DEA Chief Acknowledges Agency's Ineffectiveness DEA Chief Acknowledges Agency's Ineffectiveness Posted by FoM on July 30, 1999 at 14:24:03 PT DRC Net's Weekly Update News Source: DRC Net At a rare Drug Enforcement Administration oversight hearing, acting DEA administrator Donnie Marshall admitted that DEA's techniques would not lower drug use over the long-term. Under questioning from Rep. Bobby Scott (D-VA), Marshall admitted that no matter how much money DEA spent on supply reduction, prices for cocaine and heroin would never go so high, nor would supply be so low, that the supply of drugs would be cut off. Scott said that he believed that investment in rehabilitation programs, prevention and education would have a better long-term effect on the nation's drug problem. "Good point," Marshall replied, adding that he supported increased budgeting for DEA in the short term to deal with current crime problems. The admission by Marshall at the hearing, which was held by the House Judiciary's Subcommittee on Crime, came days after DEA had admitted to the General Accounting Office that drug arrests often make no impact on local drug trades. "DEA noted that the effectiveness of [certain] deployments in removing a specific, targeted violent drug gang, for example, cannot by itself eliminate a community's drug trafficking problems because DEA cannot continue to control deployment areas to prevent other drug dealers from filling the void that a MET deployment might have created," GAO reported. The GAO report is entitled "DEA's Strategies and Operations in the 1990s," and has number GAO/GGD-99-108.It can be read online at: The Week Online with DRCNet Issue #101, 7/30/99 Home Comment Email Register Recent Comments Help Comment #1 posted by FoM on July 30, 1999 at 15:22:31 PT: Related Article Week Online with DRCNet Issue #100, 7/23/99 And The Winner Is... [ Post Comment ] Post Comment Name: Optional Password: E-Mail: Subject: Comment: [Please refrain from using profanity in your message] Link URL: Link Title: