Transcript: The Marijuana Legalization Movement Transcript: The Marijuana Legalization Movement Posted by CN Staff on February 20, 2007 at 10:57:56 PT Lou Dobbs Tonight - Partial Transcript Source: CNN The war on drugs in this country is being fought at the federal, state and local level as law enforcement officials try to crack down on drug smuggling and drug sales. But what you might find surprising is what's happening in some of the wealthiest circles in this country. Private donors are spending millions of dollars to promote the decriminalization and legalization of marijuana. Bill Tucker reports. (BEGIN VIDEOTAPE)BILL TUCKER, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): It's just a plant, that's all. Not a dangerous drug. It's a children's book, where farmers grow it and parents, doctors, mayors, even presidents use marijuana. It's aimed at 6- to 12-year-olds. The publisher says the book is not intended to promote marijuana use but to create dialogue between kids and their parents about "the plant." DAVID KRAHL, DRUG-FREE AMERICA FOUNDATION: It's just a plant. That completely normalizes and completely neutralizes any message that there might be anything hazardous associated with using. TUCKER: The self-published book was funded with partially provided by the Marijuana Policy Project. Decriminalization or outright legalization of marijuana has some colorful and very high profile people on its list of supporters. John Sperling, head of the largest online university in the world, the University of Phoenix. Financier George Soros, who provides roughly one-third of the funding for the Drug Policy Alliance's $7 million a year budget. He supports decriminalization and medical marijuana. Peter Lewis, chairman of Progressive Auto Insurance, who supplies about one half of the funding for the Marijuana Policy Project's $8 million a year annual budget supports legalization and regulation along the lines of tobacco and alcohol. Opponents of drug legalization are quick to point out the deep pockets of the pro-pot side of the argument, which is equally quick to respond. ROB KAMPIA, MARIJUANA POLICY PROJECT: I have to laugh when people think that we're a well-funded legalization machine. My response to that is hey, I would take the government's budget over our budget any day. TUCKER: At total, Kampia estimates that about $25 million is spent advocating on behalf of marijuana every year. (END VIDEOTAPE) TUCKER: As of today, marijuana is legal for medical use in 11 states, and Christine, another dozen states are expected to soon be considering legislation that would make it legal in their states, as well. ROMANS: OK, so where does the -- I've heard it called the anti- prohibition movement, the pro-pot lobby. TUCKER: Right.ROMANS: Where does this lobby fit, I guess, on the political spectrum? TUCKER: On the political spectrum, it probably would surprise a lot of people. These groups do give money to candidates. They go to Democratic, by and large, get the majority of them. But a number of Republicans on that list, as well. And tomorrow night, we're going to take a look at the list of who is getting money from these groups and supporting them in their pro, you know, drive to push this legislation through. ROMANS: And the folks who are really pushing to sort of end drug use among our youth, do they say that by having this pro-pot lobby out there, that it's somehow hampering what they're trying to do? TUCKER: Well, yes. And they're very disturbed. Because, as you would expect, the Nancy Reagan crowd, in essence...ROMANS: Right.TUCKER: ... the just say no group. And when you say to them, but there's 100 -- we spend $100 billion at the federal and state level right now, fighting the war on drugs. ROMANS: Right.TUCKER: Their response is that's not enough money. We need to be spending more money, and we need to be educating people about the dangers of these drugs. And we should not be moving in the direction that a lot of the country is in fact moving in, which seems to be a friendlier stance toward marijuana. ROMANS: All right, Bill Tucker, thanks so much. We'll look forward to that tomorrow. Thanks, Bill.That brings us to the subject of tonight's poll. Do you believe marijuana should be legalized in this country? Yes or no? Cast your vote at We'll bring you the results later on in the broadcast.Tonight there is clear evidence of how our broken border with Mexico is an integral part of the country's drug problem. A Mexican man was arrested at the Nogales point of entry into this country after authorities found more than 2,700 pounds of marijuana hidden among produce pallets on his truck. The driver was a member of the Free and Secure Trade Program, which makes it easier for so-called low-risk participants to transport goods and services across the border quickly. The driver's credentials for that program have now been revoked. Complete Transcript: you believe marijuana should be legalized in this country? Yes -- 80% -- 14572 votes No -- 20% -- 3664 votes Total: 18236 votes Poll Results: Source: CNN (US Web)Program: Lou Dobbs TonightAirdate: February 19, 2007Copyright: 2007 Cable News Network, Inc.Contact: -- Cannabis Archives Home Comment Email Register Recent Comments Help Comment #21 posted by FoM on February 21, 2007 at 15:42:10 PT About Lou Dobbs As soon as a transcript becomes available I will post it. I felt like I warped back many years hearing this piece tonight. [ Post Comment ] Comment #20 posted by FoM on February 21, 2007 at 14:55:33 PT Friendly Reminder: Lou Dobbs Tonight AIRS: 6-7 p.m. ET, 7 days Many people have the perception that marijuana is somehow a harmless drug. But the marijuana of today is far stronger and far more addictive than it used to be. There is growing medical evidence to support the dangerous health effects of today's pot. We'll have that special report.And, we'll be joined by three of the country's greatest political minds: Former White House political director Ed Rollins, Democratic National Committeeman Robert Zimmerman, and Jesse Jackson, founder and president of the Rainbow/PUSH Coalition. [ Post Comment ] Comment #19 posted by museman on February 21, 2007 at 14:02:43 PT Since the beginning "The area of Quantum Physics has discovered what the Mystic has known for generations -- we're all connected in the infinite possibilities (those forks in the road)."Actually the intuitive knowledge that a mystic or a shaman apllies to his work, and research is the fundamental base for an entire un-pursued natural technology of mind-body-spirit, and this fundamental building block of a future we didn't choose or get, was the first plan for man, before his knowledge, culture, and potential wisdom was hi-jacked and perverted into the system of inbalance which we labor under still to this day.The tactile substances of life were given priority over the sense of faith and belief - the human faculties which drive every 'reality construct' that the religious/political powers can devise.Humanity, through coercion, deliberate confused information about the Creator Spirit that made this place, and enforced oppression of free thinking, has been taken away from the roots of being, and placed in a perpetual holding cell called 'civilization.'The 'stone that the builders rejected' though misinterpreted by biblical scholars since they began 'interpreting' is about the faith and belief that Y'shua was constantly, and consistently attempting to teach his followers, and consequentially, the rest of humanity.The oppposite of faith and belief is fear and mistrust-the very foundation upon which all of our social/economic/political institutions are truly founded.The idea of a coventant or a contract comes not from God, but from man. It might be more accurate to say that it comes from the fallen, who provided embryonic man with enough fundamental lies to keep us busy just about forever trying to sort it out.The 'stewardship' often referred to by rich christians who seek to justify their wealth and power, is nothing like what they have concieved. Y'shuha was a true 'steward.' His demonstration of pure unfettered faith and belief is the rejected stone. "Man cannot serve two masters." In our continuing to justify the erroneous existence of institutions, social elitist power brokers, the government, religions, and country clubs, we leave no room in our collective being for the real thing. "You cannot put new wine into old wineskins."As long as we struggle all our lives to succeed at something which is all made up in the first place - not real- the monumental task of getting our priorities straightened out is going to remain out of our reach.A lot of dialogue has occurred over the centuries concerning our 'spiritual evolution' yet no effort of any major proportion has ever actually occurred aside from the few advents of great persons who have managed to remove themselves from the binds and fetters of this false reality we are forced to live every day, like Buddha, Yashua, Ghandi, John Lennon ...but out of that dialogue has come nothing more significant than a few book deals for wannabe gurus.The foundation stone, or cornerstone of the reality that most uncorrupted humanity desires cannot be laid into the existing structure, or even applied as some kind of fix. When you insert a drop of purity into a pit of corruption, the drop is consumed, and corrupted. The corruption wins every time. No we are going to have to literally start from scratch, because all this time that we should have been growing in spiritual stature, experience and knowledge, we have instead been deliberately kept in the dark, and forced to serve the ways of the few evil men who rule all the aspects of this constuct of their own making. Until we can literally say no and mean it, stick with it, suffer for it if necessary, and remove ourselves from this false reality construct so we can begin to explore our true path and abilities, the words of one of my favorite Old Testament prophets.... "All is vanity, and a vexation of spirit." [ Post Comment ] Comment #18 posted by observer on February 21, 2007 at 10:39:42 PT 1/40,000 of one percent TUCKER: At total, Kampia estimates that about $25 million is spent advocating on behalf of marijuana every year... TUCKER: ... the just say no group. And when you say to them, but there's 100 -- we spend $100 billion at the federal and state level right now, fighting the war on drugs.solve 25,000,000 / 100,000,000,000,000 = p / 100 for p[p = 1/40,000]So the "Legalization Movement" gets by on 1/40,000 of a percent of what the U.S. government uses to "fight" the "drug war"? Not even one percent, but one forty-thousandth of a percent! (Someone check my math.) [ Post Comment ] Comment #17 posted by FoM on February 20, 2007 at 19:02:50 PT MikeEEEEE I tried a hush mail account once and it didn't work for me. I just use Yahoo. I have had good luck with Yahoo. I don't use my Outlook E-mail either. I don't share any e-mail with anyone if that is a worry. [ Post Comment ] Comment #16 posted by MikeEEEEE on February 20, 2007 at 18:13:33 PT FoM Because of the environment we live in, it’s better to be safe. If you would like to know a little more about MikeEEEEE, contact me at mikeeeeee hushmail.comBut, I'll only respond to a hushmail email address, so create one for free at [ Post Comment ] Comment #15 posted by MikeEEEEE on February 20, 2007 at 18:07:08 PT FoM A good approach and attitude is an admirable quality. [ Post Comment ] Comment #14 posted by FoM on February 20, 2007 at 18:04:45 PT MikeEEEEE This is a video called We Are The World. This is how I believe. [ Post Comment ] Comment #13 posted by FoM on February 20, 2007 at 17:57:39 PT MikeEEEEE I don't know anything about Quantrum Physics but I do believe everything is connected to everything. Maybe that's why I don't get totally upset about how things are. I know in my heart that somehow it will work out. [ Post Comment ] Comment #12 posted by MikeEEEEE on February 20, 2007 at 17:53:54 PT FoM You're speaking of a very old concept -- the idea that we're all connected.Example: When those airplanes slammed into the World Trade Center buildings, the whole world was connected and focused on the same event.The area of Quantum Physics has discovered what the Mystic has known for generations -- we're all connected in the infinite possibilities (those forks in the road). [ Post Comment ] Comment #11 posted by FoM on February 20, 2007 at 17:45:47 PT MikeEEEEE Everything we do is important. Everything we do has a side effect. We can be takers or givers. Which road do we take when we come to that fork? In the end we will reap what we sow. [ Post Comment ] Comment #10 posted by MikeEEEEE on February 20, 2007 at 17:40:11 PT Interesting.... A stock broker once told me he was spinning a client. To these money guys it's all about a business play. But for some of us, it's about fairness, good-sense and a conscience. [ Post Comment ] Comment #9 posted by FoM on February 20, 2007 at 17:25:10 PT MikeEEEEE I always like the series years ago called Dragnet. I always remembered someone saying: Just the Facts. Facts aren't flamboyant but are just believable. We need the truth and with the Internet we search and search until we can find out if what we think could be true. We are always looking for just the facts. Spinning news is getting so obvious even to those who only believe Fox News. [ Post Comment ] Comment #8 posted by MikeEEEEE on February 20, 2007 at 17:09:55 PT Oops! The country is Australia. [ Post Comment ] Comment #7 posted by MikeEEEEE on February 20, 2007 at 17:07:49 PT FoM I have a relative who watches Fox 5. This trash outlet is owned by Murdoch, need I say more.After hearing some of the non-sense people say (based on their conservative lesson for the day), I feel like saying, where did you hear that. Some of the things on Fox are outrageous. One example is when they had these so called experts on, all dressed up, who said, global warming is a hoax. The bottom line is: what Murdoch sets as policy -- he does, and that hurts our country. Murdoch probably cannot get away with this crap in his home country of Austria. They would probably laugh at the guy. Therefore, maybe that’s why he’s here, in the land of the republic, for which money stands. Some of us are stuck with his side-effects, such as friends and family who watch this trash.Remember, Murdoch owned, or used to own certain media companies, for instance: Star magazine and the NY Post, etc. -- mostly sensationalist trash journalism. But I think he used that experience and sold them to reach a wider audience. Good for him, but bad for common-sense -- it should be more common. [ Post Comment ] Comment #6 posted by FoM on February 20, 2007 at 12:20:30 PT MikeEEEEE I know. My sister watches Fox News and she forms her opinions by what that channel reports. I can't get her to watch CNN or MSNBC. She is 14 years older then me and a diehard republican. I have found really good programs on [ Post Comment ] Comment #5 posted by MikeEEEEE on February 20, 2007 at 12:16:15 PT The news should be called "BAD News" Celebrity news is used as a distractor. It distracts from the more important issues. In their view, international news and serious issues are unimportant to the PROGRAMMING goals -- you don't want them informed. Worldly views are not in the scope of their programming and reality they're promoting. If you want to make stupid consumers who submit to choices you engineer, do not give a worldly view or scope, keep them in fear, and keep them divided through mistrust -- that way they can't possibly change the system. It's all been planned out, or programmmed.This is the system that has a hold on many people, and what reformers are up against. [ Post Comment ] Comment #4 posted by FoM on February 20, 2007 at 12:05:12 PT MikeEEEEE You're right. I just mean people that don't think that much one way or the other about marijuana reform might give it some thought as to how they feel. I haven't watched news today because I am so sick of celebrity news. I care about who is running for president and how the people feel about the war but they don't do much on that very important issue. I realize it is corporate news and I take it with a grain of salt. [ Post Comment ] Comment #3 posted by MikeEEEEE on February 20, 2007 at 12:00:21 PT FoM "Bad news is better then no news when it comes to TV News in my opinion. It makes the people think."The news media (corporate and politically modivated) is created to make the masses submissive. If you only see bad through the looking glass, you'll be angry about current events. Anger decreases IQ, and that's good for business. They don't want a smart consumer. In whatever form digested, stupid consumers buy the messages they send.There was a story years ago about a couple in Chicago that watched the TV news 3 hours a day. These people gated there house, and kept a large dog with them -- when they went out. All the negative news creates anger, fear and distrust. People cannot be united without some kind of trust. With all those elements, these viewers become submissive to suggestion, and to policies to protect them from the preceived threat. Yes Neo, the system has them. [ Post Comment ] Comment #2 posted by FoM on February 20, 2007 at 11:04:51 PT Lou Dobbs Video Link [ Post Comment ] Comment #1 posted by FoM on February 20, 2007 at 11:01:46 PT Just a Comment I wonder where it will go tonight. This is very interesting. We need good or bad media exposure. Bad news is better then no news when it comes to TV News in my opinion. It makes the people think. [ Post Comment ] Post Comment