Initiative 2 Backers Say Voters Will Being Ignored

Initiative 2 Backers Say Voters Will Being Ignored
Posted by CN Staff on March 25, 2007 at 16:37:57 PT
By Tristan Scott of the Missoulian
Source: Missoulian
Montana -- When county officials voted Wednesday to dilute a citizens' initiative urging local law enforcement to ignore marijuana offenses, pot advocates predictably hung their heads and lamented the defeat.But following the Missoula County commissioners' 2-1 vote to amend the measure, which in its altered form excludes felony marijuana crimes from the realm of low-priority offenses, the loudest chatter was being churned by online bloggers and civic cheerleaders who think the outcome will discourage a new generation of voters.
And while the committee charged with overseeing the measure, called Initiative 2, convened on a cordial note Friday morning, some members expressed their own doubts about the message officials have sent to young adults.�There are many people out there who are wondering, �What is my vote even worth?' � said Steve Zellmer, the oversight committee's harm reduction advocate. �They believe we should be trying to implement this initiative in the way it was intended to be implemented by voters.�Zellmer's concerns, he said, were precipitated by a torrent of complaints from young people who wonder why they have to defend or justify their vote. Even worse, some people wonder why they bothered to vote at all.On the Web site -- -- an online symposium founded by John Masterson, who is also chairman of the oversight committee, a post exclaims �I have lost all faith in Missoula County government.��Is there even a point to voting any more if the will of the people can so easily be subverted by two people?� the post inquires.Much of the criticism, online and off, has alluded to County Attorney Fred Van Valkenburg's position that a �gut feeling� led him to conclude Missoula's electorate misinterpreted the ballot language. The tone of Wednesday's public hearing, which was teeming with 20-something adults, went from inquisitive to indignant when Van Valkenburg used the phrase �gut feeling,� which many called insulting.�Your �gut feeling' does not supersede the democratic process,� according to one post.�We might not all be pro-marijuana, but we are all pro-democracy,� said Chad Mullman, who attended the hearing on Wednesday. �Let the people's decision stand.�But when Van Valkenburg spoke before the oversight committee Friday, he expanded on his position, explaining that it's his duty to represent all of Missoula County, lest he succumb to �the tyranny of the majority.��Just because you have a majority doesn't mean you walk all over the minority,� he said. �Too often there's more emphasis put on dividing people than on uniting them.�At Wednesday's meeting, Van Valkenburg used a map to show the geographical distribution of votes cast in support of - and in opposition to - the measure. The map shows that while support for the measure inside Missoula's city limits was strong, it was somewhat lacking in the county's rural outskirts.According to Van Valkenburg's figures, the measure passed 58 percent to 42 percent inside Missoula's urban, and arguably more liberal core. However, cross the border into county jurisdiction, and the same measure fails 44 percent to 55 percent. Van Valkenburg said the adopted amendments are especially warranted because Initiative 2 applies only to county law enforcement.Van Valkenburg continues to emphasize that Initiative 2 is a mere suggestion to county law enforcement, and doesn't change any laws governing marijuana use. He said the amendments will help him implement the initiative in a reasonable fashion.But despite the heavy presence of Missoula residents opposed to the amendments on Wednesday, Friday's meeting drew public comment from just one individual, Louise Stasso, who said she lives on the Flathead Indian Reservation and witnesses the scourge of drugs and alcohol in her community every day.Stasso said she's opposed Initiative 2 from the outset because it takes an underhanded approach to the problems of drug use.Missoula County Commissioner Bill Carey, who on Wednesday cast the lone vote against the adopted amendments, also spoke at Friday's meeting and urged committee members to put their resentments aside and move on with their duties.�The county attorney and the sheriff are just doing what they think is in the public's best interest,� Carey said. He also emphasized the difficulty of voting out of step with his fellow commissioners, the county attorney and the sheriff.�I think the worst thing we can do is make enemies,� said county resident Charles Tiernan, who also sits on the nine-member oversight committee.Angela Goodhope, a committee member who helped gather support for and introduce Initiative 2, said she was discouraged by this week's outcome, but looks forward to the continued cooperation from county officials.�Two steps forward and one step back is still one step forward,� Goodhope said.�Your participation is appreciated,� she added, turning to Van Valkenburg.�That's the nicest thing you've said to me since this began,� Van Valkenburg replied.Source: Missoulian (MT)Author: Tristan Scott of the MissoulianPublished: March 24, 2007Copyright: 2007 MissoulianContact: oped missoulian.comWebsite: Article & Web Site:Citizens for Responsible Crime Policy Vote To Amend I-2 Commissioners Amend Initiative 2 Initiative Passes
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Comment #22 posted by seedless on April 04, 2007 at 02:53:00 PT
Hi can anyone tell me if devilsharvest was taken down or what is going on?
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Comment #21 posted by afterburner on March 26, 2007 at 22:39:21 PT
Beatles 36.5% -- Missoula Depriortization 53%
36.5% of the U.S. watched The Beatles debut on the Ed Sullivan Show in the early 1960s -- 73 million watched out of a then U.S. population of about 200 million. The Beatles went on to thrill the world, becoming the best selling group in musical history and appealing to a broad range of music lovers (being compared to Beethoven and Mozart).Only 36.5% and yet such an impact. If county commissioners had had influence on the public's acceptance of The Beatles, their records would have gone straight to the 99 cent bin.However, polls have consistently measured support of 80% for medical cannabis. Also, Initiative 2 passed with 53% of the vote. Yet, Missoula county commissioners like those in San Diego ignore the will of the voters citing the illogical and unscientific federal position as support.
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Comment #20 posted by Toker00 on March 26, 2007 at 17:04:16 PT
Thank's, Brother.Toke.
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Comment #19 posted by Toker00 on March 26, 2007 at 17:03:18 PT
I just had an argument with a pilot at work about commercial airliners being remotely controlled. He said it was not possible, that he was a pilot, that his father was a pilot and both say it was not possible. I'm thinking: "Must be a civil air patrol kinda guy." Ya know? So, I'm taking this article and this website and putting it in his hands tomorrow. He's bringing pictures of the New York Iraq War protests. Thanks for the post. Many are outing 9-11 now. It's just a matter of time. Then we need to bring down the Fascist Corporations that STILL will try to push their cans of sh*t on us. Can anyone say BOYCOTT? Those last few grains of sand have to run out of the hour glass, then we turn it over and do it God's way. Any questions? Save 'em for God.Toke.
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Comment #18 posted by whig on March 26, 2007 at 14:50:33 PT
Let your words be a testament to what can be done with a little faith and imagination.
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Comment #17 posted by museman on March 26, 2007 at 12:57:08 PT
majority rule
Hell I think the big clue is just in one word; "Rule."Who makes 'em? Who enforces 'em? Who 'rules?'Obviously-becoming more obvious all the time I hope- is the total hypocrisy, small-mindedness, and illogical nature of the Ruling Class. They have manipulated, twisted, redefined, and re-sestablished the US Constitution in their own image. (It must be noted that they set up the process from the gitgo)Their agenda is simply power, and control -so they and their progeny can live lives of Imperial luxury. What other human motivation makes any sense and could possibly be considered real?Majority only rules when the rulers have the majority duped. When the majority begins to wake up, the rulers declare a war. A tried and true Roman tactic - if bread and games aren't enough to mullify the majority, then distract 'em with a war. Kill off a few of the new potential generational leaders while they're at it. Along with that they create an invention (even if the invention is old, it's still an invention) of such concepts as 'treason', 'unpatriotic activities' or make a common use item like cannabis illegal.They take great care to ensure that their hiearchy, and bureaucracy contains a significant majority of their own ilk, from the town constable, to the 'highest offices of the land.' And how do they do that? Simple greed. They breed jealosy if they can, and create great beautiful appearing standards of false 'excellence', so that ignorant people would aspire to those positions -even though having a lot of money doesn't necessarily get you into the club, they wine and dine those newbies as if they would.They've almost completetly removed the peoples access to natural systems -like growing food, and having water that comes out of the ground in an already drinkable state- they control our food supply, so it would be a relatively easy thing for them to stop delivery. They experimented with New Orleans I believe.I don't think the 'majority' has ever ruled in this country, from the very first constitutional convention to this very day. More like the "Rulers rule the majority -one way or another."
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Comment #16 posted by mayan on March 26, 2007 at 04:29:10 PT
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Comment #15 posted by Toker00 on March 26, 2007 at 03:38:24 PT
It's easy if you try. It's hard not to when you start, and it's impossible to stop. By imagining, we begin to Create this New Earth. The New Earth will not descend from Heaven nor will it rise up from Hell. It will begin when enough of us begin to Imagine it. Imagination is the spark of Creation. God Imagined us before he Created us and we must all Imagine this New Earth in order to Create it. Let those who have ears, listen. Just as our Demonic Masters imagined all of these wars, torture, oppression, genocide, racism and the other isms before they Created them, we must Imagine our New Earth. It's Prophesied that a New Heaven and a New Earth shall be created after all these Trials and Tribulations caused by our separation from God, and Nature. What is prophecy, but imagination? Do not imagine the New World Order, for it is imagined by Satan. Do not imagine the War on Terror, for it is imagined by Satan. Do not imagine the War on Drugs, for it is imagined by Satan. Instead, imagine this:All the people living for Today.All the people living life in Peace.All the people sharing all the World.Toke. 
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Comment #14 posted by Hope on March 25, 2007 at 21:55:01 PT
Now, how much of a mess did you come home to?
A pretty big one! Mostly laundry.:0(It's spring now! Everything is so green and the lawn needs mowing, too.
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Comment #13 posted by Hope on March 25, 2007 at 21:50:45 PT
�Just because you have a majority doesn't mean you walk all over the minority,�Well...that's news to me. They've been doing it for years. His boots just don't want to stop walking all over potheads and people who think they are being misused and abused by government and it's "enforcers". Oh yes. His boots were made for walking...and he just doesn't want to stop. We shouldn't have lost the good old Republic, eh? Well we lost it ...thanks to people like Van Valkenburg. It sucks, doesn't it when you are the minority that gets "walked all over"? Damn! He doesn't want to stop being the one who "tyranizes" the minority. Damn it. Damn it. Damn it.
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Comment #12 posted by Hope on March 25, 2007 at 21:37:07 PT
Adriaens is wrong. Isn't he?
"Afterward, Gillette Police Chief Rich Adriaens was unmoved: �Just because six people found someone not guilty doesn�t mean the crime didn�t occur,� he said."Police hate juries and jurists that find the "criminals" that they bring in..."Not Guilty". They hate it. They see it as a direct, personal slap in the face. I think.
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Comment #11 posted by FoM on March 25, 2007 at 21:29:30 PT
Oh yes, I got it as soon as it was released. Neil's voice was so powerful and the songs are great. I listened to it again today with the volume up and it was beautiful. I love Journey Through The Past.
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Comment #10 posted by afterburner on March 25, 2007 at 21:13:27 PT
Good News, FoM
Neil Young Live at Massey Hall was the #1 seller last week all across Canada. Did yours arrive yet?
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Comment #9 posted by FoM on March 25, 2007 at 20:49:16 PT
Welcome home. It's good to know you are back and safe and sound. 
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Comment #8 posted by BGreen on March 25, 2007 at 20:42:48 PT
That's great news, Hope!
Now, how much of a mess did you come home to? LOLThe Reverend Bud Green
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Comment #7 posted by Hope on March 25, 2007 at 20:40:36 PT
Comment 5
I'm not "visiting" this time, Bud. I'm home!I'll still go help my daughter with chores...more than I have been until she gets stronger...but I'm home. at C-News and my own old desk top.
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Comment #6 posted by BGreen on March 25, 2007 at 19:34:20 PT
Interesting story case goes to Wyoming�s high courtA jury found Doles not guilty of one count of conspiracy to deliver of drug paraphernalia and two counts of possession with intent to deliver drug paraphernalia.Afterward, Gillette Police Chief Rich Adriaens was unmoved: �Just because six people found someone not guilty doesn�t mean the crime didn�t occur,� he said.Prosecutors filed for civil forfeiture after the verdict so that police could keep 330 items seized during two raids on Hip Hop Hippies. District Court Judge Michael Deegan upheld the forfeiture Sept. 21, and that very day, police raided Hip Hop Hippies for a third time, seizing 2,500 more items.SNIPPED--------------------------------------------The most interesting thing is the comments posted with the story in the Rapid City, SD paper. They're 100% against the cops and for the Hip Hop Hippie owner. LOLThe Reverend Bud Green
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Comment #5 posted by BGreen on March 25, 2007 at 19:29:52 PT
Hi Hope!
It's always nice when I see you've dropped by for a visit.I 'hope' you'll be able to visit us more often. :)The Reverend Bud Green
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Comment #4 posted by Sam Adams on March 25, 2007 at 19:28:49 PT
It is ironic that he brought up the "tyranny of the majority", because the cannabis laws are one of the worst examples of this fundamental flaw in democracy.Cannabis users are a minority of the population, that's why it's so easy for the govt. to get away with rounding us up.  As for this idiot, I can't even figure out what he's talking about. The people that voted yes are imposing their tyranny on the those who voted no? How? By forcing them to live in a land with different penalties for cannabis, which they don't even use? 
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Comment #3 posted by Hope on March 25, 2007 at 19:26:44 PT
He feels 
"little" now that he's the minority...and he wants Franklin's lovely "Republic".I don't believe what we as reformers are wanting to do is anything like "Tyranny". Tyranny is something about forcing others to your will with guns and prisons and threats and fines and lies and propaganda. Nothing about freedom from overreaching and wrong reaching government sounds tyrannical to me.The basackwards prohibitionists. They do have a way about them, don't they?
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Comment #2 posted by Hope on March 25, 2007 at 19:22:43 PT
Scifiguy , Comment 1
Hello!Well said.Funny you didn't hear much about that "Tyranny of the majority" business when "they" were the tyranical...utterly holy and ruling majority. Of course, we here knew about it. The Republic and all...but I never thought I'd ever hear a prohib having to use it to protect their prohibition before.Kinda funny.
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Comment #1 posted by scifiguy on March 25, 2007 at 18:02:29 PT
Classic double-speak...
From the article: But when Van Valkenburg spoke before the oversight committee Friday, he expanded on his position, explaining that it's his duty to represent all of Missoula County, lest he succumb to �the tyranny of the majority.�Wouldn't the majority vote represent all of Missoula County? And the "tyranny" of the majority is called democracy, while the tyranny of an individual is fascism.And it's true, why even bother voting when decisions are overturned by a few that don't like the results of the majority. See also the last two presidential elections..
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