Public Faces Medical Marijuana Scam

Public Faces Medical Marijuana Scam
Posted by CN Staff on July 24, 2008 at 04:48:43 PT
By Kevin A. Sabet
Source: Daily Bulletin
California -- A recent article in the Daily Bulletin regarding medical marijuana failed to mention the fallacies and problems associated with what has become a personal mission and profession for a limited few to blatantly distort the truth in an attempt to lead readers to believe that smoked marijuana is medicine. The simple failure to mention the scores of young adults and others who obtain marijuana cards simply to get high is rather astonishing. Instead, The Sun was scammed by the pro-legalization movement that constantly seeks out and pushes the sick in the view of the media for their own selfish cause.
Never will they tell you about the scores of youth and adults who have California-issued marijuana cards for no other purpose than to get high. Now that would make a story worth publishing. The public is not fooled. After a decade of watching the failures of Prop 215, enough is enough. With all of the talk about medical marijuana it is hard to separate truth and science from ideology and dogma. In recent years, marijuana activists in the state have donned white coats and exclaimed a new-found concern for the seriously ill, while legislators and judges have been left to wrestle with the consequences of a poorly written referendum, Proposition 215. Unfortunately, Proposition 215 has nothing to do with the sick and dying, as a simple read of its text reveals that marijuana can be legally recommended for "any illness for which marijuana provides relief." This has led to a multi-million dollar, state-sanctioned drug distribution industry, resulting in a substantial increase in medical fraud (the drug has been recommended for everything from hangnails to fatigue to reduced sex drive), "medical marijuana" use by minors, and increased local crime. That is why scores of California localities, like San Diego, San Marcos, Anaheim, Oxnard, Rancho Cucamonga, Norco, Hemet, Fontana, Murrieta, Temecula, Colton, Chino and Claremont (among others), after thoroughly studying the issue, have come out with a ban on such dispensaries. They should be commended. A recent column in the Los Angeles Times, "This bud's for you, and you, and you" by Joel Stein, and a 2007 expose by "60 Minutes" have revealed just how easy it is to obtain marijuana - "sick" or not. So it is also not surprising that the Food and Drug Administration, American Medical Association, and the renowned Mayo Clinic have come out against smoked marijuana as a so-called "medicine." A landmark study almost 10 years ago, conducted by the Institute of Medicine, stated that "... smoked marijuana should generally not be recommended for ... medical use." Smoked marijuana (smoked anything) has never passed basic medical standards of safety and efficacy. Medical marijuana dispensaries mask as havens for the sick, when in reality they serve as city-condoned centers for drug use. Of course there may be some people who genuinely use it to "feel better" from their illness, but smoking a drug as volatile and unstable as marijuana is like chewing on willow bark to partake in the benefits of aspirin. For those whose doctors think that some components of the cannabis plant may be therapeutic, Marinol, derived from the plant's most active ingredient, THC, already exists. Though it's not often prescribed, doctors have the right to prescribe this drug if they feel it would best serve their patient (though non-cannabis-based drugs are almost always chosen as a first resort). Other isolated components in marijuana - delivered in aerosol sprays or patches - are currently being studied and research in this area is important. Cannabis-based drugs could indeed open new pathways to fight obesity, nausea, multiple sclerosis and other illnesses, but, just as someone should not inject heroin to gain the therapeutic effects of morphine, these drugs need to be used in the proper context and setting. Legalizing smoked marijuana under the guise of medicine is irresponsible and contradictory to basic scientific standards for therapeutic drugs. Even if smoking marijuana might make someone to "feel better," that is not enough to call it a medicine. If that was the case, then tobacco cigarettes or vodka shots could be called medicine because they are often attributed with making one "feel better." Furthermore, it is contrary to common sense and established law to have the electorate, influenced by big spending from pro-marijuana interest groups, decide what medicine is. Serious loopholes exist in Proposition 215 that permit the abuse of current drug laws, and allow drug dealers to avoid arrest and prosecution. These are key reasons why a large, growing number of city and county governments have moved toward banning medical marijuana identification cards and dispensaries. Other California communities should follow suit. Science needs to be the basis of both our legal and illegal drug policies, not political ploys designed to legalize smoked marijuana for any reason. Concerned communities, parents, educators and youth can learn more about the dangers of marijuana at Kevin A. Sabet, Ph.D., is an adviser to the Inland Valley Drug Free Community Coalition ( and has been researching and consulting on drug abuse matters for more than 14 years. He is a former Office of National Drug Control Policy senior official under the Clinton and Bush administrations. Source: Inland Valley Daily Bulletin (Ontario, CA)Author: Kevin A. SabetPublished: July 23, 2008Copyright: 2008 Los Angeles Newspaper GroupContact: letters dailybulletin.comWebsite: Medical Marijuana Archives
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Comment #55 posted by Paint with light on July 31, 2008 at 23:50:36 PT
Thanks for trying to understand. I respect you as a moderator and as a person. Maybe you weren't picked on as a kid but I was. A lot.No need to go into a lot of boring details, but I have always been sensitive to people who bully others.I can promise you I will not be picking fights with anyone, and haven't since I have been here. In the previous encounter where I was attacked, I responded in kind, and then was called on it by you. In that thread I deserved it. Thank you.This time I did not go there.The only bright spot in all of this hassle is it is good training for encountering people who are antagonistic. It is helpful in learning control. This time I thought I kept it in check. I try to always give short posts and just deal with ideas.This is important work we have here and I respect the forum.So don't worry about it cause I don't.I will even try to say something positive about my adversary.He plays a pretty mean lead guitar.As always equal with alcohol is all I ask.and, Go Obama!
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Comment #54 posted by FoM on July 31, 2008 at 11:43:26 PT
Paint with Light 
I don't approve of fighting but as far as following this thread I am not really following it. When adults can't work it out between themselves I don't want to get in the middle of it anymore. The one way I might be able to stay healthy is to avoid things that will get me upset. 
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Comment #53 posted by Paint with light on July 31, 2008 at 00:33:10 PT
Can you honestly say I am the problem here?I feel like Mike Douglas's character in "Fatal Attraction".I don't know specifically what this guy's problem is but he obviously obsesses about my words.I made a comment about the article and then the attacking began. This is the second time the same behavior has been exhibited towards me. I have not directed any comments towards this person but merely the ideas. He eventually does what he did before and takes it to a personal level. He is really obsessed.I did not react this time like I did before so I don't think there is anything else I could have done but to accept being bullied. Which if you read closely is basicly what I did.Surely his is not behavior you approve of.I am sorry you have to deal with this.If I felt I have done anything to appoligize for I would.I will continue to be positive to those who are positive to me and not talk to those who aren't.Equal with alcohol is all I ask.
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Comment #52 posted by museman on July 30, 2008 at 10:45:17 PT
I am reminded of a time...
On my 24th birthday when the cops arrested me on a year old marijuana ticket.They busted me without a warrant, so they couldn't book me until they got it.They took me into their conference room and handcuffed me to a chair. Then they proceeded to tell me how 'marijauna will never be legalized' while mocking my situation.I was a little apprehensive at first, being unable to move and all, but I didn't let that stop me. I informed them that they were wrong, and that they couldn't stop the consciousness, and the movement. Oh they were so confident. After all they had me cuffed to a chair, 'helpless' before their 'authority' and arrogantly convinced that they were right because they had the establishment, the status quo, the 'amerikan dream' to back 'em up. Of course they were so afraid of the truth they had to bind me up, intimidate me, and laugh nervously every time I revealed the truth.Well, I did 2 different jail sentences for that one ticket, but I never paid them one dime. The statute of limitations ran out on it about 10 years ago.You can handcuff me to a chair, threaten me with whatever, but I will not back down from the truth. If you can actually show me truth, I will embrace it, but the rock has served me and other honest folks quite well, I'm not leaving it to capitulate with defenders fo the status quo.I know who the enemy is. I am well aquainted with adversarial techniques and tricks, I was schooled by some of the best mind-f--kers out there. I know it when I see it.The invisible clothes of the emporer are worn by the slaves of the status quo, who continue to claim that the authority of the state and the economic class system is 'justified' and by having no fortitude to stand up against their masters, try to make themselves look/feel better by casting about for people to blame, put-down, and mock because they are standing up.The system has failed. It is falling down. I got out of the way of falling mortar a long time ago. I am interested in assisting those who seek truth, freedom, and spiritual understanding, I am also adamantly refusing to allow the BS past this point. There are young minds coming into the fray, and they do not need this kind of BS clouding up the works.I have seen the wormtongueing going on, I have no doubt I am not the only one. but if I am, it won't be the first time I've been handcuffed to a chair.
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Comment #51 posted by museman on July 30, 2008 at 10:20:38 PT
It could have happened quite easily, back when the insults started -on-record-and in public view, but one does not give in to false accusations, at least I don't.
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Comment #50 posted by FoM on July 30, 2008 at 09:55:31 PT
I sure hope the two of you can work this out. 
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Comment #49 posted by museman on July 30, 2008 at 09:51:33 PT
in the past
I might find this a good time to get some space, let the field lie fallow for a while. In this case however I feel it my patriotic duty to keep the light shining on this particular piece of BS, because I am simply tired of people like this getting away with the games of doublespeak, doublethink, and doubling back on things that were said as if they weren't said.The evidence, statements made, and the tenor of them, is all there on public record.Unfortunately it doesn't do much for community solidarity for this kind of thing to go on, and in the past, in the interest of that solidarity I have backed away from many responses. If you read the posts, what was said, the explanations by me, you will see quite clearly where the spirit of the situation really lies, and who actually started throwing stones.Yes, at this point I am on fire with resolve. It has been made personal, and though I have made more than adequate effort to keep it from being that way, at this point I am not backing down. Cannabis will be free, Some of us will be free. And ultimately it will happen without the conditions of the state and the status quo. Those who want to believe in the religion of state and economics, throw out heart, spirit and the liberty that is our natural inheritance -without the interference of narrow-minded controls, restrictions, and econominc conditions, can go on believing it, and it will take that much longer because your lack of faith in the greater, truer things in life and creation is only slowing the process down, not stopping it.No amount of posturing, and pointing at failed systems as 'the only game in town,' trying to garner illicit support for the establishment through patronizing, and ass-kissing, while making absolute staements about the impossibility of attaining true liberty and freedom is not serving the ideals, process, and manifestation of cannabis liberation. Such continuing flag-waving for the status quo is not at heart, or the spirit of anti-prohiibtion. It is a sneaky, underhanded, decietful attempt to undermine and disrupt those of us whose 'agendas' are honest and open.So if that false flag continues to be thrown in MY face, I will burn it.
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Comment #48 posted by museman on July 30, 2008 at 09:19:48 PT
I know, I'm a baaad boy. Can't help it. Some lines should not be crossed, and when they are I am obligated to point them out.Anyone else like to weigh in on this 'discussion?' Might help to clear up what's really going on here. If you do though, I suggest you start with this thread, and follow through.
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Comment #47 posted by museman on July 30, 2008 at 09:03:10 PT
This one was written over 20 years ago just for people like you. I was hoping you'd be gone by now, but you're not. And the bug up your ass seems to be being 'painted' some new public colors, soeveryone else, enjoy,If I have to I'll youtube it and dedicate it to you.hows this for a flame, feel the heat?
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Comment #46 posted by museman on July 30, 2008 at 08:37:17 PT
stooping? mr PWL
You don't have to stoop if you're already there. My neck is definitely sore from looking down at you.Anytime you want to desist, be my guest.Battery of BS against truth has got to hurt at some point.
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Comment #45 posted by FoM on July 30, 2008 at 06:08:01 PT
Just My 2 Cents
I have been trying to think of something to say but I don't know what to say but please don't fight. I was watching the news and saw a piece on the earthquake yesterday. If the two of you were in an earthquake together you would help each other if you could. Just some words for thought.
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Comment #44 posted by Paint with light on July 30, 2008 at 00:03:27 PT
I smell a flamethrower. There are lot of words I could use to describe some people. I just don't like to stoop to others' level.Equal with alcohol is all I ask.
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Comment #43 posted by museman on July 29, 2008 at 08:27:10 PT
truth and reality
"The only way""You will never""If you aren't part of the solution, you are part of the problem."No hypocrisy or ignorance there, Nah, none at all."One thing I like about this site is almost everyone has figured that out and are doing their part." So that's supposed to mean something? Inuendos, veiled accusations, unfounded judgments, outright insults....The facts of the issue have all been laid out, I see no point in continuing to repeat myself, even though there are none so blind as those who will not see.Assumptions often produce greater ignorance. Its obvious that those assumptions have put some mighty thick blinders on.It just so happens that I am having this same conversation with a retired chemistry professor from the U of Az, and its quite amazing how a REAL scientist reacts to intelligent debate as opposed to some small-minded red-neck pretending to have a brain.He doesn't seem to disagree that truth trumps science, or that modern science is composed of 80% psuedo scientists -like you - who are only into it for the material gain, and that the 'scientific-method' of research, referred to as 'empirical research' is not dependent upon 'accredited' institutionalism, or political systems, but is a state of perception and mind also called 'discovery' that anyone whether they 'call' themselves a 'scientist' or not, can do it.Therefore, any such claims to the contrary have an entire community of actual bonafide, real scientists, and an accompanying growing trend of awareness with numerous publications, and videos stating their case with acuity and with an abundance of example and 'evidence' that makes such a claim as "without truth there would be no science" revealed to be the claim of a fool.And on and on it can go. Truth really does trump assumption and small-mindedness - a fertile ground for breeding such things as prejudicial attitudes, and self-righteous condemnations,.. The unfortunate situation is that a mind so closed and bristling with personal inadequacy that they cannot receive consciousness when it comes knocking, that shore themselves up in their fortresses of illusion, creating systems to justify and support their error, just leaves truth, freedom, justice, and true forward progress in the digress of their own personal wallow. Sounds suspiciously like the prohibitionist mind-set to me.So maybe its time to wake up and smell the coffee, or in your case, the alcohol.
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Comment #42 posted by Paint with light on July 29, 2008 at 01:03:14 PT
Science and Cannabis
Science proves cannabis is not harmful.Now we just need more people who are willing to work together to change the laws.The only way to legal pot is through the legal system.You will never get legalization without taxation and regulation.One thing I like about this site is almost everyone has figured that out and are doing their part.If you aren't part of the solution, you are part of the problem.Equal with alcohol is all I ask.
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Comment #41 posted by museman on July 28, 2008 at 13:03:06 PT
It seems obscure, because it is written in the 'love-song' format - used by mainstream musicians to get by the industry standards to actually 'say something' in the music.To me it says that pretty much whatever you believe is as real as any other belief, regardless whether it is 'acceptable' by the standards of the status quo or not.It says you can create any form, system, institution, organization, etc. that you want -providing of course that you have the tools. Money for example allows you to get away with just about anything.It says that no matter how important a 'way' is made to seem. it is no more important than any other 'way.'It says that no matter how puffed up and self-important people can make themselves or their agendas, "All I want is you." -meaning that like so many other examples of J. Lennons works, Love is the single most important thing of all.
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Comment #40 posted by FoM on July 28, 2008 at 12:38:19 PT
I went and listened to the song on Youtube. I didn't understand it at all. Some stuff goes right over the top of my head. lolPS: I have your songs saved now. Thank you for posting them. 
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Comment #39 posted by museman on July 28, 2008 at 12:27:01 PT
I dig a pony
I dig a ponyWell you can celebrate anything you wantWell you can celebrate anything you wantOoh.I do a road hogWell you can penetrate any place you goYes you can penetrate any place you goI told you so, all I want is you.Ev'rything has got to be just like you want it toBecause--I pick a moon dogWell you can radiate ev'rything you areYes you can radiate ev'rything you are--Ooh.I roll a stoneyWell you can imitate ev'ryone you knowYes you can imitate ev'ryone you knowI told you so, all I want is you.Ev'rything has got to be just like you want it toBecause--I feel the wind blowWell you can indicate anything you seeYes you can indicate anything you see--Ooh.I dug a lorryWell you can syndicate any boat you rowYes you can syndicate any boat you rowI told you so, all I want is you.Ev'rything has got to be just like you want it toBecause--J. Lennon - a 'published authority'
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Comment #38 posted by museman on July 28, 2008 at 10:05:31 PT
"Without science, truth doesn't exist."
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Comment #37 posted by Paint with light on July 27, 2008 at 23:28:20 PT
Science measures truth
Science is a tool. It measures truth in the only place it exists, in the physical world.Without science, truth doesn't exist.Equal with alcohol is all I ask.
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Comment #36 posted by museman on July 27, 2008 at 09:34:26 PT
"trumps" everything.In the "real" world truth was before, during, and after all mental singularities that ever came into being.In the "real" world 'observation, identification, experimental investigation, and theoretical explanation of natural phenomena' isn't limited to any one set point of view or group of 'accredited' 'observers.'"Superstition;a belief that some action not logically related to a course of events influences its outcome; Any belief, practice, or rite "unreasoningly" upheld by faith in magic, chance, or "dogma""I would say that the superstitions and assumptions of some 'science' that claims to be truth when it is only fragment and parcel
would definitely qualify as "Dogma."Truth is a Lion, science is a mouse. The mouse may be clever enough to remove the thorn from the Lions' foot getting the grattitude it deserves, but Truth is still King of the Jungle.Science is a mental invention. 'Logic' is obviously not as 'set-in-stone' as some would like to believe, or we wouldn't have all these pretenders claiming their 'logic' is valid because some book -invented by another mind or minds- backs up their premises.Science has been wrong more than it has been right, and most of it's so-called 'successes' have left trails of destruction, pollution, and more opportunity for the economic imbalances in the world to get even greater.Faith and belief are the substance of what works, the actual factual element and basis for the so-called 'laws of physics.' It is our collective agreement, both conscious and unconscious that determines the parameters of reality. I realize that people are taught all manner of error concerning their world, and many people, especially in amerika assume these arrogant perspectives of 'I'm right' based on ignorant assumptions like the afore quoted 'definition' of superstition. This is the kind of mind set that came to this country, thought they 'were better' than the 'savages' and set about genocide, land rape, and took paradise and put up a parking lot -all in the name of 'progress and 'science.'The fact that the Europeans were barbarians, with no couth, who didn't even understand decent hygiene, or even how to live on the earth without their destructive, polluting 'science,' compared to the century spanning civilization of the Lakota Souix -for example, who managed life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness -for thousands of years, not only without western 'science' but they did it without all the 'technological advancements' that have led the world to the wonderful place that it is today. Science is just another religion, and you either believe it or not. The superstitious belief that science has answers not found within ones own being is a true stumbling block to real intellectual and spiritual evolution, oh that's right 'science' doesn't 'believe' in Spirit. The rock is truth, science is shifting sand that could change at any moment. The whims of mental inventions such as 'modern science' may assault the rock of truth to the point of attempting to blow it up with a nuke -sciences finest achievment- when all psuedo 'reason' fails to impress reality with its false sets of 'logic' and mathematical box-sets of limited perspecives, but when the dust clears, the bomb is gone, but the rock still stands.
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Comment #35 posted by Paint with light on July 26, 2008 at 21:04:06 PT
science vs superstition
Science;the observation, identification, description, experimental investigation, and theoretical explanation of natural phenomena.Superstition;a belief that some action not logically related to a course of events influences its outcome;
Any belief, practice, or rite "unreasoningly" upheld by faith in magic, chance, or "dogma"In the "real" world, Science trumps superstition.Without science I would not be posting this.Equal with alcohol is all I ask.
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Comment #34 posted by FoM on July 25, 2008 at 17:57:47 PT
My was that beautiful. Thank you so much and I understand what you are saying.
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Comment #33 posted by FoM on July 25, 2008 at 16:20:45 PT
What a journey it has been hasn't it? I just couldn't conform to what was expected of me. I knew a better way was out there and that possessions and status just weren't as important as my love for nature, horses and all of God's Country. They tried to make learn to golf and at the first lesson all I could do was cry. They never asked me again.
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Comment #32 posted by BGreen on July 25, 2008 at 14:16:59 PT
Your journey, FoM
I hope you find what you're looking for.I know that I had it pretty dang good growing up, as well. I felt it was important for me to follow my dreams instead of getting a j-o-b just to make better money. Even though I'll probably never reach the financial standard of living of my parents, I feel as if I'm much happier this way. I don't know if I could have handled having a job that I didn't enjoy or could just barely tolerate. Yeah, my dad loved his job, but he was in sales and that just isn't my thing at all.I can guarantee you that as I also examine my life's journey, I treasure you and the people at CNews that are hitching a ride along with me on this trip to create a better world for all of us.The Reverend Bud Green
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Comment #31 posted by museman on July 25, 2008 at 13:21:09 PT
I have been on a 'past review' as well. Looking back on my life in various ways, including a couple that have given me some anxiety recently.The concept of 'things coming to an end' has really poked its sometimes uncomfortable point of inevitability into my awareness as of late.The phenomenon of past 'good times' -particularly associated with friendships and such, being seemingly located more in the past, then the 'now' has been personally troubling to me. I find more agreement, understanding, excitement and enthusiasm for the truth in the youth of this rising generation, than was ever really evident in my own -for example, and most of the 'friends' I would choose to hang out with are under the age of 30. However I don't have their energy and drive, so though they repect me, and 'look up' to me as an 'elder,' and enjoy our psychic/intellectual/spiritual communion as much as I do, their youthful impatience doesn't often want to wait around for old fogies like myself to catch my breath. Children and youth teach such patience, even though they themselves are unaware of it, usually.I had dreams and fantasies of such things as being a 'rock star' or 'well-respected-man-about-town'. I was once a 'Young Republican,' and a freemason, and part of the USN 'elite.'I didn't grow up in the country club, but I had an aspiring step-father or two that thought it was important enough to introduce me into. My folks were almost all farmer stock from the midwest, and some of my earliest memories are of the farm. All gone now, every last one of 'em, not a farmer left in the whole kit 'n kaboodle... all bought out by the multi-national corporations.My start, other than being severely financially limited, wasn't that different than anyone else born in my era under those rather common conditions. I could have succumbed to the american fantasy of materialism, gotten ambitious, and ruthlessly battled my way to the 'top' just like so many of my generation, and generations before have attempted since the big carrot was put on the stick, but I was blessed, I know.The Great Spirit Most High gave me a gift that seems so rare, most people don't believe it actually exists in any pure form; its called 'honesty.' That honesty -above all else to myself- has led me to all that I have discovered, and all that I know. Being honest gives one the firm connection to the truth though most of the world are still quoting Pontious Pilates' "What is the truth?" as if it was some form of wisdom.In know you understand this.The fact that there are some of us aware of the eminent changes facing us all (whether we are in denial or not) is manifested in one way by 'getting our house in order', going through the closets and getting rid of useless things; including sentimental attachments to the past. Not our memories, but the way we have of looking at the past as if it is 'more real' than this moment, as if because we seemed to 'do it right' at some point in the past, we have to go backwards to that place, without realizing that every moment, every event is unique, and it is only our perception of that moment that determines its relative value anyway.I look back on the way I've chosen to spend my time, and I've come to the conclusion that the fault is not in how I have chosen to spend my time, but that there just isn't enough in one lifetime. "if I'd known then what I know now..." I probably would have died younger trying to accomplish the impossible even more, and faster than I did.
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Comment #30 posted by FoM on July 25, 2008 at 11:28:58 PT
To give you an idea of where I came from here's a picture of the Club I practically grew up in.
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Comment #29 posted by FoM on July 25, 2008 at 11:22:03 PT
I really appreciate you and how you feel. I have been on a journey through my past these last few days. Going back to my childhood times and putting things together. Hope has been a part of this journey of mine these days and it has been amazing. I was a child of privilege. Country Club and all. When I dreamed of the future it wasn't in what I had but what was out there that was more important then what I was surrounded with and then the journey started. It's been at times a living hell and at times a little piece of heaven. 
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Comment #28 posted by museman on July 25, 2008 at 11:07:26 PT
FoM; see what I mean?
"It's like people have been in prison and they hold the key to let themselves out."So simple and to the point. But it is that way because you KNOW, and BELIEVE what you are saying, and most importantly, it comes from you, from your experiential understanding, not by repeating words and phrases from 'accredited sources.' Not that referencing is necessarily a bad thing, but what good is a reference if you don't undserstand what it really means?And you are very welcome FoM.
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Comment #27 posted by FoM on July 25, 2008 at 10:49:38 PT
It's like people have been in prison and they hold the key to let themselves out. It's really nice on the outside of that prison. Thank you.
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Comment #26 posted by museman on July 25, 2008 at 10:34:10 PT
I'd like to add, that you use your words quite effectively, in your own style of truth-awareness. Your ability to state the obvious with simplicity is an admirable trait, and without that talent and ability, this place would not be what it is. How you manage all this angst, emotion, frustration, pain, suffering, manifested here -on the negative side- while still staying on track to your mission is something I do admire and respect.
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Comment #25 posted by museman on July 25, 2008 at 10:25:46 PT
Truth resides within that Spirit you speak of. You may not "put thoughts in words like (I) do." but it is the Truth residing within your spirit that recognizes the truth in others. You may not 'have the words' but you have the knowlege. In the world today, words are pretty cheap and easily distracting from the truth. It has been a challenge for me most of my life, because in my experience the 'intellectual' or 'wordy' perspective is usually just a bunch of hot air with very little substance. Until one actually reads/pays attention, they quite often judge me based on that basis.Your Spirit is your part of OUR Spirit. Intuitively you know that we are embarking on great earth/social changes. You see the shit that has been left to the next generation to deal with, and hope that they are up to it. I believe that they are."Good times don't develop substance."Well, no that's when we get to ENJOY the substance that we earned through our labors during the times of upheaval and trial.There are certain concepts and ways of thought that are about to suffer extinction. Those backwards-looking perspectives may shout loudly, overwhelm you with cliche and pat answers to the real questions. Those mind-sets may seem like they will never change, but history shows us how foolish it is to believe such things. It has been a long struggle for the light of consciousness on planet Earth, but I for one have absolutely no doubts that the light has arrived. The turmoil, and trial facing us is directly linked to false consciousness, and the clinging of fearful minds and hearts to failed systems, and the denial manifested in wars, policing, and compromises with truth and integrity. The fears of mankind are as likely to come to pass right now as their faiths and beliefs. In fact for those who see these things, it is a marvel to see the obvious being so adamantly ignored by those who-will-not-see.When enough of the consciousness has denied the BS of thousands of years of darkness and ignorance, and embraced the pure, uncontaminated truth, it will be over. Just like that. It is the harboring of all these dark and evil things in our collective consciousness that allows them to continue to exist within our agreed 'reality.'Its a simple truth, like Love, but not so simple to implement and establish.
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Comment #24 posted by FoM on July 25, 2008 at 09:50:33 PT
You always amaze me at the depth of your thinking. I can't put my thoughts in words like you do. My Spirit leads me and nothing else every seems to turn me away from the direction I am going. I hope this makes sense. I believe we are heading into a time of turmoil like we haven't known for a long time. That is where we will become strong again. Good times don't develop substance. Young people will be forever changed because of this time. That's a good thing.
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Comment #23 posted by museman on July 25, 2008 at 09:34:53 PT
when in the course
of human events it becomes necessary for people to voice dissent from prevailing leadership, they should not only object, but declare the principles they believe in.This conclusion was arrived at after many years of negotiation, and retalitory 'legislation' on the part of the ruling powers (which happened to be another king george) thwarting every attempt at reasonable compromise. From this declaration came the resolve and committment to carry out the 'principles' that they believed in, called 'liberty, and freedom.While it is true that the powers that be are entrenched in positions jacked up by false social values, false religious moralites, false economics, and false science, and that they have acheived the many appearances of acceptability through generations of mind/consciousness numbing labor in service to the lucky few -by deliberately keeping them/us in the dark, their system is flawed even deeper than the obvious. The obvious flaw is that it doesn't take integrity, talent, skill, consciousness, intelligence, and Spirit as qualifications for power and office, all it takes is money. That would be OK if everyone had access to that resource, but they don't and that access is REGULATED, CONTROLLED, and further LEGISLATED not by 'the people' whose ancestors understood the line 'when in the course of human events it becomes necessary....' but by the self perpetuating rule of the power elite.The tools of power are many, but compromise is right up there with the money. What is being compromised? The freedom of the people versus the power of the few. We are now in the course of human events where many stark, radical decisions have to be made, not by the politicians, and many false-accredited 'officials' 'professionals' and 'scientists' but by the gut-level, street-wise common sense of regular, ordinary folks, whose only claim to any kind of 'authority' or 'specialness-by-academic-dispensation' lies in the very fact of their living existence, and not a thing else.You can wave your 'credentials', hit me with the bible, and bury me in the sheer verbal weight of false academia, but the truth still shines beneath everything the powers can dump on it. Make no mistake, this is a war that we are 'fighting.' There are real casualties, real victims, and none of them is the establishment, or the favored servants of that establishment, no the victims are the 'un-accredited' the 'unendowed' and the 'unspecial.' While it is also true that generations of servitude has dulled the over-all potential for consciousness in the masses, making it very difficult to input new perspective, new potential, and a modicum of change without radical and extreme consciousness-shaking events, willingly seeking to compromise with the errors of millennia is either stupid, ignorant and uninformed, or a deliberate attempt to sabotage and undermine the infant consciousness now awakening on planet earth - and mostly because of misbegotten ideas of personal comfort vs an unpoisoned, clean and natural reality.Thomas Jefferson warned us that in order to keep our liberty alive, we needed some kind of revolution every generation. Where is the 'revolution' in bending over to find agreement with erroneous ways and means? Where is the pure expression of liberty and freedom in the continuing support for a failed system?And if you stack up the actual record of such over-rated things as 'modern science' you will discover that the trail of conquest, war, destruction, pollution, disease, and great social/economic imbalance has many of its roots firmly affixed to the institution and mind-set. The prime motivation of most 'scientists' including 'medical' is about social and economic success, not serving the greater good. The motivations for greed, ambition, and 'success' in the current system of things, is the resource pool of 'qualified applicants.' Have a little integrity and see how far you get. Have a little compassion, see how far up the 'social/economic' ladder you can actually get. Not far, the scramble is greatest at the bottom (they like that.)Sometimes in the course of human events, one must take what they are given, but if the errors prevail, one must not be satisfied with what they are given, and strive for better. Calling the errors 'right' and 'just', or mis-labeling it 'reality' because one is too afraid or lazy to change is just laying stumbling blocks for those of us who are willing to make the necessary decisions and sacrifices for true progress, and in the words of Mr. Zimmerman; "Don't stand in the doorway, don't block up the hall, cause the times they are a changin'"
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Comment #22 posted by Paint with light on July 25, 2008 at 00:08:54 PT
"Science needs to be the basis of both our legal and illegal drug policies, not political ploys designed to legalize smoked marijuana for any reason."To paraphrase Loyd Bentsen(sp?), "I know science. Science is a friend of mine, and you sir are no scientist."Applying a strict use of the scientific method does not result in junk science.True science is on our side.That is the reason our gov't has tried to prevent any real research from being carried out. It is difficult to research something you are prevented from getting.The only way this will change is through legislation. There will never be legislation without regulation and control. This is a fact of life and wishing for a magical transformation of all laws denies reality.Equal with alcohol is a start.
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Comment #21 posted by Hope on July 24, 2008 at 12:40:10 PT
comments at the article
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Comment #20 posted by slightlybeneaththesu on July 24, 2008 at 12:32:36 PT
last line
my favorite line of this article is the last one"He is a former Office of National Drug Control Policy senior official under the Clinton and Bush administrations."ewwwwww! what blatant propoganda! This last line pretty much nulifies any credit this guy could have had.please stop instilling your fears, government and propoganda on me, mr. government.
Your unsourced, uninformed, selective articles are laughable. 
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Comment #19 posted by paul armentano on July 24, 2008 at 12:26:55 PT
Tell the Daily Bulletin that Sabet is full of it!
You can respond to Kevin Sabet's op/ed and post comments on the discussion forum here: far, out of 32 posts, NONE agree with Mr. Sabet.My post and LTE appears below:-PAMr. Sabet makes so many specious claims it's easy to lose count.Most curious is his dismissal of Marinol, a legal prescription pill based on one of the cannabis plant's therapeutic compounds, which he describes as a treatment option of last resort among doctors. Really? Then perhaps Mr. Sabet would like to explain why numerous pharmaceutical companies -- including Valeant, Mallinckrodt, and Par Pharmaceuticals -- are in various stages of licensing and development for similar drugs, including naboline (an analogue of THC) and generic versions of Marinol? Perhaps Mr. Sabet would like to elaborate on why annual sales of Marinol now total around $200 million?Of course, given Mr. Sabet's untenable position, it's only appropriate that he dismiss the safety and efficacy of Marinol -- as arguing in favor of the synthetic pot pill and not the natural plant is like saying Vitamin C should be legal but oranges ought to be prohibited.Finally, as for Mr. Sabet's absurd claim that "the public is not fooled," perhaps he would like to explain why the public and lawmakers have voted to legalize the medical use of marijuana in eleven other states following California's 'failed' experiment.Sincerely,
Paul Armentano
Vallejo, CA
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Comment #18 posted by FoM on July 24, 2008 at 12:24:59 PT
I think that link is interesting. I don't have time now to read it in depth but some of what I read made a little sense. I'm so outside any religion that is organized anymore though. The philosophy as far as religion goes didn't seem bad or anything. I never heard of it before.
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Comment #17 posted by Hope on July 24, 2008 at 12:10:27 PT
Any way....
K. Sabet looks like somebody else that wants to be the boss of me.
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Comment #16 posted by Hope on July 24, 2008 at 12:06:00 PT
Bahá'í Faith
at Wikipedia is very interesting. I have to do something else right now and can't give this lengthy article at Wikipedia the attention it deserves.This could reveal a lot about where Kevin A. Sabet is coming from, who he is, and who he thinks he is.
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Comment #15 posted by Hope on July 24, 2008 at 12:00:53 PT
Kevin A. Sabet
Will he lie or attempt to deceive anyone?Nah.
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Comment #14 posted by Hope on July 24, 2008 at 11:57:29 PT
That faith has
"International Plans"... current and developing.
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Comment #13 posted by Hope on July 24, 2008 at 11:55:22 PT
Is anyone here of the
Bahá'í Faith?This is pretty complicated.
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Comment #12 posted by Hope on July 24, 2008 at 11:47:05 PT
Bahá'í Faith'%C3%AD_Faith
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Comment #11 posted by Hope on July 24, 2008 at 11:37:50 PT
Kevin A. Sabet
Charming. Young. Attractive. Really good looking. Beautiful, even. Sabet's the joy and young savior, the light of the future, of the world of rabid drug warriors, young and old alike. He might be the you know who, himself.Well... he might.:0)Do they come to kill and imprison?That's one of the things I ask myself.
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Comment #10 posted by paul armentano on July 24, 2008 at 11:29:37 PT
Annual Marinol sales top $190 million
"For those whose doctors think that some components of the cannabis plant may be therapeutic, Marinol, derived from the plant's most active ingredient, THC, already exists. Though it's not often prescribed, doctors have the right to prescribe this drug if they feel it would best serve their patient (though non-cannabis-based drugs are almost always chosen as a first resort)."Kevin, if Marinol is damn unpopular among doctors, please explain why Valeant Pharmaceuticals now markets the synthetic THC analogue known as naboline? Please explain why both Mallinckrodt Pharmaceuticals and Par Pharmaceuticals have developed generic versions of Marinol for prescription use? News Releases   >Par Pharmaceutical Receives Final Approval to Market Generic Marinol(R) CIII (Dronabinol) CapsulesWOODCLIFF LAKE, N.J., June 30, 2008 /PRNewswire-FirstCall via COMTEX News Network/ --Par Pharmaceutical Companies, Inc. (NYSE: PRX) today announced that it has received final approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for its Abbreviated New Drug Application for dronabinol, a generic version of Solvay Pharmaceutical's Marinol(R), a CIII controlled substance. This product is approved to treat nausea and vomiting associated with cancer chemotherapy in patients who have failed to respond adequately to conventional antiemetic treatments and is available in 2.5mg, 5 mg and 10 mg strengths. Annual U.S. sales of Marinol are approximately $190 million, according to IMS Health data. Par will begin shipping all strengths of dronabinol soft gel capsules to the trade immediately.Oh yeah, and Kevin, what's up with those $190 in annual sales for a drug nobody uses?
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Comment #9 posted by potpal on July 24, 2008 at 11:21:22 PT
fallacies and problems
Do we need to list the fallacies and problems associated with cannabis prohibition?Here's one, Al Capone...anyone care to add to it?
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Comment #8 posted by Hope on July 24, 2008 at 10:40:41 PT
Kevin A. Sabet
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Comment #7 posted by museman on July 24, 2008 at 10:15:43 PT
liberty and
Freedom.Two commodities purchaseable by permission of the 'High' class of rulers, doctors, lawyers, and other 'professional' special people sanctioned by the satanic order of thieves known as 'politicians' who are just pocket warmers for their rich masters.The 'inalienable rights' left undefined by our 'forefathers' have been defined; The amount of freedom and liberty one is entitled to is equal to the social strata their bank account and bloodline is associated with.Apparently, according to these conclusions, only those who are 'sick and dying' should get the benefit of medicine. Or is he saying that cannabis only has medicinal qualities if one is sick and dying? Well if only the dying get the benefit, it still throws the prohib lies about cannabis's medicinal use out the window. Is that why this person exposes his hypocrisy so blatantly, trying to find fault where there essentially is none?Just like all the other lies of the ONDCP, the DEA, etc concerning cannabis. Funny how they always throw the same organizations at you as if they were the be-all end-all of everything 'acceptable' by the American people, even though the american people have spoken loud and clear -even playing by the silly rules of 'democratic process.'The people of California stated their wishes, a majority of voters confirmed it, yet these handfuls of gov-sponsored, gov-paid, wannabe somebody's keep trying to overthrow the government of the people, not through legitimate due process, but by twisting truths, bribing voters -buying signatures, and getting all their fellow lackies (who are on the payrole while they campaign) in office to spend taxpayers money to find ways to defeat the will of the people. Conspiracy to overthrow the government is treason. I'd say that the ONDCP, the DEA, most cops and kiss-ass lawyers are committing treason against the will of the people. But of course most folks will laugh at this claim, because they are too busy supporting the treasonous by paying their taxes, slaving away at their dead-end labors, and dreaming of lotteries and who-wants-to-be-a-rich-man television shows.We have been struggling with the rich and powerful for our liberty since forever. The establishment of the US, and the Constitution supposedly was a progressive foundation of the liberties of the people at large, in general, with non-exclusive, non-specific blanket application. However it should be becoming apparent, at least to those who are not completely bound up in the competitive rush to absolutely nowhere, that liberty and freedom are not states to be determined, or dealt out exclusively to 'special', 'elite' people, and all attempts to CONTROL, LEGISLATE, and REGULATE freedom are unconstitutional -even though the 'supreme court' (which is about as 'supreme' as Dairy Queen) has RULED otherwise in every case that threatens the stability of the elite classes.Keep note of the names of these fools, because in a few years they are all going to be called to justify their actions to a court and judication of people like, waitresses, mechanics, ditch-diggers, and starving artists. It will be finally established that "equality" is not defined by capitalism, legislative bodies (that represent only special interests) and institutional credentials, but by the very simple fact of being born and alive, and no other 'special' qualification.The blather of fools is of course more acceptable than truth in the mainstream media. I learned the other day that you are considered an 'authority' once you have 'published' a book. Publishing a book is pretty easy when all you have to do is pay somebody to do it -providing you have the bank account. These are the 'standards of truth' that are thrown at us, forced down our throat, and layers and layers of bullshit to clean up in the new millennium.The whole idea of 'superior' human beings is about to come to a very bad end. It will be an extremely difficult time for me to not cheer and laugh at the pain of the foolish as their false reality crumbles beneath their feet. It will be hard for me to not laugh loudly and claim vengeance for the suffering of creation for the past several thousand years at the hands of these fops and pretenders, but I will try to have pity for them.
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Comment #6 posted by ripit on July 24, 2008 at 09:35:15 PT:
how come
they can never give any examples of why or how cannabis is bad for you?where he did throw the "smoked" in there quite a bit(don't they always!) the closest example he had here was some ppl used it as an excuse to stay out of jail.whats wrong with that?
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Comment #5 posted by Sam Adams on July 24, 2008 at 08:44:02 PT
Mr. PhD
Why don't you take your argument up to the State Assembly. See how you fare up there.  They're now taking in $100 million per year in sales tax on cannabis!Good luck.
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Comment #4 posted by Sinsemilla Jones on July 24, 2008 at 08:28:15 PT
This guy sure likes to use the word score in its numerical form -"The simple failure to mention the scores of young adults and others who obtain marijuana cards simply to get high is rather astonishing.""Never will they tell you about the scores of youth and adults who have California-issued marijuana cards for no other purpose than to get high.""That is why scores of California localities....have come out with a ban on such dispensaries."Does he think he's giving the Gettysburg Address, or does he think a lot of people don't know score means only twenty?Scores of people and/or localities could be as little as 40 total.And California has 1.8 million score (36,000,000) people, and over 25 score (500) counties and cities.But I bet the author scored some points with his old boss.
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Comment #3 posted by OverwhelmSam on July 24, 2008 at 06:53:57 PT
It;s Old News, But Still Fun To Read
Denver Post: Marijuana-fine process eased for adults
May 30th, 2008 
By Felisa CardonaAdults cited for possessing less than an ounce of marijuana in Denver will no longer have to appear in court under a rule adopted by the city attorney.Now citations may be paid through the mail, Denver Assistant City Attorney Vincent DiCroce announced during the Denver Marijuana Policy Review Panel meeting Wednesday.Also, the panel voted 5-4 to recommend in its first report to the City Council that the city attorney stop prosecuting the simple adult marijuana-possession cases altogether.
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Comment #2 posted by Rainbow on July 24, 2008 at 05:48:14 PT
and the renowned Mayo Clinic have come out against smoked marijuana as a so-called "medicine." I have not seen a statement like this from Mayo Clinic and I am pretty close to it.
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Comment #1 posted by LaGuardia on July 24, 2008 at 05:21:54 PT
This One Takes Me Back . . . .
One more piece of evidence that it is very hard to get someone to believe the truth if their job depends on not believing it.This article reminded me of A.M. Rosenthal's 1996 "While We Slept" op-ed in the New York Times criticizing Proposition 215 back in the day. I can't seem to get a working link posted directly to the page, but you can access it at the below link by going to the section labeled "McCaffrey/Rosenthal Tapes" three-quarters of the way down the page.
Scroll to "McCaffrey/Rosenthal Tapes"
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