Weed Advocates Aren't Socially Minded Weed Advocates Aren't Socially Minded Posted by CN Staff on May 12, 2008 at 15:38:14 PT By Stephen Heleker, Opinion Writer Source: Arbiter Idaho -- Last Saturday, roughly 6,000 students and community members gathered at the Student Programs Board's Spring Fling to watch reggae royalty, The Wailers, play a two-hour set. The marijuana legalization march and protest occurred at the same time as Spring Fling, which was completely unrelated, although a lucky coincidence for the marchers. Needless to say, there were plenty of hippies and hipsters present, many of them marijuana users. I wasn't surprised to see men and women in the crowd smoking weed. Not only was that illegal, but also inconsiderate to others in the crowd. The presence of drug users was probably partly because of the protest, but mostly due simply to the nature of The Wailers' music and politics. Bob Marley and The Wailers fans sang along to almost every song, the lyrics about love for others. It was one of the most disappointing things I have ever seen.I'm not here to talk about how bad pot is, I've done that enough. What I would like to address is the fact that so many people talk about action and change but do nothing. A recent example of this is the march to legalize marijuana that I mentioned earlier. Marching down to the Capitol when the legislature is not in session, or down to City Hall on a Saturday, when no one is there and the city does not have the authority to legalize or illegalize substances, is not political or social action. It is a publicity stunt, and nothing more.Then, look at the Wailers. They sing songs about love, enlightenment, world vision and change; yet seem to do little to further such ideas. I took a look at their merchandise, expecting to find responsibly manufactured apparel. Instead, I found tags that told me the clothes had been made in Haiti, Honduras, Taiwan and Jordan. These are some of the poorest nations in the world, especially the former two, and none of them are unionized.This means that it is very likely that these clothes were manufactured in sweatshops, as was the Nike outfit the bass player was wearing. "Go Green!" one shirt read, with a cannabis leaf covering the chest. And yet after searching through the Wailers' Website, their Myspace account, and any other literature available on the band, I found not one connection with any environmental organization. In fact, as far as I can tell, the band does not give to, serve or even support and publicize even one environmental, social or political organization. Keep in mind that this band makes more than $20,000 for every show they play. And yet they sing about love and change, in the name of God.It all seems hypocritical to me. If you use songs and slogans about changing the world, but instead use your popularity to become wealthy, then you don't love anyone but yourself.It's the same with all these young activists. If your only platform is the legalization of marijuana, in a world full of so much turmoil and suffering, then you have missed the point completely. You're just patting yourself on the back.And then you compromise even that platform in order to maybe get a little publicity. You'll get on television hopefully, but probably only in the newspaper, maybe even just The Arbiter.Maybe I just don't understand what they are trying to accomplish, but it seems that our nation is heading nowhere if this is our next generation of activists.Source: Arbiter, The (Boise State, ID Edu)Author: Stephen Heleker, Opinion WriterPublished: May 12, 2008Copyright: 2008 The ArbiterContact: editor arbiteronline.comWebsite: http://www.arbiteronline.comCannabisNews -- Cannabis Archives Home Comment Email Register Recent Comments Help Comment #12 posted by josephlacerenza on May 14, 2008 at 16:33:53 PT: The Onion Has anyone read The Onion lately? To me, this is what one of their 'stories" sound like. The catch is, I know The Onion is trying to pull my leg. [ Post Comment ] Comment #11 posted by Sam Adams on May 13, 2008 at 10:30:02 PT misplaced criticism So Heleker is complaining because the spiritual Wailers don't have their shirts made in the USA? President Bush, Heleker's conservative leader, talks about God and Faith all the time and then he bombs thousands of poor innocent people to death. [ Post Comment ] Comment #10 posted by dongenero on May 13, 2008 at 07:06:55 PT culture war I think this article is just about fomenting the "culture war". That and a chance for Heleker to blow his horn. Maybe he should have used the final paragraph to explain all the positive advocacy he's using his high profile position for. [ Post Comment ] Comment #9 posted by NikoKun on May 13, 2008 at 06:26:44 PT so basically Selfish? No... So this person is trying to portray us as selfish hippies? -_- good lord.Nevermind that legalization is good for everyone in our society, not just us Cannabis users.They're trying to demonize us again... [ Post Comment ] Comment #8 posted by RevRayGreen on May 12, 2008 at 18:48:49 PT Mr. Heckler must be a plant. The Wailers and their fans are pro-marijuana/anti-incarceration and props to Idaho for landing them the day of the GMJM. [ Post Comment ] Comment #7 posted by FoM on May 12, 2008 at 17:20:24 PT Hope I'm glad you got what I meant. I can be snooty when someone else is being snooty. LOL! [ Post Comment ] Comment #6 posted by Hope on May 12, 2008 at 17:13:20 PT "Snooty" I thought the same thing myself, FoM. Along with snide, self satisfied, nit picking, jealous, maybe, and in general, just acting like some sort of pompous ass. It's hard to describe... but "Twit" and "Dweeb"... even though I'm not really sure what a dweeb is, crossed my mind. Seems to be an unpleasant and hateful fellow. That probably says it well enough.Guess he didn't like The Wailers. [ Post Comment ] Comment #5 posted by Hope on May 12, 2008 at 17:06:38 PT The feeling I got from this opinion is that Heleker was doing some amazing contortions to pat himself on the back as fast as he could. Would that be some sort of public masturbatory self back patting he's doing there?Yecch. [ Post Comment ] Comment #4 posted by FoM on May 12, 2008 at 16:58:56 PT Just a Comment I really must live in another world. Some of these recent articles make no sense to me at all. This one is just a snooty article. [ Post Comment ] Comment #3 posted by dongenero on May 12, 2008 at 16:55:47 PT strange opeds come from , well.... advocate, wait don't advocate. What a goofy oped.You want green shirts? Then YOU should be advocating Stephen Heleker! Legalize It!I think to infer The Wailers are not philanthropic and that they are greedy, non-environmental, loveless or Godless, because they wear commercial clothing and sell t-shirts, is ridiculous. This is nutty thinking.Think - The Boston Tea Party. Civil disobedience, protest, activism. What other form of advocacy are you looking for? Cannabis abstinence?Anyone send the to this Boise State OpEd writer yet? He doesn't seem to get much media up there. [ Post Comment ] Comment #2 posted by observer on May 12, 2008 at 16:40:34 PT Stop Jailing Cannabis Users It's the same with all these young activists. If your only platform is the legalization of marijuana, in a world full of so much turmoil and suffering, then you have missed the point completely. You're just patting yourself on the back... Maybe I just don't understand what they are trying to accomplish...Check. Stephen Heleker does not (want to) understand. We're trying to stop the jailing and persecution of those who use or grow or sell the cannabis plant. The jailing of those involved with cannabis is and causes much turmoil and suffering. [ Post Comment ] Comment #1 posted by mykeyb420 on May 12, 2008 at 15:48:05 PT you get paid to write this crap?? Dear Mr.Heleker, Opinion Writer( LOL ) Let me get this straight,,you go to a reggae concert just to complain about the pot smoke. That is like going to the beach and bitching that it is too sandy.Since you are an "Opinion Writer " then you understand the fact that opinions are like $$holes,,we all have em and they all stink. Your column is a great example. [ Post Comment ] Post Comment