Medical Marijuana and The Federal Government Medical Marijuana and The Federal Government Posted by CN Staff on February 20, 2008 at 11:31:27 PT By Linda Williams, TWN Staff Writer Source: Willits News USA -- It remains unclear why the U.S. Food and Drug Administration continues to classify marijuana as a Schedule 1 drug, the most dangerous classification available along with heroin, PCP (angel dust) and LSD, while in 1998 classifying Marinol, a synthetic THC (the main psychoactive ingredient in marijuana), as a Schedule 3 drug. This despite polls showing most Americans would support reclassification. Even a reclassification of marijuana to a Schedule 2 category such as cocaine and coca leaves, raw opium and poppy straw, morphine and methamphetamines, would allow physicians to prescribe it for medical patients and pharmacies to dispense it. In 1996, when California led 12 other states in passing medical marijuana protection, the language in Proposition 215 encouraged the federal and state governments to work together to resolve any conflicts. Many who voted for Prop. 215 assumed it would take little time before doctors could legally prescribe marijuana and patients could pick it up at their local pharmacy. More than 11 years later, the situation remains conflicted between state, federal and even local laws, which has encouraged an entire new class of lawless "bootleggers" to supply medical marijuana needs, reminiscent to many of the time of Prohibition (1920-1933) when drinking alcohol was illegal in the United States.Prohibition brought with it the rise of organized crime to supply the illegal market and "speakeasies" with bootleg alcohol. At the time, the cost to enforce Prohibition was high, no tax revenues were received on the illegal hooch and a highly profitable and violent black market system supplied alcohol to nearly every corner of the nation. Some of the alcohol was made locally and some imported illegally from Canada and Mexico. The parallel between the current marijuana culture in Mendocino County and the Prohibition years is striking.The continued classification of marijuana by the federal government with such serious drugs as heroin and PCP appears to contradict the government's own research. If the Food and Drug Administration had reclassified marijuana sometime since 1996, much of the conflict between state and federal laws associated with medical marijuana would have been resolved. Doctors prescribe Schedule II drugs and pharmacies fill those prescriptions every day throughout the country. Unauthorized use and sale of Schedule II drugs are still illegal but the rules provide a way for doctors legally to prescribe them to patients. Much of the literature associated with keeping marijuana as a Schedule I drug centers around its addictive qualities, this despite substantial research that has debunked this. It has also been dubbed the "gateway drug" despite the federal governments own research to the contrary. Even the Office of National Drug Control Policy states "smoking marijuana may allow patients to temporarily feel better." Most Schedule 2 drugs are also addictive and many have serious side effects. There are two ways for a drug to be reclassified, the FDA can do it administratively or Congress can act. The administration of the FDA under both presidents Bill Clinton and George Bush have consistently refused to consider the reclassification in large part because it is a plant and not a formulated drug with full scale testing sponsored by a pharmaceutical drug company. "The federal government along with many state governments and private antidrug organizations staunchly maintains that botanical marijuana is a dangerous drug without any legitimate medical use," according to a 2006 congressional policy assessment. Bills have been defeated during the past five Congressional terms, which would have either reclassified marijuana or prevented the U.S. Department of Justice from prosecuting medical marijuana users, cultivators or distributors. "Rescheduling seems to be supported by public opinion. A nationwide GallupPoll conducted in March 1999 found that 73 percent of American adults favor "makingmarijuana legally available for doctors to prescribe in order to reduce pain andsuffering." An American Association of Retired Persons poll of American adults age 45 and older conducted in mid-November 2004 found 72 percent agree that adults "should be allowed to legally use marijuana for medical purposes if recommended by a physician."Source: Willits News (CA)Author: Linda Williams, TWN Staff WriterPublished: February 20, 2008Copyright: 2008 Willits NewsContact: editorial willitsnews.comWebsite: Medical Marijuana Archives Home Comment Email Register Recent Comments Help Comment #3 posted by JohnO on February 22, 2008 at 09:21:48 PT: Schedule 1 drug enforcers have licence to steal your property through RICO statutes. Local, State and Federal government agencies use drug enforcement as an excuse to get their hands on valuable property which is readily sold at auction. This money is not appropriated through the regular channels, and they don't have to beg for it, share it, or even account for it. That money would dry up if they reschedule marijuana, therefore they won't do it. Let's face it, our government is addicted to drugs. I say we need to do an intervention. JohnO [ Post Comment ] Comment #2 posted by afterburner on February 21, 2008 at 21:37:48 PT The FDA's Stand Is Nonsense "The administration of the FDA under both presidents Bill Clinton and George Bush have consistently refused to consider the reclassification in large part because it is a plant and not a formulated drug with full scale testing sponsored by a pharmaceutical drug company."If coca leaves, raw opium and poppy straw are schedule 2, there is no validity to prohibiting cannabis(marijuana) because it is a plant! "Schedule 2 category such as ... coca leaves, raw opium and poppy straw." Coca leaves, raw opium and poppy straw are plants or plant derivatives! [ Post Comment ] Comment #1 posted by bhones2u on February 21, 2008 at 09:21:09 PT: Legalization It is such a stupid debate, saying the same thing over and over to these idiots. legalizing wouldn't hurt anything, people will continue to smoke weed no matter what. it is still wrong to disrupt a persons life because they choose to smoke pot. I think it's ilegal so they can keep puting blacks and hispanics in jail and take away their right to vote. Adults don't need the government to be our Daddy; we can make our own decisions, a person should be penalized for breaking a law aginst society not for smoking pot!!! GET OVER IT!!! [ Post Comment ] Post Comment