Drive To Legalize Medical Marijuana Hits a Drag Drive To Legalize Medical Marijuana Hits a Drag Posted by CN Staff on June 13, 2007 at 17:50:33 PT By James T. Madore Source: Newsday Albany, NY -- Legalizing marijuana for medical use appeared Wednesday to gain momentum here with lawmakers and then lose it as the legislature's two houses disagreed over implementation.During a morning news conference, Senate Majority Leader Joseph Bruno (R-Brunswick) said a colleague would introduce a legalization bill this week and predicted "the chances are better than not that it will go to the governor." Five hours later, however, Bruno criticized a rival measure in the Assembly as unworkable because it's "too broad and we think it just lets too many things happen that may be inappropriate ... We're going to do our own bill."But there may not time to reconcile the differences with only five working days left before the legislature adjourns for the year, and a growing list of other unresolved issues, some with pressing deadlines.In the Assembly, debate on the marijuana legislation raged for two hours with some lawmakers recounting stories of chronically-ill people who smoked the drug for relief from pain and nausea. Others expressed concern that patients would run afoul of federal prohibitions against the sale and use of marijuana.The bill's sponsor, Assemb. Richard Gottfried (D-Manhattan), acknowledged its flaws but urged New York to join 12 other states that have authorized the use of marijuana for medicinal purposes. The issue has been debated in the Capitol since 1997."It is, I think, as good as we can get given the current federal law. And I think considering the suffering that we are dealing with, it is the right way to go," Gottfried said, before his bill was adopted 92 to 52.Gottfried's legislation allows patients stricken with cancer, AIDS, multiple sclerosis and other severe illnesses to possess a small amount of marijuana for their use exclusively. They must be certified at least once a year by a doctor or licensed prescriber, and their identity would be known to the state Health Department.Patients would be required to carry a state-issued registration card and be limited to having no more than 12 marijuana plants and 2½ ounces of usable product. The bill doesn't specify how patients would acquire the drug.Should New York legalize marijuana, it likely will face a legal challenge because the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in 2005 that possession and use was illegal even for medical purposes.In the Senate, Sen. Vincent Leibell III (R-Brewster) plans to introduce a bill that would permit physicians to prescribe marijuana in limited cases. "It would be monitored so that they wouldn't be ... passing it on to others who don't need it for medical purposes," said Bruno, who has supported legalization for the past few years.Gov. Eliot Spitzer, a former prosecutor, is a more recent convert. He opposed legalization a year ago in a gubernatorial primary debate. But on Wednesday he said, "I'm open to signing a bill if it is properly structured for appropriate use." Source: Newsday (NY)Author: James T. MadorePublished: June 13, 2007Copyright: 2007 Newsday Inc.Contact: letters newsday.comWebsite: Articles:Gov Now Backs Marijuana RX is Open To New York Legalizing Marijuana Marijuana Law Gains Momentum in Albany Home Comment Email Register Recent Comments Help Comment #13 posted by Dankhank on June 14, 2007 at 12:50:52 PT poll now 95/5 [ Post Comment ] Comment #12 posted by FoM on June 14, 2007 at 08:24:24 PT Storm Crow That is a great poll result. [ Post Comment ] Comment #11 posted by Storm Crow on June 14, 2007 at 08:22:48 PT New York Daily News MMJ Poll RESULTS! 94% say YES! 6% say No. We are doing better and better! Usually it runs 80/20. For those who missed the poll from comment #3- hope those legislators are paying attention to the numbers!!! Each one of those 94% could be a voter! Any NY'ers email the results to their senators? I sure hope so! If they get enough emails, sometimes they even listen! [ Post Comment ] Comment #10 posted by Hope on June 14, 2007 at 08:01:09 PT More prison. More felons. More profits. For Mama, Daddy, and their friends and all of those invested in the prison industrial complex. Prison for profit.Mama Bush. Wolf in sheep's clothing? I keep thinking about her interest in prison snacks and toiletries and stuff. [ Post Comment ] Comment #9 posted by afterburner on June 14, 2007 at 00:17:51 PT mayan #5 "But Gonzales, dogged by scandals ranging from fired U.S. attorneys to FBI privacy intrusions, is unlikely to persuade an already skeptical Congress to adopt his plan."Ah, yes. Shredded credibility! [ Post Comment ] Comment #8 posted by afterburner on June 14, 2007 at 00:09:01 PT I Second that Emotion "Represent us or lose your jobs." -mayan #1 [ Post Comment ] Comment #7 posted by The GCW on June 13, 2007 at 20:12:35 PT CN SN: Student Suspended For Opinion On Pot CN SN: Student Suspended For Opinion On Pot Wed, 13 Jun 2007Source: StarPhoenix, The (CN SN) [ Post Comment ] Comment #6 posted by FoM on June 13, 2007 at 19:56:19 PT mayan I looked at the article and am I reading that the Bush administration wants to make it worse instead of better? I know there is a difference between Crack and Cocaine sentencing and I figured that they would increase cocaine and lower crack sentences. I really don't know about this at all. [ Post Comment ] Comment #5 posted by mayan on June 13, 2007 at 19:44:52 PT Mandatory Minimums Justice Dept. wants stricter sentencing: [ Post Comment ] Comment #4 posted by sam adams on June 13, 2007 at 19:42:17 PT ????? Patients would be required to carry a state-issued registration card and be limited to having no more than 12 marijuana plants and 2½ ounces of usable product. The bill doesn't specify how patients would acquire the drug.Can't they see the first sentence in the paragraph? [ Post Comment ] Comment #3 posted by FoM on June 13, 2007 at 19:20:20 PT New York Daily News MMJ Poll Medical Marijuana: Should It Be Legal to Prescribe Marijuana? [ Post Comment ] Comment #2 posted by FoM on June 13, 2007 at 18:58:28 PT Breaking News from NY1 News State Assembly Passes Bill Legalizing Medical Marijuana ***June 13, 2007The State Assembly passed a bill legalizing medical use of marijuana Wednesday, after about a decade of attempts to approve similar legislation in the state. “This would mean an awful lot to thousands of suffering New Yorkers,” said Manhattan Assemblyman Richard Gottfried. “The current prohibition in keeping them from that medical benefit is just political correctness run amok.” The bill allows caregivers and seriously ill patients with diseases like cancer or aids to register with the state to purchase up to two and half ounces of marijuana and grow up to a dozen plants. “I think it's important people, who that is the only thing that gives them relief, should have it available to them,” said Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver. Now it's up to the Republican-lead State Senate to take on the controversial issue. The idea got a warm reception from Senate Majority Leader Joe Bruno – but he says that the Assembly bill needs tighter controls. “The Assembly version doesn't work, in my estimation, in all due respect and we’re not going to do that,” said Bruno. “It’s too broad.” Sponsors of the Senate bill say it could be introduced as early as Thursday and could explore the option of having the state's Department of Health grow and distribute the marijuana. But that would require federal approval – a big leap and a possible court battle. The Assembly bill allows patients to get the drug through certified dealers. It would still be illegal for the user to re-sell the marijuana. Opponents say patients already have access to legal drugs to combat pain and nausea. The bill also faces critics in the Senate, who say lawmakers should be addressing more pressing issues. “It's inappropriately timed,” said State Senator Martin Golden of Brooklyn. “I think it’s the last five days of session and the last thing we have to be discussing here is medical marijuana.” If both houses can agree on a compromise bill, Governor Eliot Spitzer – a former critic – now says he's open to signing it into law. -Molly Kroon Copyright: 2007 NY1 News [ Post Comment ] Comment #1 posted by mayan on June 13, 2007 at 18:36:23 PT Tired of Games But there may not time to reconcile the differences with only five working days left before the legislature adjourns for the year, and a growing list of other unresolved issues, some with pressing deadlines.Go figure! The RepubliCrats are slaves to the pharmaceutical industry, which has enormous power in New York City/State. All too often they play these games, but no more. Represent us or lose your jobs.In other news, Patriots are under siege...Browns Siege: Feds Say They Are Going In:'s an eye-opener...CFR / NAU & 2008 Presidential Candidates: WAY OUT IS THE WAY IN...A New Campaign to "Press for Truth": 9/11 Truth “Salon des Refusés”? Madison, WI Science of 9/11 Conference Invites Controversy:"Keep your eye on that building, it'll be coming down soon.": 9/11 Truth Conference - June 22-24: WAS AN INSIDE JOB - OUR NATION IS IN PERIL: [ Post Comment ] Post Comment