Pot and The Ballot Box Pot and The Ballot Box Posted by CN Staff on January 10, 2008 at 06:44:43 PT Editorial Source: Berkshire Eagle Massachusetts -- The great pot debate, in this case as to whether or not the state's penalty for minor pot possession should be reduced from a misdemeanor to a civil infraction, is unlikely to be settled at the ballot box this November even if the issue makes it there in the form of a referendum question. The Legislature has already shown that for good (reducing the state income tax) or ill (initiating public funding of campaigns), it will ignore referendum questions if it sees fit. If change is to come, it will be with the impetus of lawmakers. The Boston-based Committee for Sensible Marijuana Policy wants Massachusetts to join the 12 other states that have reduced penalties for marijuana. New York is the nearest, and there is no evidence that reefer madness has overcome the Empire State. The proposal is not as radical as, for example, legalizing marijuana, which no state can do anyway because it would violate federal laws regulating the drug.The argument that marijuana is a gateway drug to cocaine or heroine is not backed by incontrovertible evidence. If it were, first offenders would not have their cases dismissed with probation, as is regularly the case. Berkshire County and Massachusetts law enforcement officers have a realistic perspective on marijuana use, and a ballot question, a blunt instrument when subtlety is required, is not the way to change drug laws.The state's mandatory sentencing law for drug sales within a school zone, the source for the controversial Great Barrington drug arrests in 2003, is a bad law, however, because it removes sentencing discretion from judges and mandates tough sentences for minor offenses. We once again urge the Legislature to repeal it. We also urge the Legislature to legalize the use of marijuana for certain illnesses, such as cancer and AIDS. These actions would outweigh any ballot tampering with drug laws.Source: Berkshire Eagle, The (Pittsfield, MA)Published: January 10, 2008Copyright: 2008 New England Newspapers, Inc.Contact: letters berkshireeagle.comWebsite: Articles & Web Site:Committee for Sensible Marijuana Policy of Marijuana a Hot Topic with Ballot Question Look To Decriminalize Marijuana Home Comment Email Register Recent Comments Help Comment #20 posted by Toker00 on January 11, 2008 at 18:30:19 PT museman There's a link but the wifey will have to get it to me. Here's some videos about the Mayan calendar while we wait for the lightworkers link. [ Post Comment ] Comment #19 posted by museman on January 11, 2008 at 09:13:05 PT runruff#13 I never met a phor I didn't like. [ Post Comment ] Comment #18 posted by museman on January 11, 2008 at 09:11:44 PT toker #8 Lightworkers unite!Thanks toke.Is that a personal summation, or is there a linkable source? [ Post Comment ] Comment #17 posted by OverwhelmSam on January 11, 2008 at 06:07:01 PT Turning Up The Heat on Legislatures I've noted from various news articles that people are starting to turn up the heat on state and federal legislators. Basically, constituients are telling their Congressmen to put their constitutients interest above their own interest, and above the interest of the government. Legislators are confused, seems they thought they worked for the government. I've said all along that as soon as we make legislators do their job by representing their constituients, many of these cruel anti-marijuana laws will be repealed. [ Post Comment ] Comment #16 posted by DCP on January 10, 2008 at 21:18:21 PT I'm tired of reading this... The Berkshire Eagle needs an education. "as, for example, legalizing marijuana, which no state can do anyway because it would violate federal laws regulating the drug." Wrong! Just because the fed has laws against mj, that does not mean that the states must also have these same laws. There is no reason that CA, for example, cannot leglize mj. The feds could still enforce the federal law but CA law enforcement would not have to help them. (Goodby fed $) [ Post Comment ] Comment #15 posted by RevRayGreen on January 10, 2008 at 20:50:45 PT That's my friend Johnny Reeferseed singing there's a video clip on the mypsace page I think of the band. [ Post Comment ] Comment #14 posted by fight_4_freedom on January 10, 2008 at 20:30:11 PT: Rev That's you in there with the raspy voice??? Are you on guitar in there too? Excellent songs.I have one of his cd's around here somewhere."I know I'm high but babay.....Soundssss....Like Jesus....Somebody's callin my name...If you listen closely babay....Love that song [ Post Comment ] Comment #13 posted by runruff on January 10, 2008 at 18:10:44 PT: Metaphor? What's a meta for? [ Post Comment ] Comment #12 posted by FoM on January 10, 2008 at 17:41:46 PT News Article from The Canadian Press Court Strikes Down Limit on Medical Marijuana ***January 10, 2008Canada -- A Federal Court judge has struck down a government regulation which prevents medical marijuana growers from producing the drug for more than one patient.The decision by Judge Barry Strayer essentially grants medical marijuana users more freedom in picking their own grower, rather than relying on the government as a supplier.Medical marijuana patients had argued that the restriction was unfair and prevented seriously ill Canadians from obtaining the drug they needed to treat their debilitating illnesses.Currently, medical users can grow their own pot but growers can't supply the drug to more than one user at a time.Lawyers for the medical users said that restriction effectively established Health Canada as the country's sole legal provider of medical marijuana.They complained the drug provided by the government was substandard and didn't meet the needs of many patients who use it to treat chronic ailments.Copyright: 2008 The Toronto Star [ Post Comment ] Comment #11 posted by RevRayGreen on January 10, 2008 at 15:40:05 PT Here's a raspy voice for you f4f song 'Brother Can You Spare a Dime'.........listen to the first clip 'Light Em Up'featuring AFROMAN.......mad shout out to moi........ Johnny Reeferseed & the High Rollers [ Post Comment ] Comment #10 posted by fight_4_freedom on January 10, 2008 at 14:58:26 PT: Anybody just see Wolf Blitzer question Ron Paul about his past "racial newsletters"? Well of course he denied it. He then came out to say he is the only candidate who is trying to end the two wars which are hurting the black community. One, the war overseas. And two, the Drug War here in America. He emphasized how important ending the Drug War is and how it discriminates against colored people. Maybe we'll see that issue brought up tonight at the debates. He was really fired up about that issue tonight. I can't tell you how good it felt to have him blasting that War and stating how important it is to end it immediately live on the situation room. I hope he actually gets a chance to speak tonight."RON PAUL REVOLUTION, BRING US BACK OUR CONSTITUTION"hehe His army of followers definitely has the best chant. [ Post Comment ] Comment #9 posted by FoM on January 10, 2008 at 14:57:57 PT Toker00 Most of what I read that you posted I understood. Some went over my head a little. I understand what it means though. There is a time for every season under the sun. I keep thinking of the Indigo Children a lot these days. The times are changing really. [ Post Comment ] Comment #8 posted by Toker00 on January 10, 2008 at 14:16:19 PT FoM Yes, FoM, that is exactly what I thought. Hate, with make-up. Sorry if it offended.On a Lighter note: LightworkersA lightworker is someone whose destiny is helping others literally "see the light"... with the coming of the new age, which actually started in 1962 and will peak in 2012.A lightworker can be starborn or earthborn humans who also have an awakening, with knowledge and skills to teach other people to recognize their own place in this brave new world.The last time there was a big global change on the earth and with mankind was when Christ was teaching and changing attitudes. He was one of the greatest lightworkers of the past 2,000 years. A "new age" happens every 2,000 years or so....I've known much of this for quite a while... but I didn't understand a lot of it until recently. Interestingly, this newest "new age" started with the death of President Kennedy.A lightworker is an individual who is not necessarily religious, but one who is spiritual. A person who believes in wholistic living. Takes an interest in the environment and the health of the planet- body, mind, spirit. Feels incomplete without helping others in some capacity.A person who feels like they were born for some mission to complete, but may not know what it is. There is an ongoing sense of urgency to complete the mission. Many lightworkers have psychic abilities and may use these to help others. Often times, the lightworker may feel a bit isolated or different, as others seem engrossed in ego-based pursuits.Feel called to heal others…Want to resolve the world's social and environmental problems….Believe that spiritual methods can heal any situation…Have had mystical experiences, such as psychic premonitions or angelic encounters…Have endured hard life experiences that eroded your connection to God. Want to heal your own life as a first step in healing the world Feel compelled to write, teach or counsel about your healing experiences….Know you are here for a higher purpose, even if you are unsure how to fulfill it.Many Lightworkers chose to incarnate from the mid 1940’s on. These special souls are called Baby Boomers. They are here to encourage their children to develop their spiritual abilities. They experienced the hippy days of the 1970’s, free love, and radical religious concepts. They are open, loving, and lenient with their children. Lightworkers have attempted to eliminate the stereotypes of male and female behavior.The UFO sightings in the later part of the 1940’s and the perceived threat of extraterrestrials, also encouraged Lightworkers to incarnate. They assisted in bringing harmony to this reality.Many Lightworkers started the New Age Movement. They released traditional forms of religion and began to explore their own psyches.Lightworkers have encouraged their children to investigate religions such as Buddhism, Hinduism, and eastern concepts. Lightworkers promote self exploration in psychology, psychiatry, and alternative counseling practices.They have instigated new and ancient healing techniques such as reflexology, hypnosis, flower remedies, naturopathy, and reiki. Light beings have opened their minds to the possibility of alien life, UFO's, nature kingdoms, other dimensions, and angelic influences.Many lightworkers will remember their alien nature, they will remember that they are starseed or walk-ins what can bring some confusion about there origins and previous homes.Lightworkers are working with the "Great White Brotherhood" which is a spiritual hierarchy where angels, masters , elements and cosmic beings are united. They are assisting this planetary ascension.When you feel you are vibrating with the name "lightworker" , that means you are remembering your mission as a Lightbeing.Toke. [ Post Comment ] Comment #7 posted by runruff on January 10, 2008 at 11:26:14 PT: Tea or "tea"? If you mean tea, I'll bring the crumpets.If you mean "tea", I'll bring the munchies.Or do you speak in a metaforic context as in "Boston Tea Party"? "You say you want a revolution?"-John Lennon [ Post Comment ] Comment #6 posted by afterburner on January 10, 2008 at 11:01:27 PT Thanks, fight_4_freedom Your Bob Seger post helped me find another one that I wanted to share. I think many C-newsers can relate:Bob Seger - Turn The Page [ Post Comment ] Comment #5 posted by fight_4_freedom on January 10, 2008 at 10:22:44 PT: Good Afternoon C-News Thought I'd share some tunes I've been listening today. I was really in the mood to hear a raspy voice for some reason. Therefore CCR was first on my list.CCR- Proud Mary "Keep on Burnin" :) Down on the Corner- Seger- Old Time Rock & Roll- [ Post Comment ] Comment #4 posted by FoM on January 10, 2008 at 10:20:13 PT Toker00 I read what the link was about and all I could think of is how they want to hate a religion. That's what Hitler did with the Jews. If we don't learn from history we are doomed to repeat it. I back away from hate. I do not let it twist my mind. [ Post Comment ] Comment #3 posted by Patrick on January 10, 2008 at 10:13:49 PT Chicken little the sky is... Regarding the video there is no doubt it is propaganda, in my opinion based on the Webster definition for the word, even though it contains a lot of facts. It reminds me of the same scare tactic videos employed during the cold war of MAD (mutually assured destruction.)I especially like the reference to Hemp! Granted it was used as an acronym for High-Altitude Electro Magnetic Pulse but none the less hemp was mentioned.Not doing much today so a chat may be in order if anyone else is around? [ Post Comment ] Comment #2 posted by Toker00 on January 10, 2008 at 09:33:11 PT OT: Please forgive... This video came in an e-mail, and I would like for those who are interested in world views to watch it and give a short opinion on what you think. Be forewarned, it is about Islam and the fear it is generating. Propaganda? Or something to be concerned about? Meanwhile, I am going to try to find out the origin of this video. If you do not want to risk being offended, then please don't watch it. I need the trust and opinion of C-newsers on this if they would like to give it. [ Post Comment ] Comment #1 posted by museman on January 10, 2008 at 09:16:38 PT referendums and initiatives Here's a clue people in Mass;If your leaders don't acknowlege your constitutional power of redress and access to legislative process, then you got more problems than just prohibition.Frankly I'm surprised that Mass would be so federalized, I've always been under the impression that Mass was referred to as "the cradle of liberty" what happened?Time for tea. Or at least a tea party. [ Post Comment ] Post Comment