Medical Marijuana and Employers Medical Marijuana and Employers Posted by CN Staff on November 12, 2007 at 06:10:15 PT Editorial Source: Review-Journal California -- When Gary Ross was ordered to take a drug test at his new job, the recently hired California computer tech submitted, along with his urine sample, a doctor's recommendation that he smoke marijuana to alleviate back pain.But Mr. Ross was fired anyway, eight days into his tenure. [snip] Note: California high court tackles interesting issue.Source: Las Vegas Review-Journal (NV)Published: November 12, 2007Copyright: 2007 Las Vegas Review-JournalContact: letters Website: http://www.reviewjournal.comRelated Articles:State High Court Takes Up Medical Marijuana Case Aim To Keep Job, Use Pot Home Comment Email Register Recent Comments Help Comment #5 posted by FoM on November 12, 2007 at 10:08:10 PT John Tyler I guess I really don't understand why some white people feel they need to keep the black person down. We all have long time friends and one of our best friends is an African American. We have known him for about 34 years and always pick up where we left off when we don't get to see each other for a long time since he lives in Arizona. I really don't like the way some of society thinks. [ Post Comment ] Comment #4 posted by John Tyler on November 12, 2007 at 09:19:04 PT Of course Of course it was. The South had really gotten good at it. There was a constitutional amendment (1867 or so) against slavery, unless you had been convicted of a crime. Well guess what, a whole bunch of laws were passed just for black folks to be convicted of. So then they could go to jail and work as slaves again, but this time for the various states. But it was all legal now, again. This is still going on. If and when you do get out, you could no longer vote. Your employment options are limited also, so you are more likely to be poor. Politician didn’t care about you because you can’t vote and had no economic power. It’s so clever, and slick, and totally devious and it spread all over the country. Now you have a whole lot of people totally marginalized. This was not an accident. The guys that did these things over the past hundred years or so knew what they were doing. When this was happening to the black community nobody noticed. In the late 1960’s when the hippies started catching some of this grief (because they became one of the proscribed groups, even though they were mostly white) a few people started noticing. [ Post Comment ] Comment #3 posted by FoM on November 12, 2007 at 08:08:31 PT John Tyler I always thought that the difference in sentencing was a way to still keep black people as a slave. To keep them under the white man's foot I mean. [ Post Comment ] Comment #2 posted by John Tyler on November 12, 2007 at 07:19:16 PT tangled web Interesting LA Times article. You might say, “What a tangled web we weave, when first we practice racism and prohibition”. I think the whole thing about the huge penalties for crack was just an excuse to lock up tens of thousands of black folks. None of the politicians would say so, but the numbers do. Think back. One of Fred Thompson’s money raising pals was arrested in 1979 for dealing 11 pounds of cannabis. He must have been well off, and had good connections, because all he got was probation. Some people have gotten years for one joint. Then before his probation was over, he was arrested again for some type of gambling operation and dealing cocaine. Probation again. After that he, and some wealthy business guy friends, made some good investments and he became very rich and hung out with the rich and powerful crowd. This came up in the news because he was lending Fred the use of his airplane! I think Fred only had to pay for the gas. The other candidates had to pay regular airplane prices. Fred said he was going to stand by his friend, but the guy withdrew from the campaign crew. My point here is that this prohibition is weird, unjust and corrosive to the fabric of society and the body politic. It makes everyone cynical and untrusting. [ Post Comment ] Comment #1 posted by FoM on November 12, 2007 at 06:34:54 PT OT: Panel May Cut Thousands of Prison Terms,1,3203590.story [ Post Comment ] Post Comment