The Real Dope On '420'

The Real Dope On '420'
Posted by CN Staff on April 20, 2007 at 06:21:44 PT
By Bob Link, The Globe Gazette
Source: Globe-Gazette
Mason City, Iowa -- Four-20. A time, a day and a message used by drug users. The number is spray-painted on a Highway 18 bridge pillar along Claybanks Drive just southwest of Mason City.The graffiti includes a psychedelic mushroom, marijuana leaf and the words “dank” and “skunk.” Alone, the words and numbers mean little. But ask someone from law enforcement and the spray-painted messages take on a whole new meaning.
“In drug circles, it’s recognized as the perfect time to smoke marijuana,” said Cerro Gordo County Sheriff’s Department Chief Deputy David Hepperly, referring to 4:20 p.m.One woman who lives along Claybanks Drive, who asked not to be identified, suspected the numbers were related to drug activity. She also had a concern the number could refer to a date — April 20.“That’s Friday,” she said. “I’m afraid someone is going to get murdered or something.”The woman believes there is drug activity under the overpass.Law enforcement confirms that remains of methamphetamine labs have been discovered in the area.According to online source Wikipedia, 4:20, 4/20 or 420 is used by people who smoke marijuana and identify with its culture.It’s origin comes from California, according to the Internet reference Web site.“It is widely accepted that in the early 1970s, a group of teenagers at San Rafael High School in San Rafael, Calif., used to meet every day after school at 4:20 p.m. to smoke marijuana at the school’s Louis Pasteur statue.“Many cannabis (marijuana) users continue to observe 4:20 as a time to smoke communally,” noted Wikipedia. “By extension, April 20 has evolved into a counterculture holiday, where people gather to celebrate and smoke marijuana.”The Web site goes on to explain that groups such as the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws use the number and day in their effort to legalize the drug.Mary Schissel of the Mason City Youth Task Force said young people are well aware of the number.“I think we need more of a parent awareness effort,” Schissel said.“Our kids know what it is, they don’t have to be educated. We need to emphasize adult awareness.”Police say the mushroom in the Claybanks Drive graffiti represents psilocybe mushrooms while the words “dank” and “skunk” are also references to marijuana.Denise Witmer, who wrote “Your Guide to Parenting of Adolescents,” says, “Simply put, 420 is a symbol of cannabis and its culture.“It certainly doesn’t matter where the term came from because for us parents, it’s a flag, a warning sign that our teenagers may be into something that could harm their future.“When you see the symbol 420, be aware of what it represents.”Source: Globe-Gazette (IA)Author: Bob Link, The Globe GazettePublished: April 20, 2007Copyright: 2007 Globe-GazetteContact: globegazette.comWebsite: -- Cannabis Archives
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Comment #3 posted by Hope on April 20, 2007 at 09:24:48 PT
 "something that could harm their future"
Dang right! And the cannabis, in itself, won't harm anyone's future. It's the prohibition laws that will harm their future. The laws are "bad" in this case...and they need to yesterday.
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Comment #2 posted by dongenero on April 20, 2007 at 08:12:59 PT
fear mongering 
It's sad commentary on the condition of our Nation, the degree of fear and terror of nearly anything is rampant.
I think this climate has been fostered to a large extent as a policy of our current federal administration right on down to the state level conservatives.One woman who lives along Claybanks Drive, who asked not to be identified, suspected the numbers were related to drug activity. She also had a concern the number could refer to a date — April 20.“That’s Friday,” she said. “I’m afraid someone is going to get murdered or something.”
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Comment #1 posted by potpal on April 20, 2007 at 07:45:00 PT
When you see the symbol 420, be aware of what it represents.
Indeed.Anyone here wish to further elaborate for this sad sack?Simply put, 420 is a symbol of cannabis and its culture.That's right, and 4/20 is a day to celebrate all things cannabis. Funny, I don't see a date on the calendar celebrating alcohol(ism) or tobacco or caffeine's contributions to humanity and they aren't suppressed and prohibited.Cannabis prohibition is a crime against humanity. End the ugly war on cannabis culture. Give pot a chance. 420. Happy day.
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