at 13:06:24 PT observer Sometimes I don't think people on CNews understand that I am only keeping my eyes on reforming marijuana laws. I never would have started this journey many years ago if I had to include drug policy issues. I don't know anyone personally that is interested in drug laws. I don't mean people online just friends from my area of the country. I think I might live long enough to see MJ reform happen though. [ Post Comment ] Comment #14 posted by FoM on August 24, 2008 at 12:57:55 PT observer What do you think about McCain's possible VP picks? I haven't found any hope there since I've been looking. [ Post Comment ] Comment #13 posted by observer on August 24, 2008 at 12:21:05 PT Run of the Mill Prohibitionists I think Obama will teach him the way things are now not how they were back in days gone by. Biden is around 65Just as I thought - Biden was chosen to offset Obama's not-so-tough-on-drugs image. Like McCaffery was chosen to offset Bill Clinton's "inhale" image. I certainly hope I'm wrong, but let's face reality here. Obama is most likely going to arrest as many or more pot smokers, even though as chief executive, he could instantly call a halt to all federal cannabis prosecutions. He'll do this because his political masters will tell him to do this. He will obey them, because he wants to be re-elected. After re-election (if he gets that far) he'll pretend that pot smokers aren't being arrested 800,000 per year, just like Bill Clinton did. Obama doesn't look like any kind of friend to drug reform, about the best you can say is that fill-in-the-blank over there, Obama's political opponent, is even worse. Cold comfort, but we need to wake up and look at things realistically, not with wishful thinking. I certainly hope I'm wrong. But it doesn't look that way. Mark my words. [ Post Comment ] Comment #12 posted by FoM on August 24, 2008 at 10:11:29 PT E_Johnson That was a good movie. I always liked Soylent Green too. [ Post Comment ] Comment #11 posted by E_Johnson on August 24, 2008 at 09:58:08 PT FoM yes that's where I got it I want a shirt like the one Melanie Griffith wears in the movie that says DIGNITY in huge letters.I love that movie. I keep thinking of it, the crazier our society gets.It's like the Lesters have taken over the world. [ Post Comment ] Comment #10 posted by FoM on August 24, 2008 at 09:40:33 PT EJ Just a Thought Everytime I type your name I think of Cherry 2000. [ Post Comment ] Comment #9 posted by FoM on August 24, 2008 at 09:38:53 PT E_Johnson That's wonderful news. Bob Marley was the essence of living the way I think is a good way to live. [ Post Comment ] Comment #8 posted by E_Johnson on August 24, 2008 at 09:16:56 PT This news made me cry a little In todays NY Times:Serbs Unveil Statue to Bob MarleyBANATSKI SOKOLAC, Serbia (Reuters) - A Serbian village unveiled what it said was Europe's first statue to the late Jamaican reggae star Bob Marley on Saturday, to promote tolerance in a region still recovering from war. [ Post Comment ] Comment #7 posted by FoM on August 24, 2008 at 05:12:45 PT E_Johnson I've found during difficult times to focus on all things shall pass. When negative thoughts or physical illness become too much too handle those words might just get us thru it a little easier. Paul McCartney - All Things Must Pass [live, Madrid '2004] [ Post Comment ] Comment #6 posted by TGordon on August 24, 2008 at 01:58:12 PT ... "Marijuana is usually the first drug used by hard-core drug users simply because it is more accessible, the study concluded."Really? I could have sworn that the first drug all of the "hard-core" drug users I have ever met or known was either caffeine, tobacco, alcohol, or aspirin... [ Post Comment ] Comment #5 posted by E_Johnson on August 23, 2008 at 22:58:47 PT FoM This too shall pass -- that's what got me through my colonoscopy. [ Post Comment ] Comment #4 posted by FoM on August 23, 2008 at 19:46:25 PT John Tyler I have my fingers crossed too. Biden will lose his position and have a new one as VP. I think Obama will teach him the way things are now not how they were back in days gone by. Biden is around 65. He was a little before the time of the 60's revolution. I think he will get it. [ Post Comment ] Comment #3 posted by John Tyler on August 23, 2008 at 19:38:47 PT Biden Correction: Chuck Negron was in Three Dog Night not CCR, like I said earlier.I hope Joe Biden has turned over a new leaf, because in the recent past he was a solid prohibitionist. He supposedly wrote the anti paraphernalia law and was a sponsor for the Rave Act. He wasn’t supportive of medical marijuana either. He has been a supporter of the ONDCP. On the upside he introduced a bill that would reduce the disparity between crack cocaine and powered cocaine. So, I guess we will have to wait and see who influences whom. I have my fingers crossed. [ Post Comment ] Comment #2 posted by FoM on August 23, 2008 at 13:18:33 PT museman I'm also very tired. One thing I've learned in life that when I was at my lowest emotional level being still and thinking that this too will pass got me thru it all. [ Post Comment ] Comment #1 posted by museman on August 23, 2008 at 10:52:45 PT OT: my (tired) opinion I'm tired.Tired of BS. Tired of banging my head against the walls of the status quo mindset. Tired of arguing finite points of semantic definition with confirmed and committed servants of the state (what's the point?) Tired of the prejudice of the white man towards everything not on their 'A' list. Tired of being a white man with an indian spirit. Tired of seeing the multitudes of perspectives going off in a multitude of directions with self-serving singularity, and adamant denial of the few concepts and ideas that have a chance in hell of making any difference - all for the sake of the "person" or the "Personality" and with only lip-service given to the collective ideals of love, sharing, peace, respect, and ethical choices.Tired of the pretenders who manage to always get the spotlight, while the silent laborers of love bear the brunt of their loud ignorance. Tired of the standards that defines the worth of a man or woman -the trash is neck deep- based on ancient mandates of a ruling class decended from demons.Tired of 'friends' who only call or visit when they want something.Tired of the so-called 'positive thinkers' whose 'positivity' is maintained by deliberate ignorance and denial of the truth. Tired of arguing the truth with minds that haven't the faculties (or desire) to recognize it.Tired of cops, lawyers, preachers, teachers, politicians, and all those 'good citizens' who prop up those various levels of false authority and value with their own servile perspectives and words.Tired of putting my liberty on the line just to communicate information that too few actually want.Tired of having to explain every little detail, because most white (and other races of) MEN are so full of themselves they can't be open to new ideas and concept after the age of about 25. Tired of spending the time at such a fruitless exercize.Tired of being judged because the Amerikan military damaged me, and being blamed for the damage by ignorant smiling fools.Tired of my empathic abilities to see through the 'public faces' that everyone thinks covers up their souls. Tired of my talents, being wasted and ignored up against the glitter and hype of hollywood and the music industry.Tired of the establishment programming the youth on a daily basis to be greedy monsters that can only 'succeed' by trashing hearts, and trodding on those with less ambition for 'success.'Tired of the constant seeking to compromise with erroneous systems, and an almost total lack of faith in anything other than the dollar and what it can buy.Tired of having my pain and suffering compared to those whose pain and suffering is much worse, and being told in mocking tones (by those who have yet to experience the pain and suffering) to be 'grateful.'I am thankful of many things, none mentioned here. I am sure that it will all change drasticly in the near future, even though the extreme measures that will have to be taken by YHWH and Nature are sure to catch a lot of people up with the pain and suffering part.I have cast my pearls before swine too many times, and from the perspective of an honest attempt to be loving and caring, all too often have I experienced the 'they will turn and rend thee with them' part of the parable. I have tried to be strong, and bear the infirmities of the weak, but I am tired.What shall I do? The truth will not rest. The lies and the demonic spirits that promote and propagate them are not resting. The BS is as thick as it ever was, and most of Amerika has invited it into their lives and homes as if it were a favorite friend.Sodom and Gomorra were never so spiritually filthy as is this nation of idiots. Is ignorance an excuse?Is there hope. Always.I have not been content to wait, but felt the need for action, believing that life is not totally fatalistic and destined, but full of choice and possibility -that even the dire situation that looms on the close horizon (though the price of gas falling a few cents has some folks claiming relief) could have been circumnavigated by enough of humanity embracing the truth. Enbracing the truth. Hah! LOL.Some few, yes. Ultimately those few will save the surviving remnants from barbarism and primitivism, because they possess right now the truth that the collective needs so desperately to awaken to. I just hope they aren't as tired as I am right now.peace -if you can get it. [ Post Comment ] Post Comment