Davis Not Pleased With Pot Initiatives Davis Not Pleased With Pot Initiatives Posted by CN Staff on November 16, 2007 at 07:32:56 PT By Terry Smith, Express Staff Writer Source: Idaho Mountain Express Idaho -- The people have spoken, but mayor-elect Rick Davis thinks the passage earlier this month of marijuana reform initiatives will harm the city of Hailey. "We definitely got national attention, but is that the kind of attention that is going to draw new business here? I don't think so," said Davis, a 16-year City Council veteran elected Hailey's mayor on Nov. 6. Hailey voters approved three marijuana reform initiatives on election day: one to legalize medical use of marijuana, another to legalize industrial use of hemp and a third that would make enforcement of marijuana laws the city's lowest police priority. The electorate voted down a fourth initiative that would have required the city to tax and regulate sales and use of marijuana and that may have paved the way for full legalization of the drug. Davis said he especially objects to the medical marijuana issue. "I guess what I think about it is what I have seen in other communities that have passed medical marijuana initiatives—that it is heavily, heavily abused by those who use if for other than medical purposes. I think it's dangerous." The approved initiatives are not the law yet in the Hailey. In fact, the initiatives specify that a Community Oversight Committee be formed to hammer out the details of implementation. City officials are drafting a statement that will outline how the city will deal with the matter. City Clerk Heather Dawson said the statement is still being reviewed by City Attorney Ned Williamson and likely won't be available until next week. "There are some options that are being investigated," said Davis. "I'm not an liberty to go into them now and we'll just have to see how it works out. It's a very, very complex issue and there are a lot of issues that haven't yet come to light that show the negative ramifications." Davis said he expects the initiatives to be costly for the city. "There's going to be litigation and the citizens of Hailey are going to have to pay for it one way or another," he said. "It's still illegal federally and statewide and I just don't know how it's going to shake out." Source: Idaho Mountain Express (ID)Author: Terry Smith, Express Staff WriterPublished: Friday, November 16, 2007Copyright: 2007 Express Publishing, Inc.Contact: letters mtexpress.comWebsite: Articles:Kudos To ‘Grass Roots’ Movement Legalization Vote Makes National News Voters Say ‘Yes’ To Marijuana Reforms Home Comment Email Register Recent Comments Help Comment #39 posted by Dankhank on November 19, 2007 at 11:25:06 PT night sky ... true ...i prefer to believe it's aliens ...The idea that our politicians have control over that kind of tech is scary ...I also heard another theory ... time travellers maybe ... [ Post Comment ] Comment #38 posted by Hope on November 19, 2007 at 06:01:53 PT UFO Never for a minute did I think it was anything but some secret stuff that our military was doing, but it was unbelievable and awesome.It's amazing what you can see if you are looking out the window at the right time or spend some time outside. TV causes people to miss a lot. [ Post Comment ] Comment #37 posted by Hope on November 19, 2007 at 05:53:24 PT Dankhank I like Kucinich, too. Like Kucinich, I've seen a UFO, only, thankfully, I was in the presence of three other people, including the Republican.... but we were all sitting outside in the hot tub and of course, didn't have a camera. It was night anyway. House lights were on and we four were lit up as bright as day. But we still saw the "air show", clearly. Whoever was flying the vehicles saw us, too.We all just froze... mesmerized, until it was gone. We've only shared the experience with a few people. Why would you do otherwise? So people could make fun of you and call you crazy?Life is full of mysteries. [ Post Comment ] Comment #36 posted by Hope on November 18, 2007 at 18:36:53 PT Letter to Rep. Souder From:Federation of TeachersAmerican Friends Service CommitteeCoalition of Essential SchoolsCollege Parents of AmericaFellowship of ReconciliationFriends Committee on National LegislationInternational Nurses Society on AddictionsNational Association of Social WorkersNational Council on Alcoholism and Drug DependenceNational Education AssociationNational Women's Health NetworkNational Youth Rights AssociationTherapeutic Communities of AmericaUnion for Reform JudaismUnited Church of Christ Justice and Witness MinistriesUnited Methodist Church, General Board of Church and SocietyUnited States Student Association [ Post Comment ] Comment #35 posted by Hope on November 18, 2007 at 18:16:56 PT Margaret Mead to someone... "A small group of thoughtful people could change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."Margaret MeadI haven't heard that one in a while [ Post Comment ] Comment #34 posted by Hope on November 18, 2007 at 18:11:22 PT Souder to colleagues... "I wanted to make you aware of an important provision in the current law that is facing assault by a small but determined coalition of drug-legalization groups," Souder wrote in the November 1 letter. "Before you are bombarded by the talking points of such groups, I wanted to make sure everyone has the facts straight," he wrote. [ Post Comment ] Comment #33 posted by Dankhank on November 18, 2007 at 17:25:12 PT Neuvo Mexican ... I like Dennis Kucinich ...I read a bunch of the comments, pretty good for the most part ...I WANT to see UFO's, dammit ... [ Post Comment ] Comment #32 posted by nuevo mexican on November 18, 2007 at 13:13:37 PT The cure for Souder is....... in the stars! LOL!Or rather, in a Kucinich/Gore Presidency where those who know they are kowtowing to the corpocracy are exposed as such, and when the LIGHT shines on these nasty cockroaches, they will scatter!Look at what having Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert on nightly has done to shift the current point of view of mainstream America.Most people (the media are NOT most people) are now extremely embarrassed to say they like bush.....or even voted for him, unless they live in say.....Oklahoma City or Colorado Springs, though the lack of bush stickers is noticable,as bush/satan 08' stickers are sprouting up everywhere!Truth is always recognized as TRUTH, lying media sons'o bitches are complicit, and YOU know it, and will be held to account! So, Souder and his ilk get a free pass when the bushies are leading the charge, and those days are over!OT: Sunday Reading....Check out this diary from Dailykos, read the comments, make up your own mind, and stop letting the media make it up for us.YOU will decide WHO the next President of the U.S. will be, or there is NO POINT to this futile exercise in what we falsely label Democracy, when we know it is a PLUTOCRACY, for the rich, by the rich and as we all now know, from Michael Moore's' 'SICKO', we die for the rich, so they can get richer.I recommend this dairy to be read, and the comments, as a Kucinich Presidency is REAL, (if bush can be prez, ANYBODY can hold the office, especially someone who would uphold the Constitution and the Bill of Rights)!Hillary and Billary, thanks for create a positive balance in our treasury so the Repugs could loot it, is that what that was all about, enriching the Repugs, while making yourself look like the financial Guru of our times Billary?Sell outs, or we're they 'sold out' long before the election of 1992?They sold out our values to the highest bidder in the 90's and have only NAFTA to show for it now, and look at what NAFTA has done to millions of poor people in the world, NOTHING but make things worse!I will work against a Hillary Presidency, as I would rather have Bush, the REAL Amercica without the disguise of sheeps clothing to continue revealing the true nature of the American Experiment which has gone so badly, that we need an international intervention to keep us from destroying the rest of the planet! Bush is the true face of America, the one based on the genocide of native Americans, and corporate rule, and you can never rewind the truth, or rewrite it, eventually, the truth of all actions end in 'results'.More Sunday reading:'I am starting to detest Hillary Clinton' The next American elections are important to everybody, even non-Americans, because we do not want another idiot becoming President. We don't want someone who will effectively use 8 years to demonstrate a total lack of foreign policy comprehension and utter uselessness. And for someone who has always admired the Clintons, I am appalled by the different steps they have taken so far in the quest for the Presidency. They are driven by ambition not conviction. is the result of our actions of the last 225 years, thus we should let the Natives have it back, and whatever the true leaders of Turtle Island deem as so, so will it be, otherwise, we get THIS.So if the native leaders are to lead, how will they?This is a sample of what native American spiritual beliefs are based on: dedicated to Scorpio Carl Sagan:The Hubble Deep Field: The Most Important Image Ever Taken the original reason to post today!Dennis Kucinich's Debate Performance invite the International Community to get involved, as you know your country is next on bushes list, to get Myamared or Pakistaned into a bush cleptocracy, as America is now, so be forewarned, as America goes, so goes the world, it is up to EVERYONE, as the American people has forsaken their DUTIES to uphold the Constitution and Bill of Rights, regardless of what you may lose in the material world.Dennis Kucinich's Debate Performance Ask to Hear From Dream Candidate, Dennis Kucinich explains the Department of Peace and Nonviolence! all&address=385x70475The Material World is temporal, and an illusion, truth is the basis of all life, and all returns to truth eventually!We are in the 'moment of truth' moment, while Pluto transits the 27th degree of Sagittarius, throughout the month of November, we get to 'experience' the 'truth' that resides within each and every cell of every individual, particle, neutron, protein, neutrino, that exists in the 'inner and outer world'.The New Moon of December 9th in Sagittarius is most AWESOME, with a mass migration of people 'moving' UP in our Vibration! Jupiter, the Lord of Expansion, and ruler of our 'philosphy', will also be at the 27th degree on the New Moon, boosting the publication of the truth to previously unseen proportions!Movement is also the theme for December, with integrity, truth and with a beautiful new comet hovering brightly, it is now the brghtest object in the sky, in fact, it released gas or light, and the objects light expanded to the size of the Sun!Anyone heard about it?If not, you will!!!! image/c/format/xlarge_web/And: image/a/And here's the latest on our lost-in-apace Sin-a-tor Di-Fi:Sign the petition to censure Dianne Feinstein here: &sort=date&pos=0&view=&head=&box=Inbox [ Post Comment ] Comment #31 posted by runruff on November 18, 2007 at 10:37:16 PT: Mark Souder, Fetish or finance or fetish for finance? [ Post Comment ] Comment #30 posted by Hope on November 18, 2007 at 05:42:44 PT Souder seems to have a Drug War fetish. [ Post Comment ] Comment #29 posted by Hope on November 18, 2007 at 05:37:51 PT Part of "small, but determined" group of people that Souder complains about. [ Post Comment ] Comment #28 posted by OverwhelmSam on November 17, 2007 at 21:41:08 PT Souder's Re-election I think it was very close, but Souder won again. He will be up for re-election again in November 2008. Hopefully, the fine people of Fort Wayne will wisen up and decline to vote for this encumbent, or any encumbent again. [ Post Comment ] Comment #27 posted by runruff on November 17, 2007 at 18:35:35 PT: Republican Rep. Mark Souder. The congressman from Indiana. That's who I was talking about. Have we been talking about two different idiots at the same time time? See, I thought he lost in the last election then I thought ,no I must have been wrong , he is still around? now I'm confussed. [ Post Comment ] Comment #26 posted by Patrick on November 17, 2007 at 18:03:32 PT on Souder? I take it this Souder is the same Souder who says it's okay for private enterprise not the government to declare eminent domain to take someones private property if say the developer can show he will make more money from the property when considering that the owner does nothing with the property? If so, he is a certified a$$. [ Post Comment ] Comment #25 posted by FoM on November 17, 2007 at 17:26:21 PT The GCW Thanks. I hope they win but I don't have much hope from what I've read. It's the federal law again. [ Post Comment ] Comment #24 posted by runruff on November 17, 2007 at 17:05:12 PT: The tail continues to wag the dog. The DEA is not to stupid to know the difference. They've known the difference longer and better than anyone. Evil is not stupid, it is just evil that's all. [ Post Comment ] Comment #23 posted by The GCW on November 17, 2007 at 16:38:17 PT FoM, US HI: Editorial: Judge Should Halt DEA Ban On Hemp Crops Fri, 16 Nov 2007 Source: Honolulu Star-Bulletin (HI) [ Post Comment ] Comment #22 posted by dongenero on November 17, 2007 at 13:31:15 PT It's Souder, what the heck. runruff, you do not offend me but, Souder most certainly does.He is one of the most despicable politicians I can think of. He is deserving of everything you said about him runruff. Honestly, imagine the suffering and difficulty he has made for other human beings with his policies and ideology.What I cannot, for the life of me, figure out; how this man gets elected!!? I imagine many in Congress wonder the same thing. Fort [ Post Comment ] Comment #21 posted by FoM on November 17, 2007 at 12:40:06 PT runruff After what you've been thru I totally understand. [ Post Comment ] Comment #20 posted by runruff on November 17, 2007 at 12:30:14 PT: Off topic. I just want to say, I hope my off color remarks about Mark Souder did not offend anyone. I now feel bad about going there. It is just that I get so upset with these people who want to run everyones lives. Misguided themselves they think they know whats best for everyone else. I really din't express half what I really feel but I feel I have expressed twice to much. [ Post Comment ] Comment #19 posted by Dankhank on November 17, 2007 at 11:15:16 PT Tintala succinct and to the point ...I heartily agree ...we should even think of a name for said suppository for said man and said orifice. medicated and going to see 2D Beowolfwish me luck ... [ Post Comment ] Comment #18 posted by FoM on November 17, 2007 at 11:13:18 PT ripit I think the reason is when a person gets elected into any office there are people who voted against them too. To be fair if 51 percent voted for them and 49 percent against them they have to pay attention to the 49 percent too. If a person gets elected by a landslide amount they would be more prone to stand on the issues for everyone. That's just my thoughts. [ Post Comment ] Comment #17 posted by ripit on November 17, 2007 at 10:45:16 PT wouldn't it be nice if the ppl voted into office would just do their jobs!? how do we point out to them that the same ppl who voted them in are the same ppl who passed these initiatives! [ Post Comment ] Comment #16 posted by FoM on November 17, 2007 at 07:43:16 PT fight_4_freedom Oh dear Oh dear. I will be diplomatic and say whoever you want to win is what I want. How's that? LOL!Seriously we never watch sports. We put up our Christmas Tree this morning. Actually my husband surprised me so when I woke this morning it was waiting for me to see. We are decorating today and it's fun. We are listening to a CD by the Trans Siberian Orchestra and that gets me in the holiday spirit. May I be the first to say Ho Ho Ho! [ Post Comment ] Comment #15 posted by fight_4_freedom on November 17, 2007 at 07:31:43 PT: Same to you FOM Ahh one of my favorite days of the year. Michigan vs. Ohio State today for the Big Ten Championship and a trip to the Rose Bowl. FOM, you have any thoughts on this game being a buckeye native? I know a lot of people could care less, but I'm certainly what you would call a sports fanatic.Go Blue!Have a great day C-news. [ Post Comment ] Comment #14 posted by FoM on November 17, 2007 at 07:10:58 PT Just a Note I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend. No news so far but I will keep looking. [ Post Comment ] Comment #13 posted by The GCW on November 17, 2007 at 05:38:24 PT Off topic / biohydrogen fuel. In an article published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science (P.N.A.S.): "Sustainable and efficient biohydrogen production via electrohydrogenesis”, Dr. Bruce Logan at Pennsylvania State University, has demonstrated that hydrogen gas generation can be accomplished using any biodegradable organic matter. In fact, the process feed stock for hydrogen gas generation that Dr. Logan used in his demonstrations was domestic wastewater. (Article at © 2007 by the National Academy of Sciences of the USA). The cost of generation of the hydrogen gas by the fuel cell method used by Dr. Logan is incredibly inexpensive. The raw material used for fueling the process is everywhere abundant, and is essentially free.Before now, hydrogen gas, the fuel of the universe, was believed to have great potential as the environmentally perfect choice as an energy source. However, hydrogen gas generation has been, until now, produced by using processes utilizing nonrenewable natural gas as the base fuel for hydrogen gas generation. Hydrogen gas, when combusted, produces heat and water. There is no pollution – just water. When hydrogen combines with oxygen there are no large amounts of carbon dioxide generated to act as greenhouse gases, there are no cyclic hydrocarbons as air pollution particles, and there are no physical or chemical effects other than maybe some local increases in humidity.In the early 1970’s the Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments passed by Congress required, and paid for, wastewater treatment facilities. Waste treatment “plants” are everywhere, now through the brilliance and ingenuity by academics at Pennsylvania State University, a method to use sewer wastes in a highly efficient manner for hydrogen gas energy production has been demonstrated. Biodegradable organics in sewage flows nationwide can be used to generate hydrogen gas for energy to be used for transportation, for electric generation, for domestic space heating, for agriculture and fertilizer, and for untold and yet unimagined purposes. And the cost of the raw materials for the generation of the hydrogen energy is below negligible, while constantly being renewed.As Dr. Logan and the researchers state in their P.N.A.S. article (Vol. 104, No. 47, November 20, 2007, 18871- 18873): “There are substantial infrastructure issues to be addressed in using hydrogen gas, but the environmental and energy-conversion efficiency benefits for hydrogen as a transportation fuel makes it worth addressing and solving these issues.”(since Bush and His freaks may not profit from biohydrogen, they may want to label it a drug...) [ Post Comment ] Comment #12 posted by fight_4_freedom on November 16, 2007 at 21:21:27 PT: off topic: interesting show on Larry King right now about spirits, ghost hunting, and the afterlife. [ Post Comment ] Comment #11 posted by josephlacerenza on November 16, 2007 at 18:39:41 PT Research is on our side I read an artical in a scientific journal, "The Scientist'" regarding cannabis and pain. I was suprised that nicotine is being researched for the same relief. How can we continue to make cannabis illegal when it only takes 60mg to kill a person from nicotine. Are the tabacco companies in the pocket of big government? I think the answer is yes. Compounds, such as cannabinoids, that have never killed a person are still a schedual 1 narcotic while, lo and behold, nicotine is being concidered as a potential treatment for neuropathic pain. What about the fighting men during the civil war using alcohol to get limbs removed. Is this the direstion we want to go in? We hear at c-news know better. But, how to do more. [ Post Comment ] Comment #10 posted by tintala on November 16, 2007 at 18:13:57 PT: Even when the people speak and show they are the Majority it never matters, look at the hemp bill vetoed by the freakn pot smokn body builder republican in Cali, not only vetoes it once but twice and admits marijuana is not a drug, however, the people spoke up and it didn't DO a DAMN thing! even in Denver, the City council and the people voted to Make pot arrests the lowest priority,YET people are being arrest MORE now than they EVER have! This federal imperialistic crap has to be decapitated! And shuv it up bushs ass. [ Post Comment ] Comment #9 posted by mayan on November 16, 2007 at 17:45:07 PT Boo-Hoo Is Davis not pleased that he was elected by the same voter's whose toes he is now stepping on? Stupid voters! Time for a mayoral re-call election. THE WAY OUT IS THE WAY IN...Silverstein's Building 7 Party Interrupted With 9/11 Truth (w/video): Hamilton Admits WTC 7 Issue Remains Unresolved (w/video): and Revealing Quotations about 9/11 Completely Ignored by the Mainstream Media: Online: Richard Gage, vs. Ron Craig, Explosives Engineer (audio): Email: Second Annual Boston Tea Party and Conference for 9/11 Truth! December 15,16: WAS AN INSIDE JOB - OUR NATION IS IN PERIL: [ Post Comment ] Comment #8 posted by OverwhelmSam on November 16, 2007 at 13:51:33 PT People are Licking Toads! in an effort to stimulate themselves, people are licking toads in an effort to avoid coming up positive for marijuana on a piss test. The government shoul make marijuana legal already. Can't they see the perversions that are caused by marijuana prohibition? Pass your piss test kits, pharmaceutical drugs, stronger drugs like meth and cocaine which clear you system in a few days medical marijuana, grow-op rip offs, etc... And all because marijuana is not regulated and sold in liquor stores. [ Post Comment ] Comment #7 posted by FoM on November 16, 2007 at 11:23:47 PT DankHank Glad you liked it. It is one of the most hopeful songs I have ever heard. We have the concert on DVD and just love it. [ Post Comment ] Comment #6 posted by potpal on November 16, 2007 at 10:32:44 PT the mayor elect Wonder if he received more votes than the cannabis measures?City officials are drafting a statement that will outline how the city will deal with the matter. Was the 'deal' a pun or punishment? Should read... City officials are drafting a statement that will outline how the city will dodge the matter. [ Post Comment ] Comment #5 posted by Dankhank on November 16, 2007 at 10:32:01 PT tide ... what an uplifting performance ...I never fail to tear-up a little when I contemplate the promise of the fall of the wall and what we have become since ..."davis not pleased with democracy ...classic ...thanks FoM and HempWorld [ Post Comment ] Comment #4 posted by The GCW on November 16, 2007 at 09:31:02 PT The people want pot US CO: The people want potWebpage: 15 Nov. 2007 Source: Boulder Weekly (CO) [ Post Comment ] Comment #3 posted by HempWorld on November 16, 2007 at 08:59:22 PT Davis Not Pleased With Democracy That should be the title of the above article! When the democratic process, or what's left of it, decides against the will of our rulers and masters, they suddenly are 'not pleased.' On a mission from God! [ Post Comment ] Comment #2 posted by dongenero on November 16, 2007 at 08:20:11 PT war against arrogant elected officials Wouldn't it be refreshing if for once an elected official such as Davis would say something like: "The people of my district have spoken and I will do my best to implement their directives..........etc."I really do not understand that disconnect. Listen up dimwit politicians! were not elected by the people due to their lack of being able to think for themselves, requiring your big brain to think for them.You are elected as their "representative", in the senate, in the executive positions, in the committee positions. Get over yourselves! Represent the will of The People. Simple. [ Post Comment ] Comment #1 posted by FoM on November 16, 2007 at 08:12:34 PT Just a Note Sometimes I get weary over the way things seem to be going but then I remember the words not to be weary in well doing so I went and found this song that I love. I hope others enjoy it too.The Tide is Turning [ Post Comment ] Post Comment