D.C. Gets a Perfectly Legal Hemp Store D.C. Gets a Perfectly Legal Hemp Store Posted by CN Staff on April 12, 2008 at 04:49:40 PT By Annys Shin Source: Washington Post Washington, DC -- Like most social change, the District's first all-hemp emporium arose from years of complaining. The chief complainer: Adam Eidinger, professional protester and erstwhile political candidate. His complaint: "We're the last major metropolitan area in the U.S. that doesn't have a hemp store." Determined to see Washington join places like New York, Boston and even Burlington, Vt., Eidinger decided to open his own store, Capitol Hemp. Until now, Eidinger has not been known as a businessman but as a spokesman for antiwar activists, stadium protesters, angry bicyclists and people who frequent natural-food stores. Capitol Hemp grew out of his work for Vote Hemp, a District-based group devoted to lifting restrictions on hemp farming. (Hemp is legal to import into the United States but cannot legally be grown here.) He found that a lot of people still confuse the industrial variety of cannabis with the recreational variety. By showcasing hemp clothing, shoes and food, Eidinger said he hopes to dispel misconceptions about hemp. "Just because it's a maligned plant doesn't mean it's dangerous," he said. Eidinger and a partner are leasing a basement retail space in Adams Morgan close to the main neighborhood axis of 18th Street and Columbia Road NW. They have begun painting the walls green and installing display shelves made from hemp board ordered from California. The finishing touch will be a mosaic featuring the District skyline surrounded by cannabis leaves. Lest anyone get the wrong idea, Eidinger is quick to say that Capitol Hemp is "not a store where you can purchase cannabis so you can get high." The rookie entrepreneur was initially reticent about the venture because the city has not sent him the certificate of occupancy he needs to open the store later this month. But the polemicist in him eventually won out. "We've been denied too long," he said. Newshawk: Sinsemilla Jones Source: Washington Post (DC)Author: Annys ShinPublished: Monday, April 7, 2008; Page D02 Copyright: 2008 Washington Post Contact: letterstoed washpost.comWebsite: Capitol Hemp Hemp Archives Home Comment Email Register Recent Comments Help Comment #4 posted by The GCW on April 12, 2008 at 15:42:17 PT TroutMask, Summit County is one of the good ones. [ Post Comment ] Comment #3 posted by TroutMask on April 12, 2008 at 11:16:40 PT: Colorado In Colorado in general, but Summit County specifically, you'd have a very hard time finding a "free"-er place on earth. Over-reacting leos in Summit are not representative of leos in Denver County nor most of the rest of Colorado. A notable exception is Colorado Springs, home of a vast plethora of right-wing kill-em-all-and-let-God-sort-em-out semi-humans.-TM [ Post Comment ] Comment #2 posted by The GCW on April 12, 2008 at 05:48:29 PT TV photographer arrested in Denver. Where the National Democratic Party will hold it's convention, this news story comes out.TV photographer arrested after taping car accident THE ASSOCIATED PRESSDENVER - A KDVR-TV executive said the arrest of one of the station's photographers at the scene of a car accident Friday was unwarranted and the result of a misunderstanding.KDVR Vice President of News Brad Remington said the photographer was simply doing his job and was not interfering with police when he began taping a car that had fallen into the Cherry Creek bike path early Friday.Remington said the photographer, Perry Drake, began taping before many officers arrived and that may have contributed to the misunderstanding. Remington said there was no confrontation between Drake and police officers. Cont. [ Post Comment ] Comment #1 posted by augustwest on April 12, 2008 at 05:19:25 PT: first? Eggert bros. hemp was on M st. in georgetown for years. It was '99 last time I was in there, great back room. [ Post Comment ] Post Comment