Governor Again Turns Down Hemp Farming Bill Governor Again Turns Down Hemp Farming Bill Posted by CN Staff on October 11, 2007 at 19:13:34 PT By The Associated Press Source: Associated Press Sacramento, CA -- Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has vetoed a hemp farming bill for the second time. The Republican governor announced Thursday that he had turned down a measure by Assemblyman Mark Leno, D-San Francisco, that would have authorized a five-year program under which farmers in four counties—Imperial, Kings, Mendocino and Yolo—could grow hemp in plots of up to five acres. Hemp is a distant cousin of marijuana but contains only traces of THC, the drug that gives marijuana its intoxicating effect. It's legal to grow hemp in more than 30 countries, and the plant can be imported into the United States and used in a wide variety of products, including food and clothing. But it can't be grown legally in the U.S. without a nearly impossible-to-obtain permit from the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration. Leno attempted to avoid federal restrictions by requiring farmers to sell the hemp only to California processors. That way, they could avoid interstate commerce that could bring federal intervention. Leno came back with a narrower measure after Schwarzenegger vetoed a bill last year that would have allowed any California farmer to grow hemp. But the governor still cited the federal restrictions in his veto message. "Under federal law, all cannabis plants, regardless of variety or THC content, are simply considered to be 'marijuana,' which is a federally regulated controlled substance," he said, adding that failure to get a permit to grow it could lead to criminal charges. On the Net: and Associated Press (Wire)Published: October 11, 2007Copyright: 2007 Associated Press Related Articles: Hemp Bill Awaits Governor's Signature Hemp Measure Approved by Senate Home Comment Email Register Recent Comments Help Comment #19 posted by Dr Ganj on October 16, 2007 at 21:16:07 PT Hemp Terminated- Again I knew it. I used to like him until he got in office. Power corrupts, yes? Here's proof.Take a look at Brazil, where sugar cane production and ethanol distillation from its high sugar content, has given that country independence from petroleum imports. Something our country could do if we utilized hemp fiber, and maybe algae production. Using corn is a nice effort, but it doesn't quite justify the final product considering all the fertilizers & pesticides growing the crop-oh, also the CO2 given off during the fermentation process is not too beneficial either. Hemp, as we all know, needs very little fertilizer, and no pesticides-and grows quite well even in higher latitudes, and is far the better suited plant for the job.When will we finally get a president, or a gutsy Congress, that will promote hemp's awesome utility is the million dollar question. However, my patience has proven quite stout, and it might need even more endurance than I had previously envisioned. [ Post Comment ] Comment #18 posted by FoM on October 15, 2007 at 09:34:41 PT Schwarzenegger Vetoes Hemp Bill, Cites Federal Law October 15, 2007Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger vetoed AB 684, The California Industrial Hemp Farming Act, Sunday evening, rejecting the will of the vast majority of Californians who supported the legislation. Schwarzenegger said he did so because hemp is considered marijuana under federal law and the act could have forced state law enforcement to deal with it as an illegal crop.The landmark, bi-partisan legislation would have followed North Dakota in establishing guidelines for the farming of industrial hemp which is used in a wide variety of everyday consumer products, including food, body care, clothing, paper and auto parts. The new law would have established a five-year pilot project in four counties to allow farmers to legally supply numerous California manufacturers that currently must import hemp raw materials (including seed, oil and fiber) from Canada and elsewhere. Vote Hemp’s goal was to release California farmers from the over-reaching prohibition on industrial hemp cultivation and reintroduce the crop to the state. AB 684 would have allowed California to follow North Dakota’s lead and assert its right to regulate industrial hemp under the U.S. Constitution, the federal law and recent U.S. Circuit Court decisions.The Governor’s veto message, along with additional background on the bill, can be found online at: 2007 TheUnion.com [ Post Comment ] Comment #17 posted by Wayne on October 14, 2007 at 06:17:14 PT re: sinsemilla #10 Al Gore doesn't support industrial hemp for the same reason that he has a humongous energy-sapping house, for the same reason that he travels around in a fuel-guzzling private jet... And that reason is this: He's a BIG FAT PHONY.I'll never vote for him, I'll never vote for Hillary, or any other career politician (e.g. Giuliani, Romney, Thompson) because they're all of the old-school mentality. If we're even gonna come close to dealing with the issue of drug law reform, we need someone fresh and new. And no matter how much of a tree-hugger Al Gore tries to look like, he just ain't gonna cut it. [ Post Comment ] Comment #16 posted by mayan on October 12, 2007 at 15:42:53 PT Schwarzenegger = NWO He's not the least bit afraid of the DEA. He is an elitist,fascist swine who wants to be a leader of the coming new world order. He has to appease the ultra-powerful if he is to ascend the throne. The New World Order elite has big plans for Arnold: [ Post Comment ] Comment #15 posted by overwhelmSam on October 12, 2007 at 14:46:19 PT F Arnold I used to think he was one of the good guys. I guess True Lies explains it all. [ Post Comment ] Comment #14 posted by unkat27 on October 12, 2007 at 13:19:47 PT Shwarzneggar has No Balls Shwarzneggar vetoed the hemp bill cuz he's afraid of the DEA."Why isn't Al Gore behind hemp?"Maybe now that he's making a come-back he'll go that way. It would be smart, all things considered. [ Post Comment ] Comment #13 posted by FoM on October 12, 2007 at 12:07:17 PT nuevo mexican I haven't been watching the news closely today but it appears Gore will not run. If that's true we'll see what happens. I hope he doesn't endorse Clinton. [ Post Comment ] Comment #12 posted by FoM on October 12, 2007 at 09:44:52 PT nuevo mexican Is there any chance that Gore will run? I always liked Al Gore and a Gore-Obama ticket was something I thought about last year. Al Gore has been running with the free spirited Hollywood crowd so I am sure his eyes have been opened to our issue. He would lose respect from the important Hollywood crowd if he was against our issue now. [ Post Comment ] Comment #11 posted by FoM on October 12, 2007 at 05:37:01 PT nuevo mexican I am so very happy. I think Al Gore knows very well now that medical marijuana should be legal after working with Melissa. Maybe he will run.Tennessee's Al Gore wins Nobel Peace Prize [ Post Comment ] Comment #10 posted by Sinsemilla Jones on October 12, 2007 at 04:03:13 PT Why isn't Al Gore behind hemp? Hemp a cheap alternative to fossil fuels the world, one fabric at a time is the criticism of Arnold's vetoes from those famous folks who supposedly care about the planet? [ Post Comment ] Comment #9 posted by nuevo mexican on October 12, 2007 at 03:32:13 PT Good Morning FOM! President Gore wins! Congratulations to us, and Al Gore, all of the various species, the Air, the Trees, and the Earth, we might just save this planet!Check out the great photos of Al Gore at the site where the news is just breaking, it'll warm your heart!Cue to the song:'Good Morning, Good Morning', yeah! (by the Beatles!) php?az=view_all&address=102x3025458Sign the petition: [ Post Comment ] Comment #8 posted by greenmed on October 12, 2007 at 02:13:19 PT breaking news ... Al Gore ...shares Nobel Peace Prize with IPCC. [ Post Comment ] Comment #7 posted by observer on October 12, 2007 at 01:53:36 PT Show Arnold the Nazi Hemp Primer Once Der Ubercaliforniafurher reads the Nazi propaganda which encourages the 'Good Nazi Farmer' to grow hanf (hemp), I'm sure he will see things differently. The Humorous Hemp Primer This pamphlet was published in the same year (1942) in which the U. S. produced Bulletin #1935 and the film, “Hemp for Victory.” It shows that Germany too made an effort to increase its hemp production during World War II. “The Humorous Hemp Primer” is reproduced here in its entirety, with English translations by Eric Steinhauer. (The cover shows the male plant eager to pollinate the willing female.) [ Post Comment ] Comment #6 posted by nuevo mexican on October 11, 2007 at 23:52:09 PT Hold your nose.... Has holding your nose, en masse, ever been used to shame politicians before, I guess mooning has the same effect.The both work in the case of Ted Rall, maybe some will agree?It seems like the worse the corpora-systs' like Arnold act, the better it makes the Dems look, (yet only in comparison to pure evil does it work, and we've seen through their anti-impeachment hijinks finally), so here is a cartoon from Ted Rall that says it all!Send this to Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid.(or your own senators or congressmen, shame on them, whether it is Mitt Romney or Ah-node the Terminator).Ted Rall The Cartoon [ Post Comment ] Comment #5 posted by afterburner on October 11, 2007 at 21:40:53 PT Great Hemp Hope CN ON: Great Hemp Hope, NOW Magazine, (11 Oct 2007) Excerpt: "When neighbourhood farms [growing hemp as they already can in Canada as well as in China] can produce transportation fuel, wood finish, paper and animal feed as well as premium human foods, we are enroute to agro-ecology, the next revolution in agriculture.""Communist Chinese farmers are allowed to grow the God-given plant but not free American farmers." --The GCW #1God's gift, hemp, can be bought by God-fearing American consumers, but it is often produced by God-hating Communist Chinese farmers."You [Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger] have been a disservice to California and I hope that you will reap what you sow." --HempWorld #2More likely he, and all Californians under his *governance*, will NOT reap what they do NOT sow."He's the rough and ready TERMINATOR!" --legalizeit #4He's more like the Terminator turned "Terminator" Seed a la Monsanto."What happened to California being the cutting-edge leader when it comes to changing laws for the better?" --legalizeit #4California under Arnie seems to be becoming more "cutting-hedge" with the continuing California government program, Campaign Against Marijuana Planting (CAMP) cannabis-eradication campaign. Disgusting!{ "Under federal law, all cannabis plants, regardless of variety or THC content, are simply considered to be 'marijuana,' which is a federally regulated controlled substance," he [Governor Schwarzenegger] said, adding that failure to get a permit to grow it could lead to criminal charges. }A typical Republican response, protecting us from ourselves and protecting the rival industries from the competition! [ Post Comment ] Comment #4 posted by legalizeit on October 11, 2007 at 20:18:54 PT Arnold = big musclebound English-butchering liar! The Gubbinator pontificates from his soapbox like he's more of a progressive than a mainstream Republican - pro-environment, pro-marijuana, anti-big government. But his actions continue to speak the opposite. When he campaigned, he made a big fuss about "eliminating the car tax." Well, he did, but that was actually a small part of the whole car registration fee. Furthermore, since he's been governor, every single fee that the DMV charges has gone up, some as much as triple what they were before. TRIPLE. Plus, when Gray Davis was still in power, it cost 3 bucks at state-run reservoirs to enter the park AND launch your boat. Now, it's 8 bucks to get in and 5-6 bucks if you want to launch a boat. Annual passes skyrocketed from $35 to $125. Everything is going up like gangbusters.Now we see him signing nanny laws (I hate it when people smoke tobacco cigarettes around their kids, but I don't think we need yet another law that dictates what we can do in our private cars), and vetoing legislation that could advance California financially and agriculturally. Why is he so scared of the Feds all of a sudden? He's the rough and ready TERMINATOR! If he had a modicum of intelligence he would sign the legislation and if DEAth henchmen start storming hemp farms, he could point them out for the complete imbecilic buffoons they are. But NO! He takes the easy and chicken way out. What happened to California being the cutting-edge leader when it comes to changing laws for the better?He's all image and no substance. When they started that recall fiasco I was hoping that the people would see it for the fraud it was and stand behind Davis. But look what happened! Sheesh, we have a lot of Sheeple in California. Makes me want to go somewhere else. I've lived in this smoggy hell-hole all my life. All we get for our taxes is more population, more traffic jams, more nanny laws, more pollution and higher taxes. I'm tired of spending 3 hours in traffic every day just to make an honest buck. A more rural lifestyle awaits, when the opportunity arises.Sorry for rambling, I just had some stuff to get off my chest... [ Post Comment ] Comment #3 posted by Dankhank on October 11, 2007 at 20:18:04 PT Arnie is consummate hypocrite ... Arnie, go back to Austria, you might learn something ... [ Post Comment ] Comment #2 posted by HempWorld on October 11, 2007 at 19:59:55 PT Dear Mr. Arnold Schwarzenegger, You have confirmed my worst nightmare! Now I know for sure that you are only thinking about your own political future and not that of California and its people. Even though, you have sworn to serve this glorious State of the Union. Now you have soiled it indelibly, shame on you!When global warming strikes, we have you and President Bush to thank for pandering to their own interests and friends. What a great example of public service. You will go far...You have been a disservice to California and I hope that you will reap what you sow. On a mission from God! [ Post Comment ] Comment #1 posted by The GCW on October 11, 2007 at 19:52:33 PT Arnold has to go and go. Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger is unacceptable.-0-When I read that politicians like Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger of California, vetos hemp farming bills, I get the strange feeling U.S. leaders don’t want Americans to succeed.The U.S. government is being forced more and more to accept cannabis / hemp; the key word being, forced. Today, citizens may purchase hemp food products at health food stores since the Ninth Circuit Court effectively put an end to the Feds prohibiting hemp products. Now Americans have access to hemp but all that hemp is imported from foreign farmers. Communist Chinese farmers are allowed to grow the God-given plant but not free American farmers. American farmers must be allowed to grow hemp for fuel and the only way it will change is by forcing the Federal government to do so. And that means replacing Arnold and other politicians that are holding America back.It’s time to reintroduce hemp as a component of American agriculture. Further, farmers in Austria (Schwarzenegger’s home country), legally grow hemp too. [ Post Comment ] Post Comment