Hypocrisy is Message We Need To Avoid Hypocrisy is Message We Need To Avoid Posted by CN Staff on April 01, 2008 at 12:34:32 PT By Ted Barnes For the Monitor Source: Concord Monitor New Hampshire -- The "wrong message" to send to any teenager, to any child, is hypocrisy. It turns them cynical and makes them disrespect the law, when trusted adults evade reality for the sake of political concerns. The reality is that the inclusion of marijuana on the federal government's Schedule I list of controlled substances along with heroin and cocaine has always been a mistake. But the politicians' bogus "war on drugs" gets a boost from the illegality of marijuana. It is bulky, smelly and easy to detect. The "war on drugs" gets big results, big statistics, and therefore big budget and big media, from pot busts. Marijuana is infinitely less harmful than all the other drugs, including legal alcohol. It has positive uses. It has the lowest profit margin in the underground economy. It is used recreationally by just about everybody at one time or another, without damaging results. As a criminal defense lawyer for 27 years, I have dealt with thousands of people affected by drugs and alcohol. I have yet to find anyone who became physically addicted to marijuana, or who became aggressive and got into a fight after smoking it; or who burglarized a home or raped someone because the weed so affected their judgment. Mostly, people get mellow and hang out. At worst, they become unproductive. Danger, Will Robinson! Teenagers do not know much and certainly a lot less than they think they do. But one thing they learn before they graduate from high school is that marijuana, aside from its illegality, is dramatically less harmful than alcohol. Yet in a few years, they can drink legally. Do you not see that disconnect? They do. The adults who are running things need to shake off their blinders and recognize that one of the two people next to them has used marijuana, maybe frequently, and nonetheless leads a productive life. Those adults who use or have used marijuana need to muster the integrity to act on the reality they know, even if they cannot openly admit their use for fear of castigation by those who remain unyielding in their misperceptions. I can imagine a state, a country, where a teenager admires the elected officials who discuss and debate issues intelligently, and without knee-jerk political posturing. That teenager respects the law, which leads to nothing but positive societal consequences because the law tracks with the reality he knows. Billions of dollars could be taken out of the underground economy and made legitimate and subject to taxation. Thousands of drug police could focus on crimes where someone is actually victimized. I have supported Gov. Lynch and probably will again. But his promise to veto this tiny bill (unless he does so in favor of more sweeping decriminalization) is a disservice to the people of this state. It is my hope that the members of the Senate approach the bill with confidence and grace. Ted Barnes lives in Concord.Note: Marijuana laws beg for cynical response. Source: Concord Monitor (NH)Author: Ted Barnes For the MonitorPublished: April 1, 2008Copyright: 2008 Monitor Publishing CompanyContact: letters cmonitor.comWebsite: http://www.concordmonitor.comRelated Articles & Web Site:NH Common Sense The Right Move for N.H. Right To Reduce Marijuana Penalties Threatens Veto To Decriminalize Pot Home Comment Email Register Recent Comments Help Comment #15 posted by aolbites on April 03, 2008 at 15:15:46 PT saliva tests? the reason for saliva tests is that its the only non-invasive way to measure Current drug levels because it does not test metaboliteshere's a scary one: survey showed that Florida teens also believe that smoking marijuana will prevent a person from getting pregnant.State lawmakers said the myths are spreading because of Florida’s abstinence-only sex education, Local 6 reported.-=snip=- [ Post Comment ] Comment #14 posted by afterburner on April 03, 2008 at 07:47:08 PT Canadian Police Ramp up Prohibition Propaganda The Canadian Police Association's (CPA) "Top Ten Myths" About Illicit Drugs and Enforcement slicers ready, folks? [ Post Comment ] Comment #13 posted by afterburner on April 02, 2008 at 22:07:50 PT Saliva Tests - That Reminds Me Protein map of human spit created. 2008/03/25 CHICAGO - U.S. researchers have identified all 1,116 unique proteins found in human saliva glands, a discovery they said on Tuesday could usher in a wave of convenient, spit-based diagnostic tests that could be done without the need for a single drop of blood. [ Post Comment ] Comment #12 posted by Hope on April 02, 2008 at 19:17:22 PT Thanks, Afterburner I wonder why they did saliva tests.Seems odd.Bringing in police from out of town seems out of line, too.It's crazy that people allow the government to behave the way they do over cannabis. It's insane. Truly. [ Post Comment ] Comment #11 posted by afterburner on April 02, 2008 at 18:29:10 PT Hope #7 - The Other Side of Nimbin Australia: Nimbin Under Siege by Andsy Parks. Wed, 2 Apr 2008. Lismore Northern Star (Australia). APN News & Media Ltd 2008 [ Post Comment ] Comment #10 posted by FoM on April 02, 2008 at 06:33:53 PT Ekim That was interesting to watch last night on Larry King. Thanks for the heads up. [ Post Comment ] Comment #9 posted by FoM on April 02, 2008 at 06:32:40 PT The GCW I wish them the best of luck and hope the Feds leave them alone. [ Post Comment ] Comment #8 posted by The GCW on April 02, 2008 at 04:57:43 PT Fort Collins making a move. US CO: Medical marijuana store set to open in Fort Collins Webpage: Pubdate: 2 Apr. 2008Source: Summit Daily News (CO)"... Fort Collins Police spokeswoman Rita Davis says what the Flemings are doing is legal as long as they are certified to grow marijuana and they sell it to users with a doctor’s prescription and a state-issued registration card. ..."-0-Fort Collins, a college town, is north of Denver and is home to a Busch brewery and New Belgium brewery. [ Post Comment ] Comment #7 posted by Hope on April 01, 2008 at 23:36:53 PT Comment 1, Observer. Oh no. That makes me very sad to hear. I hope our old friends and acquaintances there are ok. [ Post Comment ] Comment #6 posted by ekim on April 01, 2008 at 20:35:16 PT hey Larry why no mention of Ralph -- would like to know what Jesse thinks about Mr. Naders view on changing the drug laws and the Gov said all you get is cola -- [ Post Comment ] Comment #5 posted by the GCW on April 01, 2008 at 20:24:08 PT Great. This is a great news article. [ Post Comment ] Comment #4 posted by Celaya on April 01, 2008 at 20:00:45 PT The most dangerous drug is....... prohibition!"Teenagers do not know much and certainly a lot less than they think they do. But one thing they learn before they graduate from high school is that marijuana, aside from its illegality, is dramatically less harmful than alcohol. Yet in a few years, they can drink legally. Do you not see that disconnect? They do."Marijuana Prohibition - Assassin Of Youth! [ Post Comment ] Comment #3 posted by FoM on April 01, 2008 at 17:17:29 PT Donald B Parsons I think Barney Frank is one of those special politicians that have nerve and go for what they feel is right as best as they can. [ Post Comment ] Comment #2 posted by Donald B Parsons on April 01, 2008 at 16:41:04 PT: RE-LEGALIZE Those adults who use or have used marijuana need to muster the integrity to act on the reality they know, even if they cannot openly admit their use for fear of castigation by those who remain unyeilding in their misperceptions.I think this means that you CAN speak on behalf of RE-LEGALIZING/DECRIMINALIZING Marijuana WITHOUT FEAR of PROSECUTION.NO-ONE can send you to jail for saying things like " I have smoked marijuana before and suffered NO ILL effects. I tell people who ask (and some who don't ask)"I smoke marijuana and the worst experience I had once was that I couldn't find my TWINKIES." YOU can smoke or not smoke and still believe that throwing otherwise law abiding citizens in jail for smoking marijuana recreationally or medically is ASSININE.Rep. Barney Frank is A TRUE POLITICIAN (the likes we haven't seen since J.F.K.) He knows that "WE THE PEOPLE" have and are speaking out and he would like to see the government catch up.Write your elected officials and tell them how you feel about this or NOTHING will get done(STATUS-QUO is unacceptable) SAME AS ALCOHOL IS ALL WE ASK. [ Post Comment ] Comment #1 posted by observer on April 01, 2008 at 16:16:48 PT Nimbin Hempbar bust Nimbin Hempbar bustApril 1, 2008 (this is not an April's fools joke)breaking news: webcam pics captured during the raid: [ Post Comment ] Post Comment