Dear Mr. Romney, Will You Arrest Me? Dear Mr. Romney, Will You Arrest Me? Posted by CN Staff on October 11, 2007 at 08:24:23 PT By Mike Overson, Editor-in-Chief Source: Eastern Utah Eagle Utah -- Over the weekend I was watching Fox News Network when a story caught my eye. Various people were interviewing Mitt Romney, republican presidential hopeful, when one man’s question caught my attention. The man asked whether or not Romney would arrest him as well as his doctors because of medical marijuana usage. “I don’t support medical marijuana” was Romney’s response. Answer the question though, whether you support the states’ rights to govern themselves is not the question. Will you in your presidency, if elected, continue to crackdown on doctors that are convinced this plant is a natural beneficial way to cope with cancer and other ailments? What about those patients who do not show signs of improvement except when marijuana is used? It seems to me that as a voter and more importantly an American, I have the right to know where potential leaders stand on this and other issues. For the sake of being fair, I would implore all candidates to answer that question as well.For too long the federal government has had free reign over the states. Medical marijuana is a huge topic of debate in this election. The time of “stupid pot-heads” is coming to an end. People are fed up with being stepped on, abused and ignored. More and more states are ratifying their own laws concerning this. But how is it that the feds continue to abuse their limitless resources and get away with anything badges? I think it is appalling the president has to ask Congress for money to support our troops. If anyone should get what they need and not have to wait for our country’s “democratic” process to decide its fate, the military should be it. How is it that the Drug Enforcement Agency has a blank check? If you are the DEA and you need money to bust non-violent drug offenders you don’t ask, you sometimes give receipts after the fact. Only when pressured will the DEA publicize its spending. While our troops across the world need better armor they have to wait to maybe, just maybe get new equipment before their deployment ends. But back to arresting people with legitimate licenses. As long as patients abide by laws set forth by their resident state, the federal government should step back and let the state worry about the pandemic this issue created. With all those patients using this devil substance in the privacy of their own homes, I’m waiting for these cancer ridden citizens to start pillaging different cities. Twelve medical states are bravely doing what no one else is daring to do. Sticking it to the man. While the DEA continues to raid pharmacies in hopes of crushing what it sees as a peasant rebellion more and more people are getting these licenses and supporting the movement, which is medical marijuana. The majority of the DEA’s endless power comes from the administration’s lack of caring. If a president doesn’t care that hundreds of thousands of people are being incarcerated for simple marijuana possession charges, then the DEA will continue to be government thugs with no fear of repercussion. My hope is this, one day the people of America will care about who leads them; who makes the laws, who enforces laws and who decides that pursuing happiness is wrong if a certain substance the government chooses is illegal is used. So, Mr.. Romney, will you arrest that man and thousands like him? Will you condemn people to a life in prison for not obeying federal laws? Why is it that states have to bend to the power of the federal government? Shouldn’t states have rights to decide constitutional matters? If someone disagrees with my point of view then I am happy. This country guarantees a right to say what you think. If that right is not taken advantage of then this country will soon end up like countless others around the world. Places where free speech is looked down upon almost as much as women in some religious countries. If the United States of America ever ends up like those places, the world will be hell on Earth. Send Mike Overson a comment at: m.overson Source: Eastern Utah Eagle (College of Eastern Utah, UT)Author: Mike Overson, Editor-in-ChiefPublished: October 11, 2007 Copyright: 2007 The College of Eastern Utah EagleContact: articles eagle.ceu.eduWebsite: Articles:Hazy Stances - Indiana Daily Student of Reality Ruins Good Campaign Stop Home Comment Email Register Recent Comments Help Comment #75 posted by elfman_420 on October 24, 2007 at 12:49:52 PT Toker00 Have you seen the video I am posting below?First I'd like to thank Had Enough for posting that video about Bill Clinton. It really tied-up some loose ends from a great film I saw recently called "Who Killed John O'neill": [ Post Comment ] Comment #74 posted by FoM on October 14, 2007 at 09:10:33 PT afterburner My friends don't pay any attention to politics. They don't even have a computer. They just are working themselves to death to try to get by. They don't have time to think and I believe my friends aren't unique. You know I care and always will but fighting drives me away into a place where I can live safely at least for my mind's sake from time to time. [ Post Comment ] Comment #73 posted by afterburner on October 14, 2007 at 08:45:36 PT Toker00 #66 & FoM { "If it doesn't happen I can do what most of our friends have done. They don't care and that is the best way to live for most people."FoM, I don't think that either you or your friends really believe that not caring would be best. Not caring is what we are trying to get people out of, don't you agree?"I believe in putting our heart and energy into good things not things like politics."Oh, I couldn't agree more. It's just that everytime we do that, we run into something called, guess what? Politics and politicians. It's unavoidable. }{ "That doesn't mean I think the Democrats are perfect but they care more about what I care about and most of all they understand medical marijuana now." }Rod Stewart › Passion (5:30) (rod stewart / chen, savigar, cregan, grainger)"Somebody somewhere In the heat of the night Looking pretty dangerous Running out of patience"Tonight in the city You wont find any pity Hearts are being twisted Another lover cheated, cheated"In the bars and the cafes, passion In the streets and the alleys, passion A lot of pretending, passion Everybody searching, passion"Once in love youre never out of danger One hot night spent with a stranger All you wanted was somebody to hold on to yeah Passion, passion Passion, passion"New york, moscow, passion Hong kong, tokyo, passion Paris and bangkok, passion A lotta people aint got, passion"Hear it in the radio, passion Read it in the papers, passion Hear it in the churches, passion See it in the school yards, passion"Once in love youre never out of danger One hot night spent with a stranger All you wanted was somebody to hold on to yeah Once in love youre never out of danger One hot night spent with a stranger All you wanted was somebody to hold on to yeah"Alone in your bed at night, passion Its half past midnight, passion As you turn out your sidelight, passion Something aint right, passion"Theres no passion, theres no passion Theres no passion, I need passion You need passion, we need passion Cant live without passion Wont live without passion"Even the president needs passion Everybody I know needs some passion Some people die and kill for passion Nobody admits they need passion Some people are scared of passion Yeah passion"Revelation 3:16 "So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth." [ Post Comment ] Comment #72 posted by FoM on October 13, 2007 at 19:34:01 PT Toker00 I am listening to The Way by Neil Young and this part is really how I feel. I thought you would appreciate it too.When faceless and anonymousCome to beat down your doorAnd say you're all washed up and doneYou can just say they have nothing in store***To touch this soulBecause they just don't knowThey just don't knowThe way [ Post Comment ] Comment #71 posted by FoM on October 13, 2007 at 11:14:20 PT Toker00 I'm glad you got what I meant. To me this means if a Medical Marijuana Bill or a Decrim Bill gets introduced they won't have Republicans messing with it so much. A couple that always walks out of step generally doesn't get much accomplished compared to a couple who reason and work with each other. It has to be the same way in politics.I know that the Granite Staters have done a good job but I want to see Senator Clinton asked after reading Bill's words in Rolling Stone to her agrees or disagrees with her husband. That would be a good question I think.From Article: President Clinton, who tried to avoid the stigma of smoking marijuana by saying he never ''inhaled,'' tells Rolling Stone magazine that people should not be jailed for using or selling small amounts of the drug. [ Post Comment ] Comment #70 posted by Toker00 on October 13, 2007 at 10:58:40 PT FoM Gotcha. I concur. I just hope that our hope is not once again misplaced though I also know it will still be there in some, even if it, once again, is. That is Great.Toke. [ Post Comment ] Comment #69 posted by FoM on October 13, 2007 at 08:52:52 PT Toker00 I am not afraid. I explained why the Democrats haven't done much since they got in power. They need to have more Dems in power to accomplish anything. The republicans are angry hateful people and they fight sometimes I think just to fight. Maybe this link might explain what I am trying to say. I don't understand a lot of this stuff but I do understand the Republicans need to be put in their place and maybe they will fix their problems in time. [ Post Comment ] Comment #68 posted by Toker00 on October 13, 2007 at 08:43:13 PT And... I also support a woman's right to CHOOSE, as well as chose. :)Toke. [ Post Comment ] Comment #67 posted by Toker00 on October 13, 2007 at 08:40:08 PT One more OT, then I'll cool it. For those who want to read the ultimate hypocrisy of our leaders, read this and ask yourself why don't they support American Activists? [ Post Comment ] Comment #66 posted by Toker00 on October 13, 2007 at 08:21:34 PT FoM "I understand that we are a big country that has many needs. I want to see people love our country again and that is all I am looking for."That, Sister, is what we are ALL looking for. "If it doesn't happen I can do what most of our friends have done. They don't care and that is the best way to live for most people."FoM, I don't think that either you or your friends really believe that not caring would be best. Not caring is what we are trying to get people out of, don't you agree?"I believe in putting our heart and energy into good things not things like politics."Oh, I couldn't agree more. It's just that everytime we do that, we run into something called, guess what? Politics and politicians. It's unavoidable."I will be ok as long as we get the Democrats in power and more in the House and Senate so we can turn this country around and have a caring country again like I was taught was important."We did that last November, FoM. The Democrats control both houses. They have had the power to veto Bush at every opportunity. But, believe it our not, I understand that a Democratic president would make it easier for the already in conrol Democrats to do what they said they would do, and what you feel is best. I DO understand that, really. All of us here long for that lovable U.S. we and our parents believed we had at one time. And we did have that at one time. We don't now. Everyone is doing everything we can to return to that belief. We talk about Life here, FoM. It is so very unfortunate that politics play such a HUGE part in it."That doesn't mean I think the Democrats are perfect but they care more about what I care about and most of all they understand medical marijuana now."I understand completely what you are saying. The choice of perfection has never been an option of Humanity, or we would have obviously made that choice long ago. We only have what we see as the better choice. But the question is: The better choice for WHO? That is where deception comes into play. Why did America elect Bush? Because we saw him as the Better choice for us. We knew he was just another politician, but we had hope. Since he turned out to be not only verbally challenged but also a sociopathic liar, our hope was in vain. We are now seeing in such great degree how long we have been deceived by these people and what it is going to take to turn not only this country around, but the world. It's scary and I apologize to you for posting this obvious bad news. I will refrain from commenting about world politics and my understanding of them, if you like. I'm not trying to offend, I'm just tossing my understanding into the ring. Are others being offended? Please advise..."That doesn't mean I think the Democrats are perfect but they care more about what I care about and most of all they understand medical marijuana now."FoM, I was a lifelong Democrat until I understood what politics were really about. I'm saying that what they present they care for is what I care for too. Most of us do. After Bush, who told us that medical cannabis was a states rights issue and then began arresting cannabis patients, we need to be careful even if the Democrats are all supporters. Some of those politicians who support medical cannabis, also want to drop nukes. Some won't support Roe vs. Wade, either. I just want all the facts about every single choice we have so we can make a critical decision. I am sorry if my posts have caused you fear and misunderstanding. I truly am. It has never been my intent. Toke. [ Post Comment ] Comment #65 posted by FoM on October 13, 2007 at 07:09:48 PT Toker00 I understand that we are a big country that has many needs. I want to see people love our country again and that is all I am looking for. If it doesn't happen I can do what most of our friends have done. They don't care and that is the best way to live for most people. I believe in putting our heart and energy into good things not things like politics. I will be ok as long as we get the Democrats in power and more in the House and Senate so we can turn this country around and have a caring country again like I was taught was important. That doesn't mean I think the Democrats are perfect but they care more about what I care about and most of all they understand medical marijuana now. [ Post Comment ] Comment #64 posted by Toker00 on October 13, 2007 at 07:04:36 PT FoM I have heard you post this opinion of Ron Paul before. That contributed to my limited interest in him. That is why I said Kucinich is closer to my understanding of policy than Paul. I do not support Paul on anything except his stand on the Constitution. I do support a Woman's Right To Chose. Toke. [ Post Comment ] Comment #63 posted by Toker00 on October 13, 2007 at 07:01:04 PT FoM Without an interest, there can be no understanding. You are fine just like you are. We are not required to understand everything. That's where your free will to chose not to understand politics comes in. That is OK. Even though you don't want to understand politics, your posts are contributory enough to see that, in reality, you DO understand. Just not completely. That is why you or anyone else has not been able to come up with a solution, because we all want to and do understand politics in varying degrees of interest and intellect. No one has a total understanding of hardly anything. But, by allowing us to come here and present what we do or do not understand, we have an opportunity to clarify and unify and to BETTER understand things. I thank you for that and your patience with us.Toke. [ Post Comment ] Comment #62 posted by FoM on October 13, 2007 at 06:53:22 PT Toker00 Ron Paul tried to introduce a Bill that would have overtuned Roe Vs Wade and that is sneaky and very wrong since he is not a woman and has no business trying to make women criminals. That is very uncaring and also very scary. I will never trust a religious fundamentalist again after Bush. Look where it has taken us. Do Paul supporters even care about women? It doesn't seem so sometimes. [ Post Comment ] Comment #61 posted by FoM on October 13, 2007 at 06:48:06 PT Toker00 I look at politics as necessary but not desirable to average folks. They all have reasons they want to be in politics and they must compromise to achieve that goal so they all are for sale. I am not for sale. [ Post Comment ] Comment #60 posted by Toker00 on October 13, 2007 at 06:43:12 PT On second thought, maybe it isn't the third Party we need but the Politician of The Third Kynd. I can see that in Kucinich, Paul, Richardson, but am I just being fooled by the Good Cop? We know, for example, that Romney is the Bad Cop, Kucinich is the Good Cop. Or is Kucinich the Politician of The Third Kynd? If he switched to the Independent Party, would he be more electable? Would Paul? I just don't know...Toke. [ Post Comment ] Comment #59 posted by FoM on October 13, 2007 at 06:39:39 PT Toker00 Like I said anyone and I mean anyone that is involved in politics has picked a bad profession. Politicians are not able to follow their own beliefs or they won't get elected. I will be glad when I don't need to pay any attention to politics but it will be a while until we get a new President. I don't understand why you seen to talk about a republic. I believe that we are a democracy but I didn't study this stuff in parochial school and I am glad I didn't. My family told me about what was good about our country. My father and mother told me as long as we are a generous nation and help others when they are down and out we are doing the right thing and our country will be blessed with an abundance. I think that is why caring for people who have had bad starts in life has always been important to me. We need to take our tax money and use it to help others not bomb other countries. [ Post Comment ] Comment #58 posted by Toker00 on October 13, 2007 at 06:25:03 PT FoM No. 23 I agree with you that Gore seems a better alternative to Hilary.But, you see, there are two kinds of politicians in Washington. Those who are Treasonous and those who allow them to be. The Treasonous acquire their wealth through Treasonous acts while the apathetic acquire their wealth by seemingly doing the right things, but allowing the Treason to continue and profiting off the same Treasonous acts. Good cop, Bad cop. Right Wing, Left Wing. And, unfortunately, everything in between is made almost irrelevant, except for the fact that we are the ones who fund both sides, with our taxes, by electing one or the other to represent us. Meanwhile, they are busy representing both sides of the paradigm, making the shift impossible. I mean, which side do you chose and hope to change anything?We know that if we ever get that third kind of politician in Washington, the one in the Middle who actually and truly DOES represent the People and not Corporatism or Religion, that both sides will crumble to the ground, and that WE THE PEOPLE will have taken our Republic back. Until we FORCE a third party, we are stagnant.But that is just my HO. :)Toke. [ Post Comment ] Comment #57 posted by Hope on October 12, 2007 at 18:40:56 PT FoM True. True, indeed. [ Post Comment ] Comment #56 posted by FoM on October 12, 2007 at 18:35:04 PT Hope The problem with cannabis to many is it mysterious and even scary. I try to understand things I don't understand and even if I can't understand something I can accept that maybe for me I won't get it but it still isn't for me to get nasty and judgemental about it. When society finally arrives at a level of tolerance we will be on our way to better days. We live in an increasingly complex world and we need to grow with it or we will become less effective in our own life. We are a very different group of people brought together by really one common element and look what we have learned from each other. I am so much wiser now then I ever was. It's called growing and we need to grow as a country. [ Post Comment ] Comment #55 posted by Hope on October 12, 2007 at 18:27:34 PT People who wish to punish others for using a plant are just terribly immoral any way you look at it. They are confused, misled, and seriously disturbed...morally, mentally, and socially. [ Post Comment ] Comment #54 posted by Hope on October 12, 2007 at 18:21:04 PT Actually, It's easier for me to comprehend someone staying with an unfaithful husband or wife, than it is to understand people's dislike and fear of cannabis.Especially medical cannabis. To punish anyone for consuming a plant, much less someone who uses it for medicine, is beyond rational understanding.People who would punish others for using a plant and prohibit people from using a plant...especially to the extent that prohibitionists wish to punish those who use cannabis, no doubt, have some sort of serious mental disturbance or character disorder. It really is beyond reasonable comprehension.There are some very dangerous plants. Plants that can kill a person or animal quickly if they ingest just a small amount of it. They aren't illegal to own and grow in your front yard. But a plant that can't even kill anyone no matter how much they consume, but makes people feel better is illegal. The seeds incline song birds to sing more...and makes them healthier, sleeker, and smarter. It's good for birds and animals. It's a good plant in just about every way that a plant can be good. It's good for the soil. It's good for the air. It's non poisonous. It's truly an amazing an blessed plant. Yet there are those who despise it to the point of punishing and imprisoning others for using it. It's truly irrational, even insane, that it's prohibited by laws and governments. What makes some people unable to see that?It's beyond reasonable comprehension. [ Post Comment ] Comment #53 posted by observer on October 12, 2007 at 13:18:21 PT Scrooge Romney “I don’t support medical marijuana” was Romney’s response.Huh. He missed a chance to frame that in terms of eschewing that evil "legalizing marijuana." “I don’t support medical marijuana” was Romney’s response.see: [ Post Comment ] Comment #52 posted by FoM on October 12, 2007 at 09:11:13 PT Toker00 Not wasn't suppose to be in that comment. I'll fix it and I love you too! [ Post Comment ] Comment #51 posted by FoM on October 12, 2007 at 09:03:22 PT Hope I have a sweet niece that lives that life and the really odd thing is they are good friends and really care about each other. They have been married 20 years or more. I don't get it but I don't have to get everything. To each his own. [ Post Comment ] Comment #50 posted by Toker00 on October 12, 2007 at 09:01:28 PT ummmm.... "If you and Toker00 are Republicans try to tell us about the wonderful qualities of the Party, instead of showing dislike toward the Democrats. Maybe I am not missing something."...I love you FoM. :)Toke. [ Post Comment ] Comment #49 posted by Hope on October 12, 2007 at 08:50:42 PT Some women, Hilary, Jaqueline and more.... because of their own ideas about their own behavior will stay with a philander until "death do them part". In my life and times, I've known plenty of them. They are famous, or infamous, in their own way, as their philandering husbands are. Finally, I had to make the choice myself about whether I would live out my life as one of those women. I decided not to. It takes a peculiar strength to decide to be that kind of woman. After many, many years and many, many affairs, I'm sure, more than I even knew about...I came to the conclusion that I couldn't live my life that way until the end. It actually started before we were actually married. He always swore he really truly loved me, of course, and not them. I always thought he would never do it again. Obviously, he did. Over and over again. It's some kind of character disorder, I'm sure. Religious ideology is usually what keeps women in it...and the desire to be what they, themselves, wanted to spite of the husband's behavior. I tried. I just couldn't bear it eventually.Some older women, especially, think that's just what you have to put up with from men and all men are that way. I decided maybe they weren't. [ Post Comment ] Comment #48 posted by FoM on October 12, 2007 at 08:37:20 PT Toker00 Maybe your worries aren't my worries about politics. I don't put them up on a pedestal because they are people not a God. They have flaws like we all have flaws but the bottom line for me is what will they do for the middle class. That matters to many people. I would love to see a real United States of America like it seemed to be when JFK was President even though it was just for a short time. [ Post Comment ] Comment #47 posted by FoM on October 12, 2007 at 07:19:41 PT Afterburner # 38 I agree with you. [ Post Comment ] Comment #46 posted by FoM on October 12, 2007 at 06:51:37 PT Had Enough I don't read gossip type news like I said earlier because all I care about is if they can help our country. They can do what they want behind closed doors like we all should be able to do. [ Post Comment ] Comment #45 posted by Had Enough on October 12, 2007 at 06:47:32 PT Kingdom Come One thing though, for years Hillary has always kept her eye on the prize no matter how harsh the public relations and embarrassment. And now she almost has it. It’s within her grasp.If Hillary gets the throne, that documentary “The Clinton Chronicles” will be expanded somewhat. [ Post Comment ] Comment #44 posted by FoM on October 12, 2007 at 06:45:03 PT Had Enough People can be married like some couples in France and don't think that much of having a lady on the side. The Clintons are still together and I'm sure they have come to an understanding after all these years. I sometimes think that people for some reason hate Democrats but they are the Party that will help us and I don't understand it. Republicans stick together and they have shown us that they only care about big business and nothing about the people. They don't even have a forumla at least on paper about Universal Health Care. They also want to make women criminals again. That is unforgivable to me.If you and Toker00 are Republicans try to tell us about the wonderful qualities of the Party, instead of showing dislike toward the Democrats. Maybe I am missing something. [ Post Comment ] Comment #43 posted by Had Enough on October 12, 2007 at 06:28:41 PT Say, Say, Say............ FoMThose affairs that Clinton had going on appears to be more than what meets the eye. His affairs look like more than just mere infidelity type ‘mistakes’And another thing about his wife Hillary. Most brides I know might be able to get over one or maybe two acts of ‘cheating’ if even that. I know some that would have the ‘old mans’ stuff thrown out in the front yard for when they returned even if they just thought that was going on. I’ve seen it happen. Now our girl Hillary here is too smart to not know what Bill is up to. She deliberately turns a blind eye and has the followers believing she knows nothing about this stuff. And they both have been doing this for years. Now I don’t care about someone’s personal sexual life. That is theirs not mine and it is really no ones business except the people involved. But when the line is crossed, and taxpayer money is used, and lies make it appear as something different is where the problem is.I really liked the part when Jessie Jackson showed up at the White House for family 'counseling with the Clintons' after the Monica thing. I heard words like because he is famous, women are attracted and throw themselves at him like rock star groupies, and he gave into temptation. (Yep, that pointy-eared devil made him do it) Every photo op after that for days, if not weeks, there our boy Bill was, with a Bible tucked under his arm.Bills’ buddies and foes don’t call him Slick Willie just to be cute. It seems nothing sticks to this guy.***********Toker00That wasn’t anger, it’s more like frustration coming to the surface and erupting. There is a very fine line between anger and frustration, and at times they morph into kissing cousins. It’s really hard to tell the two apart at timesI knew you weren’t really angry.Something you wrote caught my attention.“He accomplished in a lifetime what took the Bush family generations to achieve. No wonder they want him hanging with them. He and Hilary are the exact same peas in the exact same pod as Bush I and II. If you watch this video, you will not vote for anything Clinton again. Clinton is Bush.”Well said…It took the Bush people 3 generations; Bill did it, on his own, so to speak, in one lifetime. Yes he is ‘Slick’! If only he would use those talents to better mankind instead of his own; the world could be a better place.************Paul McCartney & Michael Jackson - Say, Say, Say min 56 seconds. [ Post Comment ] Comment #42 posted by dankhank on October 12, 2007 at 03:38:33 PT Clinton no better, no worse than anyone else that shot for the white house.Interesting that the retired Marine warned that Clinton could get America involved in some morass in Europe or the Middle East to the detriment of the USA.dubya ended up doing that ... imagine ... [ Post Comment ] Comment #41 posted by Toker00 on October 12, 2007 at 03:34:13 PT FoM "The Democrats all stood up for medical marijuana. That's a miracle to me."You may have a point there. About it being a miracle, I mean. I know this is terribly pessimistic, but remember, they were ALL about ending the war in Iraq, too, now they have authorized more war, with Hilary threatening nukes, all the while gaining votes by claiming to also support medical cannabis. Bush. Before election, States Rights issue. After election, Federal Raids on medical cannabis dispensaries. This is your politician, (before election) this is your politician on Corruption (after election). Any questions?Toke. [ Post Comment ] Comment #40 posted by Toker00 on October 12, 2007 at 03:18:34 PT FoM Lol. I'm going to leave your innocence intact, FoM. I'm tellin' ya, some of these guys accents would lull you to sleep. They may not say it with sophistication, but what they say is clear as a bell. Politics, whether Rep. or Dem. flavor, are corrupt. Period. Whig, John Edwards may be one of the Least Corrupt of all the candidates. He is a self made politician, but they must all pay a certain loyalty to the Elite or risk death, disappearance or defamation. John is smart and a likable guy, but he has strings just like the rest of them. I just don't see ANY politician being souly for the People. I don't see him as exactly the Ron Paul of the Democrats, that would be Kucinich, but John has more honesty in his little finger and integrity in his finger nail, than both Guoulishlyani or Clintoon have in both of their entire bodies. Besides, I really like his wife. She would have made a good candidate for something. She is more intelligent than Hilary, but not about the Boy's Club in Washington or how to become one of them, even if you are a girl.FoM, I hope that I never become what I am calling out. Politics can make a pessimist out of even the most ardent optimist. It's that powerful. When the President walks through the White House doors, and does what he says he'll do, we'll all be drinking that free bubble up and eatin' that Rainbow Stew.Toke. [ Post Comment ] Comment #39 posted by whig on October 12, 2007 at 00:40:15 PT Toker00 I don't want to make this into a political debate of any sort, but I wonder what your opinion is of John Edwards and if you think he is corrupt, etc.?I have some disagreements with him, but the thing I like is he's the one candidate with the willingness to actually say he makes mistakes sometimes and then he tries to fix them. This is what human beings do. So when I don't agree with him about something, I don't feel like we're locked in to a stupid choice (like the present administration's hare-brained idea to go to war in Iraq) regardless of the facts. [ Post Comment ] Comment #38 posted by afterburner on October 11, 2007 at 22:38:12 PT FoM #32 "Gotta have Hope!"Since the Great Depression and the World Wars, generation after generation has suffered Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). World War II made PTSD a global phenomenon, and the Bush New World Order's Pre-emptive Strikes and Anti-Terrorism fear reaction have kept the heat on to make PTSD a permanent feature of the World Society. Israeli doctors and the Israeli military have recognized the efficacy of medical marijuana in treating PTSD. If the Democratic Party candidate wins the election and if the support for medical cannabis is included in the Democratic Party Platform, maybe just maybe, the country can begin the long process of healing the American Spirit.Together then, we can build a better future with surprising blessings, yet undiscovered."Gotta have Hope!" [ Post Comment ] Comment #37 posted by afterburner on October 11, 2007 at 22:15:02 PT Appalling Ignorance in a Country w/ Legal Med-Pot CN MB: LTE: Drugs Aren't Wonderful, Winnipeg Sun, (10 Oct 2007) Excerpt: { I [LTE writer], along with many others, wasn't aware that using marijuana, cocaine or heroin would cure diseases. I'm sure the medical profession would be very interested in Mr. Buor's "findings." } [ Post Comment ] Comment #36 posted by fight_4_freedom on October 11, 2007 at 21:01:28 PT: thank ya toker00 And welcome to "the club" :) heheI also got that message when I first tried to post it. As soon as I tried the second time it worked though.But who knows, we could make a little noise on the message boards then before you know it we'll hear "tomorrow on oprah, Medical Marijuana: What the government doesn't want you to know".I can see it happening in the near future. Have Irv, Angel, maybe even Montel all tell their stories. Think how many people would change their views if we had Oprah on our side.It's a wonderful thought. Michigan Coalition for Compassionate Care [ Post Comment ] Comment #35 posted by FoM on October 11, 2007 at 20:47:32 PT Toker00 Why would I be bored with a southern style? Would you be bored around a northern style? Aren't all the differences what makes us special? [ Post Comment ] Comment #34 posted by FoM on October 11, 2007 at 20:44:48 PT Toker00 I find that what I dwell on is how I become. If I am really serious everything I do is serious. If I look at what I want to do more as an adventure I can enjoy what I am doing. I realize my limitations and accept them too. All we can do is light one candle and it's up to others to light one too. [ Post Comment ] Comment #33 posted by Toker00 on October 11, 2007 at 20:40:08 PT FoM That's ok. You would be bored by the slow southern accents and mannerisms anyway. It's just so disgusting to find out our tax money went to pay for his sexual habits and he abused his powers to cover up wrong doings by he and many of his cronies.I have hope, too. Not much, but you are right. We have to have it in order to continue the thankless task of restoring our Republic.Toke. [ Post Comment ] Comment #32 posted by FoM on October 11, 2007 at 20:39:06 PT Toker00 I don't expect to change the whole country and make it different. We have 300 million people and just keeping the country from falling apart is going to be a major challenge. I don't believe in a utopia but I believe in trying to help others and to vote for the best and most open minded politicians we can find and let that grow but it will take longer then I will be on this earth to be accomplished if it can be accomplished at all. Gotta have Hope! [ Post Comment ] Comment #31 posted by Toker00 on October 11, 2007 at 20:29:01 PT FoM Kennedy seems to be the exception to the rule in politics. He is the last sincerely genuine president we may ever have. If the perverts we have for politicians now kept their sex acts to themselves instead of slopping it around all over the place like, um, public restrooms, that would be one thing. But the hypocrisy doesn't stay within the confines of their private lives. It is incorporated into their daily moves and actions whether we like it or not. There is no way these massive cover ups of government corruption and treason could be successful unless the Majority of our politicians are complicit, both Dems and Reps. Sure, you hear Kucinich and Paul speaking Truth to power, but until their kind is the majority in Washington, there will be no change in the way our Nation is run. The crooks are the majority in Washington and beyond and the majority rules in a Democracy. Now that our Constitutional Republic has been replaced by an actual Democracy by the removal of the only protection from a cruel majority, our Bill of Rights, the MOB rules. Most Americans think we have been a Democracy all along. Well, we haven't EVER been a Democracy. We have always been a Constitutional Republic, with Democratic governing structures, but never a True Democracy. The Republic belonged to us. This Democracy we are spreading throughout the world, belongs to the Corporations, not us. Toke. [ Post Comment ] Comment #30 posted by FoM on October 11, 2007 at 20:14:31 PT Toker00 I do understand what you are saying but I believe we must hope. If we don't hope we can despair. If we despair we really are defeated and then they really win. I don't put any person above any other person and the same goes with how I pick who I want to win. The Democrats all stood up for medical marijuana. That's a miracle to me. This has never happened before and we should be happy that at least the one party is seeing clearer. If they can get medical marijuana they can get other things too. It's a small light and I want it to get brighter but they need more Democrats in the House and Senate so they can get things done and don't get stopped by the Republicans. They need to have a strong majority and then things can happen. The time is coming if we can look and see. If change doesn't happen and Republicans stay in power I believe we are doomed to more of what we have now and what we have now is getting worse everyday it seems.PS: I can't watch it because of my Fair Access Policy from HughesNet. [ Post Comment ] Comment #29 posted by Toker00 on October 11, 2007 at 19:54:48 PT fight 4 freedom I joined the "club" and made a post, but got a message that the site was experiencing tech. difficulties. You made a good post, though. Keep the tension on the line, you may get a bite soon. Good going.Toke. [ Post Comment ] Comment #28 posted by Toker00 on October 11, 2007 at 19:31:59 PT FoM Just so you will know, I am not smearing anyone. You and I have been smeared, not the other way around. Whether or not they are Republican of Democrat is irrelevant to me. I believe the smearing is what they have done to their own selves and our Nation. If you can't or won't watch the video to even understand what or why I am posting about it, then how can you claim that I am smearing anyone? Just asking.We have all presented so much overwhelming evidence that it doesn't matter who we elect, we still get the same lies every time. You won't vote for a Republican because you say they are corrupt. You want to vote for a Democrat because you think they are different and will help the People and are LESS corrupt. That is what you call VOTING FOR THE LESSER OF TWO EVILS. (Emphasizing, not shouting). The Democrats control both houses right now. Have they stopped the spread of Fascism through fear that we see expanding before our eyes every day? No. They have given Bush even more power and more money and more of our children to sacrifice for what many of us are trying to show others, is in vain, while removing OUR liberties. Will they do anything different if they win the White house in '08? Why should they if they haven't had to do anything yet? Once they are in power, they will pull the wool just like their counter parts. Why? Because the politicians don't make the decisions about our country, FoM. The Corporatists and World Bankers and secret societies do. FoM, it doesn't get much plainer that this. You have so much faith in the very people that you won't vote for because they are Republican. Corruption knows no party lines, race, gender or religious boundaries.They are very efficient with their mind control. Main Stream Media is their connection point to us. What MSM says, most people beleive. Why? Because they continue to have hope like you do FoM, God bless you, that just one of those politicians has got to be a good guy. The good guys either die or turn coats when pressure is applied by the Elite. They know how to manipulate us through our Nature, FoM. They figured that out long, long ago. How many FoMs must hope in vain before even a slither of that hope is justified? There are others on this forum who know what I am talking about, FoM. I think you do to. It's that enormous heart full of hope that sustains you. That is fine. You go with that. Protect that heart any way you can, FoM. You sure don't deserve to be treated so badly by your government. I'm sorry if I offend or scare you. Even the news on MSM is terrifying. I guess the Truth is no less terrifying.Toke. [ Post Comment ] Comment #27 posted by FoM on October 11, 2007 at 18:44:40 PT Toker00 Thank you. One of the most annoying things I see in politics is the smearing that goes on by mostly Republicans. They have plenty of their own problems but they don't care and try to take apart Democrats. We will never be able to mend the rift in our country if we don't stop it. I knew that JFK had affairs and I was young and I asked my mother about it because I was sad. She said to me that we shouldn't judge a person or a politician on their personal life but by what they do to make our country a better place for everyone. That made sense to me and it still does. [ Post Comment ] Comment #26 posted by The GCW on October 11, 2007 at 18:27:27 PT Got brains? Brain, brain, go away A brain was found in a bag near an apartment complex in Richmond, Va., on Tuesday morning. Thus far, the state medical examiner has been unable to determine how long it had been left there or whether it once belonged to a human or an animal. Possible explanations include: 1) local zombies were brown-bagging their lunches that day; 2) teenagers were attempting to reenact those old “This is your brain, this is your brain on drugs” commercials, but something went horribly awry; or 3) Paris Hilton’s head finally rebelled against her body and decided to secede from the Union. [ Post Comment ] Comment #25 posted by Toker00 on October 11, 2007 at 18:24:37 PT No need. Sorry.Toke. [ Post Comment ] Comment #24 posted by FoM on October 11, 2007 at 17:45:26 PT Toker00 Do you feel a need to talk about this movie? Many of us can't even see it to know how we feel about it. I don't want this to turn into a gossip site about creepy things the people do that are in power. They all are bad. Not one is good or they wouldn't be in politics. Politicians are a breed all their own. [ Post Comment ] Comment #23 posted by FoM on October 11, 2007 at 17:42:35 PT Toker00 I really would like to see Gore run. He is bolder then Senator Clinton but I just don't think he will. Maybe Edwards could win the nomination. I have about given up on Obama because he won't take on Clinton but he still has time but time is running out. Rudy will win the Republican nomination because of name recognition I think and they'll spin it around 9/11 somehow. I am constantly reminded how little people know that aren't active on the Internet in politics of some sort. [ Post Comment ] Comment #22 posted by Toker00 on October 11, 2007 at 17:27:24 PT Had Enough I knew about the state police helping him and I knew about the boys murders being tied to him but the rest is just juicy details. Man. He accomplished in a lifetime what took the Bush family generations to achieve. No wonder they want him hanging with them. He and Hilary are the exact same peas in the exact same pod as Bush I and II. If you watch this video, you will not vote for anything Clinton again. Clinton is Bush.Give the people of Arkansas credit for trying to stop him. They sure know who to blame for their actions being squashed. MSM Local Arkansas and National. They are absolutely the instrument of death of our Republic. Traitors. All of them!Toke. [ Post Comment ] Comment #21 posted by fight_4_freedom on October 11, 2007 at 17:25:06 PT: I just started a thread on Oprah's website. Let's hope it turns into a discussion. the alternative medicine forum [ Post Comment ] Comment #20 posted by mayan on October 11, 2007 at 16:57:28 PT Mitt's Gone 2 Sh*t Mitt Romney is like a Ken doll but not quite as bright. It seems that the ptb have already chosen their candidates anyway. Either Rudy or Hillary will drive the final nails into America's coffin and open the doors for our entrance into the NAU (North American Union) and subsequent one world government. The man who is warning us is being ignored but the fascist media is being exposed all the while...Ron Paul Wins Debate In Another Landslide: WAY OUT IS THE WAY IN...Exclusive!!! Anthony Saltalamacia Verifies Willie Rodriguez's Story (video): Maher Interrupted in Real Time Overtime while Pushing Big Lie (w/video): letter to Popular Mechanics - Prove your ludicrous 9/11 theories in public: The Greatest Lie Ever Sold (video): Family Members, First Responders & Experts Speak Out -November 3 - West Hartford,Connecticut: Ways to Stop the Next 9/11: [ Post Comment ] Comment #19 posted by FoM on October 11, 2007 at 16:13:02 PT Special Report: Medical Marijuana on RL.TV Monday at 12:30pm Viewpoint investigates the relationship between seniors living with chronic pain and their choice to use medical marijuana to alleviate their constant discomfort.We hear from voices on all sides of this issue - seniors who smoke marijuana to ease their pain; a medical marijuana dispensary in California; the White House office of drug control policy; and a prominent member of Congress - all of whom agree that when it comes to the issue of medical marijuana, there are no easy answers. URL: [ Post Comment ] Comment #18 posted by FoM on October 11, 2007 at 15:15:21 PT Toker00 Since I can't watch the video I remember my sister telling me things about Clinton when he was still president. I would like to see the past exposed for Rudy too. His would really scare me. [ Post Comment ] Comment #17 posted by Toker00 on October 11, 2007 at 14:39:18 PT Had Enough I hear ya, bro. I downloaded that sucker because I am from Arkansas and know first hand the areas and time frame of the Clintons. I'll be biting my lip watching this one. (Anger management).But, you gotta know I was grinning when I posted #1. I wasn't angry. Or maybe I a dark-humor sort of way.Toke. [ Post Comment ] Comment #16 posted by FoM on October 11, 2007 at 14:34:13 PT dongenero That was funny. LOL! [ Post Comment ] Comment #15 posted by dongenero on October 11, 2007 at 14:00:59 PT Mann,,,heh hehe I like that She looks like an anorexic John Kerry or Abe Lincoln with bleached hair, and in drag. My apologies to those who are anorexic (except Ann), Mr Kerry and "Honest Abe", no offense intended. [ Post Comment ] Comment #14 posted by dankhank on October 11, 2007 at 13:15:06 PT Mann Coulter ... I read yesterday somewhere that she has sold 23,000 or so of her latest book ... so she is marginal in fact.but still sickening ... [ Post Comment ] Comment #13 posted by dongenero on October 11, 2007 at 12:45:39 PT ann coulter The ann coulter transcript is pretty amazing but far from surprising. I would not be surprised by any hateful madness that spews out of her bubble head. Don't get the idea she's going anywhere though. These nut job right wing pundits are never shamed away from their careers. They just become more provocative. What's truly scary is that people like her apparently have an audience. The true problem our country faces is fundamental religious ideologues; Christian, Muslim or whatever flavor. That, along with the wars it fuels, is what will take us back to the dark ages. [ Post Comment ] Comment #12 posted by FoM on October 11, 2007 at 12:14:49 PT lombar It's good to see you. I read about what is happening in Canada and it is our fail drug system. [ Post Comment ] Comment #11 posted by lombar on October 11, 2007 at 12:12:03 PT Sad day We are jailing the sick now too. I'm so disgusted with our so-called 'democratic' system. Long time no comment, hope all are doing ok. BC Marijuana Party Candidate gets 3 Months [ Post Comment ] Comment #10 posted by whig on October 11, 2007 at 11:39:22 PT OT: Goodbye, Ann Coulter [ Post Comment ] Comment #9 posted by whig on October 11, 2007 at 11:35:54 PT I stopped reading at this point "If anyone should get what they need and not have to wait for our country’s “democratic” process to decide its fate, the military should be it." [ Post Comment ] Comment #8 posted by Had Enough on October 11, 2007 at 11:21:15 PT Image That museman writes,“Don't look now, but everybody not 'with the program' is already tasting America's version of hell. The total separation from reality by our political elite is not ignorance, but deliberate. They are not concerned about humanity, the earth, health or welfare of anyone but themselves and their bank accounts.”You can see that in the movie that was posted, how our politicians think of their constituants.100 million a month drug operations, sex, mysterious suicides and disappearances of people, and what could be deliberate attempts to conceal evidence. . It contains many flavors. [ Post Comment ] Comment #7 posted by museman on October 11, 2007 at 10:51:00 PT hell "Places where free speech is looked down upon almost as much as women in some religious countries. If the United States of America ever ends up like those places, the world will be hell on Earth."Don't look now, but everybody not 'with the program' is already tasting America's version of hell. The total seperation from reality by our political elite is not ignorance, but deliberate. They are not concerned about humanity, the earth, health or welfare of anyone but themselves and their bank accounts.I'm sorry for those who feel comfort now, in their jobs, cars, and fancy houses, because very soon now they are going to be lost, and dependant on those they now condemn to save them. Mitt will have his inhumanity returned tenfold. Treason? Treason is the MO of our government. Treason is the 'operational ethic' of the 'club.' Treason is an accusation of the fascist towards the seeker of freedom and liberty.The entire US government from cop to president should be TRIED FOR TREASON. If they can prove they actually serve the public then they can be aquitted. POLITICIANS ARE GUILTY UNTIL PROVEN INNOCENT! [ Post Comment ] Comment #6 posted by Had Enough on October 11, 2007 at 10:50:32 PT Why will it upset anyone? It will upset anyone who can see through the haze.It will upset anyone who likes this country and what it is SUPPOSED to be all about.It will upset people like all the runruffs who have spent time in prison for pot, and other trumped up charges.It will upset taxpaying citizens.It will upset… Well I think you got the picture. [ Post Comment ] Comment #5 posted by OverwhelmSam on October 11, 2007 at 10:43:07 PT As Politicians Get Burned For hating marijuana consumers, their attitudes or place of employment will change. The politicians have been fighting and locking up American citizens for years. They really don't like it when we fight back. [ Post Comment ] Comment #4 posted by Had Enough on October 11, 2007 at 10:38:47 PT Sex & Drugs,& Governor Mansion/White House... things...and more…All in one package… with good detail.The only thing I can tell you is it does not reveal him and his buddies in a good light!I’m sure there is right winged influence behind the scene to produce it, but I was surprised that the spin is minimal in the flick. It sticks to the subject. But still I think I heard a small amount.If you were able to see the movie, it would help you to understand what other posters are talking about that have commented here about our boy Bill.But it is 1 hr 43min. HughesNet will gag, bind, and punish you for watching it.Fair Access Policy??? [ Post Comment ] Comment #3 posted by FoM on October 11, 2007 at 10:04:36 PT Had Enough Why will it upset anyone? I'm curious. Is it for or against Clinton? I never liked him. He really is a Republican more then a Democrat. Mrs. Bush and the first President Bush like him. [ Post Comment ] Comment #2 posted by Had Enough on October 11, 2007 at 09:58:58 PT Documentary on Clinton… while he was Governor and President. Warning!.. This video might have a tendency to piss people off. :) [ Post Comment ] Comment #1 posted by Toker00 on October 11, 2007 at 09:38:08 PT Mr. Romney, please arrest me. I have committed high treason against my country by using this dangerous, controlled substance to ease my pain. How thoughtless of me Mr. Romney, how thoughtless. Here's my stash and my weak thin wrist on which your Men can clamp those stainless steel Liberty robbing handcuffs you depend on so much. Please put me in your prison so I may be dealt my deserved humiliation and separated from my family and friends. Do this for me Mr. Romney for I have committed blasphemy against the Corporate State and know I have sinned against Lucifer by accepting a gift from God. Let your God with pointed ears and a tail have his way with me. Enjoy your destructive and misery causing Cannabis Prohibition while I waste away behind your unaccommodating bars of Fascism. F*ck Freedom and F*ck you too, Mr. Romney. F*ck you, too.Toke. [ Post Comment ] Post Comment