Medical-Marijuana Bill Not Dead Yet 

Medical-Marijuana Bill Not Dead Yet 
Posted by CN Staff on March 10, 2007 at 06:12:53 PT
By Deborah Baker, The Associated Press
Source: New Mexican
New Mexico -- Gov. Bill Richardson said Friday that he has begun meeting with lawmakers in an effort to resurrect a medical-marijuana bill, which the House narrowly defeated Thursday night. "I think it's important that we pass it," Richardson said.By midday Friday, he said he had talked "one-on-one with at least five House members" in an effort to get them to change their votes.
He said he also planned to talk to House Speaker Ben Luján, D-Nambé, an opponent of the bill. "I want it," said the governor, who is campaigning for the 2008 Democratic presidential nomination.The measure authorizing the use of marijuana by patients certified under a state Department of Health program was a step away from the governor's desk when the House derailed it.In a dramatic sequence of events, the bill failed when the House vote tied at 33-33 -- over protests by Rep. Al Park, D-Albuquerque, who had rushed into the chamber during the voting, that he had pushed his "yes" button but it wasn't recorded.The measure was reconsidered almost immediately, and lost again when 33 lawmakers voted for it and 36 against it.The bill's supporters were devastated because they had enough commitments from lawmakers to feel confident the measure would pass, said Reena Szczepanski of Drug Policy Alliance New Mexico. "I still believe we can get it through. I don't think this is a long shot by any means," she said Friday.The 60-day legislative session ends March 17.Under House rules, the bill that was defeated can't be revived. But another bill could be introduced in the House, or supporters could take a related, more-restrictive bill pending in the state Senate and try to change it and move it to the House."We're not going to give up," said Erin Armstrong, a 25-year-old cancer patient who has been lobbying for the bill.The Senate voted 34-7 for the measure earlier in the session. For the past two years, it has passed a similar bill that has died in the House. Source: New Mexican, The (Santa Fe, NM)Author: Deborah Baker, The Associated PressPublished: March 10, 2007Copyright: 2007 The Santa Fe New MexicanContact: webeditor Website: Related Articles & Web Site:Drug Policy Alliance Pot Bill Dies in House Bill Snuffed
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Comment #20 posted by FoM on March 10, 2007 at 18:49:29 PT
My Opinion
I believe strongly about what is important to me. Since our world has gone mad I do a lot of thinking. I want certain qualities in a President and I make my decisions based on my own values and convictions. If what I believe is important doesn't seem to matter to the person I want as our new President I will mentally disconnected and that will be that. I am fickle. We do have the opportunity to make a difference because of the Internet. We now have a voice and it really is remarkable when you think about it.
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Comment #19 posted by Toker00 on March 10, 2007 at 17:50:47 PT
Voted Other: Kucinich and Paul. I mentioned the fact Kucinich at least accepted the evidence of 9-11 as a government cover-up and that Ron Paul was at least a Constitutionalist and that the Globalists and War Mongers will never get my vote. I'm sure I'll be censored.Toke.
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Comment #18 posted by Dankhank on March 10, 2007 at 17:47:04 PT
vote for?
I said that I liked Kuchinich and Richardson, and no Reps then qualified it with Ron Paul.
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Comment #17 posted by mayan on March 10, 2007 at 15:57:14 PT
I voted for Ron Paul. I said he was the only candidate that has any regard for Our Constitution and that Giuliani was complicit in the 9/11 inside job. Thanks!
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Comment #16 posted by FoM on March 10, 2007 at 15:41:02 PT
I took the poll. Giuliani is winning currently. 
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Comment #15 posted by The GCW on March 10, 2007 at 15:31:47 PT
Poll: If you had to vote today, who would you vote for president?  Barack Obama, D
 Hillary Clinton, D John Edwards, D Mitt Romney, R Rudolph Giuliani, R John McCain, R Other (please comment and explain) 
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Comment #14 posted by whig on March 10, 2007 at 13:40:35 PT
Bill Richardson has the foreign policy experience we need to deal with the mess this administration has made. It's going to be very easy to write nice things about him.
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Comment #13 posted by whig on March 10, 2007 at 13:34:39 PT
charmed quark
I could consider Richardson seriously if he gets this bill passed.
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Comment #12 posted by charmed quark on March 10, 2007 at 13:33:34 PT
Richardson is running for President
While an underdog, he has the best credentials of any of the Democrats. He's the only one with executive experience (governor). He was a US Representative, has foreign policy experinece, he was the US ambassador to the UN, the US Secretary of Energy, chairman of the 2004 Dem. National Convention, and chairman of the Dem. Governors Association.Plus, he wants med marijuana!
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Comment #11 posted by whig on March 10, 2007 at 13:04:26 PT
Rudolph Guiliani will be the Republican candidate for president in 2008, most likely.He's going to run on 9/11, obviously.
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Comment #10 posted by Toker00 on March 10, 2007 at 10:46:12 PT
nuevo mexican
Cannabis is King! Credit goes to Mayan.Toke.
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Comment #9 posted by FoM on March 10, 2007 at 09:13:53 PT
You're welcome.
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Comment #8 posted by The GCW on March 10, 2007 at 09:03:50 PT
Thanks for that list.On the list of those who voted NO, some have telephone #s;I ask that poeple call them. They do keep track of which way the callers want the vote...Of course send E-mails too.-0-Ending the evil practice of caging sick humans for using a God-given plant is Biblically correct.
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Comment #7 posted by ekim on March 10, 2007 at 08:58:57 PT
ok so Pres Bush is pushing Ethanol
show this to the lawmakers and see who wants ethanol.Cannabis -- Hemp should be introduced.
Specialty Crop Research Initiative
 Compiled By Staff
 March 8, 2007
 The $87 billion U.S. farm bill, which sets farm policy for the next five
years, could impact specialty crop growers. The Bush administration recently
proposed a bill that would invest $1 billion over 10 years to establish a
new Specialty Crop Research Initiative to provide science-based tools for
the specialty crop industry. Focus areas of the new program will be to
identify threats from invasive species, conduct research in plant breeding,
genetics and genomics, and improve production efficiency, productivity and
profitability.The future prospects for specialty, ornamental and greenhouse crops in
Michigan, pest management research on these crops, new pest management tools
now being made available and the role of the IR-4 program in bringing these
to specialty crops will be the focus of the Michigan IR-4 Meeting March 20.
The meeting, for policy-makers and stakeholders, runs from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30
p.m. at the James B. Henry Center for Executive Development, 3535 Forest
Road, Lansing. An optional workshop on submission of project clearance
requests will follow.There is no registration fee, parking is easy, and lunch will be served.Space is limited and the registration deadline is March 16. To find out
more, visit or call Gwen Skinner, Public
Relations Manager at 517-355-0123, ext. 123 (skinne46 or Satoru
Miyazaki, IR-4 Regional Field Coordinator at 517-336-4611.December 26, 2006WASHINGTON, DC — According to the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration's
(DEA) data it has funded the destruction of 4.7 billion non-psychoactive
industrial hemp plants also called "ditchweed" since 1984. This massive
annual eradication effort stands in sharp contrast to farmers across the
globe that continue to legally produce industrial hemp for export to the
United States.According to data collected by the DEA's Domestic Cannabis
Eradication/Suppression Program (DCE/SP) 218.6 million ditchweed plants were
eradicated in 2005 versus only 4.2 million marijuana plants nationwide. This
means that 98.1% of all cannabis plants eradicated in 2005 were actually the
non-drug variety of cannabis otherwise known as industrial hemp. Department of Energy to Invest in Biorefineries
 Compiled By Staff
 March 1, 2007
 The U.S. Department of Energy announced Wednesday that it intends to
invest $385 million in six biorefinery projects over the next four years.
The projects will produce motor fuels from agricultural waste, trash, and
woodchips, Energy Secretary Samuel Bodman said at a press conference.The companies proposing the projects are Abengoa Bioenergy Corp., a division
of Abengoa SA of Spain; Bluefire Ethanol Inc.; Iogen Corp.; Alico Inc.;
Range Fuels; and Broin Cos. The companies could receive funding to cover as
much as 40% of the cost of the projects.According to current plans, the biorefineries would be located in
California, Iowa, Kansas, Florida, Idaho and Georgia.Bodman says the investment will help cellulosic ethanol move closer to
becoming a commercially viable alternative to gasoline and corn-based
ethanol by lowering production costs. "$1 a gallon, I think, is a reasonable
target," he says.
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Comment #6 posted by nuevo mexican on March 10, 2007 at 08:31:17 PT
Names of Dems who voted it down...
You've got to see this cartoon! I wish you could post images here! Please call/email these Faux Dems who voted against!Sorry I didn't have time to locate the info!Democrats Voting NO on Medical Marijuana BillAndrew Barreras, Tome
Ernest Chavez, Albuquerque
Mary Helen Garcia, Las Cruces
Thomas Garcia, Las Cruces
John Heaton, Carlsbad
Manuel Herrera, Bayard
Dona Irwin, Deming
Rhonda King, Stanley
Ben Lujan, Santa Fe
Patricia Lundstrom, Gallup
James Roger Madalena, Jemez Pueblo
Andy Nunez, Hatch
Debbie Rodella, Ohkay Owingeh
Nick Salazar, Ohkay Owingeh
Richard Vigil, Ribera
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Comment #5 posted by reverendjasongraves on March 10, 2007 at 07:47:59 PT:
33 - 33
"Working toward educated licensed peaceful Cannabis legality..."Please get this bill passed. This sincere request from a medicinal self healer; post 33 years in the Jehovah's Witness cult.Jesus
THC the church
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Comment #4 posted by FoM on March 10, 2007 at 07:36:18 PT
nuevo mexican 
I hope he is successful. I never in my life thought it would be this hard to change the laws on cannabis. 
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Comment #3 posted by nuevo mexican on March 10, 2007 at 07:35:15 PT
March for Peace on March 17/18/19!!!!
Forgot to include this awesome website/resource!Great videos, links, send far and wide, let end the occupation this Mar 17th,18th and 19th, the FOURTH anniversary of bushes War on the World, and the beginning his March to Certain Armageddon! Wait, that began when he facilitated 9-11!'s really do it this time folks, we have the world and America with us, as we did before, but now the spin has been spun and it didn't work, let's make it SO!You and I ATTRACT that which we create, so create that which you truly seek, Peace, love, compassion, and ACCEPTANCE!
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Comment #2 posted by nuevo mexican on March 10, 2007 at 07:25:14 PT
Thank you FOM and Rena!
Bill Richardson will have to get this passed, or the progressive Democratic base will abandon him, and it is OUR enthusiasm that gets these campaigns off the ground!If Bill can't get the Dems to support this bill, he has little chance of rallying Dems in general, and his bid for President will have lost any momentum it has gained!For Bill to bring another bill like this back to be considered, I would think it would pass, as lame bush-like Dems in New Mexico, are on the way out!This vote has New Mexico outraged, let's channel that outrage, to the phones at the State 'Roundhouse'!There are many bush loving Dems in their SUV's and yellow-ribbon stickers, believe it or not, there isn't much difference here between the two, though they are now scrambling to disassociate themselves with bush now that Iraq has come back to haunt them).This is good!Bill will now have to lead on an issue, what better issue for a Cannabis 'Candidate' than this!New Mexico is a difficult place to live, due to the climate, terrain, intensity of Sun, and this is what makes people so unique here, Nothing is Easy, and that is how it should be!Everyone medicates with something, alcohol is number one, prescription drugs are second, illegal drugs, and cannabis come in third, So Bill has his work cut out for him, typical of this Capricorn State, (Gary Johnson is a Cappy too, go figure!)He usually prevails here, let's give him all the support Gary Johnson DIDN'T get!Thanks in advance, still optimistic, did anyone think this would happen? Bill Richardson Rocks, I've met him, he is very 'real', and I felt like asking him to join me for a puff, as most folks perceive me by my appearance as an 'out-of-the-closet' Cannabis user, as Cannabis users in New Mexico LOOK Cannabis-friendly, with lots of dreads, former Deadheads, artists, musicians, new-agers, locals who've grown up with it as a 'way of life, livelihood, and part of the Native and Hispanic medical medicine chest!And then, there are those you would NEVER know indulge by their appearance, as many chose NOT to wear their favorite pastime on their sleeves, and I can appreciate that too!Cannabis is King, I like that phrase, someone here coined it, and I will use this phrase every chance I get, and I suggest we use this meme in the future, as what we speak becomes reality, and since Cannabis IS King, by it's very own reality, we are speaking truth to power!Thanks for the phrase C-Newser!Let's see what Scorpio Bill Richardson is made of!He can do it, if anyone in New Mexico can, and the Dems better line up to support the new Bill, or you guys will be emailing and calling them, won't you?!Thanks from the citizens of New Mexico, land of enchantment, and Cannabis is enchanting, isn't it!!Don't forget to take part in stopping bushes War of Occupation on Mar 17,18, and 19th!Protests planned for anniversary of war a rally near you! and locations:
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Comment #1 posted by FoM on March 10, 2007 at 06:24:05 PT
Press Release from The Drug Policy Alliance
New Mexico Medical Marijuana Vote Critical - Your Help Needed***March 9, 2007It's with a heavy heart that I must tell you that on Thursday night, our medical marijuana bill, SB 238, failed to pass the New Mexico House of Representatives. During a three hour debate, unfriendly amendments were voted down with excellent margins. The first vote on the bill, however, failed by a vote of 33 to 33. Incredibly, one of our biggest supporters rushed into the House chamber and missed this vote by only one or two seconds. The House members then voted to reconsider the vote because that member was missing.That's when things went terribly wrong. In the second vote, two House Democrats switched their votes from yes to no. Two Republicans, who were out of the room during the first vote, returned for the second and voted no. Despite the addition of two other yes votes, the final vote was 33-36.I am disappointed by the House floor vote, but I am not giving up! Why? We still have eight days left in the session, and there is incredible political will to pass this bill. The Senate and Governor Richardson have pledged their support for seriously ill patients. And we will be pursuing several options in the next few days. This issue won't die with this unfortunate vote. Now, more than ever, we need to mobilize every person that wants to make New Mexico a compassionate state. The other side has been calling those who voted "no" and thanking them. We need to counter those calls and let each member of the House of Representatives know how important this issue is to New Mexicans. Now is the time to act. Please make this your priority this weekend. We could have the issue reconsidered as soon as Sunday.Please send an email to as many members as possible and either let them know how disappointed you are that they did not stand up for patients' rights in New Mexico, or thank them for their support of SB 238 on the House floor.  Let's start with those who voted "no" and turn them into "yes"!Democrats Voting No:Andrew Barreras (Tome)
(505) 986-4243Ernesto Chavez (Albuquerque)
ernestc1531 aol.comMary Helen Garcia (Las Cruces)
maryhelen.garcia nmlegis.govThomas Garcia (Ocate)
ocate hotmail.comJohn Heaton (Carlsbad)
jheaton caverns.comManuel Herrera (Bayard)
(505) 986-4233Dona Irwin (Deming)
Rhonda King (Stanley)
(505) 986-4438Ben Lujan (Santa Fe)
ben.lujan nmlegis.govPatricia Lundstrom (Gallup)
plundstrom nwnmcog.comJames Roger Madalena (Jemez Pueblo)
jr_madalena yahoo.comRick Miera (Albuquerque)
rbmiera comcast.netAndy Nunez (Hatch)
annunez zianet.comDebbie Rodella (Ohkay Owingeh)
debbie.rodella nmlegis.govNick Salazar (Ohkay Owingeh)
Richard Vigil (Ribera)
rrrvigil plateautel.netRepublicans Voting No:Thomas Anderson (Albuquerque)
kb5ysg arrl.netJanice Arnold-Jones (Albuquerque)
jearnoldjones aol.comPaul Bandy (Aztec)
paul paulbandy.orgRichard Berry
richard.berry nmlegis.govRichard Bratton (Hobbs)
donbratton valornet.comAnna Crook (Clovis)
anna.crook nmlegis.govNora Espinoza (Roswell)
noralee cableone.netCandy Spence Ezzell (Roswell)
William Gray (Artesia)
wjgray pvtnetworks.netJimmie Hall (Albuquerque)
jimmie.hall nmlegis.govDianne Miller Hamilton (Silver City)
dianne38john4132 zianet.comLarry Larranaga (Albuquerque)
larry larranaga.comJane Powdrell-Culbert (Corrales)
jpandp comcast.netBill Rehm (Albuquerque)
Billrehm comcast.netJames Strickler (Farmington)
Thomas Taylor (Farmington)
tom tomtaylor.netDon Tripp (Socorro)
trippsdon netscape.netShirley Tyler (Lovington)
sntyler valornet.comGloria Vaughn (Alamogordo)
(505) 986-4453Jeannette Wallace (Los Alamos)
wallace losalamos.comTeresa Zanetti (Albuquerque)
electzanetti comcast.netDemocrats Voting Yes:Elias Barela (Belen)
elias barelalaw.comRay Begaye (Shiprock)
ray.begaye nmlegis.govJose Campos (Santa Rosa)
Josephs plateautel.netJoseph Cervantes (Las Cruces)
cervanteslaw zianet.comGail Chasey (Albuquerque)
gailchasey msn.comNathan Cote (Las Cruces)
ncote zianet.comMiguel Garcia (Albuquerque)
miguel.garcia nmlegis.govRobert "Bobby" Gonzales (Taos)
rbjgonzales kitcarson.netJoni Marie Gutierrez (Las Cruces)
jonig zianet.comIrvin Harrison (Gallup)
irv4u cnetco.comAntonio Lujan (Las Cruces)
alujan zianet.comAntonio "Moe" Maestas (Albuquerque)
antonio moejustice.comKen Martinez (Grants)
mlo1 7cities.netAl Park (Albuquerque)
alpark.nm gmail.comDanice Picraux (Albuquerque)
danice.picraux nmlegis.govHenry "Kiki" Saavedra (Albuquerque)
(505) 986-4316Edward Sandoval (Albuquerque)
edward.sandoval nmlegis.govDaniel Silva (Albuquerque)
(505) 986-4425Sheryl Williams Stapleton (Albuquerque)
sheryl.stapleton nmlegis.govJeff Steinborn (Las Cruces)
jeff.steinborn nmlegis.govMimi Stewart (Albuquerque)
mstewart osogrande.comThomas Swisstack (Rio Rancho)
tswiss1 msn.comJim Trujillo (Santa Fe)
jimtrujillo msn.comLuciano "Lucky" Varela (Santa Fe)
(505) 986-4318Peter Wirth (Santa Fe)
peter.wirth nmlegis.govRepublicans voting yes:Daniel Foley (Roswell)
daniel.foley nmlegis.govJustine Fox Young (Albuquerque)
foxyoung gmail.comKeith Gardner (Roswell)
gardners prodigy.netKathy McCoy (Cedar Crest)
katrina swcp.comBrian Moore (Clayton)
brian ranchmkt.comW.C. "Dub" Williams (Glencoe)
(505) 986-4454Eric Youngberg (Corrales)
eric.youngberg nmlegis.govDemocrats Not Voting:George Hanosh (Grants)
(505) 986-4243Tips on writing an emailLegislators receive hundreds of emails a day, so you need to make yours stand out.Be courteous, positive, and brief. 
Put important information in the subject line. For example, "Thank you for supporting SB 238, medical marijuana legislation" or "I wish you would have supported SB238" 
Identify yourself and mention if you are a constituent. 
Ask your legislator to support SB 238, the Lynn and Erin Compassionate Use Act, during the House floor vote. 
Feel free to briefly tell them why you personally support the bills. 
In BriefThe Lynn and Erin Compassionate Use Act would allow qualified patients suffering from certain serious illnesses such as cancer, HIV/AIDS and epilepsy to use marijuana for relief from their symptoms. Feel free to refer to our fact sheet or talking points before you call or write the email.Thanks so much for calling - and please feel free to forward this information to other individuals and email lists that might be interested. The more voices that speak up for the bill, the more likely it will become law. If you have any questions please call us at (505) 983-3277.Thank you for your commitment to reform in New Mexico. Your dedication is truly amazing and greatly appreciated. We can't get discouraged now, without your involvement and support, success wouldn't be possible!Reena Szczepanski
Drug Policy Alliance Network
www.improveNewMexico.orgLearn More About the Lynn and Erin Compassionate Use ActThe Lynn and Erin Compassionate Use Act would allow qualified patients suffering from certain serious illnesses - such as cancer, HIV/AIDS, and epilepsy - to use marijuana for relief of their symptoms. The law would require a patient to receive a recommendation for cannabis (i.e., medical marijuana) from his/her medical provider. The patient could then apply to participate in the program through the Department of Health, and an independent review board of doctors would consider each application.Upon approval by the board, the patient would receive a registry identification card from the New Mexico Department of Health, certifying that he/she was a participant in the Lynn and Erin program. By registering in this way, the patient and the patient's primary caregiver would be allowed to possess only enough cannabis to treat the patient. Only providers who already can prescribe controlled substances could recommend patients for the program. The Department of Health will develop regulations for licensed producers within the state, identifying standards for safety, security, and distribution.The new law would not allow medical marijuana use in public, and would penalize lying to a law enforcement officer regarding the medical use of marijuana. The Department of Health would keep a registry of participants so that law enforcement officers could confirm the validity of a patient's registration card. Patients under 18 years old could only participate with parental consent.
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