Commissioners Vote To Amend I-2 Commissioners Vote To Amend I-2 Posted by CN Staff on March 22, 2007 at 13:43:31 PT By Zachary Franz Source: Montana Kaimin Montana -- Initiative 2 no longer applies to marijuana-related felonies. After two hours of sometimes-impassioned testimony from the public, Missoula County commissioners voted 2-1 to amend the initiative. “I don’t believe Missoula County should become an oasis for use and distribution of marijuana, and I think without these amendments it will,” said Barbara Evans, chairwoman of the Missoula Board of County Commissioners, in explaining her vote. Initiative 2, passed by Missoula County voters in the November election, encourages county law enforcement agencies to treat all adult marijuana offenses as their lowest priority. County Attorney Fred Van Valkenburg asked the commissioners to change the initiative so that it does not apply to felony offenses. About 50 people packed the meeting room, with another 25 watching a video feed in a separate room. Van Valkenburg started the meeting with an explanation of why he felt an amendment was necessary. He was followed by dozens of members of the audience, most of them in disagreement. Van Valkenburg said that it is unreasonable to make large quantities of marijuana a low priority, in part because people who deal large quantities of pot also often deal with harder drugs. He also said that he didn’t think voters realized the initiative applied to felonies. “How do I know that? It’s a gut feeling. I’ve been in this business a long time. I’m very sensitive to what voters in the community believe and how they want their community to operate.” His final argument was based on the way various precincts voted. Van Valkenburg showed a map, illustrating that most of the votes in favor of the initiative came from within Missoula, while the county residents outside the city voted against it. So, because Initiative 2 applies only to county law enforcement agencies – not the city police force that does most of the law enforcement within city limits - the initiative will have the most effect on the people who wanted it least. Many of those opposed to the amendment argued that changing the initiative would undermine the democratic process. “It’s not really about marijuana. It’s not even about the initiative … It’s about democracy,” said John Masterson, who is the chair of the committee that oversees the implementation of Initiative 2. “Amending the initiative at this early juncture would violate the trust of the voters,” he said. Several also pointed out that they fully understood the implications of the initiative. “I knew what I was voting for and I think the other 24,411 voters did, too,” said Adam Jones in reference to the number of people who voted in favor of Initiative 2. Lifelong Missoula resident Warren Little said he didn’t understand the initiative, though. “I interpreted it to be dealing with minor misdemeanor offenses,” he said. Van Valkenburg spoke again just before the commissioners voted, and said he was disappointed that opponents of the amendment had portrayed him as “someone who is trying to thwart democracy.” “I see it as almost the opposite,” he said. “I’m trying to implement this in a reasonable manner.” Ultimately, the commissioners were quick in casting their votes, with Jean Curtiss and Barbara Evans in favor of the amendment. “It’s our job to look at how this is going to play out on the ground,” Curtiss said. “I think this will clarify law enforcement’s role.” Bill Carey voted against changing the initiative. “I think we ought to accept the amendment voters approved,” he said. Citizens for a Responsible Crime Policy, the group that worked to put Initiative 2 on the ballot, expected the outcome, treasurer Paul Befumo said. “I’m not surprised,” he said. “I’m disappointed, but I’m not surprised,” Befumo said the group will work to undo the change. “We at CRCP will fill our responsibility to make sure any mistakes made by the county commission will be corrected,” he said. Source: Montana Kaimin (U of MT Edu)Author: Zachary Franz Published: Thursday, March 22, 2007 Copyright: 2007 Montana KaiminWebsite: http://www.kaimin.orgContact: editor selway.umt.eduRelated Articles & Web Site:Citizens for Responsible Crime Policy County Commissioners Amend Initiative 2 Initiative Passes Home Comment Email Register Recent Comments Help Comment #21 posted by mayan on March 23, 2007 at 17:13:02 PT Glenn Beck He just ran a hit segment on Rosie an Charlie on CNN Headline News. I urge everyone to contact him and let him hear it!me glennbeck.comThis is the general contact for reaching Glenn Beck. Please note that Glenn gets hundreds of emails everyday and while he does read them he does not always have the opportunity to answer them all. "Stu" | stu glennbeck.comStu is the Executive Producer and Head Writer for the Glenn Beck Program. [ Post Comment ] Comment #20 posted by dongenero on March 23, 2007 at 07:33:45 PT and ladies..... Sorry Ms. Evans, that means you [ Post Comment ] Comment #19 posted by dongenero on March 23, 2007 at 07:21:11 PT democracy Time to begin accepting resignations. Gentlemen? [ Post Comment ] Comment #18 posted by OverwhelmSam on March 23, 2007 at 06:56:06 PT High Ho, High Ho, It's Off To Court We Go Evidently, the "Commissioners" of this town are not wasting enough money defending it's illegal actions. I recommend a class action law suit. The attorney's fees alone should be cause for the "Commissioners" to reconsider their own ignorance. [ Post Comment ] Comment #17 posted by nuevo mexican on March 23, 2007 at 06:47:31 PT Can you say: 'still drunk wiith power?' Regarding the article, these guys just don't get the word 'democracy' do they? I wish the cannabis-activists luck, these old school 'denial-saurs' are on their way out, let's give 'em the boot now, by keeping this story out there. Reminds me of the exchange between Barbara Boxer and the Repug Cornyn I think it was, where she told him 'There was an election'! (He spoke to her condescendingly, and she wouldn't have any of it!)People are waking up the the Cannabis propaganda machine, and it's illegitimacy.Updated Version of 'Loose Change' soon to be released!Thanks Mayan for the link, Buzzflash refuses to even place the headline on their front page, what's up with that?????The GateKeepers of the Left are busy keeping this story down, and I love, so thanks C-News, and Mayan, for getting this out!Now that everyone can see bush will go to any criminal length to further his agenda, why would any website continue to question the 9-11 truth movement. What do they have to gain, or lose? Things are changing fast, and with Rosie joining us in our quest for truth, we have the momentum they have been afraid this will eventually get, and now, it is time!O'Donnell, Sheen Back 9/11 Conspiracy Theories Stars Cite Movie As Evidence Of Government Conspiracy(CBS) NEW YORK A controversial new film about 9/11 is raising eyebrows, not only for its content, but also for the people involved in the project: Rosie O'Donnell and Charlie Sheen.The sitcom actor and talk show hostess have both become spokespeople for the 9/11 conspiracy movement."If the government is lying about flight 93, is it hard to believe the rest is a lie?" That line can be heard on the video "Loose Change," which has been floating around the Internet for years, but now Sheen is in talks with Magnolia Pictures to narrate a new version of the video and redistribute it.Sheen believes the government may have been behind the attacks, and said so in a recent interview."I have a hard time believing a fireball traveled down the elevator over 1100 feet, and still had the explosive energy to destroy the lobby as it was described," Sheen said on "The Alex Jones Show." [ Post Comment ] Comment #16 posted by Wayne on March 23, 2007 at 05:37:34 PT BEWARE the word 'clarify' 'Ultimately, the commissioners were quick in casting their votes, with Jean Curtiss and Barbara Evans in favor of the amendment. “It’s our job to look at how this is going to play out on the ground,” Curtiss said. “I think this will clarify law enforcement’s role.”'I see this word a lot in the media today. Beware when someone says they want 'clarification' on a law. I see it more with court cases. When someone wants a court to 'clarify' a position, it's a nice way of saying they want the court to change the rules in their favor. I believe the word was used in the 'Bong Hits 4 Jesus' argument as well.The only 'clarification' we need is for the commissioners, the law enforcement community, and the DA's in this country to 'clarify' exactly what it is that permits them to thumb their noses at the will of their constituents and do whatever the hell they want.This country belongs to US, and we need to start taking it back. We need to start putting these renegade lawyers and commissioners and LEO's on a very short, tight leash. [ Post Comment ] Comment #15 posted by Toker00 on March 23, 2007 at 03:22:35 PT Sam Adams Thanks, Sam. These days you can't have too many alternative news sites. I like that site because it covers more than just one issue, one subject. MSM doesn't have a prayer for a future if they don't start covering the Truth instead of spewing propaganda. The People are starting to DEMAND it.Toke. [ Post Comment ] Comment #14 posted by afterburner on March 22, 2007 at 21:59:27 PT Canada: The Propaganda War Continues Police bust massive pot operation AM900 CHML, Canada - 15 hours ago HAMILTON (AM900 CHML) - City police will provide more details this morning on the largest pot bust in Hamilton's history. ... Inside hamilton's largest pot bust Hamilton SpectatorAt least they didn't wear gas masks, this time.CN BC: PUB LTE: Risk Is Due Directly To Prohibition, Campbell River Mirror, (21 Mar 2007) Stan WhiteIn case you missed it:Who Killed the Electric Car - Meet the Corporate Colonialists, the Continental Collusionists. Could the War on Iraq have been prevented if the oil companies weren't jonesing to sell the trillions of dollars in known oil deposits? [ Post Comment ] Comment #13 posted by Sam Adams on March 22, 2007 at 20:50:27 PT Toke Are you familiar with Adbusters magazine? I noticed the current issue has a piece on 9/11 truth. They mention 2 glaring problems: building 7 demo I mean "collapse", and the 1 hour and 20 minute time that elapsed between the impact of the first plane in NY and the impact at the Pentagon. And the fact that the Pentagon is ringed by air defense systems and planes ready to take off to defend the Pentagon, and no defense happend for 1 hour & 20 minutes.Adbusters is awesome, highly recommend checking it out if you've never seen it. I think I'm going to subscribe. [ Post Comment ] Comment #12 posted by Toker00 on March 22, 2007 at 19:21:06 PT Our New Lady Liberty. This is Beautiful. Thanks as usual, mayan. This photo is the Hottest thing 9-11 has going! This is Life imitating Art imitating Life. She holds her sign as the torch, giving direction. She holds the banner in her other hand. This is too cool.'ll know who she is soon.Toke. [ Post Comment ] Comment #11 posted by gloovins on March 22, 2007 at 18:20:44 PT Pink slips indeed is what about 97% of today's politicians need...OT but funny, fm Tommy Chong's videoblog on youtube..."In the joint" - very funny [ Post Comment ] Comment #10 posted by Sam Adams on March 22, 2007 at 18:06:38 PT Confused DA “How do I know that? It’s a gut feeling. I’ve been in this business a long time. I’m very sensitive to what voters in the community believe and how they want their community to operate.”Beautiful! He's been in this "business" a long time. Question: where does the revenue come from that pays for your salary and all the expenses of your "business"? Answer: from the 75 people in the room, and the others that voted to instruct you. I wish it was a business, we could have canned him a long time ago. Imagine if any of us told our bosses "thanks for the instructions on this project, but I think I'll amend a few parts. I'm sensitive to what's needed, and frankly, you're wrong, so I won't do the work" Pink slip would follow quickly! [ Post Comment ] Comment #9 posted by mayan on March 22, 2007 at 18:06:37 PT Stupid Voters Got representation? THE WAY OUT IS THE WAY IN...O'Donnell, Sheen Back 9/11 Conspiracy Theories: NY Post's Tabloid Hit Piece On Sheen/O'Donnell: Hollywood covers 9/11 Sheen leak, gets basic O'Donnell facts wrong: Truthers Confront Alan 'Mengele' Dershowitz: Truther Stands out on the Front Page of the Local Edition of the Seattle Times: bring William Rodriguez to Madison: [ Post Comment ] Comment #8 posted by BGreen on March 22, 2007 at 14:50:37 PT Allowing all adults to possess an ounce is good Criminalizing the supplier of cannabis that would allow adults to possess an ounce is stupid and insane.How in the $^%# are people supposed to get something that police should treat as their lowest priority if they arrest and prosecute the suppliers as felons?The politicians who passed this amendment (and similar legislation worldwide) are criminal maniacal lunatics with no grasp of reality.The Reverend Bud Green [ Post Comment ] Comment #7 posted by Toker00 on March 22, 2007 at 14:41:11 PT How I became a Fisher of Men. I went fishing one day and decided to catch all the big fish in the pond. In order to do that, I used the biggest piece of bait I could find. I would throw it out, it would get a bump, and that was it. I pulled in the hook and the bait was still there. I changed the bait with another huge piece, and got the same response. The huge fish would bump it, but they wouldn't take the bait. I thought I must be scaring them. With the smallest piece of bait I had, I tried again. This time, I didn't get a bump, I got a strike. I pulled in the hook and the bait was gone, but no fish. So I decided to use a medium size piece of bait. I'm telling you, I hooked a big fish today. It's been six months since I started this fishing trip. If I can land this huge fish, because I KNOW he took the bait and bit the hook, there are a whole school of his peers and relatives waiting in the pond. This fish is one of the ones that only bumped the bait at the beginning of my fishing trip. Now HE'S ON THE LINE. If I am careful, I will have a very successful fishing trip. Thanks for all the bait, mayan. Picking up the net...Toke. [ Post Comment ] Comment #6 posted by FoM on March 22, 2007 at 14:25:17 PT Whig I'm sorry to read about your Aunt and Uncle. [ Post Comment ] Comment #5 posted by Toker00 on March 22, 2007 at 14:24:26 PT Coward. “I don’t believe Missoula County should become an oasis for use and distribution of marijuana,...Too late. The entire planet has now become one giant oasis for the use and distribution of Cannabis. Uh, it really always has been, folks. Toke. [ Post Comment ] Comment #4 posted by whig on March 22, 2007 at 14:02:17 PT Also I have an uncle in Connecticut with Meniere's.This is all going to be much better for everyone soon. [ Post Comment ] Comment #3 posted by whig on March 22, 2007 at 14:00:48 PT FoM Thanks, that is excellent news. I have an aunt in Maryland who was just diagnosed with Parkinson's. [ Post Comment ] Comment #2 posted by FoM on March 22, 2007 at 13:48:08 PT Press Release from The Drug Policy Alliance Medical Marijuana Bills Progress in Connecticut, MarylandThursday, March 22, 2007 [ Post Comment ] Comment #1 posted by whig on March 22, 2007 at 13:47:50 PT legal conflict If the elected officials override the will of the voters, was the initiative non-binding or does it compel? [ Post Comment ] Post Comment