NORML 2000 Conference Announced!

NORML 2000 Conference Announced!
Posted by FoM on August 06, 1999 at 08:08:34 PT
NORML Weekly Update News
Source: NORML
Aug. 5, 1999, Washington, DC: NORML and the NORML Foundation announced that the next national NORML conference, “NORML 2000”, will be held on Thursday, Feb. 3 through Saturday, Feb. 5, 2000 in Washington, DC.
The conference, which will feature talks by author and historian Barbara Ehrenreich, Harvard Medical School Professor Lester Grinspoon, M.D., and Cato Institute Executive Vice President David Boaz, will be held at the Washington Plaza Hotel.   “Our last national conference, held in November of 1998, was a great meeting of activists and supporters from across the country, with featured talks by former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark and Lindesmith Center Director Ethan Nadelmann,” said NORML Executive Director Keith Stroup.   The first day of the 1998 conference was broadcast live on C-Span and the entire conference was broadcast live on the Internet.   “We hope to achieve even greater media penetration at the next meeting,” Stroup said. "Marijuana law reform supporters should mark their calendars now and plan to join us in Washington, DC for the first NORML conference of the new millennium."   Those who wish to make a hotel reservation should call the Washington Plaza Hotel at (202)842 1300 and tell them you are with the NORML conference (reference #8385). Special rates for the conference are $100 per night, single or double occupancy.   For more information, contact Keith Stroup of NORML   (202)483-5500. 
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