Inside Dope On Cannabis Inside Dope On Cannabis Posted by CN Staff on April 26, 2007 at 05:21:02 PT By Jesse Leavenworth, Courant Staff Writer Source: Hartford Courant Hartford, CT -- From California to Connecticut, marijuana plants are budding behind a veil of suburban normalcy. Protected from neighbors, insects and weather, the indoor pot is flourishing among humidifiers, high-watt lamps and ventilation systems that filter and disperse the telling aroma. In the last several months in the Los Angeles area, authorities raided several upscale homes and found marijuana "grows" valued at a total of about $50 million. Similar operations also were uncovered recently in Georgia and New Hampshire. In Connecticut in 2004, police seized 1,200 plants valued at $500,000 from swanky homes in Southington and Burlington.Legalization advocates say there's a lot more indoor weed the cops don't know about, both in large grows and clusters of plants tucked into back rooms. And all signs, they say, show an upward trend in housing the nation's most popular illegal drug."It's a straight-up curve," said Allen St. Pierre, spokesman for the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws, or NORML.Reasons for the move indoors, according to a variety of sources and published reports, include the lesser chance of getting caught or having plants stolen; tighter borders since Sept. 11, 2001, that are squeezing imports from Mexico and Canada; the ability to grow high-quality marijuana in a controlled environment; the reluctance of some smokers to buy pot from dealers; the wide array of seeds available, particularly from the Netherlands and Canada; and the ease and low cost of setting up an indoor greenhouse for personal use or sales.Since 2001, according to the federal Drug Enforcement Administration, annual seizures of indoor marijuana plants nationally increased from 236,000 to 401,000 last year. In Connecticut, state police spokesman Lt. J. Paul Vance said police have seen more indoor pot operations, and the DEA's 2007 fact sheet for Connecticut says, "An increase in sophisticated indoor hydroponic marijuana growth sites have been revealed around the state in recent years."Hydroponics involves growing plants without soil, either in nutrient-enriched water or inert material such as sand. It is the preferred method of many marijuana growers, and the materials are readily available at garden centers and online. Plug "hydroponics" or "indoor marijuana" into a computer search engine, and a dazzling array of products and how-to sites appears.Canada-based BC Northern Lights, for example, sells hydroponically equipped "grow boxes" - self-contained appliances that include lights, ventilation systems and filters to control odor. In 2003, the company sold 108 units to New England residents, owner Tarren Wolfe wrote in an e-mail. Last year, it sold 202 units to people in this region. (Wolfe says her company does not sell its products as marijuana growers. But its name, Northern Lights, also is the name of a strain of marijuana.)BC Northern Lights' "Bloom Box" was selling recently online for about $3,200, but an initial outlay of only $200 for essential lights and other equipment will produce a few high-quality plants, said Jorge Cervantes, who writes about marijuana cultivation for High Times magazine. Seeds are available through websites such as A packet of 15 Northern Lights No. 5 X Haze seeds sells for $182.98, while 10 Skunk Red Hair seeds go for $33.39, according to the website.Indoor plants can be harvested every three months or so, and while average, seed-containing marijuana from Mexico sells for $150 to $200 an ounce in this area, seedless varieties that a knowledgeable person can grow indoors will fetch up to $500 an ounce. An indoor grower with little more than a back bedroom dedicated to marijuana can make $50,000 to $70,000 a year.But anyone tempted to start their own plants should realize that possessing marijuana and its seeds is illegal in Connecticut, a first offense punishable by up to 5 years in prison and a $2,000 fine for more than 4 ounces. Smaller amounts can get you one year in prison and a $1,000 fine.Large "grows" also can attract unwanted attention from serious criminals. Huge busts of indoor grows in the last year in California, New Hampshire and Florida were all linked to Vietnamese organized crime, according to the DEA."It's like a pot of gold sitting in those houses, and people are going to do whatever it takes to get their hands on it," a California state drug enforcement officer told the Los Angeles Times recently. "There's already been some takeover robberies of indoor grows, some that gets reported, some that does not."Also, some people running large indoor marijuana operations have bypassed home electrical meters, attempting to hide the extra juice required for 1,000-watt metal halide lamps and other equipment. In some cases, those farms were exposed after electrical fires, said Agent Anthony Pettigrew, the DEA's New England spokesman.That's how police say they uncovered suburban pot operations in Southington and Burlington in 2004. Police were summoned to the $440,000 Southington home after neighbors smelled smoke from an electrical fire. Inside, the scene was typical of the modern commercial suburban grow. The only furniture consisted of two mattresses on the floor. A forest of potted marijuana plants under grow lights, drip irrigation tubes and ventilation ducts occupied the rest of the space.Smaller grows are much harder to find. They don't use a noticeably large amount of electricity and can be housed in spaces as small as a coat closet. Also, modern home growers - far better informed and equipped than most of their counterparts in the 1960s and '70s - can produce plants with high concentrations of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the primary intoxicant in marijuana and hashish, so they don't need a lot of room.Also, although possessing marijuana seeds is illegal throughout the U.S., they're small and are shipped in nondescript packages, so most orders get through, according to legalization advocates.But even small growers can get caught. It's not uncommon for police called to domestic fights or other crimes to find marijuana plants."Usually we get sent to a place on some other call," West Hartford Police Chief James Strillacci said.He acknowledged that's probably only a small portion of what's growing behind shaded windows and locked doors."Whatever we know about," he said, "odds are there's a lot more we don't know about."Note: Indoor Marijuana Farming Becoming More Widespread.Source: Hartford Courant (CT)Author: Jesse Leavenworth, Courant Staff Writer Published: April 26, 2007 Copyright: 2007 The Hartford CourantContact: letters courant.comWebsite: -- Cannabis Archives Home Comment Email Register Recent Comments Help Comment #27 posted by museman on May 01, 2007 at 19:37:06 PT whig "The alternative, to tear down and return to the soil, is the end of our human race."Again you misunderstand me. I do not advocate or desire this extreme condition of which you speak, though I do not by any means believe that it would be the "end," these conditions are being experienced everywhere on planet earth already, worse conditions in fact than 'returning to the soil.'Cannabis is a crux issue of paramount importance. Not all who sometimes understand my perspective understand that. Cannabis is the wondrous gift of The Most High Elohim as the sacred incense to be burned during our prayer to carry our prayer to YHWH. It's body contains many many properties of real transformative healing, not just for the body and mind of man, but for the earth as well. It's abiltity to absorb carbon recombinants (CO2 mixed with CO) and transmute those gases into oxygen has yet to be put to work. Many are now aware that from the curds and fibers of the cannabis hemp, paper, celluloid plastic (true bio-degradable plastic) a form of plywood with triple the tensile and stress related strength, clothing, oils both consumable and usable as fuel,...the list goes on.Cannabis Americana, the kind they are saying is 20% 'more potent' than 'your fathers marijuana' The kind that gives through the pain and suffering of so many, some healing and a fire of inner hope, is the tag by which the modern 'witch-hunters' have attempted to destroy the real and true upsurgence of Spirit that began with the 'boomers.' The smoking of the Sacred Herb is the identifying preference of the 'Sons of God.' Like the story of Pharoah, who sought to prevent the birth of the prophet and great teacher Moshe (Moses) by killing the firstborn children of Israel, and Herod, who sought to accomplish the same thing to prevent the Mashiach from coming. It is related to what we are taught as "The Holocaust," and it is a spiritual polgrom against the potential and actual children of YHWH. Therefore the mystical councils, the various less visible "skulls and bones" gatherings of sorcerors and all manner of things unspeakable -really- that actually make policy for this country and others, decided during the very time that millions of Gypsies, Jews, and other 'undesirables' were being murdered wholesale in Europe, to plan for such a contingency as the boomer generation. Even when the language that first brought cannabis prohibition to congress by Anslinger and cronies, was obviously hysterical and unfounded, based on racism, ignorance, and a whole thesis of falshood, at this point in history, all Anslinger had to do was have Congress "imagine if there was a war, and the young men smoked 'marijuana' and didn't want to fight?!" Oh! Can't have that? Where would George Bush be right now if cannabis was legal?YSHWH said "You will know them by their fruits." The predators hunt and kill their prey by observing their habits and patterns of behavior. Predators make war. They govern and enslave. They force their way upon you, sometimes play with you a little, then kill and eat you. They have the scepter of power on earth at this time, like Caesar, like Pharoah, and like Herod, and they are afraid of us, because cannabis will completely undermine their efforts to control the human population. Cannabis is the main ingredient that can do all the things their toxic choices for medicine and so many other great things can do but so potentially cheaply and widely available to the 'common man' that any champions of this cause are likely to see the penal system from both sides of the bars.That's why cannabis is illegal. To stifle freedom of thought. To prevent a generation from discovering that their 'emporer' -the STATUS QUO is truly naked, because though the vulturous creatures that rule this culture put me and my brothers and sisters in the holes that resemble the souls of the humanity (the 'justice' system) that put us there, even though the Roman Eagles of american contemporary demonism may end my life in a 'New York Minute,' the truth does set you free, and freedom is what this is all about. [ Post Comment ] Comment #26 posted by whig on May 01, 2007 at 13:04:30 PT museman I must go eat, but wanted to let you know I had read your words and will give them consideration.Easy answers come quickly, but may not be best. We will need to sit and discuss at length all of the things that need to be done, but civilization provides us with many benefits and if properly managed can be beneficial to everyone instead of the privileged elites. The alternative, to tear down and return to the soil, is the end of our human race.I leave that for your potential comment, but I don't want to spend too much time on it here because it would take us far off topic of cannabis prohibition, which must be ended in order for communication to be possible in the open. Too many of us are rendered mute by an inability to speak our own truth, because we use cannabis and fear persecution for the admission.This must change, we must be able to speak and share our knowledge of things with one another. [ Post Comment ] Comment #25 posted by museman on May 01, 2007 at 12:12:07 PT whig We are getting closer to the 'same page' I think. Terminology, and the various cultural connotations that can and are associated with it are often the source of errors in communication.I am still learning the delicate task of seperating the tumorous, cancer-like elements from the rest without damaging the host. I begin to see why some of my word choices pique your defence mechanisms, However, lacking 'better' words I am often left with word choices that can be misinterpreted if the interpreter does not understand 'where I am coming from.'The word 'breeding' for example, makes my hackles rise. You obviously haven't a clear idea what it is like to not have 'lineage' as you put it, as an integral part of your life. Personally I have great contempt for the presumption of 'finery' and or 'betterness.' If that very same presumption and assuming air had not literally stood in my way, called the 'dogs' of their legalisms because they hide behind their 'fine things' as if they were some kind of power objects, presecuted me and others with less 'breeding', condemn us to poverty and to labor as slaves -while they enjoy their 'finer' things without any seeming conditions other than their inherited wealth - if these things had not occured on a nearly daily basis -everywhere I have been in this country, and most especially in the cities,- if the flaunting of 'finer' things in the faces of my children -along with mockery, REAL JUDGEMENT of the kind you think I am making, did not cause what it has caused, -and the results are in the news every day- then I would think to re-examine my conclusions. However these facts and beliefs haven't changed in thousands of years, in fact one such as you (seemingly) upholding them as you do only proves to me that they are entrenched deeply in social/religious/economic doctrines that do not support anyone or anything outside the 'tribe.' Not to say that individuals are completely bound by these errors; No, each and every one of us has choice every day. One can choose to be generous or sharing with the resources they may have in hand, or not. Since I do not 'personally' know too many actual 'persons' who embody the errors of propriety, (I do not believe there is any true justification for that system -and won't be convinced) and because I have seen something else that cannot grow as long as the fields of life are held as some kind of false idea of 'caretakership' by right of inheritance alone, I do not believe in 'inheritance' except that which is given to all of us at the moment of birth -all else is a sham and a power trip in place just to ensure the perpetuation of class. Of that conviction it will be rather hard to overcome, as I do not recieve my understanding by studying ancient wisdom, I recieve it directly from the source, and when I have cause to question, I question The Most High, who usually answers in a timely manner. I then may compare it to older reports of the same -the 'scriptures', but I am not limited to antiquity, in fact I am a student of the New Wine, which has been spoken of but not yet wholly recieved. Those things which are part of the old, are about to pass away. For me it seems fruitless, illogical, and senseless to waste any time on the old, when I know it is nearly done.You are a city dweller. I am not. I hate the city, for it contains in extreme concentration the things of humanity that I find abhorrent. Do I condemn all the inhabitants? No, that is not my job. My job is to find ways to get folks that still have the Spirit of Truth alive within out of 'Babylon.' Can one 'live in Babylon' and still serve The Most High? Most assuredly. Can one live in wealth and luxury -anywhere- and still serve the Most High? That I have about a 99% experiential, researched, and conclusive belief, is not possible- for many reasons, most of which I have already stated.I am, like many at this juncture of time and celestial events, struggling to keep up with the sheer velocity of change that is upon us, because I do not wish to be either a burden to progress, or 'left behind'. There are some aspects of my nature and character however, that though they appear 'negative' to those who have attachment to systems of belief that I actually do despise (My Creator has taught me to despise error even as He taught me to Love truth) those 'attitudes' aren't going to move from the rock I stand on unless The Most High tells me to move.Many often confuse my Passion for Truth as 'anger' and then use that tag to condemn and reject the message, because they condemn and reject me.I am about getting understanding and agreement. I am all for cooperation -without material motivations as the supreme qualifier. I cannot cooperate with compromised minds. I can agree to tolerate -up to a point- what I perceive to be error, because I know as a father, and as a compassionate human being, that it is very very difficult to adhere to the truth in this reality, and that many decisions and choices have to be weighed carefully with discernment lest they do more damage than good.I am here on this forum -first of all because I believe that the cause is right and just, and second because I have found open-mindeness or at least a willingness to listen, as well as a whole lot of respect -not found elsewhere.I am here for a limited time, because change is upon us. I have come from half a lifetime in the 'wilderness' to attempt to give to my brethren (not gender specific) what has been given to me. Whig, you have influenced me. Made me consider my words more carefully, and that is a good thing. I have no doubt that as brothers we have more in common than we have shared to this date. Please understand that none of my intent is to judge persons -I've reiterated that over and over. If persons choose to get in the way of my job -which sometimes is like YSHWH purging the temple- it is their mistake and not mine. I then have to take special care to not 'cause harm' to those innocents who ignorantly stray into the path of justice. The ones deserving of the flay then quickly hide behind innocence, and 'get away.'You do not know me in any way other than my words, but your 'be suspisious first, trust later' way of challenging me is not a profitable thing. I continue to attempt to provide 'justification' for my perspective, because I do value clarity and try to avoid confusion, but at some point I will grow weary.I know that sometimes my words are harsh. I trust that the overall intellect present on this forum are capable of handling it. If it were just about the folks on this forum, my conversations would be decidedly different. But this forum is for the whole country, and the world. I can not 'please everyone' nor do I posess a 'universal tongue' that is spoken with absolute understanding by all. I therefore am left with what I have. I am inspired to write, or I write very little at all. I choose my words for their power and ability to have effect. I am doing my job. You either have to have some trust that my intentions are what I say they are, or just not agree. I enjoy our little debates to some degree, and a good challenge can be refreshing, but there is just so much more, and I think that in relation to our disagreements, maybe it's time to just 'move on.'By that I mean I am not going to change my spots. You can judge me, and I am by no means perfect or complete, but I am a warrior, I have already fought in many battles not of my choosing, but fought nonetheless by the Will of YHWH, and that which He has given me is not to be touched or destroyed by any hand but His. My proverbial 'sword' is the word, and I am trained (by Spirit not academics) to wield it as effectively as I can. I will not sheath my sword until it is truly, actually and literally time to turn them ALL into plows.It is not my will that the corruptions of man will be burned. It is not my will or desire that all those suffer now, and are going to suffer when the walls of Babylon fall. It is not my will or desire that any living being should suffer most of what we do suffer, but I am not going to pretend that it isn't there. I report what the Most High tells to. I didn't start the fire, and I have no need to fuel it with contention. I merely state the facts as I see and am shown. Do I make mistakes? Who doesn't?Will I stop? Not ever.peace [ Post Comment ] Comment #24 posted by whig on April 30, 2007 at 23:56:10 PT Unjust enrichment "A few nights after he resigned his post as secretary of state two years ago, Colin L. Powell answered a ring at his front door. Standing outside was Prince Bandar, then Saudi Arabia’s ambassador to the United States, with a 1995 Jaguar. Mr. Powell’s wife, Alma, had once mentioned that she missed their 1995 Jaguar, which she and her husband had traded in. Prince Bandar had filed that information away, and presented the Powells that night with an identical, 10-year-old model. The Powells kept the car — a gift that the State Department said was legal — but recently traded it away.", I know it's off-topic, but this was just too precious not to share. [ Post Comment ] Comment #23 posted by whig on April 30, 2007 at 23:47:29 PT Ray McGovern on Tucker [ Post Comment ] Comment #22 posted by whig on April 30, 2007 at 23:24:24 PT museman I also want to say that we are going to change this government so it won't continue to perpetrate the injustices it has been. That's what we're trying to do, and cannabis prohibition must be ended as part of this transformation. What we have build in the blogs is a structure of mutual aid, a coalition of interests that will not be divided from one another because we all agree with one another that these are necessary changes. The next five years will be interesting, I think. [ Post Comment ] Comment #21 posted by whig on April 30, 2007 at 22:46:01 PT What my father taught me. He said, when I was a young boy, and more than once, that I could grow up to be anything I wanted as long as I was the best at it that I could be. I could be a ditchdigger, he said, as long as I was the best ditchdigger I could be.That I disagree with him politically and always have is unquestioned, and he has not always respected my point of view. But I have done the best I could do. [ Post Comment ] Comment #20 posted by whig on April 30, 2007 at 22:38:37 PT museman It is hard to respond when you place so many presumptions in the way. I am defending no golden idols. I am defending my ancestors, themselves. I am saying that I am the product of my own lineage as you are of yours.I am saying you should be fair in judging, as I know you will be, but when you speak in such condemnatory language towards the people themselves who have fine things, as if all the finery should be smashed or melted and all the people ground into earth.We represent different tribes, I suppose. Joining tribes takes time, many generations. It cannot be done by a handshake, it requires breeding. This is something that we should encourage between tribes.Justice demands that those who profit unjustly yield their profits. I will concur in this, and as part of truth and reconciliation there should be damages paid. [ Post Comment ] Comment #19 posted by museman on April 30, 2007 at 15:09:23 PT whig It is not the fault of the resource that it becomes a misplaced object of worship, but the error of the worshipper. It is not what is valued, or even what has value, but whether that value is placed above the Supreme Value of the Most High Elohim, which first and foremost is the 'unconditional love' of "All your heart, and all your mind," in respect of The Already Given Grace and Love of the Creator, and His works; Creation.The putting of the works of men above the works of YHWH is the error, not the works themselves. Am I clear on this?If you are saying that the various forms of idol and symbol worship woven integrally with the social/religious/economic (politics is just another religion) frameworks that exist today, are in any way actually NOT destructive and inherently condemning in their very nature, then we are definitely not in agreement. I don't think that is the case.I would starve too at this point, because I can no longer physically do those things. However I am one example of a host of skills, talent, and other that has served no material purpose, for the esteem of the material world has rejected my works for the plastic factory. All my skill could not serve to feed my famliy, because there is no profitable place in this contemporary existence for such as I.I have served the purposes that God (I am not going to use that nomenclature much more) has set, and when the majority rejected those purposes, it's understandable that they couldn't see what I have done. So though I have served all my life as a councilor, a healer, a teacher, sometimes a minister of Faith, and a keeper of the magic of the muse, my worldy worth is held in abeyance by those who hold the reins of power by means of the weights and measures of propriety, which are not the measure of God. Thus my own access to the Providence inherited by all men in equal measure, is barred by the status quo, which does not hold, nor ever has held, the Works of Creation and The Most High above their own vanity. [ Post Comment ] Comment #18 posted by FoM on April 30, 2007 at 14:37:21 PT Just a Note I removed my comment because I wanted to post it on another thread and I thought I should mention why a comment is missing. [ Post Comment ] Comment #16 posted by whig on April 30, 2007 at 12:12:24 PT Lack of cannabis The people who persecute us are suffering. Bong Hits 4 Everyone. [ Post Comment ] Comment #15 posted by whig on April 30, 2007 at 12:07:45 PT truth, not propaganda We need to dialogue in peace, because we tell our children stories from our respective histories, and we do not mean to harm, but merely to live. We are all learning our own ways forward as we go.If you ask me to live off the land as a farmer, I would starve. I am not skilled, have not been brought up to do this. I have been educated to a degree, but mostly by my own inclination to learn and to grow.I believe that what I do is what I am good at doing and it helps people. I believe that to destroy my ability to survive on my intelligence and social construct would be an injustice not only to me but to the world. I believe that my voice is as important as yours.Do not think to judge without hearing all the evidence. Let use do that, and have the testimonies of everyone. [ Post Comment ] Comment #14 posted by whig on April 30, 2007 at 12:01:18 PT museman I am fruit of one tree.Am I rotten?Save the good trees. [ Post Comment ] Comment #13 posted by museman on April 30, 2007 at 10:09:59 PT propaganda I don't know about anybody else, -though it's easy to make the assumption- but when I first became conscious in this life, I had no clues as to what it was all about. I had to depend on my parents to teach me. Well as time went on, I realized that THEY didn't have any clues either, just a set of patterned behaviors that have been in place forever; Actions and motions carried out each day with very little difference from one day to the next.Everything was pretty cut and dried; You go to school, you graduate, get a job, get a family, buy a house, and raise kids. Simple.Of course the American Dream was in full swing during the fifties. The idea that I might not be able to do all those simple things I mentioned, didn't occur to me until after I completed the first task -High School.Viet Nam was the first clue that something wasn't right, but even then I took it as a true 'patriot' and volunteered for military service. After getting a real good dose of that, I realized one shocking day, that everything that my teachers, the ministers, and the New Gospel of Television had been repeating into my youthful thinking process, over and over, every day, was nothing more than a huge pile of crap.That wasn't enough though, because most of my own peers, and nearly the entire generation preceding me, kept going to church, college, and their nine-to-fives. Even after such revelations as Jim Morrison's famed "You're all a bunch of slaves!" was delivered.Then I started smoking cannabis. Not because of the 'hippies' or the antiwar movement, or even because a large part of my generation was experimenting, but because the first time I got high I realized the intellect enhancement factor, and the Spiritual Key that exists in the unique combination of cannabis and the human brain.The more I smoked, the more I got outside the confines of the status quo box that so many just couldn't see or realize. I found myself looking at the ugly naked emporer in a crowd that cheered his 'glory.'Ancient xtian traditions supposedly connected to 'upright and morally correct' behavior turned out to be nothing more than twisted logic calculated to create willing, fearful slaves. The 'Land of Opportunity' turned out to be the 'Land of Opportunists' -funded by the system of weights and measures which long ago denounced the value of such things as 'love,' 'compassion,' 'forgiveness,' 'truth,' and 'freedom.'As my mind and experience began to grow -outside the extremely limiting box of social programming- so did my resolve towards truth. Truth is not a part of Government. It is not a part of education. It exists within the church only in carefully restricted access to bits of information steeped in deliberately erroneous interpretation. The Truth is ambient, and imminent. It exists within and without you, and needs no 'special' or exclusive education to grasp or perceive. All it needs is a willing mind.Truth does not belong to any one group of people, or any persons of 'significance.' If that were the case than I wouldn't have two words of it to 'rub together' because I am certainly not of any worldy significance. Quite the contrary, I am known as 'trailer trash,' 'white trash,' 'illegitimate.' I have no paper degrees on my wall signifying my allegiance to BullShit, and the Naked Emporer. I 'wasted my life' seeking truth, and Spiritual experience -obviously, because now I am 'dependent on the very same system' that I hate to the core of my being. Of course the fact that this entire reality has been hijacked by terrorists -who call themselves "high society" doesn't have anything to do with the fact that my 'opportunities' never actually existed within the current framework of society. All so called 'social programs' are nothing more than a well scripted system of control and restraint - to keep the poor in line. There is no "charity" that exists by the same name as some kind of 'charitable organization' that charity is reserved for the children of the rich -so to appear to be 'doing something' for society.Propaganda is American Doctrine at this point. While millions starve, the earth suffers, species are dying, humanity itself stands collectively on the brink of self annihilation, but the machine, powered by the peoples' willingness to be enslaved, just keeps rolling closer and closer to the abyss.The facts are that the lifestyles of the materialists with capital -the rich- (you can define those lines, 'who is rich,' I've already attempted that, and the resulting denial and defence of that deeply ingrained human error is just another part of the propaganda that has been swallowed by a majority of Americans, and Old World consciousness.) are the reasons why we are all in this mess. They are the authors of war, the architects of confusion, and the perpetuators of ignorance. Just as responsible are the huge masses of 'middle class' who support the various regimes of power with their very lives, and time. The propaganda goes way beyond current political BS, it is insinuated into the common thread of everyone's life. It is ancient, and established in the system of propriety worship which currently rules the world.God did not issue any specific material allottment to any of us. We are all born with the same equipment. Anyone who believes that they somehow 'deserve' more than the rest of us is a fool, and an active contributor to error and dstructive patterns of behavior, but it is in their best interests to defend their 'divine right' to posession and power, so propaganda is a valuable tool for maintaining their status quo.I condemn no persons for their lack of understanding, but once the information has become available, -and as far as I am concerned the information was delivered exactly and precisely as needed about 2,000 years ago (The fact that it was hurriedly turned into doctrinal BS and proprietarian propaganda obviously escapes the spiritually lazy person who is content to have meaningless rote and ritual spoon fed by either equally ignorant 'ministers' or deliberate liars, instead of an active realationship with God.)- there is no excuse for continuing to uphold it, except some kind of denial. The tree is rotten to the core. Trying to save the dying branches is a supreme waste. The fruit of the tree is on display for anyone to witness, and those who eat of it "will surely die." [ Post Comment ] Comment #12 posted by gloovins on April 26, 2007 at 15:41:08 PT OT but ... I think this news article regarding bio-mass poses an important question. I think the Netherlands should just grow more hemp, & use that (seed) oil... [ Post Comment ] Comment #11 posted by whig on April 26, 2007 at 15:16:32 PT Sam Adams I live in California now. [ Post Comment ] Comment #10 posted by Sam Adams on April 26, 2007 at 12:46:48 PT Whig where have you been? out of the country? I spent some time in Pittsburgh, it didn't seem too bad to me. I did notice that it was difficult to find quality beer on tap though. Not a good sign! [ Post Comment ] Comment #9 posted by whig on April 26, 2007 at 12:17:37 PT Sam Adams I'm going back to Pittsburgh for a week in June. I'm wondering how bad the culture shock will be after I'll have been away for not quite a year. [ Post Comment ] Comment #8 posted by Sam Adams on April 26, 2007 at 10:39:59 PT Jim Morrison "He who will not reason is a bigot; he who cannot is a fool; and he who dares not is a slave."-- William DrummondJim Morrison figured out that most of us are slaves a long time ago. [ Post Comment ] Comment #7 posted by Sam Adams on April 26, 2007 at 10:29:50 PT whig - bingo Whig - all the propaganda is intended precisely to keep the seniors from learning about the medicinal benefits of cannabis. From what I can tell, once you're scared silly about growlights (the horror!) coming to your neighborhood, your brain shuts down. It's not open for business anymore. The guy I was talking to didn't hear a damn thing I said. Once fear takes hold, ability to reason is lost. Who is ONDCP's propaganda really targeting? The 16 year olds who already know what cannabis does and does not do compared to alcohol? No. It's targeted to those who have never used cannabis. Most of those people are those who graduated college or turned 22 before 1962-1963. All the sinister symbolism, purported ties to terrorism, etc., these are designed to scare parents and older adults who never tried cannabis into supporting the police attack on cannabis users. And it works! Once you understand this, you begin to see how fear is used to control the population on many different levels. My own mother will not go outside once it's dark out. Even though she lives in a totally safe suburban town with no violent crime whatsoever, she is terrified of walking outside at night. I know I'd rather die than be ruled by my own fears. I'd rather die facing my fears than succumbing to them. That's probably why I tried cannabis in the first place."Quick to judge, quick to anger.... slow to understand.Ignorance and prejudice, and fear, walk hand in hand."Neil Peart (Rush) [ Post Comment ] Comment #6 posted by whig on April 26, 2007 at 09:42:35 PT What drugs do you use? I think it's a valid question to ask police who are busting people for cannabis. [ Post Comment ] Comment #5 posted by whig on April 26, 2007 at 09:41:47 PT Max I wouldn't be surprised if they also smoke pot. [ Post Comment ] Comment #4 posted by whig on April 26, 2007 at 09:41:00 PT Sam Adams "I think it's easy to underestimate how well scare tactics work on senior citizens - the most powerful voting block in the US by far. I recently had a chat with a friend in his late 60's. Somehow this subject came up - indoor grows. Apparently he had seen a single article in the paper about a NH grow bust."And how many senior citizens know that cannabis treats Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease and other conditions of aging? What if someone told them, and brought the medical research to back it up? [ Post Comment ] Comment #3 posted by Max Flowers on April 26, 2007 at 08:47:15 PT This part is ridiculous He acknowledged that's probably only a small portion of what's growing behind shaded windows and locked doors."Whatever we know about," he said, "odds are there's a lot more we don't know about."Oh, so "honest citizens" leave their doors unlocked and all their shades up? Is that the message? What a joke! Everyone has a right to privacy in their homes. If people pull their shades down for privacy, would cops like for it to raise suspicion that they are growers? I bet those same cops pull their own shades down tight, double-lock their own doors and are heavily armed inside. [ Post Comment ] Comment #2 posted by Sam Adams on April 26, 2007 at 07:34:04 PT nameless This is fascinating - the propaganda doesn't even need a name anymore - they can just pull their myths out of THIN AIR!"It's like a pot of gold sitting in those houses, and people are going to do whatever it takes to get their hands on it," a California state drug enforcement officer told the Los Angeles Times recently. "There's already been some takeover robberies of indoor grows, some that gets reported, some that does not."Wow, pot of gold. Great analogy. How many beer robberies have we had in the last 50 years? Morons.I think it's easy to underestimate how well scare tactics work on senior citizens - the most powerful voting block in the US by far. I recently had a chat with a friend in his late 60's. Somehow this subject came up - indoor grows. Apparently he had seen a single article in the paper about a NH grow bust. He raised his voice to a fever pitch and said - it's everywhere! It's an epidemic! They found these houses full of lights and marijuana! It's exploding! Everywhere! In the suburbs! I tried to say a few things like "did you see any reports of many grow ops there are?" "how many busts have their actually been?" "what do you think we should do about it?" "the government wants to exploit your fear and outrage". It was like I was saying "blah blah blah". Once the fear has been planted in their minds, there's no more listening to logic or reason. There's no more listening, period.Fear is incredibly powerful. Just talk to some seniors citizens if you don't believe me. Most women and senior outside of big cities have deep-seated neurotic fear of big dark thugs coming out to their suburban homes and attacking them. If you think I sound crazy, just try talking to some of these people about these issues.For most older people, the word "marijuana" means much, much more than a plant. It encapsulates ALL their fears of the dark thugs coming to get them. Once you understand this, you've made a huge leap into understanding how our system works. Why the mass education and standardized tests are so critical. It all erodes the ability of the individual to think, to question. The less thinking you do, the more easily you slide into that instinctive fear reaction. Once there, you are putty in the hands of the government and the sexy CNN anchors. [ Post Comment ] Comment #1 posted by FoM on April 26, 2007 at 06:26:41 PT AJC: Atlanta Police Indicted in Fatal Drug Raid By Ronda Cook, The Atlanta Journal-ConstitutionApril 26, 2007Three Atlanta police narcotics officers involved in the botched drug raid that killed an elderly woman in her northwest Atlanta home have been indicted by a Fulton County grand jury.The indictments, reached late Wednesday, were announced Thursday morning.Copyright: 2007 The Atlanta Journal-Constitution [ Post Comment ] Post Comment