Marijuana Ticket Law Only Catching on Near Austin

  Marijuana Ticket Law Only Catching on Near Austin

Posted by CN Staff on December 31, 2007 at 08:10:54 PT
By Tiara M. Ellis, The Dallas Morning News  
Source: Dallas Morning News 

TX -- Texas lawmakers thought they could help ease jail overcrowding when they passed legislation allowing police to write tickets for misdemeanor marijuana possession and a few other nonviolent crimes, instead of hauling suspects to the clink. But the new law, which went into effect Sept. 1, is being used only in Travis County. Prosecutors in Dallas, Tarrant and Collin counties never set up a system to process the misdemeanor citations and, they say, they have no plans to do so.
"I think the Legislature was very sensitive to the fact that there are so many jails that are overcrowded," said Terri Moore, Dallas County's first assistant district attorney. "This was a great idea, but it raises a lot more questions that we are not ready to answer." The new law gives officers the option to arrest, as they have been doing, or write tickets for possession of less than 4 ounces of marijuana. Some supporters of the law say these nonviolent offenders could be treated the same as drivers who get caught speeding and agree to go before a judge. But critics say these class A and B misdemeanors, although not violent crimes, could still result in jail time and require investigators to build a solid case for prosecution. As a result, the burden of making sure that suspects make it to court and no one is misidentified is higher. For Greg Davis, Collin County's first assistant district attorney, one of his qualms with the new law is the perception created by ticketing for a drug offense, instead of making an arrest. "It may... lead some people to believe that drug use is no more serious than double parking," Mr. Davis said. "We don't want to send that message to potential drug users, particularly young people." For Ms. Moore, writing citations for marijuana possession also raises questions about prosecuting those cases. How do officers prove that the person ticketed is the same one who shows up for court? Digital cameras or fingerprinting could be used, but that would be more equipment for officers, Ms. Moore said. Snipped:Complete Article: Dallas Morning News (TX)Author: Tiara M. Ellis, The Dallas Morning News Published: Monday, December 31, 2007Copyright: 2007 The Dallas Morning NewsWebsite: letterstoeditor dallasnews.comTexas NORML -- Cannabis Archives 

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Comment #51 posted by afterburner on March 04, 2008 at 20:52:06 PT
Japan, an Island Nation, Serious re Energy Alt's
Fuel cells deliver electricity, hot water to Japanese homes; wider use possible but costly. Source: The Canadian Press.
Posted: 03/03/08 11:06PM.
Filed Under: Science FOR FEEDS.
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Comment #50 posted by rchandar on January 16, 2008 at 09:15:14 PT:
I think something should (must) be done about this. Here is a large state that passed a statewide law, and here are county police departments stating that they intend to ignore it.Discretion versus arrest is not a recommendation by the Texas legislature; it's THE LAW. The local police departments are REQUIRED to institute procedures for determining "discretion." It is neither just nor fair, nor even permissible to ignore a statewide statute that REQUIRES immediate changes.
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Comment #49 posted by FoM on January 04, 2008 at 09:57:41 PT
Thank you. I bookmarked it. I just checked and winds are 7 mph now. I'll pay more attention to our wind speed when I check the weather.
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Comment #48 posted by museman on January 04, 2008 at 09:51:24 PT
There are two examples on this site that fit your budget. Both need at least 6 mph wind to function, peak function at less than 30 mph. should shop around, but there aren't too many manufacturers, so the price will be about the same.
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Comment #47 posted by Had Enough on January 04, 2008 at 04:21:42 PT
Venture stores solar power with molten salt
January 2, 2008 7:31 AM PSTVenture stores solar power with molten saltPosted by Martin LaMonica A newly created company called SolarReserve intends to commercialize a solar power plant capable of generating electricity and storing it in molten salt. (Credit: BrightSource Energy)The venture was created by investment firm US Renewables Group, which has licensed technology from Hamilton Sundstrand, a subsidiary of United Technologies. A plant will be capable of generating 500 megawatts of peak power, the size of a typical power plant. 
Solar thermal technology, which uses heat intensified by lenses and mirrors to create electricity, is being pursued by utilities because it is relatively cost-effective. It is also called concentrated solar power (CSP). But because the sun's energy is intermittent, companies are seeking out large-scale storage techniques, from compressed air to massive batteries. Molten salt storage is already used at the Nevada Solar One plant. SolarReserve's technology will use a tower with a holding tank of molten salt. An array of mirrors will reflect light onto the tank. The heated liquid is then pumped into a steam generator that will turn a turbine to make electricity.more…
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Comment #46 posted by FoM on January 03, 2008 at 11:15:23 PT
Had Enough 
That's great. Thank you. I wasn't sure it could be done.
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Comment #45 posted by Had Enough on January 03, 2008 at 10:57:41 PT
Energy from the motion of the ocean 
A former surfer designs a buoy that can convert wave motion into electricity.By Dan Drollette, FSB Magazine
December 15 2006: 10:01 AM EST(FSB Magazine) -- If you wanted to choose the perfect location for capturing the ocean's energy, you couldn't do much better than the Oregon coast. Waves arrive there with immense power, having traveled across thousands of miles of open water with few barrier islands, reefs or other obstructions to slow them down. Some are so large that they can be tracked by Satellite days before they arrive. Starting in 2007, those massive, ceaseless waves will help light homes and businesses along the West Coast, thanks to an entrepreneur named George Taylor.…Google search
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Comment #44 posted by FoM on January 03, 2008 at 10:40:05 PT
Thank you. When we were only dreaming of having a small house in the country back in the mid 70s we read Mother Earth News frequently and wanted to keep what they said in our minds. We built our house the right way for solar but we couldn't afford it. We are up on a ridge and get almost constant wind but not more then 5 to 10 miles per hour. Sometimes we get wind up to 20 to 30 but that isn't all the time and we don't have much wind in the summer. Do you have a link that I could check out about wind power for about a $1,000? I know how blocking water has hurt fish etc. and I don't want to hurt nature but if they could figure out a way to use sea water maybe that would help but I have no idea if that is even a slight possibility.
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Comment #43 posted by museman on January 03, 2008 at 10:17:06 PT
FoM #37
Yes, wind is a very viable alternative in some places. My daughter is currently lobbying the government of South Dakota (for Greenpeace) to get them to invest in a wind system, that would not only power theri whole state, but give them an export commodity that they don't have at this point.Wind is also a viable setup for individual households. A small windmill can be had for around $1,000. The problem is of course that there must be some wind, but not too much. Not enough, and you don't get enough torque to move the blades, too much and it flies apart. Where I used to live in Colorado for example, the wind blows nearly 24/7, but often fierce enough to rip roofs from houses, so it would be a highly efficient, but also high maintenance situation.Water as hydro-power, using the dams, has disrupted watersheds, habitats, and ecologies, however lower impact hydro power is more than possible. There is a unit called a Pelton Wheel that will lay into just about any significant water flow, without changing the eco system. It used to be had for a few hundred dollars, but since the 'new' interest in alternative power, the new corporations bought out by profiteers, probably sub-divisions of the various power companies, and oil companies have the whole thing in their pocket.Solar panels are your best all-round bet, fit any situation kind of thing, but they like other alternative solutions are being held out at ridiculously inflated prices so that the common ordinary financiallly struggling citizen cannot afford alternatives, and is stuck supporting polluting technologies. The power companies will gladly let you pay extra for some of the alternative energy they have glommed onto, but getting free of the grid is not something the money is going to allow to happen on any great scale. People have to make their sacrifices and choices on their own. Our government and their wealthy special interest backers is not going to do anything but blather about it in political competition.I encourage anyone who has the option, to invest in alternative power, it could take a big bite out of corporate pollution, as well as corrupt power plays like Enron.
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Comment #42 posted by Commonsense on January 03, 2008 at 07:26:19 PT
What is my take? I think marijuana ought to be legal and regulated similar to the way alcohol is regulated now. There wouldn't be any need for special medical marijuana laws. I do see a change in the future. Periodic polling shows that support for regulating marijuana similar to the way alcohol is regulated is growing. Somewhere over 40% would probably say marijuana should be legal and taxed and regulated now. That percentage keeps growing. People who grew up in the sixties and seventies who are far less afraid of marijuana than their predecessors are now really taking over in politics and are starting to replace those in older voting demographics who are extremely important in shaping policy because they actually get out and exercise their right to vote. My bet is that some time in the next ten or fifteen years or so we'll see the feds back down and we'll marijuana legal in most states.
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Comment #41 posted by runruff on January 02, 2008 at 19:18:01 PT:
You seem like a knowlegable well spoken person.What is your take on cannabis prohibition and medical marijuana?Do you see change in the future?
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Comment #40 posted by FoM on January 02, 2008 at 17:35:03 PT
Thank you. That was very good.
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Comment #39 posted by Hope on January 02, 2008 at 16:30:13 PT
It's a good one. You'll likely weep."I wear my marijuana leaf like a badge. It's like my scarlet letter."
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Comment #38 posted by runruff on January 02, 2008 at 16:21:07 PT:
Wikapidia is not totally reliabe on any matter.France and Germany are growing hemp for fuel.The short growing season in Canada produces smaller yeild.Most of my info is from Jack Herer, Mike Davis, Chris Conrad and Whurster [or something like that] of the Ohio Hempoil Co. 
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Comment #37 posted by FoM on January 02, 2008 at 15:28:15 PT
Just a Question
What about wind power or solar as alternatives? Couldn't we use more water then we do to generate electricity too? 
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Comment #36 posted by Commonsense on January 02, 2008 at 15:25:52 PT
"one acre=4 barrels oil. [220 gals]"Where are you getting that from? It's not coming from those who grow hemp for seed on a commercial basis. They'll tell you the average is less than 40 gallons an acre. They'd love to figure out how to produce 220 gallons per acre because hemp oil sells for something like $1000 for a 45 gallon barrel. An oil yield of 220 gallons per acre would be better than the yeild for any other biodiesel feedstock they could produce in Canada or the U.S. If the yield really was that good, we'd see a big hemp biodiesel industry popping up in the world. Hemp is legal in several countries, but there is no hemp biodiesel industry. 
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Comment #35 posted by Dankhank on January 02, 2008 at 15:24:51 PT
that's pretty much what I found, just gotta ask the right question.Thanks ...With palm oil it appears that bad choices cause environmental damage ... nothing new there ...
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Comment #34 posted by Commonsense on January 02, 2008 at 15:08:49 PT
There is a list like that on the Wikipedia page for biodiesel. They say they get 635 gallons per acre from oil palm, which is the best they are getting from any feedstock currently being grown for commercial biodiesel production. That's more than 16 times the yield from hemp seed. Theoretical yields from oily algae are a lot higher, but they haven't figured out how to get these incredible yields yet and what little biodiesel they've actually produced in experiments using algae as a feedstock has been incredibly expensive. There is a lot of controversy over using palm oil though because it's apparently having a major negative environmental impact. They're apparently tearing down a lot of old growth forests and destroying peat swamps, killing off endangered species, etc., in places where they are growing it. I don't think there are many places where oil palms would grow in the U.S. and I don't know if there is anywhere in the U.S. where growing them for biodisel production would be economically feasible. The yield from them is pretty good though. That would be enough fuel per acre to supply two drivers not driving too much who were driving vehicles with very good fuel economy. Hopefully we'll be able to come up with other crops that we could grow here that would produce high yields like that or better. We can grow pumkins as big as Volkswagons now and genetically engineer plants to produce more of this or less of that. Surely we can come up with some Frankenstein plant that produces unheard of amounts of oil.
Per acre oil yields for various crops:
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Comment #33 posted by runruff on January 02, 2008 at 13:56:53 PT:
hemp output
one acre=4 barrels oil. [220 gals]Hemp can be grown in any climate almost any soil.In some climates you can grow two crpos per year.Yes along with the seed oil the hemp stalks are 77% cellulose.
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Comment #32 posted by Dankhank on January 02, 2008 at 13:36:56 PT
oils ...
a comparison I found a few months ago and lost sight of, listed most seed oils worldwide for quantity and had Palm-seed Oil on the top and Hemp down about number 15 or so.There are hydrogen fuel-cell cars on the road now.don't know how it's gonna shake out, but bet that Corporations will be involved. How can we stop them ...
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Comment #31 posted by Commonsense on January 02, 2008 at 12:03:32 PT
"Hemp is indeed at least an option and I'm not saying you disagree with that."Actually I'd have to say it's not really a viable option as a fuel crop. I'm not anti hemp or anything, it's just that there are a lot better feedstocks available to produce biofuels. And unfortunately, even all those feedstcoks that are better than hemp aren't that great. We can suppliment our fuel supply with these fuels like ethanol and biodiesel, but we wouldn't want to use too much of those fuels because they are too expensive to make without massive subsidies and with current feedstocks it taljkes far too many acres of land to produce enough fuel for even one driver. For instance, we produce most of our biodiesel with soybeans now. We only get an average of less than 50 gallons of biodiesel per acre of soybeans. If we could get a good high average of 50 gallons per acre it would take ten acres to produce enough fuel for someone with a good diesel car that gets 30 miles per gallon to go 15,000 miles in a year. If somebody drives a big heavy diesel pickup that only gets 20 miles to the gallon he'd only be able to go 10,000 miles on that 500 gallons of gas it took 10 acres of farmland to produce. If it takes ten acres to supply one driver, it would take a 100 million acres to supply 10 million drivers. That would be nearly a quarter of the farmland we currently use to produce enough biodiesel for what, less than 10% of our drivers? That's an awful costly fuel suppliment. And that's with soybeans from which we can get close to 50 gallons per acre as opposed to the under 40 gallons per acre we get from hemp. And we haven't even talked about how expensive it is to produce and how soybean farmers are paid subsidies on their crops and how every gallon of biodiesel gets an additional $1.00 per gallon blenders credit tossed in to further subsidize soy diesel so that it can compete with petroleum based diesel when it comes to the price at the pump. So, no, I don't really think hemp is a viable option as a biodiesel feedstock. I don't think any crop is going to be viable until we come up with one from which we can produce enough fuel for several drivers from one acre of land and produce that fuel cheaply enough that the price would be at least close to competitive with the price of equivalent petroleum based fuels.
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Comment #30 posted by Had Enough on January 02, 2008 at 10:58:13 PT
oil executive bonus the money
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Comment #29 posted by Toker00 on January 02, 2008 at 10:00:05 PT
Thanks for the breakdown. Hemp isn't vying to be the ONLY fuel. There could be a "sharing" as in local areas where enough land is available to supply some of the fuel for autos. Factories and such that produce enormous energy draw would still need the bang of cheap petrol energy products (coal, diesel)until technology and time create a balance of supply. Farms could be run from just the energy production of a small area of potatoes or corn or what have you. It's the electrical companies and other utilities that demand so much energy to in turn provide us with the products we use, needed or not. Reducing some of the things we "think" (as in brainwashed) we need and realizing just exactly what is need and what is want (waste), would go as far as to relieve the increase of energy demand as the development of any alternative fuel would. So co-operative energy production will almost have to take place sooner or later, if only in the more remote areas of the country/world. Tightening our "Want" belt will help.Hemp is indeed at least an option and I'm not saying you disagree with that.Toke. 
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Comment #28 posted by FoM on January 02, 2008 at 09:45:49 PT
I couldn't resist. 4 feet but with hooves. LOL!
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Comment #27 posted by museman on January 02, 2008 at 09:04:48 PT
alternative fuels -transportation
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Comment #26 posted by Commonsense on January 02, 2008 at 08:58:39 PT
Had Enough, afterburner, Runruff, Dankhank, John T
Actually, hemp isn't such a great fuel crop. If it was a great fuel crop, we'd see it being used as a fuel crop in countries where they allow farmers to grow it. We don't see that though because it wouldn't even be close to economical to use hemp to produce fuel. The biggest problem with hemp for biodiesel production is that per acre yields are too low compared to other biodiesel feedstocks. On average a hemp farmer will get something like 700 pounds of seed per acre, enough to make less than 40 gallons of biodiesel. Rapeseed (canola) will produce almost three times as much biodiesel per acre on average. Even soybeans, which have terrible per acre yields relative to many other oil seed crops, yield better than hemp. This is why we don't see hemp being used as a fuel much. It's great as a food oil though, or in cosmetics, or for several other niches, just not so much as biodiesel feedstock.Hemp can also be used as a cellulosic ethanol feedstock. The cellulose in the stalks and other material can be converted into starches and sugars that can be fermented and distilled into ethanol. So far cellulosic ethanol production isn't really commercially viable yet not matter what feedstcoks are used. We can make ethanol that way, but the technology isn't quite where it needs to be yet and production costs are a lot higher per gallon than what it currently costs to produce a gallon of ethanol for corn. When all the kinks are worked out the production costs should drop down lower than what we see now with ethanol from corn and per acre yeilds of ethanol ought to go way up to better than a thousand gallons per acre, maybe even on up to several thousand gallons per acre. Hemp might be a pretty good cellulosic ethanol feedstock, but there are other crops that produce more biomass per acre than hemp so even in countries where it is legal to grow hemp farmers producing cellulosic ethanopl feedstocks will probably opt for different fuel crops that will bring them more money. 
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Comment #25 posted by Had Enough on January 02, 2008 at 08:18:47 PT
Fuel Cells
Bush talks about fuel cells that are way off into the future… which I believe, is lip service to fool the masses. He will say we are trying to find an energy solution meanwhile its business as usual. Oil company executives will still get their multi million-dollar bonuses. They (the men behind the curtains) like it just the way it is.Hemp farming is already available NOW. All we have to do is do it. No more reliance on CRUDE oil, no more oil wars, in turn no more super bonuses for oil executives. Hhmmm...
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Comment #24 posted by FoM on January 02, 2008 at 06:03:54 PT
Thank you. I really don't know much about alternative fuels. I want us more then anything to become a nation that doesn't need to import it's fuel. Whatever works the best will be fine with me. 
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Comment #23 posted by afterburner on January 02, 2008 at 01:45:12 PT
dankhank #16 & FoM #17 - hyrogen fuel cell
Promises clean energy source.However, is favored by the auto & oil industries for continuing their centralized distribution and control. Production of fuel cells, like computer chip production, has toxic byproducts.Production of hydrogen is available using 4th generation nuclear energy (a highly centralized and secretive industry), using pebble bed reactors: The Next Atomic Age - Popular Mechanics acknowledgement of the importance of renewable alternative energy sources for generating electricity could encourage promising energy cost savings.Rumored improved efficiency of frequency-influenced hydrolysis (creation of hydrogen and oxygen from water) needs verification and more research and development. (reference currently unavailable)In the interim, hemp oil fuel provides a cleaner alternative to existing petroleum-based fuel sources.
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Comment #22 posted by Runruff on January 01, 2008 at 20:45:25 PT:
Hemp for fuel
As you guys know I spent time with Jack Herer and his crowd down in LA back when I was making my video. I was lucky enough to get to spend some time learning from the experts on the subject. What they told me is all you need to do in order to use hemp seed oil for fuel is to squeeze the oil out of the seed with a hydraulic extractor, filter the oil and put it in the fuel tank. Also I'm told that a small device something like an atomizer or an inverted needle that a spray of oil could be sprayed upon to create a mist inside the cylinder and then the oil could be ignited just like diesel. You could save a little oil from the tank and put it directly on your salad if you like. There is no refinement necessary. The fact that hemp seed oil is virtually from the field to the tank is one of the features that makes it so economical to use.
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Comment #21 posted by FoM on January 01, 2008 at 17:58:31 PT
I wish sometimes I still had a horse to hug. (Not on nights like tonight though with high winds and snow and cold temperatures LOL!) I had to break many frozen water buckets in my horse days too. I would sit in the barn and visit with my horses and get lost in time. I'm the opposite of you and not into fast transportation because you miss so much when you go too fast. There is so much to see.
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Comment #20 posted by Dankhank on January 01, 2008 at 17:29:10 PT
a new plea?
Have you hugged a horse today?I like fast transportation, but don't want it at the expense of our or Earth's health.
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Comment #19 posted by FoM on January 01, 2008 at 14:52:36 PT

I always thought that I was born in the wrong time. I would have loved the hard life of needing to use horses for transportation. No pollution and added fertilizer benefits. And you can hug a horse too. I never wanted to hug a car. LOL!
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Comment #18 posted by Dankhank on January 01, 2008 at 13:58:10 PT

then this ...
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Comment #17 posted by FoM on January 01, 2008 at 13:37:34 PT

I know that I can barely handle the smell of fuel. I don't know about bio diesel since I have never smelled any of it. We have so many toxic substances and maybe the hydrogen fuel cell idea would be less toxic. I don't know. I am just guessing.
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Comment #16 posted by dankhank on January 01, 2008 at 13:28:01 PT

hemp fuel
Hemp Biofuel is a good idea, have studied it in a cursory fashion for years ...Biggest obstacle may be it's ability to be useful in Northern winter climes. Haven't heard much on it.I heartily approve, and wish for more testing to get it on board.then there's this ... we should go straight to hydrogen fuel cells and save the hemp oil for food ...
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Comment #15 posted by Toker00 on January 01, 2008 at 11:41:46 PT

Thanks, rchandar
Adding it to books to read.Toke.
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Comment #14 posted by John Tyler on January 01, 2008 at 09:08:56 PT

They have been having these programs on the History channel all along about drugs. They had one on cocaine last night. One of the things they said was that "all anti drug laws are based on racism". That is no surprise to us, but it is interesting to hear it on a TV program. One other thing I would like to mention… In an effort to make bio fuel and all, we are using corn and some stuff called switch grass, but I saw on that one acre of hemp will produce 1,000 gals of bio fuel; a lot more than corn or switch grass. Why isn’t that mentioned? We need it. One more little thing, and this show what wide mood swings our gov. goes through (again on Engraved on the back of a $10 bill from 1914 is a depiction of farmers harvesting hemp. 

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Comment #13 posted by rchandar on January 01, 2008 at 05:39:13 PT:

The Anslinger stories are interesting. If you haven't already, check out BurroughsLive, which includes a roundtable discussion between Anslinger and William S. Burroughs about drugs and legalization. 
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Comment #12 posted by Dankhank on December 31, 2007 at 21:33:23 PT

sounds like an interesting plant ... think I have seen it round here ... in the countryside ...anslinger was a nasty, hateful, monster who put power above any humanity ...
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Comment #11 posted by Toker00 on December 31, 2007 at 20:33:49 PT

Yes, but there are good things here also. Thought some of you might like this article from Antique Andy.This article sort of explains the histeria behind the sexual rumors about cannabis. Not so much rumor, as we know, but Anslinger used a lie to darken something rather positive about cannabis.Harry Anslinger Lies Again: 
The Evil Mug-Wort Affair: It looks like we caught Harry Anslinger (Americas
first drug czar and originator of the anti-Medical
Marihuana laws) lying yet again. In his own words:"There isn't any question about marijuana being a
sexual stimulant. . . . . A classical example of
amatory activities is contained in the article
"Hashish Poisoning in England," from the London Police
Journal of July 1934. In this remarkable case, a
young man and his girlfriend planted seeds in their
back yard and when the stalks matured, they crushed
the flowering tops and smoked one cigarette and then
engaged in such erotic activities that the neighbors
called the police and they were taken to jail." 
---Harry Anslinger Playboy Feb 1970 pg 72 It should also be noted that he also had the article
in question mimeographed (photo-copy machines didn't
exist than), and distributed as “proof” of how evil
Medical Marihuana was. [Note the museum has been able
to locate one of these copies via the Harry Truman
Presidential Library. In other words, it was an
integrated part of his now infamous Gore File. However the facts are as follows:---------------
A Girl is given a funny cigarette -- She starts acting
funny --- Sexually active --- Hmmmm! - Maybe the
cigarette is Medical Marihuana --- There is all Hell
to pay. ----The LANCET April 6, 1935 pp 811 Sensational story about the incident is published --
Girls throughout ALL of England must be protected. 
Evil Medical Marihuana MUST be stopped.  ---
Liverpool Echo [exact date unknown] The story show-balls, How can we stop this great evil,
How can we save ALL girl-hood from this evil weed. 
--- POLICE JOURNAL July September, 1934However, after all was said and done, it turned out
that the Cigarette in question was Medical Marihuana
at all, but something called 'MUGWORT,' which (from
afar) does indeed look a little like Hemp. -- The
LANCET June 1, 1935 pp 1301 Below is part of that article”A CASE OF CANNABIS INDICA INTOXICATION
June 1, 1935 pp 1301 
To the Editor of THE LANCET
SIR,----In the issue of THE LANCET dated April 6th,
page 811, a clinical note under this title appeared,
written by Dr. E. T. Baker-Bates, assistant honorary
physician to the Royal Southern Hospital, Liverpool. 
The circumstances of the case made a popular appeal. 
In particular an article appeared in the Liverpool
Echo with sensational cross-headings based upon the
story as told in the columns of THE LANCET.This patient was seen by me on Sept. 28th, 1933. She
was admitted to the Stanley Hospital, Liverpool, at my
request, and detained there for not more than 24
hours, where Dr. Baker-Bates was then on the staff. 
The original investigation of the case was conducted
by me, and at first the police in Liverpool held the
view that the plant, the smoking of whose leaves had
caused the intoxication, was not CANNABIS INDICA but
MUGWORT, . . . [more]  
---------- Did Harry Anslinger know the truth, how would it not
be possible for him not to have known. But with
someone like Anslinger, I don’t think he was going to
let something like the truth stand in his way.  
If anyone wants the wording of ALL the Lancet
articles, feel free to ask, I can e-mail them to you.Antique Andy
Museum Curator

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Comment #10 posted by The GCW on December 31, 2007 at 14:28:55 PT

building the jail is comparable to buildingahouse.
This conversation in KY about building a new jail is interesting.(I think they have a knack for being ignoids)-0-""""Benningfield said he believes enough prisoners to fill the jail are out there."We just have to bring them in," he said.He said he has been talking with nearby counties to try and fill the jail."They've got to go somewhere," he said. Jones said building the jail is comparable to building a house."You pray to God it will work.""""" bad they didn't mention any demand type thingy due to prohibition... so it could be put on the archive at MAP...
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Comment #9 posted by rchandar on December 31, 2007 at 13:58:18 PT:

The book sounds interesting--I wish, though. What with Benazir Ali Bhutto murdered in Pakistan, the real hotbed of terrorism, I'd say we lost the War on Terror. Exclamation mark. Pakistan collapses, the terrorist take over a nation of 170 million WITH the nuclear bomb.We lost. End of story.--rchandar
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Comment #8 posted by ekim on December 31, 2007 at 13:32:32 PT

double cked c-span for energyvictory it shows 
Sunday, January 6, at 7:30 AM 
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Comment #7 posted by rchandar on December 31, 2007 at 13:11:54 PT:

Mercy, Mercy, Mercy
A song written by Joe Zawinul, keyboardist great. But he died four months ago--maybe true "compassion" died with him, I don't know.
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Comment #6 posted by rchandar on December 31, 2007 at 13:10:05 PT:

I Survived George W. Bush, 2001-2009
If you guys want, I'll make the T-Shirts when January 20, 2009 arrives. Assuming I (we) live that long.
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Comment #5 posted by Hope on December 31, 2007 at 12:58:30 PT

Where is Mercy?Is she asleep?Or is she dead?Mercy. Sister to both Hope and Faith.
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Comment #4 posted by Hope on December 31, 2007 at 12:16:31 PT

It is bad here, Tintala. Very bad and very, very worrisome.The reason most places don't just ticket, as I understand it... is because they want your fingerprints... and they get to search your belongings and vehicle if they arrest you. Plus they get to scare and intimidate you more than just a ticket would. They get to "cuff and stuff" you into a police car and cage for humans, and really intimidate you good and thoroughly, with an arrest. It's very sad.It's cruel, wrong headed and stupid, too. Cruelty, wrong headedness, and stupidity have been a big part of the war on cannabis, and the drug war in general, all along though and God knows, they've loved it. The cruel, ignorant, and stupid have loved it, that is.Can you believe, young people, that I can remember when law enforcement in this country was not about intimidation and punitiveness out the kazoo? Yes. I do. It's different now, as you know. Some of you, all too well. It's different... and it's not good. We have to get something better rolling. We have to.Mercy and Grace. That's what we need. Mercy and Grace.
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Comment #3 posted by tintala on December 31, 2007 at 10:01:28 PT:

4 years ago my bro was arrested in Tarrant County
But they threw the book at him for possession. He was facing 12 years in the pen. in Tarrant County, and spent 1 month in the pen. even before he got a trial. THey just threw him in and forgot about him.But amazingly he got off his pobation early, I think DUE to the new wave of thinking that's happening there. I hear Tarrant county is BAD, BAD , BAD, when it comes to prisons.. Stupid Texas cops are soo "GUNGHO" that even I was arrested for no insurance once.. They cuffed me and stuffed me, took me to the jail cell for a whole day.. i wouldnt even be caught DEAD in Texas anyway, that's GOT to be one of the WORST states in USA.
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Comment #2 posted by ekim on December 31, 2007 at 09:50:38 PT

very interesting -- on biofuels C-Span Book TV dir tv 351
Upcoming Shedule 
Saturday, December 22, at 7:00 PM
Monday, December 31, at 10:00 PM
About the Program 
Robert Zubrin argues that the United States is subsidizing a war against itself because of its dependence on oil, a resource controlled by its enemies. He says that if Congress passed a law requiring all new cars sold in the United States to be flexible fueled, OPEC's control on the world's transportation fuel supply would be diminished. This event was hosted by the Ethics and Public Policy Center in Washington, DC. 
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Comment #1 posted by FoM on December 31, 2007 at 08:12:17 PT

From The Snipped Portion of The Article
THE NEW LAW The law: It gives police officers the discretion to arrest a suspect – as they have been doing – or write citations for a series of class A and B misdemeanors for possession of less than 4 ounces of marijuana. Other applications: Other misdemeanors for which officers can now write tickets include driving with an invalid license, criminal mischief, creating graffiti and theft, as long as the damage costs for each incident is less than $500. Possible punishment: A class A misdemeanor can result in up to one year in jail and fines of up to $4,000. A class B misdemeanor can result in up to 180 days in jail and up to $2,000 in fines. 

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