Keeping Drugs and Alcohol Away from Children Keeping Drugs and Alcohol Away from Children Posted by CN Staff on May 04, 2007 at 05:30:36 PT By Amanda Fehd, Associated Press Writer Source: Associated Press Nevada -- Drugs and alcohol were the order of business Thursday as the Assembly Judiciary Committee debated two bills on adults' roles in keeping such substances away from children.SB6, sponsored by Sen. Joseph Heck, R-Henderson, would add marijuana to a list of drugs that cannot be manufactured, grown or sold in the presence of children. The existing law was written to target home methamphetamine labs, where children are often harmed by chemicals used to cook the drug. Heck said the recent seizure of 750 marijuana plants in one location in Pahrump underscores the need for such a statute.Judiciary Chairman Bernie Anderson, D-Sparks, asked if there are chemicals that could harm children in the growing of marijuana. SB6 does not deal with the use of marijuana in front of a child, or providing it to a child.Heck said toxic fertilizers often are used to grow pot, which is often coated or cut with other toxic substances before sale. Heck added that the violence often associated with the sale of large quantities of drugs also could harm children."There is a level of violence associated with illicit drug activity, irrespective of the drug," Heck said.Jason Frierson, representing the Clark County Public Defender's Office, said the office opposes SB6 on grounds that child abuse and neglect laws are already in place to protect children in such circumstances."It's our belief that even with the medical (marijuana) use statutes, this is going to end up targeting primarily casual users," Frierson said. To ensure that people allowed to use marijuana for medical purposes, the quantities of pot and pot plants allowed under SB6 are modeled after those allowed under the state's medical marijuana law.SB7, sponsored by Sen. Valerie Wiener, D Las Vegas, targets adults who provide alcohol to minors. Adults who "knowingly" give or sell alcohol to minors could be held civilly liable for damages that result from car accidents or other mishaps caused by the minors.Wiener said the bill is needed because underage drinking is on the rise. She said she's responded to concerns from lawmakers, who rejected a similar measure in 2005, and has removed criminal penalties. The measure also adds a higher standard, that an adult must knowingly provide the alcohol.Complete Title: Bills Focus on Keeping Drugs and Alcohol Away from ChildrenSource: Associated Press (Wire)Author: Amanda Fehd, Associated Press WriterPublished: May 4, 2007Copyright: 2007 Associated Press CannabisNews -- Cannabis Archives Home Comment Email Register Recent Comments Help Comment #28 posted by afterburner on May 04, 2007 at 22:03:44 PT OT: Hopeful Signs Music revolution Hamilton Spectator, Canada - May 1, 2007 There is a revolution going on in popular music, and Britain -- as it has been so many times before, from the Beatles and the Stones, to punk and the great ... This summer there are more than 450 music festivals in Britain, and demand for tickets to live performances has never been higher.Psychedelic Psunday presents HIPPIE FEST: A Concert For Peace & Love Featuring The Turtles featuring Flo & Eddie, Felix Cavaliere's Rascals, The Zombies, Mountain, Mitch Rider, Badfinger, and Country Joe McDonald. Jul 25, 2007 7:00 PM, The Molson Amphitheatre [Change the calendar to July to see details] [ Post Comment ] Comment #27 posted by mayan on May 04, 2007 at 16:43:45 PT Heck Heck said toxic fertilizers often are used to grow pot, which is often coated or cut with other toxic substances before sale. Heck added that the violence often associated with the sale of large quantities of drugs also could harm children.This guy could make "Reefer Madness pt. 2". A movie like that would be labeled a comedy these days! [ Post Comment ] Comment #26 posted by whig on May 04, 2007 at 15:30:02 PT Sam Adams Football worshipping school would have been Central Catholic, perhaps? [ Post Comment ] Comment #25 posted by Sam Adams on May 04, 2007 at 15:23:37 PT prescription cannabis "treats" brainwashing, that is pretty funny. And of course totally true.Rchandar, you definitely need to try another state. There are probably some more writing gigs elsewhere. Who want to live in a state where they elected a Bush.Luckily I went to a high school where nobody really even cared that much about the football players. Smart, intellectual guys actually did get laid as well. I know a guy who went to football-worshiping school in Western PA, sounded like an absolute horror show.Look at where the bullying is - eastern colorado and Virginia is where the kids were bullied so bad they were driven insane. You don't see that happen in San Francisco or Boston or New York or Seattle. We can debate how dumb or smart the citizens of the good 'ol US are every day. But how can you explain the fact that we spend millions & millions to make sure everyone is "educated" for 13 years (!) and after 50 years of it, we still have a country where less than half of the population understands and "believes" in evolution. That number is more like one-third. That is a total embarrassment. Imagine how the Europeans must view the average American. I think less than 10% of Euros go to church every week. [ Post Comment ] Comment #24 posted by dongenero on May 04, 2007 at 15:11:38 PT comment #20 BGreen Great points BGreen! Willful ignorance is the problem. Or ignorance due to laziness. Those that allow their opinions to be fed to them. [ Post Comment ] Comment #23 posted by whig on May 04, 2007 at 15:02:59 PT High IQ without cannabis Is like a talented rat in a maze.Cannabis elevates you so you can see the maze, and get out of it. [ Post Comment ] Comment #22 posted by whig on May 04, 2007 at 15:02:03 PT BGreen Cannabis treats Alzheimer's and brainwashing. [ Post Comment ] Comment #21 posted by whig on May 04, 2007 at 15:00:13 PT rchandar There are universities in California too. [ Post Comment ] Comment #20 posted by BGreen on May 04, 2007 at 12:46:39 PT I never meant to imply everybody is stupid The USA has some of the best minds in the world. One needs to go no further than most of the posters here at to see that.I live in an area surrounded by some of the biggest dee, dee, dee's, in the country. I'm sometimes surprised that most of these people can put their pants on zipper side front and can get their shoes on the right feet. They sure did manage to get that "W '04" sticker right side up on their cars, though.To quote a middle eastern man we met at the Albert Cuyp street market in Amsterdam last year: "Americans just need to think."I have a huge amount of compassion for those who aren't capable of complex thought processes, but I am flat fed up with the willfully ignorant, and I'm tired of them voting and imposing their willful ignorance on the rest of the thinking populace.Whig is correct in his point, just as are the rest of us, because many of the stupidest people in the USA are not low IQ people but dumbed-down stupid sheeple.I do believe, however, that brainwashing can be compared to Alzheimer's, whereby the smarter and more mentally active you are the longer it takes for the insidious brain destruction to happen.The Reverend Bud Green [ Post Comment ] Comment #19 posted by FoM on May 04, 2007 at 12:01:54 PT rchandar I am sorry to read how things are going for you. Life can be so darn hard sometimes. [ Post Comment ] Comment #18 posted by rchandar on May 04, 2007 at 11:53:23 PT: whig Well, I hope I'll get to see your state again someday.For what you're saying, though. About the Soviet Union--okay, despite his DrugWar record, I admire him. Mostly because he was the first President who nurtured the idea of a democracy existing without the defining threat of a dangerous enemy. Bush re-created all of that......and it's a lie. The War on Terror is really a complete fabrication designed to secure oil, to curtail human rights, and to get the plebs mad about a dangerous enemy that could threaten our football and our pin-up stars on MTV. Think about it. Two buildings crashed, and 4,000 people died. Perspective was lost-permanently: this is a country of 300 million. There is just no actual way the terrorists could destroy a vast country like ours, even with a nuclear bomb (how would they get it here, for example). Very smart, and timely politics--otherwise, Bush's presidency would have had minimal impact.As for my current situation. I recently published an article on cannabis literature in Morocco. Currently working on a book on the Beat Generation. You'd think I could land a job, no? What with a doctorate and all that.FLAT BROKE. NO JOBS.You see, the university is not a place of knowledge--it's a political veldt where all kinds of opportunists throw around their power and egotism. Learning is minimal. Those who get the ears of the important people are the ones who smile. Very disgusting place to me.But I'm ashamed. When a truck driver or a drive-in clerk smiles that mocking smile, it hurts pretty bad. What do they know, that they're working and I'm not? I send out hundreds of applications, and no one's listening to me.I may not have many years left. The culture in Miami is a fear culture. Those with money ride with the big grins, those who don't are always looking over their shoulders. I've lived here 37 years. And the city still looks as fearsome and evil as it ever did.To add, I have a big problem with the hip-hop culture that is limitless in these kinds of places. Teaches all the wrong things. You have no rights. The big man is always better than the little man. Expect to go to jail, even though I know that doesn't usually happen. That's what produces the nightmarish fears. Hip-hop is completely opposite to hippie or hipster: there is no correlation, and the people in charge make a mockery of every move we make. When they're not satisfied with that, there are threats. Mostly we stay indoors, but one can't hide from the world all the time.I don't know how long I can keep this alive, but I'm afraid that the kinds of changes for me and for others like me won't be even close to good. But the powers that be have done the one thing that ensures my defeat: they cut the purse strings, and the only thing I can do on a daily basis is struggle to remain sane.I don't know if there's a point to telling you all this. And someone reads this of course, and one person tells another, and another, and another, towards that surefooted face of mockery that confronts me on the street...Miami is an evil city. I wouldn't recommend anyone of faith to live in such a place.--rchandar [ Post Comment ] Comment #17 posted by whig on May 04, 2007 at 11:16:32 PT rchandar It isn't hopeless. We're winning, but you are in a darker part of the country than I am. It's different in California. [ Post Comment ] Comment #16 posted by rchandar on May 04, 2007 at 11:09:28 PT: SamAdams I mean, NO SURRENDER. Long, long ago, I realized that the pleasures available "legally" were basically off limits to guys like me. I don't champion your powerful football team.I don't have a retinue of thirty girlfriends.I HATE disco music and soap operas.I was raised by an atheist, without language or religion, in a foreign land. Yet vaguely I was expected to uphold my heritage.NO SURREN DER!!NEVER!!! NEVER!!! NEVER!!!"live free or die." [ Post Comment ] Comment #15 posted by rchandar on May 04, 2007 at 11:03:07 PT: SamAdams They are instructing people not to believe in humanity, rights, or culture. They are making a sickening mockery of our lives.We are broke. No one's helping or even saying that there's a chance that they will listen. When we go to the grocery store or the convenience store, they take our money with an evil grin on their faces. Sometimes they cuss at us and then laugh. Sinister place this is.We aren't stupid. We have education and accomplishments. But as long as I can remember, the good old' USA is cold and unresponsive when people have needs. When they have enough knowledge to question what they are preaching. They have set out to reduce us to nothing. This is a sinister land.And sometimes, in this hopeless, jobless land of despair, I hope the unthinkable--that America dies in flames. Because not a grain of conscience stirs in anyone's hearts.Remember that homeless guy, mouth dried, tears? We always give.Remember that student who was having trouble writing sentences and spelling words? We passed them.Strange how bad things are happening to good people. But I doubt it's just me, I think its systemic.NO SURRENDER! [ Post Comment ] Comment #14 posted by whig on May 04, 2007 at 10:58:06 PT When the Soviet Union fell Russia was recreated in America's image. We don't like what we see in the mirror? [ Post Comment ] Comment #13 posted by whig on May 04, 2007 at 10:57:13 PT Sam Adams I think Russia and the United States look nearly identical right now, in terms of the level of criminality and corruption, but the United States has better marketing. [ Post Comment ] Comment #12 posted by dongenero on May 04, 2007 at 09:58:06 PT BGreen is on to something here.... This article is reporting on the Nevada legislature and according to the table, which I will link below, Nevada ranks 44th in state IQ scores. Not stellar. This may explain Senator Heck's comments.Nevada ranks 44th at 96.5 points while...Mass. ranks first at 104.3 points should check this link out by the way, it is pretty funny. Warning!... it is a conservative site, offering a rebuttal to the table sent out in 2004 about IQ levels in states voting for Bush. What is funny is that while it paints a somewhat rosier picture of Bush supporters, the red states are still noticeably weighted to the bottom of the scale. How funny!!! [ Post Comment ] Comment #11 posted by Sam Adams on May 04, 2007 at 09:45:11 PT Dong you're so right, the only thing cannabis is ever "cut" with is tobacco! Which is fully legal and government-endorsed. [ Post Comment ] Comment #10 posted by Sam Adams on May 04, 2007 at 09:44:25 PT rch. Hey, I understand. I'm not totally down on everything about the US, there are tons of fantastic people here. Remember, it was only 30 years ago, in the 70s, that we led the world in drug policy reform, racial reform, and women's rights/gender equality, and especially environmentalism! That is awfully hard to believe now, but it's the truth. So I still believe we can change back fairly quickly, but it really looks like the evil rich people are working awfully hard to make sure it never happens. And we seem to have been endowed with a surplus of hateful, ignorant, knee-jerk rednecks to support their efforts. I see a lot of similarity between us and the Russia. I think when you look at Russia now, you're seeing a future vision of America. Economy collapsed due to over-federalization & militarization. Currency collapse, explosion in organized crime as former government officials are forced to go private sector. Economy looted by a handful of connected rich families, etc. [ Post Comment ] Comment #9 posted by dongenero on May 04, 2007 at 09:38:32 PT Mr. Heck?..... You, with the least respect due you, are an outright LIAR.".....often coated or cut with other toxic substances before sale."And nobody will back that claim who isn't a LIAR. Your lies are now printed for posterity.Senator Joseph Heck R-Henderson , Nevada is a devious, manipulative LIAR.May the search engine bots find this phrase with great frequency. [ Post Comment ] Comment #8 posted by rchandar on May 04, 2007 at 09:22:23 PT: SamAdams And this is a sick, deluded, hopeless USA. I can't remember a time in my life when the powers that be didn't screw me over.If you knew me, I'm not a bad person at all. A vicious, horrid place as far as I'm concerned. [ Post Comment ] Comment #7 posted by Sam Adams on May 04, 2007 at 09:14:49 PT intelligence "We aren't any less intelligent than any population"Would you care to wager on that statement? I'd bet Canadians & most of Europe have higher average intel than here.Remember, like Australia, many of the US colonies were used as penal colonies. Criminals & riff-raff could opt to be sent over instead of jail in England. There's also the inbreeding factor - the US has been more rural than Europe for 400 years and counting. Which do you think had more inbreeding in the last few centuries?Sorry to sound harsh, but this personal view is based on my extensive travel over the last 20 years. [ Post Comment ] Comment #6 posted by whig on May 04, 2007 at 08:43:44 PT BGreen We aren't any less intelligent than any population, but we've been more effectively brainwashed for longer. [ Post Comment ] Comment #5 posted by BGreen on May 04, 2007 at 08:11:42 PT You beat me to it, Storm Crow There is nothing used in growing cannabis that isn't used for any other plant in any other garden, except that most cannabis growers use even less toxic methods for pest control than most people spray on their lawns.Also, can these gigantic morons get their freakin' stories straight, for crying out loud?If cannabis is now so damn strong, why do they still insist that people are "coating" or "cutting" it with toxic substances?I'm beginning to believe that the US has a disproportionately large population who reside very far down the left side of the bell curve when compared to the rest of the world.The Reverend Bud Green [ Post Comment ] Comment #4 posted by FoM on May 04, 2007 at 07:43:56 PT nuevo mexican That sure was different. [ Post Comment ] Comment #3 posted by Sam Adams on May 04, 2007 at 07:14:00 PT Correction on title It should be "keeping drugs and alcohol away from OTHER PEOPLES' children"Because that's what they're discussing. It's an absurd idea. How can a government of greedy & immoral bureaucrats, who sell out on a given issue for mere hundreds of dollars, how can they possibly get to individual boys and girls in a nation 3000 miles across with 300 million people, and take "drugs" out their hands? Parents and family are the ones with the best chance of success in taking care of the kids. [ Post Comment ] Comment #2 posted by nuevo mexican on May 04, 2007 at 06:50:51 PT This 'child' has a message for adults! This will make your day FOM!The Coolest 8 Year Old In The World Talks About O'Reilly [ Post Comment ] Comment #1 posted by Storm Crow on May 04, 2007 at 06:48:23 PT Like water in a sieve! "Heck said toxic fertilizers often are used to grow pot, which is often coated or cut with other toxic substances before sale. Heck added that the violence often associated with the sale of large quantities of drugs also could harm children."Those "toxic fertilizers" are, more often than not, blood meal, epsom salts, and cow manure or plain old common fertilizers available at any Walmart! Am I to stop growing my house plants, too- since I use exactly the same stuff on them? Should we ban ALL gardening, especially indoors? Take down Walmart for facilitating a criminal act? I imagine Heck has some "dangerous" fertilized house plants in his home and office- is he endangering his kids?And in THIS neck of the woods, anyone adulterating their cannabis, would quickly find themselves out of business! There is a thriving business in organic cannabis in these parts! We have some real "pot snobs" up here!The violence associated with the sale of large quantities of cannabis, is directly related to prohibition! Legalize it and the black market goes away! Prices would fall (hopefully back to the old price of $10 an ounce- that was reasonable) since anyone who has a sunny spot could grow it and the incentive (money) for criminals would be pretty well gone.His arguments hold as much water as a sieve! [ Post Comment ] Post Comment