Prohibition Failing: Legalizing Could Be Tax Boon Prohibition Failing: Legalizing Could Be Tax Boon Posted by CN Staff on January 06, 2008 at 13:13:22 PT By Dan Linn, Special To The Register Star Source: Rockford Register Star Illinois -- Are people really afraid of legalizing marijuana? I cannot understand why it is such a crazy idea to let people consume cannabis. People can get drunk all they want, and humanity keeps moving right along. Of course, there was a time when the country outlawed alcohol consumption, and that failed miserably. Sure Al Capone enjoyed the lucrative aspect of alcohol prohibition, but that prohibition failed and cannabis prohibition has failed for the same reasons. Abuse of cannabis is detrimental, but there is a difference between use and abuse.Most people who use cannabis are responsible and have a job, just like those who use alcohol. If cannabis were regulated like alcohol, there would still be cannabis abuse like there is alcohol abuse, but how bad could cannabis abuse really be for society?I doubt that fast-food chains and pantry stores would be getting held up for munchies or that youngsters would pawn their iPods for water bongs, but are those images what is so frightening about legalizing it?The biggest concern about a taxed and regulated market for cannabis is how to enforce driving sobriety issues. People should not drive impaired by any substance. If they do they are endangering others, thereby breaking the law, and should be punished accordingly.For most teenagers it is easier to get cannabis than alcohol because dealers don’t card, so making the cannabis market a taxable legal market would actually prevent access to cannabis by children. Plus, why is the government concerned about “sending the right message to children”? Shouldn’t that be the parents’ duty and responsibility? Adult cannabis use should not be illegal in an effort to “send the right message,” and a legal cannabis market would have age restrictions and penalties for those who supply children with cannabis.Maintaining cannabis prohibition because of its addictive qualities is a flawed argument as well. Cannabis has been shown to be less addictive than alcohol and nicotine in a study done for the NIDA in 1994 by Jack E. Henningfield.The study noted the dependence, tolerance and withdrawal levels of cannabis were lower than those of alcohol and nicotine.Prohibitionists face the problem that cannabis use is not as bad as they have been portraying, and more and more studies are being released documenting the medical benefits of cannabis. Any concerns about “smoking” medicine can quickly be dismissed by the use of vaporizers and ingesting cannabis. Plus, if smoking cannabis is so harmful, then why aren’t there widespread cases of lung cancer among cannabis users?Cannabis has not one documented fatal overdose, which cannot be said about many over-the-counter drugs found in most homes.Cannabis use is still common despite being against the law, and more than 97 million Americans admit to having tried it, according to the 2005 National Survey on Drug Use and Health. This is proof that cannabis prohibition is not working, and regulating and taxing cannabis is a better option. Cannabis users are probably the only segment of the population that actually wants higher taxes! These cannabis consumers would rather pay a tax on their habit and purchase it legally than risk arrest, and with government budgets stretched thin, how can we afford to keep losing this potential source of tax revenue? A recent study by Jon Gettman, Ph.D., “Lost Taxes and Other Costs of Marijuana Laws,” estimates that marijuana in the U.S. is a $113 billion industry annually and that American taxpayers are losing a total of $41 billion toward enforcement of marijuana laws and lost potential tax revenue.Alcohol prohibition did not work, and cannabis prohibition is not working either.Are we really afraid of the hippies, stoners and potheads of the world? If not, then we should stop locking them up and wasting tax dollars and police officers’ time. After all, it’s supposed to be a free country, right?Dan Linn of Sycamore is executive director of Illinois NORML.Complete Title: Marijuana: Prohibition Failing; Legalizing Could Be Tax BoonSource: Rockford Register Star (IL)Author: Dan Linn, Special To The Register StarPublished: January 6, 2008Copyright: 2008 GateHouse Media, Inc.Website: NORML -- Cannabis Archives Home Comment Email Register Recent Comments Help Comment #43 posted by paulpeterson on January 19, 2008 at 11:44:14 PT Hope-Cannabis can treat Tardive Dyskinesia Nice posts, about how Wikapedia notes that CANNABIS CAN TREAT TARDIVE DYSKINESIA. You see, most "goons" that use civil commitment as a really effective retaliation, for free speech, just want to get a person in a hospital, hooked up to a NEUROLEPTIC DRIP MACHINE, then they FORCE THE PATIENT TO DROP URINE, and God help the patient that drips "dirty" with that dirty little secret drug called CANNABIS, (which would keep that person on a permanent URINE DROP MACHINE, of course, but I digress).All to force a person to SHUT UP about some controversial free speech issue or other.Talk about circular logic, eh? I mean, what if a person was GOONED because he or she talked about how marijuana policy should be changed, to encourage research, about how cannabis could be used to TREAT CERTAIN MENTAL HEALTH IMBALANCES, EH?I mean, hyothetically, of course, WHAT IF THE PERSON WAS TALKING ABOUT TALKING ABOUT MARIJUANA (cannabis), and then got gooned, and thrown in the clink, and forced to take NEUROLEPTICS, which cause a horrible and potentially life changing condition, like TARDIVE DYSKINESIA, which should, in fact, be TREATED WITH CANNABIS, according to those experts at Wikapedia, that is, and then is FOREVER BARRED from ever thinking about thinking about using cannabis again, because that would upset the apple cart, if that makes sense here?In fact, the only worse thing I can think about happening to a citizen, would be for some citizen to get "popped" for possession of cannabis, sentenced to jail, then while in jail, forced to have coercive sex with some lurid, drooling prison guard, that gives the citizen-prisoner at least PTSD, and maybe AIDS, and then the citizen-prisoner, gets parolled, and then hooked up to a urine collection pump, and withheld from the citizen's right to ever use cannabis again, which might, of course, help the citizen-rape victim, overcome PTSD, and maybe the side effects of the AIDS DRUGS, etc., AND TO MAKE THIS CIRCULAR PATTERN WORSE, WHAT IF THE PERSON WAS A MEDICAL MARIJUANA PATIENT, IN THE FIRST PLACE, TO GET GOONED AND TAKEN TO JAIL, where the entire circular pattern started again, in the first place, eh?Of course, to make matters even worse, what if the person, now prone to "flap at the mouth" with tardive dyskinesia, or the like, was talking, in the first place, about the need to reconsider these very things, in the first place, because that person was ALREADY TRYING TO START A CHANGE IN THE SYSTEM, ABOUT THINGS, THAT COULD BE AS BAD AS SECOND circular horror, about the citizen-prisoner-rape-victim, type setup, WHICH MEANS, THAT PERSON, NOW MUST HAVE THE HORROR, OF KNOWING, FIRST HAND, JUST HOW terribly biased this "system" is, to force SHUTUPS, merely to keep change from occurring!But it gets even better (and I hope you are enjoying today's post, eh friends?). When this citizen was force-fed NEUROLEPTICS, for 6 weeks (at a very low dose, thank you, of course), A MAJOR "GOAL" of fake "therapists" and written all over the "chart" each day, WAS FOR THIS CITIZEN TO NOT TALK ABOUT THIS CONTROVERSIAL SUBJECT, a condition of my release, was given, that I must "meet that goal", for three weeks or so, without any LAPSE, ie: MY FIRST AMENDMENT FREEDOM OF SPEECH, was by definition, CHILLED, by medical mandate, IN ORDER TO GAIN MY FREEDOM FROM false imprisonment, and boy, was that ever a heavy burden to take in, and hold in, which is why I have the great need to verbalize these things right now.Quite frankly, in fact, I'm not quite sure whether I am more pissed about the RAPE of my rights and freedoms, the PTSD of knowing just how precise the circumstances were that caused such great presumptions of "fault" of me, for having the audacity to want to speak out about injustice, or whether this is a permanent case of TARDIVE DYSKINESIA, merely because I had to take some bitter pills day after day, which I knew were likely to kill the giant cells of Betz (the huge motor neurons that are responsible for such complex movements as walking, talking, or standing at a urinal, things like that).I'm just glad, of course, that when I was finally released, upon the court-ordered continuation of my pumping those dangerous pills, I HAD ALREADY RESEARCHED ALL ABOUT THOSE ANTI-PSYCHOTIC PILLS, and I knew full well, that when you want to "get off the sauce" and withdraw from that horrible class of chemicals, you have to WEAN DOWN GRADUALLY, OVER AT LEAST A WEEK'S PERIOD, otherwise, NEUROLEPTIC WITHDRAWAL IS GUARANTEED TO MAKE ANY PERSON PSYCHOTIC! (Nope, that didn't happen to me, because I knew very well how to split the pills up, and gradually wean down).There was another "inmate" there, however, that didn't listen to me, when I carefully counseled him about such things. Jeremy, a really good guitar player, got released, and I went back there to visit some other patients, because I knew and know just how important social contact can be for any person behind bars.I was blown away to see that Jeremy was BACK BEHIND BARS, and he told me he had forgotten to wean down gradually, and he had been arrested, after he had flipped out, within a few days, burned his dad's barn, and was found naked, driving an old pickup around in circles, screaming uncontrollably, while the barn burned in the cold night air of a country winter's day. He is now permanently affixed to a neuroleptic pump, with a lifetime exemption from wondering where his address will be-permanently ordered to reside in a group home, somewhere, and his only friend is his guitar. How's that for a visual, eh?By the way, I have had three "neuropsych" tests, one in 1997, that proved I have Attention Deficit Disorder, not "bipolar", another one 6/30/06, likewise that proved ADD and ruled out bipolar, and when the new county attorney, DAVE PATTON, my former "bong brother" I call "BONGO", told me the Chief of Police wanted me "gooned" again and committed, for good, 1/24/07, out of reasonable fear, of the known, of course, I told him I had set another "evaluation" in Iowa City, for 2/6/07, which I assumed he would get paid, and that one likewise proved ADD, and ruled out that "bipolar" thingy-Nope-Bongo wouldn't get it paid for, but that is OK. That establishes he committed EXTORTION under the HOBBS ACT, which is a predicate charge under the RICO STATUTE, which means BONGO HAS SOME "SPLAINING" to do, eh?I am just so sorry, of course, that other citizens don't know how to plumb the depths of this heinous goon system, like I do-at least I know how to defend myself, even if I can no longer try to help others.(And please note, that I want to help others to understand these very things, and to help counsel others how to protect themselves, and I thank Hope again, for giving some assistance here, like by pointing out that Wikapedia entry, which I guess I had missed).Finally, one further note-when an "ADD" person starts to speak out, about any controversial issue, that tends to give some SHRINK, the right to flip the card over to BIPOLAR, and/but instead, NEUROLEPTICS CAUSE WORSENING IN ADD SYMPTOMS, so if a person is diagnosed with "bipolar" disorder, that person should ALWAYS SEEK A SECOND OPINION and testing for ATTENTION DEFICIT DISORDER.ADD/ADHD just became accepted as a condition that adults could persist with, in 1995 or so, and the farther into the backwoods country a person gets, the farther back into the McCarthy Zone doctors tend to be on this subject. For instance, I just knew, and rightly so, that if I had even gotten my "neuropsych" tests done in Northwest Iowa, they would have been "treaked" or disregarded outright, by the local goon-prone doctors here. I had to go 5 hours away, to the other, more "modern", liberally bent corner of this state, in Iowa City, TO ENSURE REASONABLE RESULTS WERE GIVEN to the responses I made.That has probably been outcome determinative, and has meant the difference between a permanent brain fog (like Jeremy is in now), and me, at the present time, an albeit "hyperverbal" individual that has just got his "fix" of typing so many words, that I can say "I'm done now", and thanks for listening.By the way, cannabis helps with Attention Deficit Disorder, big time, it also helps avoid headaches from too much ritalin, it also stops the "withdrawal" headaches when doctors get paranoid about political retaliation, etc., and/but IF I FELT I COULD BE SAFE USING/HAVING THAT RIGHT NOW, it might ALSO SHUT ME UP, so don't blame me for waxing on and on, eh? In other words, if "Snakes" is listening, the cop that I most love to think about gooning straight out of town, GET ME SOME REEFER, SNAKES, AND I MIGHT SHUT UP, EH?And thanks for listening-I'm really done, now. PAUL [ Post Comment ] Comment #42 posted by Hope on January 18, 2008 at 13:36:31 PT Oh my gosh! prevention of tardive dyskinesia is achieved by using the lowest effective dose of a neuroleptic for the shortest time. If tardive dyskinesia is diagnosed, the causative drug should be reduced or discontinued if possible. Tardive dyskinesia may persist after withdrawal of the drug for months, years, or even permanently. Improvements are also seen in some cases, if the high potency benzodiazepines - lorazepam (Ativan®), diazepam (Valium®), or clonazepam (Klonopin®)--are used.[citation needed] The findings about the effects of natural substances, such as vitamin E (Alpha-Tocopherol) or melatonin, are inconclusive.The dopamine-depleting drug tetrabenazine has been used to treat tardive dyskinesia and other movement disorders. Cannabis can be useful as well in treating the symptoms of Tardive dyskinesiaNatural remedies are unproven, since they are seldom tested in a controlled setting such as a drug trial. Preliminary research indicates that alternating rest, and regular exercise also negate the symptoms of tardive dyskinesia,[citation needed] necessary for all mental health outpatients who maintain anti-psychotic neuroleptic drug regimes, for on-going 'wellness'. Switching to a newer drug with fewer side effects might be an option for a patient in a controlled or monitored environment.[citation needed] [ Post Comment ] Comment #41 posted by Hope on January 18, 2008 at 13:28:42 PT "tardive diskenasia", That's horrible... but it's apparently an acceptable side effect to those in certain positions as "Authorities". I have a feeling cannabis or something in cannabis might be exceptionally valuable to people stricken with Tardive dyskinesia. Tardive dyskinesia is a hateful thing, indeed.Word from this female brain. The more you talk, the more you are likely to get your foot in your mouth. I'm not so sure about your response in some areas, but, of course, my cyber friend... I gladly accept your apology.Thank you. [ Post Comment ] Comment #40 posted by ekim on January 18, 2008 at 12:53:07 PT good luck next week Paul ck out the ethanol company that has just signed a deal with GMthe farmers will soon see the lighttake care [ Post Comment ] Comment #39 posted by paulpeterson on January 18, 2008 at 10:29:37 PT Hope-no, I am not insulting females (I apologize) Nope-I do not intend to insult or demean anybody. If anything, I am using wry humor to apologize, for being a typical, word-challenged guy, that didn't recognize the need of my own ex-wife to talk profusely and get verbal responses from me, instead of the typical "grunts" that most brain-dead males think can pass for quality conversation.Yes, I used to be underverbal, and yes, something happened to me 6 years ago, where I must have rewired my brain, and the best way to communicate the "change" is that I became so much more verbal, that this is usually associated with more verbal and more human FEMALES that like to talk more than MALES like to listen to, and if I am INSULTING anyone, it is the guys out there that haven't gotten this yet, IT IS NOT THE FEMALES OF THE PERSUASION, THAT ARE AT FAULT, if that makes any sense here, and I hope it does, eh, friend?Sorry to have appeared to be insulting to anyone, but guys deserve the slur, not girls, eh, girlfriend?And here I sit, in Storm Lake, Iowa, with a hyperverbal (new and improved brain, and I like it this way, really I do, and I wouldn't go back to that dore, boring, self-centered, self-absorbed, non-verbal solitary guy thing, where I keep everything inside and never get to the guts of any issue, and merely "grunt" responses, without any real fleshing out of and to the flesh of life, like guys usually go through their whole lives) requirement to get 750 words out, if I want to feel alive, AND HERE, IN NORTHWEST, IOWA, THE LOCAL POLICE THINK THEY CAN CALL FIRST AMENDMENT FREE SPEECH, "BAD CONDUCT", and out here, on the plain, in Iowa, they actually believe that the FIRST AMENDMENT IS OFF LIMITS, on both private and public property, and so each time I talk openly about protected issues, I just get BANNED AND BARRED FROM ANOTHER PLACE, and boy, isn't that just too RIPE FOR WORDS, EH?Now, to be stuck here, with the most unfortunate turn of events, to have a hyperverbal brain, that just has to talk about it, and less and less people willing to listen, as the days turn into weeks, and into months, and years, and on the contrary, I just keep getting more prone to over-tax the listening abilities of any even previously willing listeners, as I become more prone to excessive flapping of the mouth, which might be symptoms of "Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome" because I got gooned, and committed, for speaking up with one small statement of inhumanity of police to a boy without a coat, 1/21/06, and forced to take those inappropriate brain killers which cause sometimes a "tardive diskenasia", where limbs or face structures flap endlessly, and twitch, and I guess my tongue just flaps in the breeze, which is why, I guess, I must flap so endlessly when I post here, and that's that.And I hope you enjoyed this response, which I mean as an apology, not as a recrimination, against females, no, not I, and someday, I hope to have a relationship, with a female again, because I like close bonding, and I just know that good eye contact, and mutual flapping, helps to trigger a release of oxy-tocine, a social bonding and feel good hormone, that women can encourage the release of, by talking, whereas FOR MOST MEN, IT TAKES MEANINGFUL, PHYSICAL CONTACT, like hugs, and kisses, or the like.And that is just the point here-Most men just don't get it, that to get the close, meaningful, physical contact, that they desire, and thrive on, they must first GIVE THE CLOSE, VERBAL, AND EYE CONTACT, THAT WOMEN DESIRE AND THRIVE ON, which brings us right back to that "men are from mars, women are from venus", diatribe, and it is almost funny, beyond words, to see the NEUROLOGICAL EVIDENCE roll in, which supports these theories, and fleshes them out, and to now know, in fact, that I am apparently sentenced, for an eternity, to have become the man I should have become, that is hyperverbal, finally, LONG AFTER I LOST MY MARRIAGE, AND LOVE OF MY LIFE, in a divorce, that occurred, in 2002, after I lost my law license, in 2001, because I wanted to do all things right, and to gain proper legal authority for the apparent chemical agent, that had apparently triggered the change, to make me a better husband and father, that wanted desperately, to save that marriage, because of the "hyperverbal" shift, and now, to have to watch life pass me by, with less and less hope of retaking my proper purpose and station in life, as a lawyer, that I could be much better at now, with this hyperverbal shift, in fact, and yet, the very fact I keep building up an excess "burden" of words to get out, I get farther and farther from the goal, by the local G0ONS calling my speech proclivity, BAD CONDUCT.I'm almost done now, but once again, no, I am not insulting females, just goon-squad bad male cops, I guess, and yes, once there was a lady cop, that listened to my explanations, when I got arrested for attending a church service (and boy, was that ever a weird charge, and now, 1 1/2 years later, I am in the Iowa Supreme Court trying to get the audiotape from that "interrogation", and she had really nice eyes, and I looked deep into her soul, as she listened, and I just know, she didn't ERASE that tape, I just know it was "Snakes" the worthless propaganda male leader that did that, not "Mona Lisa", the lady cop-nope, it couldn't have been her-she wanted to be honest, not a cad, like Snakes is).And wish me luck hitting federal court next week, with this whole, sordid pattern of now 6 false charges, with evidence crimes in each one so far, done by MALE GOON COPS, I believe-I blame them, not the females in the bunch.Every clerk of court I have dealt with, in fact, has been honest and upfront and helpful, and they all have been female, and each JUDGE so far has been deceptive, in one way or another, and they all have been male, and I have taken a distinct disliking to males because of the fishy proclivity to be fiendish. The Chief Judge in the Iowa Supreme Court, in fact, is female, and I hope that bodes well and means she will WANT to be honest, and to help STOP FRAUD, rather than just foisting more fraud.I'm done now, and have I apologized enough, for seeming to have impugned the female proclivity to be overexpressive? I hope so, in so many words I just know you can accept that I did not mean to slight you, by stating my own proclivity to use so many words, hence, eh? PAUL PETERSON, verbal brain imprisoned in Northwest Iowa, in the body of a talker. [ Post Comment ] Comment #38 posted by afterburner on January 18, 2008 at 09:53:45 PT OT: Merck & FDA: Partners in Crime? Merck Committed Scientific Fraud in Delays, Distortions of Vytorin Drug Trial (opinion) Wednesday, January 16, 2008 by: Mike Adams Great HPV Vaccine Hoax Exposed: A NewsTarget Special Report by Mike Adams Announces Plan to Eliminate Vitamin Companies. Tuesday, January 15, 2008 by: Byron Richards this any way to treat our soldiers?:New Test Finds Depleted Uranium 20 Years After Exposure. Wednesday, January 16, 2008 by: Laura Weldon [ Post Comment ] Comment #37 posted by Hope on January 17, 2008 at 20:53:20 PT Paul Comment 34 "Sorry the story got so long, but I must have rewired my brain, to a "female brain" and I got 750 words to get out each day, and nobody here wants to hear my stories, so I am just a bit desocialized, and you're it, and thanks for listening, for today, that is."What? Are you insulting the "Female brain"? What do you mean? [ Post Comment ] Comment #36 posted by Hope on January 17, 2008 at 20:31:43 PT Dan Linn I just recently read a very good comment by this guy, Dan Linn, over at DrugWarRant. (Dan Linn of Sycamore is executive director of Illinois NORML.)He commented on a piece Pete did on Marijuana and Driving's rant was outstanding and got me to thinking. It was very thought provoking.Dan Linn's comment over there was very interesting, too. He's was talking about teenagers and their smoking and he made a lot of sense. [ Post Comment ] Comment #35 posted by afterburner on January 17, 2008 at 09:31:33 PT paulpeterson #34 Interesting discussion, as usual, of TFA in corn vs. Omegas.Here's another big threat to the food supply (No Labels Required):Cloned Animals Are Safe to Eat, FDA Says By LAURAN NEERGAARD, AP. Posted: 2008-01-16 11:01:12. Filed Under: Health, Healthy Living. [ Post Comment ] Comment #34 posted by paulpeterson on January 17, 2008 at 08:47:43 PT ekim Swtichgrass? No farmers around here are willing to be interested in anything they can't see right in front of their faces. Hemp? No way-that sounds suspicious to them, and they won't play reigndeer games with anyone that doesn't pay total lip-service to the empire here.In my estimation, Trans Fatty Acid poisoning is at its highest in Northwest, Iowa-since corn is king here, and corn gets "cooked" by heating it to dry it in bins.Feedmills "mandate" the cooking of EFA's to gain shelf-life, just like for "Crisco", developed in 1905, so that this "lard" substitute could be placed on the shelf and NEVER TURN RANCID. It does the same thing in the blood-stream, and blocks the blood-brain barrier so EFA products can't get through. That means EVERY GRAIN FED cow and other meat animal in North America, has the blood-brain barrier blocked, meaning that all the "endocannabinoids" which these animals used to produce, have been BLOCKED, since World War II or so, and that means EVERY PERSON THAT EATS TFA's is a walking time bomb.In other words, every farmer gets "Cognitive Dissonance" really bad, and can't assimilate ANY NEW IDEAS that don't seem like they are "authorized" by the existing power structure. This also is a form of "Conservative Affective Disorder" (CAD). A good example is when I tried to gain some coverage locally for my new and improved livestock diet, which took TFA's out, rebalanced the EFA's, and LEGALLY, reproduced the "endocannabinoids", which primordial livestock production would allow, only in greatly increased levels-so high that I felt an immediate "brain buzz" not dissimilar to marijuana intoxication. The local "editor" guy kept standing up to walk away, since that whole idea was WAY TOO SUSPICIOUS TO HIM, and I had to talk him back to his seat, by immediately explaining that he just had a "Cognitive Dissonance" reaction, and I have the cure. Finally, he just couldn't listen any more.He did agree to write some stories about marijuana, though, because there is at least a well-established rebellious group in various societies, about this one.The bottom line? No Iowa person has ever felt the meat buzz, because of the high level of TFA poisoning here. In North Suburban Illinois, 1/3 of the people that would try it felt the "buzz" and they would get really scary looks on their faces, to observe, directly, just how weird it was to feel a buzz from merely EATING GOOD TASTING MEATS.Finally, I realized, upon migrating back here, penniless, etc., that the only people that would/could feel the buzz were those that had already gone VEGETARIAN, ie: they had lost the last vestige of TFA's in their diet! Then I had to convince them to try my meats-In fact, my own brother, that now lives in New Zealand, visited in 2006, and he and his son, who only ate GRASS FED BEEF, in their homeland, could feel the buzz each time, and he was amazed at the fast onset and totally unique quality of this brain action.Upon further observation, there is one immediate buzz (probably from absorption directly in the mouth, directly to the brain), then another chemical that hits about 5 minutes later (probably through the stomach lining), and a rebalancing of brain activity, for a 30-45 minute period.I would love to get some pet scans done, on a "subject" to ascertain just which lobes and areas get the "hit", since there is obviously a selective triggering, of various areas, with various chemicals, as is well-known in the literature, of course.The conclusion here? These local conservative and fearful farmer people, are so superstitious about ANY NEW IDEAS, that they must be totally deficient in brain chemicals, and I have become so SUSPICIOUS about Catholic mentalities, being responsible, I must surmise that ALCOHOL, was chosen as the CATHOLIC SACRAMENT, specifically because that STOPS CREATIVE, OPEN THOUGHT PROCESSES, and causes the user to become GUILT RIDDEN, TO THE POINT WHERE THE CHURCH IS GUARANTEED TO GET A "BUMPER CROP" of guilt prone parishoners, each Sunday morning, after a Saturday night of drinking and drunken sexual debauchery.Alcohol is a perfect sacrament for Catholics-It brings them in in droves, for their "sins are forgiven" rituals that pass the plate, if that makes sense here.In other words, we are living in the midst of leaders that WANT people not to grow their brains, and increase their intelligence, and they all WANT people to be prone to suspect any person with new ideas, to the point where people GET UP AND LEAVE THE TABLE, ANY TIME NEW IDEAS ARE EVEN VERBALIZED, because new ideas upset the apple cart.Marijuana users, in fact, probably are protected from Cognitive Dissonance, by this "strong" chemical that can pass through even a blocked blood-brain barrier, which is why those Catholic cops are so adamantly against this sacrament, because it causes people to overcome GUILT CONSTRUCTS, and the pope don't like dem apples, eh?And thanks for listening. I don't know if Dennis helped Obama over the top here in Iowa or not. I do know, however, that in rigidly and totally conservative bent Northern Iowa, Obama didn't win, ie: in the areas where corn is totally in control, (where the top soil supports the most intensive corn production, that is, where animals get almost NO GRASS in their diet at all, because corn is so cheap, and grass-land is non-existant, and all corn is "combined", and then heat dried) he was more likely to lose out to the conservative bent candidates, like that huckster fellow and the dotting wife that stood by her philandering husband rock-star persona, if that makes sense here.Sorry the story got so long, but I must have rewired my brain, to a "female brain" and I got 750 words to get out each day, and nobody here wants to hear my stories, so I am just a bit desocialized, and you're it, and thanks for listening, for today, that is. PAUL PETERSON, lost in the corn-fields of Iowa, hoping those TFA's get taken out of the foodstream, so people might be able to feel the buzz, before it is too late, eh? [ Post Comment ] Comment #33 posted by ekim on January 11, 2008 at 20:27:06 PT including the temples of Isis & the Elysian Myster i have to ck out isis - thats what my kid named his cane corsopaul if you can see and jan 9 story on UCLA doing a deal for their modified e coli for biofuel-- i think that this process is for reducing the cellulose into sugars and doing it for lessswitchgrass will yeild 1000 gals per acre-it takes 3 years at least to get a crop growing how much cellulose is in it-- hemp has 77%are any farmers near you backing the guys up in ND that want to grow hemp-- seems that i read something about some school getting to research hemp do you know anything about what they will be doing and how much they are growing ----if so the native americans should be allowed toogood luck you are educating as you go thanks for all your hard work [ Post Comment ] Comment #32 posted by paulpeterson on January 10, 2008 at 16:44:13 PT Catholic faith is not Christian (to ekim) Just recall, that when Rome went Catholic in 315 AD, and the Council of Nicea in 325 decreed what Christianity would look like for the next 1000 years or so, rigid, ruthless repression ran ramshod throughout the realm-thousands of competing "priests" were murdered in every other "cult" of worship-only Christianity was allowed anywhere.The biggest losers were those that used "potions", including the temples of Isis & the Elysian Mysteries.Medical "science" was sent packing right back to the stone age. Nope, Catholics don't count as Christians, in my book.And as it goes locally here, the Catholic "goon" squad leader here, a Deacon I call "Pope Prosser" has rigidly retaliated for my free speech rights, and is viciously refusing to allow me access to concealed, withheld, tampered with evidence, in some 6 false charges so far, with horrible consequences for any enlightened reevaluation of "research" opportunities. He even officiated over the death of his own churchman-a man that died 1/24/07 of BRAIN CANCER, because he and his doctor were too scared of "Pope Prosser" to ask me how to use a legal "Marinol" prescription to give Ray Julich a fighting chance.Instead, when I delivered three research reports to city hall 1/17/07, "MITTS" Mark Prosser GRABBED MY ARMS WITH BOTH HIS STICKY FINGERS, AND COMMITTED CRIMINAL ASSAULT, and then made darned sure the DVD of the arrest was "retacted" of the part where his MITTS grabbed my arms.Then, over my clear objections, his hand-picked Magistrate, dismissed the false "disorderly conduct" charge, to ensure I didn't get the witness statements and police report, and a one hour audiotaped "interrogation", where and when I got his Deputy Chief, "SNAKES" Erskine, to call me an "atheist" and be so crass as to state that "everybody dies somedaay, Paul", and then to apologize, on tape. Of course, the new BV COUNTY ATTORNEY, I call "Bongo", because he used to have the nicest, two foot red bong, won't give up the ghost."Pope" Prosser, made a deal with him, where the county attorney gets 1/4 of all asset forfeitures from the city police-nice cut, eh?Nope, the Catholics will never relent. They are too fully invested in repression to want to see pain treatment and compassion rule the realm.Sorry to be a sad-sack on this one, but the battle lines are drawn and quartered, at least in this Catholic Wild-West town, out here East of Sioux City, Iowa.Paul Peterson, Storm Lake, Iowa [ Post Comment ] Comment #31 posted by FoM on January 09, 2008 at 10:48:51 PT fight_4_freedom I think he would listen. He doesn't appear to be bullheaded. [ Post Comment ] Comment #30 posted by fight_4_freedom on January 09, 2008 at 09:34:31 PT: That's true I guess for starters he at least admitted that he did in fact inhale. "That was the point" lol. I do like that line of his.I hope you're right, and if(when) elected, he does listen to us. [ Post Comment ] Comment #29 posted by FoM on January 09, 2008 at 09:21:07 PT fight_4_freedom I think when people approach him on decriminalizing marijuana if he becomes our next President he will listen. Having an open mind means listening and changing your own personal opinion accordingly. [ Post Comment ] Comment #28 posted by fight_4_freedom on January 09, 2008 at 08:29:21 PT: He came close to winning last night though I think Clinton only won by 2 or 3 percent right? I'm not worried. I truly believe he'll get the nomination. Sorry if that was an old video. As soon as he said slippery slope I got scared. I like him a lot, and I think he could be a great leader. I know he's all about change, and that's good. But it looks unlikely that he'll change our marijuana laws.Either way, I'd rather have him in the White House over Clinton or any Repub. [ Post Comment ] Comment #27 posted by FoM on January 09, 2008 at 05:41:51 PT fight_4_freedom I didn't click on the video because I'm sure I saw it already. I think Obama knew to be careful when asked that question. Since Clinton is empowered now I realize how hard it will be to keep them out of the White House. If Clinton wins I will give up and know there is no hope in my opinion for change in my life time. The Republicans really do want to win. I have always believe the Clintons were Republicans in theory not Democrats. I didn't vote for Clinton and I know I won't vote for her this time. [ Post Comment ] Comment #26 posted by fight_4_freedom on January 08, 2008 at 22:35:06 PT: I'm sure you've all seen this Obama video on medical marijuana. This is the first time I came across it. It starts out good but I really don't like that last line.I was hoping he was different. [ Post Comment ] Comment #25 posted by fight_4_freedom on January 08, 2008 at 22:06:56 PT: I also decided I'll be voting for him next week. Obama was my other choice but he isn't even a choice due to Michigan moving up it's primary. But I read on the Obama site that a lot of Obama supporters here in Michigan are going to vote for Kucinich in place of B.O.I know he has no chance, but I'm going to vote for him because I truly agree with his belief in peace. I truly believe in what he stands for.I'll vote for Obama in November anyways :) [ Post Comment ] Comment #24 posted by fight_4_freedom on January 08, 2008 at 21:57:47 PT: Ekim I doubt I will be able to see Kucinich when he comes to MI. Every place he's going to be is at least an hour and a half or more away from me. And I'm kinda tight on cash right now and with gas the price it is it's unlikely I'll have the money.And unfortunately my friends don't care one bit about politics so I doubt they'd be interested either.But if the opportunity arises, I will surely jump right on it.I do know there will be MINORML members meeting and talking with him though. SSDP from the U of M is also hosting one of the events he is coming to, so I think we got it covered :) [ Post Comment ] Comment #23 posted by ekim on January 08, 2008 at 21:40:45 PT Cannabis 08 on the Mount Paul if the three great faiths in that city would all join together and allow mmj -- we might have a happy new year--a huge cannabis event could take place in a city that has records that date back hundreds if not thousand of years ago.surly there must be written on old hides or on plants something about cannabis---- what is said about this plant from back in our History.Respected teachers from all over the planet could meet and release all known information know to us.i hope all know i was talking about Jerry Brown when i was thinking back a little-- i think he is a good guy.f4f if you see this will you be seeing Dennis Kucinich cause he will have power in his numbers as he joins with others-- am trying to get Dennis to Kalamazoo --- Dennis should be meeting with the MI Med Cannabis Bill people and the Vets for mmj--Paul do you think Dennis put B.O. over the top in iowaDick has story on M. Emry at and the prison isum [ Post Comment ] Comment #22 posted by Dankhank on January 08, 2008 at 20:46:40 PT Paul amazin' stuff go girlfriend ... :-) [ Post Comment ] Comment #21 posted by FoM on January 08, 2008 at 10:45:12 PT Paul It's really good to see you. [ Post Comment ] Comment #20 posted by paulpeterson on January 08, 2008 at 09:41:03 PT Illinois decriminalization is gaining steam Just a comment-Some 50 Illinois towns and villages have already decriminalized small amounts of marijuana-and although most are quite close to the shores of Great Lakes, like that big, deep "Lake Michigan", which is deep and wide, apparently, I DON'T THINK ANY OF THOSE TOWNS HAVE FALLEN INTO THE DRINK YET, folks, eh?Sure, some chiefs of police, like Wilmette's George Carpenter, who helped turn this pioneering effort into a true TREND, even stated, in an article in 2004 in the "Pioneer Press", that "we've had the law on the books since 1978-and WE WEREN'T THE PIONEERS ON THIS ONE" and then he went right on to state that "THIS ISN'T DECRIMINALIZATION, JUST EFFECTIVE LAW ENFORCEMENT", and we should give him the biggest award for the GREATEST USE OF DOUBLESPEAK, for effectively using doublespeak to avoid "Conservative Affective Disorder" (CAD) backlash, by denying he had done what he had done.Sure, Naperville & Darien did this one first, way back in the "good old" Carter years, back when he suggested pot should be decriminalized (in 1977, that is) and that was when various villages did "decriminalization" ordinances, in what I call the "first wave" of small burgs that hit the beach, with local laws described to "substitute" for state and federal "knock them over the head with criminal torture" laws, and such.And when I calmly visited my local chief of police, back in 2001, in Wilmette, he calmly listened as I described how to enact a "prosecutorial discretion policy", which required city council action, WHICH HE THEN TOLD ME THEY HAD DONE IN 1978! I told him how to do it, by using the "other" blank on his parking tickets, down below the "meters" and "hydrants" and "sidewalks" parking restrictions blanks, and then I told him I would GIVE HIM A TWO YEAR HEAD START (before I would "sic" the newspaper Jimmy Olsens on him), so he could then tell them they were 'doing this all along' or something like that, which is what that PIONEER told the PIONEER PRESS, when he stated WE WEREN'T THE PIONEERS ON THIS ONE (etc.), and good work, GEORGE CARPENTER, CHIEF OF POLICE, my friend and compatriot on changing the world (you go, girlfriend).And in the first wave of press, two years later, there were already 5 towns listed, and each chief got to choose some bold statement of boldness, like "educators wanted us to do this one" and "we have freed up law enforcement assets to tackle worse crimes".And by the time the second wave hit the beaches, some 11 towns were in this rebel held zone fighting off the livid, drug goon pistol packing pacyderms of deception.And by the time I left town, to start a wave hitting the beaches in little Storm Lake, Iowa, in 2006, I had confirmed 16 towns were painted green on the map of movement of this wave of tolerance.So I am only estimating 50 at this time, because I just know chiefs of police talk to other chiefs and word travels like wild-fire out on the plaines of Goshen, don't it?Sorry it ain't siced out to Sycamore, yet, friends, that is probably still too far inland to have a tidal wave of tolerance hit there yet, but it is coming soon, to a burg near you (but don't wait up for my success in the Whitecaps of Storm Lake, Iowa, I have an EMERGENCY APPEAL IN THE IOWA SUPREME COURT RIGHT NOW, about evidence destruction, tampering, concealment, erasement, "dog ate my homework" type stuff, stupid stuff, in some 6 false charges, like where I am being prosecuted for attending a church service, on time, no less, and Presbyterian witnesses are being secreted away from my access, because those Bible thumpers don't like what the Presbyterian Church, USA has suggested, that "medical marijuana" is an issue of mercy, etc.).And right now, I have a band of ruffian Chiefs of Police in Illinois, that look more compassionate than Presbyterian Bible thumpers, if that makes any sense here.Over and out, they might have identified the source of this transmission, and I don't want those Bible thumpers grabbing me here, yet, anyway. Oops, gotta go, knock at the door, I'm history. PAUL PETERSON, BEHIND ENEMY LINES, IN NORTHWEST IOWA, RIGHT BY THE BEACH IN STORM LAKE, IOWA. 712-732-2620 [ Post Comment ] Comment #19 posted by museman on January 07, 2008 at 12:55:36 PT rchandar The crimes, the cover-ups, the lies and obfuscations are way beyond any one issue, though cannabis prohibition is of course I believe the primary crux issue -in legalism-.The political games of manipulating states that aren't ruled by participatory members of the global, unilateral elite status quo, go back to the times of antiquity. The set-ups we/I have seen in the past half century of my attention and awareness of such things, are definitely visible beneath the surface hype and propaganda, that's why we still have martyrs-people who saw and spoke out just a bit too loudly.There is a badge of power in the world. It is old, and in my mind, a stench upon the earth. That badge of power is primarily one thing; posession, and control of the concept, measure, and substance of wealth and land holdings.Is there anyone currently in the political arena, that one can honestly say is not wearing that badge, and upholding it's premise?I think not.But their control of the masses is nearly absolute. Between the mad scramble for 'a comfortable life' with the actual circumstances given, the competetive war against all other comers just for the oppportunity for table scraps, religion and it's dope-like addiction to small circles of droning sameness - the safety and comfort of stasis, the myriads of programming techniques forced upon us in the afore mentioned, and the media, there is not a lot of space for clear thinking. Reality remains undefined, even though it is literally right in front of everyone. [ Post Comment ] Comment #18 posted by FoM on January 07, 2008 at 12:46:08 PT rchandar I often think how lucky I am. I live in a warm home and have basic human comforts and I realize how fortunate I am. I'm glad I was born in the USA because in so many countries the people have so little compared to us. [ Post Comment ] Comment #17 posted by rchandar on January 07, 2008 at 12:35:20 PT: I might add.. The worst problem that America faces is not her wealth, her technology, her many institutions with a long history. It is her collective "hubris." "Hubris" means "the sin of pride." Americans remain completely indifferent to or ignorant of the outside world: they honestly believe that they "deserve" to be the best, the richest, the most powerful. And that's when civilizations start dying. I sincerely doubt that Jesus of Nazareth is going to come and stand up to our Pontus Pilates and Judas Iscariot: there is a notorious lack of reinvention and rethinking in our society, and it will eat us up if we don't learn our world for real. When a society becomes complacent and starts to feel that its way of life demands no rethinking, and when the social standards become something we take for granted rather than something which is dynamic and in motion, society declines. Americans feel they have an unquestionable right to their health, education, community, and values: this is never good. The examples of minorities, the War on Terror, public policy, all illustrate this: namely, that Americans take their privileged role for granted. True, they may be industrious, shrewd, and hardworking: BUT they honestly believe they are granted that right by God, and that no other form of thinking is relevant or useful to the world. THAT'S gotta change, or we're in trouble.--rchandar [ Post Comment ] Comment #16 posted by rchandar on January 07, 2008 at 11:03:10 PT: museman the most vexing thing about the War on Terror was that they did not consider our ideas. Countries like Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, and Pakistan could benefit enormously from cannabis legalization: here are economies in the throes of death. What isn't often publicized and surely never gets to the verbal rehearsals of the CNN reporters is the very fact of poverty: and really, how America and Europe have done very little to prop up the economies.Geraldo Rivera saw the basis for fundamentalism, terrorism, radicalism: when people are poor, even stupid ideas sound good. The exasperating thing is that Bush and his ancillaries don't understand "change": they are certain that Americans dont need to change their approach, that they don't need to learn anything from history, that American democracy and diplomacy is "sound" and requires no "new" ideas. American efforts to revive the Afghan economy have been close to nil at best, yet Karzai stands there smugly with the unchallenged legal staff of a death penalty for drugs use, trafficking, and/or cultivation. "Democracy" is very far from happening in the Middle East: it can only be realized when ordinary people have rights, have the freedom of expression. Bush has done an atrocious job of not only allowing these countries to chafe in poverty; he has allowed their foundations to remain undemocratic, ignoring very basic realities that undermine any true democratic process.So, he throws up governments that are superficially an endorsement of American social policy while allowing them to breathe the worst elements of ancient Islam: punitive and narrowmindedly so. It is time Third World countries and their governments to stand up to American Drug War imperialism: no longer should politicians in "The South" continue to fear US reprisals that usually deny them money for expensive militaries, services and industries that can be enjoyed by only a fraction of the population, and which usually line their pockets. THAT'S WHY we have terrorism: drug policy reform is not seriously considered there because it would deprive them of lucrative patronage, and so THE PEOPLE are basically unheard all the time. Take a look at your globe. Turn it to Africa, the Middle East, and Asia. And ask yourself: why is that these countries, all of them poor, could not benefit from a liberalized policy on cannabis? What's the value of persecuting growers, sellers, and users? To ensure the safety of a trickle of US tourists and investors? To present the facade of a US-styled society? To sell products that are defective and basically useless? Or, really: to HIDE injustice, make it look palatable to Americans?--rchandar [ Post Comment ] Comment #15 posted by runruff on January 07, 2008 at 10:10:03 PT: Loves the status quo? You may also include the members of the, "lucky sperm club."{Inheirted affluence} [ Post Comment ] Comment #14 posted by museman on January 07, 2008 at 09:57:03 PT yeh right "The biggest concern about a taxed and regulated market for cannabis is how to enforce driving sobriety issues. People should not drive impaired by any substance. If they do they are endangering others, thereby breaking the law, and should be punished accordingly."#1. "...taxed and regulated market..." - is how we got into this mess in the first place, because of who rules the market.#2. " to enforce..." I don't know about anyone else, but I've had enough of the over-empowered, low-intelligence, pig-spirited, less-than-human blight on life called 'law enforcement.'#3. "...should not drive impaired by any substance..." Is it just 'substances' other drivers should be afraid of? How about cell phones, emotional states of mind (brought on by the myriads of possible negative expereinces during ones day,) unruly children distracting the driver, and then there are all those 'legal' substances that make you drowsy, slow your reaction times (like a good heavy meal) and what about all those supersized americans ready to have a heart attack at any moment - there is a demolished Pizza place locally that was destroyed by a 50 something man driving a motor home who had a heart attack at a stoplight, and kept on going right into the place.#4. "... should be punished accordingly." So lets set up some standards;It's ok to invade and destroy other sovereign nations, have illegal covert prisons run by the CIA out of country so they can legally torture their prisoners without fear of legal repercussions. It's ok to imprison the highest population per capita, for life choices outside the prescribed 'market' parameters. It's ok to do just about anything if you got the bucks, but at first glance the biggest 'punishable crime' in america is poverty. - because that is the reality that forces people to make decisions contrary to the status quo.So lets stop mincing words and rewriting the dictionary to keep the wool down over the eyes, lets just out and say it;"You are part of the status quo (definable by 'family breeding' and investment capital,) and 'acceptable,' or you are a criminal, subject to either imprisonment or slavery."Punish, regulate, and enforce yourselves you bunch of biological Roman throwbacks. [ Post Comment ] Comment #13 posted by FoM on January 07, 2008 at 06:11:58 PT Celaya I'm not very smart when it comes to undestanding people that are so deep and Noam Chomsky goes right over the top of my head. I am a heart type person rather then analytical if that makes sense. [ Post Comment ] Comment #12 posted by FoM on January 07, 2008 at 06:07:20 PT Dankhank I watched his show one time and that was the last time I will ever watch his show. He really seems arrogant to me and he is a Republican to boot. I don't like self righteous people. [ Post Comment ] Comment #11 posted by Celaya on January 07, 2008 at 00:22:57 PT From The Sublime To The Monstrous It's great to see journalists stating the truth we have been sending out for years.Chomsky is a brilliant intellectual, and can be hard to follow. Try reading him in small doses, and Google references you may not have heard of before. Some works are easier than others. Try one of his short books on line at this great website: something really scary, check out "Thinking For Yourself Is Now A Crime" [ Post Comment ] Comment #10 posted by Dankhank on January 06, 2008 at 21:57:13 PT something different ... Glen Beck seems to have had a life-changing episode in the bowels of the American Medical Establishment.Might be interesting to catch his show tomorrow ... [ Post Comment ] Comment #9 posted by rchandar on January 06, 2008 at 20:12:36 PT: Yanxor Irritatingly enough, there isn't. What that means is that the vast majority of proles in today's society take the "War on Drugs" to be the "truth," to be uniformly "acceptable," and somehow "unquestionable." The groundwork was laid in the Reagan years: the notion that cannabis was "bad," "destructive", "harmful" was established in film, in social conversations, in analogies as to what "reefer" was like or what it "did" to you. Yes, you will be able to find, past NIDA and other anti-drug sites, thousands of pages devoted to research, case studies, rationalizations, and summaries of MJ's "psychoactive" effects and to local communities, manufacturing and distribution, and even assessments of those who would legalize MJ. 100% of them are predicated on the belief (not the "truth") that "drugs" are "bad", that they "destroy lives and families," and that "drug users" "don't care" about their families, their friends, their community. We are, rhetorically speaking, completely deprived of a voice in expressing the good things and the policy value of a liberalized marijuana policy. The music of today is far less aggressive in attacking the "War on Drugs" than it was 25 years ago, or even 10 or 15 years ago: hip-hop, metal, and even rock n' roll have backed away from moral interrogations of policy: where they were critical of everything in the Reaganite view a few years ago, most people on the street today "admit" that "drugs are bullshit". The pop music industry churns out artist after artist who do not really vindicate youth, sexuality, freedom: they present a transitory world that ends in, "see, I told you so."There was a groundswell in the 90s, for example: Jay-Z, Cypress Hill, Sean Combs, Alice In Chains, Pantera, really the list went on and on. But today's versions of both hip-hop and grunge repeat dealer-user exploitations, objectify women, and assemble almost no political critique worthy of "fighting" anything. The 80s was pretty remarkable too: Talking Heads, Prince, Bruce Springsteen, U2, Sting, Grandmaster Flash. These were people who attacked the cultural purifications of the Drug War. The Bush years, to quote an old friend of mine from then, "ain't even cool, guy."rchandar [ Post Comment ] Comment #8 posted by FoM on January 06, 2008 at 17:58:27 PT runruff The love of money can be a very bad thing. It creates what we have now. Money isn't the problem but the obsession with it and not sharing at all with those who help make a company or individual wealthy. No person can become rich without people working for them and we shouldn't ever forget these people if we become wealthy. I never became wealthy but when I had employees they were paid very well. [ Post Comment ] Comment #7 posted by runruff on January 06, 2008 at 17:46:14 PT: Understanding Noam? FoM,Noam is a high-ranking respected member of the 200 club. His IQ is reputed to be over 200. I don't claim to know everything he's talking about either. Sometimes I just get the gist of it and feeling lucky at that. He Is a very bright man and has a lot of understanding.I think what he meant by saying," there is no need to tell our readers the truth they already know the truth."He means that on issues that may necessarily benefit society as a whole may not necessarily benefit those who have investments otherwise. Current laws in place. that if they were removed, might threaten their status quo. So he's saying that these leaders, people in politics,law enforcement, religious leaders, even the moguls of industry, while they may know the truth they will argue against the truth, stand against the truth, even manipulate the truth, to keep change from happening. These are people who are quite comfortable, even dependent upon the status quo. [ Post Comment ] Comment #6 posted by FoM on January 06, 2008 at 17:27:45 PT runruff I looked up Noam Chomsky and I didn't understand what he was trying to say. I tried to figure him out a number of years ago but I didn't understand back then either. I am watching the Republican debate and I don't understand it either. I see good ideas with Democrats and Republicans but neither Party fits me so that is why I am an Independent. I guess I will be a Democrat after I vote in my states Primary but I can re-register as an Independent after the election in November is over. I think serious change is the only way to save our country because we are turing into a Fascist nation and I don't use that word lightly. [ Post Comment ] Comment #5 posted by runruff on January 06, 2008 at 16:48:36 PT: Noam Chomsky "There is no need to tell our leaders the truth, they already know the truth."I know I've said it before many times but look, we know why a certin powerful segment in our society holds on to these draconian prohibition laws.They hear the truth many ways, many times, from many sources. It is my feeling that they just scoff at us. We can bitch, moan, suffer in our collective pain. All the while we are forced to foot the bill through our other draconian system [taxes] to pay for our own demise.Which brings me to one of my other favorite slogans: who pays the piper call the tune.We need change. If we don't get change we will become no better off under an oligarchy than the Soviets were under Stalin. [ Post Comment ] Comment #4 posted by Richard Zuckerman on January 06, 2008 at 16:40:30 PT: RON PAUL'S LIBERTARIAN REPUBLICAN IDEOLOGY Have you people watched the Presidential Debates on Channel 7? Ron Paul argued for spending cuts and for restrictions on making currency out of thin air for more borrowing. Have you people ever questioned why it is so difficult for Americans to finance secondary education, while the financing of secondary education in other countries is paid for by their government? Does it surprise you people why Americans are being sold out by the people of those countries whose government pays for their secondary education? Don't the people of this country DESERVE to be sold out by those other countries because the voters in this country CONTINUE to vote for the same parties who have sunk this country into near bankrupcy??? And the voter apathy continues!! One would expect voter behaviors to change after having noticed that after voting for 30 years we have not progressed!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ron Paul is my choice! But, as President Richard Nixon once said during a telephone conversation in the Oval Office: "The Cattle will never know." You watch as the Cattle flock to the election polls and vote for the Bilderbergs, e.g., U.S. Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton, New Jersey Governor Jon Corzine; Council On Foreign Relations members John Edwards, the wife of U.S. Senator Obama, Congressman David Dreier [who stated around 2002 that he wants to break the back of the pot decriminalization movement using "Gestapo tactics"), Congressman Donald Payne (of New Jersey); Trilateralists U.S. Senator John "Jay" Rockefeller, U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein. THE CATTLE WILL VOTE FOR MEMEBERS OF THESE SECRET ORGANIZATIONS AND PROBABLY NOT INFORM THEIR CHILDREN ABOUT THE TREASONOUS ORGANIZATIONS. RON PAUL DOES NOT BELONG TO ANY OF THESE SECRET ORGANIZATIONS! HIS VOTING RECORD THRU TEN TERMS IN CONGRESS SPEAKS OF HIS CONCERN FOR AMERICAN IDEALS. WWW.RONPAUL2008.COM. THE LESSER OF TWO EVILS IS STILL EVIL!The spirit of will not be realized while people vote for the police state. Police are an unconstitutional standing army, as described on the web article entitled "ARE COPS CONSTITUTIONAL?", which you can download easily by typing "ARE COPS CONSTITUTIONAL?" into any major search engine. As long as you people vote for more police, more laws, more spending, we will continue to be bankrupted for a United Nations takeover and radical restriction on our individual freedoms!!The U.S. Supreme Court told me via telephone this past Friday that the oral argument in the U.S. Supreme Court on the District Of Columbia v. Heller, on the scope of the U.S. Constitutional Right to keep and bear arms, will not be scheduled until after around January 15, 2008. I WANT TO PERSONALLY ATTEND AND CLOSELY WATCH THIS PARTICULAR U.S. SUPREME COURT ORAL ARGUMENT! I CONSIDER THIS APPEAL TO BE CRUCIAL IN OUR LIFETIME! AN EDITORIAL WRITTEN WITHIN THE PAST THREE WEEKS IN THE NEW JERSEY LAW JOURNAL NEWSPAPER CONCLUDES THE PRESENT HISTORY DOES NOT WARRANT A FINDING OF AN INDIVIDUAL SECOND AMENDMENT RIGHT TO KEEP AND BEAR ARMS, PERHAPS THE OLD EVOLVING CONSTITUTIONAL INTERPRETATION, INSTEAD OF THE ORIGINAL INTENT INTERPRETATION. An article in describes threatening graffiti desecration of Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Connecticut by illegal alien gang known as MS 13 containing the words "Kill Whites". Considering the number of murders of Americans by illegal aliens,, considering the high crime rate in big cities, there is indeed an evolving need to find an individual Right to keep and bear arms under the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution!!!; You can best believe the United Nations wants to take away your Right to keep and bear arms!AFTER THIS APPEAL, THE U.S. SUPREME COURT SHOULD GRANT CERTIORARI TO DECIDE WHETHER TO OVERRULE SPARF AND HANSEN V. UNITED STATES, A CASE FROM 1895, THE LAST TIME THE U.S. SUPREME COURT TOOK A CASE ON WHETHER THE TRIAL COURT IS REQUIRED TO INSTRUCT THE JURY THAT THEY MAY CONSIDER THE LAW AS WELL AS THE FACTS IN DETERMINING THEIR VERDICT. The New Jersey Supreme Court case of State v. Ragland, 105 N.J. (1985) made a comment that they know so little about the jury nullification power that they are unable to discern it to the fullest extent; But since State v. Ragland, literature has come out concluding most juries are not aware of their power to decide the law as well as the facts and that the judges SHOULD instruct the jury of their law-finding function! One such law review authority was written by U.S. District Judge Jack Weinstein, (E.D. N.Y.). Another one, perhaps the most interesting, was written by David N. Dorfman, Assistant Professor of Law, Pace University School of Law, White Plains, New York. [ Post Comment ] Comment #3 posted by OverwhelmSam on January 06, 2008 at 14:54:41 PT Yanxor The prohibitionists are passionate enough to become District Attorneys, Elected Officials, and Law Enforcement Officials so that they can ensure prohibition against the will of the people. I would feel a lot better about it if they just did their job and got out of activism against marijuana legalization. As it is, we are forced in the political arena to ensure that these hard core hate mongers don't get re-elected. Even now, people are questioning the hell out of the Presidential Candidates. [ Post Comment ] Comment #2 posted by FoM on January 06, 2008 at 14:21:47 PT Yanxor I really don't know but maybe someone does. [ Post Comment ] Comment #1 posted by Yanxor on January 06, 2008 at 14:16:52 PT wow Well arguedKnow what, I wonder if there is an "" or something where prohibitionists have forums discussing the news relating to cannabis (wonder how they would trash the above article) - probably not, prohibitionists arent as passionate I suppose. [ Post Comment ] Post Comment