Lynch Threatens Veto To Decriminalize Pot Lynch Threatens Veto To Decriminalize Pot Posted by CN Staff on March 19, 2008 at 07:18:12 PT By Tom Fahey, State House Bureau Chief Source: Union Leader Concord, NH -- The New Hampshire House voted yesterday to decriminalize possession of small amounts of marijuana, ignoring advice from the House Criminal Justice Committee. The action quickly drew a rare veto threat from Gov. John Lynch. Senate Majority Leader Joseph Foster, D-Nashua, said the Senate will most likely kill it. House Bill 1623 passed in an amended form by a vote of 193-141. It makes possession of up to one-quarter ounce of marijuana a violation, punishable by a $200 fine. The quantity involved is enough for about seven or eight marijuana joints.Those who backed the bill said the penalties in current law are too harsh. They include a $2,000 fine, jail time and the loss of eligibility for federal grants for college aid.The Criminal Justice Committee recommended killing the bill by a 13-5 vote. It now goes to the state Senate.Rep. Jason Bedrick, R-Windham, said the bill does not make marijuana completely legal."The question is not whether marijuana should be illegal. The question is whether a teen being stupid should face up to a year in prison and a loss of all funding for college," he said. It is time New Hampshire joined 12 others states that have lowered the punishment for possessing small amounts of marijuana, he said.Gov. Lynch's spokesman Colin Manning said the bill "sends absolutely the wrong message to New Hampshire's young people about the very real dangers of drug use. That is why the governor joins the House Criminal Justice Committee and law enforcement in opposing this bill. If the bill were to reach the governor's desk, which seems very unlikely, he would veto it.""I don't think he's going to be seeing it," Foster said. "I know of no interest in the Senate on either side of the aisle to entertain that bill."The bill does not change the laws on sales or transport of marijuana in a car, a flaw critics pointed out in a failed attempt to defeat the bill.Rep. John Tholl, R-Whitefield, who is chief of police in Dalton, warned that giving some marijuana to a friend is considered a drug sale, a felony under current state law. Transporting it in a car is still a misdemeanor."We don't need to send a mixed message to people, to have them think it's okay to have a little," he said. "They can't give it away or have in it a car, because it's a felony or misdemeanor."He worries that young people may be more likely to get caught up in drug trouble thinking that the reform runs through all laws on marijuana.Stephen Arnold, past president of the 4,300-member N.H. Police Association, said the bill "sends a horrible message to our young people." He said the bill's supporters exaggerate the effect current law has on young people's lives."People aren't going to jail for possession of marijuana, but they are paying fines," he said.Complete Title: Lynch Threatens Veto After House Votes To Decriminalize PotSource: Union Leader (Manchester, NH)Author: Tom Fahey, State House Bureau Chief Published: March 19, 2008Copyright: 2008 The Union Leader Corp.Contact: opinion UnionLeader.comWebsite: Articles & Web Site:NH Common Sense Votes To Relax Law for Marijuana House OKs Marijuana Bill Home Comment Email Register Recent Comments Help Comment #11 posted by runruff on March 21, 2008 at 10:35:27 PT: The children, oh the children................. what shall we do about the children?Sorry if I seem cynical here but I come from a time and place where parents raised their own kids according to their own values. My paretnts never looked to any government to set an example for their kids to grow up by. They drew from their own upbringing and let me tell you the world would be a better place if it were populate with folks like my grandparents and my parents.I've never heard my grandparents or parents utter a four letter words or any words that would not be acceptable in church.They taught me by example, the social graces and general practices found in a civilized society.Not to cheat, steal, lie or be agressive toward others.You could boil it down to live and let live and to do unto others as you would have them do unto you. [The golden rule]Please don't misunderstand me I don't want to try and pass anyone off as being perfect. Me least of all but these are the standards we all tried to live by even with our imperfect nature.As I mature I see more value in my upbring. This is normal. We were taught to make our own choices as well. When my family relized I was involved in marijuana it was hard for them a first but rather than condemn me they endevored to try and understand.I think the message prohibition sends the young people is that hypocrisy is normal and ok. That it is normal for government to lie and create a false issue in order to instill more controll over people. That lying is accepable if profit is your goal and that government can be dangerously wrong conerning important issues.[The Kid Card]-yech! [ Post Comment ] Comment #10 posted by FoM on March 21, 2008 at 06:20:04 PT OT: I'm Happy Today Governor Richardson is making an endorsement. I really like Governor Richardson. [ Post Comment ] Comment #9 posted by Had Enough on March 21, 2008 at 04:23:16 PT So… So What??? Re:#7 & 8No apologies needed here. I saw that on the TV ad machine myself. I was hoping more people would catch those words he spoke and read between the lines. Not hard to do with the way he said it.Kinda boils down to ‘we could care less about what is happening or what people think, as long as we are getting on with our agenda.’I’ve also felt the same way about the comments Hope left since I’ve been a youngster…Thanks************ZEITGEIST DAY HAS BEEN A HUGE SUCCESS !WE ESTIMATE OVER 95,000 PEOPLE EXPERIENCEDTHE FILM IN A LIVE SETTING ON MARCH 15THIN 70+ COUNTRIES AND 400+ CITIESTHANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR COMMITMENT AND UNDERSTANDING!THIS IS AN UNPRECEDENTED ACTION OF WORLD UNIFICATIONAND EVERYONE SHOULD BE EXTREMELY PROUD OF WHATTHEY HAVE CONTRIBUTED!More updates coming soon.found here- [ Post Comment ] Comment #8 posted by dongenero on March 20, 2008 at 07:55:21 PT sorry for the sorta political off topic The tangential relevance being the arrogance of our public officials in power and their sheer contempt for the people who appointed them to govern.This arrogance and contempt exhibits itself in many ways, prohibition of cannabis is certainly a prime example. [ Post Comment ] Comment #7 posted by dongenero on March 20, 2008 at 07:49:54 PT Hope comment That does seem to be the attitude in government doesn't it? Especially on the Republican side. It reminded me of this exchange I saw on ABC yesterday involving D!ck Cheney. CHENEY: On the security front, I think there's a general consensus that we've made major progress, that the surge has worked. That's been a major success. RADDATZ: Two-third of Americans say it's not worth fighting. CHENEY: So? RADDATZ: So? You don't care what the American people think? CHENEY: No. I think you cannot be blown off course by the fluctuations in the public opinion polls. was reminded of just how much of a Dick Mr. Cheney is. [ Post Comment ] Comment #6 posted by Hope on March 19, 2008 at 19:12:37 PT The "Message" IS ... "WE WILL RULE YOU WITHOUT PITY OR MERCY" "WE WILL RULE BY TERROR AND FEAR AND YOU WILL OBEY OR FEEL OUR GREAT WRATH!""OBEY OR WE WILL STRIKE YOU WITH FEARFUL VIOLENT TACTICS ALL LEGAL UNDER OUR MERCILESS AND POWERFUL LAWS""LEGALLY, WE ARE ALLOWED TO DO UNREASONABLE, UNJUST, UNHOLY, THINGS TO YOU IF YOU DISOBEY OUR PROHIBITION OF THESE SUBSTANCES!!!!""WE'RE CRUEL AND TERRIBLE SONS OF BITCHES AND WE WILL KILL YOU IF YOU DISOBEY""YOU MUST OBEY THIS PROHIBITION OF SUBSTANCES OR DIE OR WITHER IN GRIEF AND SORROW!!!""WE OWN YOU""YOU HAVE NO CHOICE... YOU BELONG TO US""WE ARE THE ELITE, IF YOU DISAGREE WITH US ON MATTER OF CONSUMING A SUBSTANCE WE WILL AFFLICT YOU WITH GRIEF AND SORROW PERHAPS AS YOU'VE NEVER KNOWN BEFORE""HOW DARE YOU DISAGREE WITH US?""JUST PUT IT OUT OF YOUR MIND THAT YOU THINK YOU AS AN ADULT HAVE ENOUGH SENSE TO MAKE A CHOICE AND TO PRACTICE SELF CONTROL" "BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH"Oh yes, and of course,"WE HATE YOU, VISCOUSLY!" [ Post Comment ] Comment #5 posted by John Tyler on March 19, 2008 at 17:41:42 PT no real reasons It “sends absolutely the wrong message to New Hampshire's young people”. That’s not a reason, that’s an excuse. They don’t have a valid reason, or they would be using it. I bet they don’t even believe what they are saying. They only know that it’s illegal and that’s the way the power structure wants to keep it. Reasons don’t matter to them. Power matters. [ Post Comment ] Comment #4 posted by FoM on March 19, 2008 at 13:48:08 PT nuevo mexican It's good to see you. I saw protests on the news going on today. I hope this war ends soon. [ Post Comment ] Comment #3 posted by nuevo mexican on March 19, 2008 at 13:39:02 PT For you, FOM, and all at Cannabis News! Live streaming video of San Francisco Anti-War marchers, and hooded, Orange suited demonstrators, it live, new technology and should be sent far and wide!The Real CNN News is at JustinTV!Happy Vapping!Volcanoes are the greatest, eh! [ Post Comment ] Comment #2 posted by FoM on March 19, 2008 at 09:03:05 PT potpal I don't understand this. It seems like a power struggle and politicians don't believe that this isn't political in it's motive instead of being a social issue like I believe it is. I would be leary too in this political climate. I would love to find a Democrat based reform organization since the Dems will be in power this fall if all goes well and is expected. They will listen to their own better. [ Post Comment ] Comment #1 posted by potpal on March 19, 2008 at 08:25:42 PT police state of mind What would they do if they didn't have cannabis as the reason to shake you down. Pull you over, sniff you, you got your papers? So easy. Who needs to go after criminals?They serve their masters and collect from the people. Serve and collect. We need more Andy's and less Barney's.Cannabis prohibition is a crime against humanity. And in the police (and prosecution) culture that permeates our lives lie the criminals.Tell that to the children...or do they already know? [ Post Comment ] Post Comment