DEA Raids 11 Pot Clubs DEA Raids 11 Pot Clubs Posted by CN Staff on January 18, 2007 at 10:31:03 PT By Rachel Uranga, Staff Writer Source: Los Angeles Daily News California -- The Drug Enforcement Administration raided 11 medical marijuana dispensaries across Los Angeles on Wednesday, including five in the San Fernando Valley. The raids came a day after Los Angeles Police Chief William Bratton denounced the storefront medicinal clinics as crime magnets that have begun to prey on teenagers - including passing out fliers at Grant High School in Van Nuys this past summer - and called for a moratorium on the facilities. "(These) enforcement operations send a message to these drug traffickers," said Sarah Pullen, a DEA special agent. "The DEA will continue to conduct these enforcement operations and keep our community safe by enforcing federal drug laws." Under a 1996 state ballot measure, the clinics can distribute doctor-prescribed marijuana to relieve anything from anxiety to nausea to acute pain. But federal officials consider all marijuana use illegal. The number of clinics has exploded from five in 2005 to 143 by the end of last year. Bratton said many of the clinics are lucrative operations aimed at recreational users. Bratton and Councilman Dennis Zine have backed rules banning dispensaries within 1,000 feet of any school, day-care facility, church or other house of worship. While several medical marijuana activists support some regulation, they say the federal raids unfairly harm patients. "It's disgusting in this day and age, when cities and counties are moving to regulate medical marijuana, that the federal government would still be busting people," said Don Duncan, Southern California coordinator for the Americans for Safe Access, a national medical marijuana advocacy group. This week, the Los Angeles Police Commission released a report that found about half of all the city's marijuana clubs were in the Valley. The report found increased robberies and aggravated assaults around clubs near Van Nuys and more citizen complaints. Note: Police chief says dispensaries prey on teenagers.Source: Los Angeles Daily News (CA)Author: Rachel Uranga, Staff Writer Published: January 17, 2007Copyright: 2007 Los Angeles Newspaper Group Website: http://www.dailynews.comContact: rachel.uranga Related Articles & Web Sites:LA NORML For Safe Access Raids 11 Marijuana Outlets Chief Wants Medical-Pot Moratorium Home Comment Email Register Recent Comments Help Comment #24 posted by museman on January 19, 2007 at 10:41:20 PT Toker Everything requires some kind of balance. Once we operated almost entirely by intuitive and instinct -without a lot of knowledge of what exactly it was that we were doing, only that if we did somethig a certain way, the results became predictable. From that we founded knowledge, and began to pass it on to generations.It was 'the gods' that screwed it all up - see Sumerian Gods, that with the help of 'special' humans set up the root systems of weights and measures that were also the foundation of a host of false authorities, including kings, and governments.In man's spiritual, and intellectual infancy, our destiny -which was to be highly intuitive caretakers of this planet- was circumnavigated to being servants for the careless few. The system and philosophy of propriety became the foundation for all 'civilizations' and the knowledge of Earth-Magic, and natural psychic communication systems was buried under the iron, bronze, steel, and all the blood that was shed in the name of one king or another.All attempts to regain our natural inheritance is met with some version of the Nazi SS, The Spanish Inquisition, or the DEA. (just a couple of 'em).Our technnology right now is at a unique parallel to what our natural capabilities could have been if we'd put as much energy into creation as we have destruction. Everything that human 'science' can 'invent' is just a robotic imitation of a natural system or event. Our science, technology, ruling philosophy, and spiritual understanding is all based on fear, and negativity, even if it seems to have 'positive' application.Medicine is a perfect example. Our so-called 'skilled and educated' doctors, are in major denial of natural systems - even though knowledge of the human body should ring some natural bells, instead it rings bells of wealth, and prestige. To treat all manner of ills, we get chemicly altered substances that once existed in a natural form as herbs, now tweaked into specialized and usually dangerous chemicals known as DRUGS. To make matters even more gross and untenable, the doctors just pile 'em on. I've never seen my Dr. (who as they go is decent) without his trusty calculator, so that when he prescribes drugs, he can figure out the best drug to fit my pocketbook, and still get his cut.As far as gurus go, I discovered long ago how easy it is to fool people who are looking for answers without any clues - like so many Americans, and if I'd wanted to sell my 'wisdom' for $19.95, complete with tapes and CDs, I could. I'd probably be a Republican too - just to protect my money. I could have had all the women I wanted, all the best of everything. All I had to do was a little bit of fakery, mixed in with enough interesting tidbits of truth, and Guru Terry hits the bigtime.So I don't have a lot of respect for those who do those things. To me so much of this reality has been ripped off by all the false beliefs and standards mentioned above, the only validity I give to anything is if it is given, and recieved without the weights and measures of propriety getting in the way, and contaminating it. [ Post Comment ] Comment #23 posted by FoM on January 18, 2007 at 19:48:29 PT Toker00 and Museman I believe in something I call flow. This morning our neighbors rooster who visits us was outside my bedroom window and it sounded like he cleared his throat and then did the Cock-a-doodle-doo thing. It made me smile. I love being surrounded by nature and animals. I marvel at our universe. It makes me feel peaceful. To me it is all connected. [ Post Comment ] Comment #22 posted by Toker00 on January 18, 2007 at 19:08:08 PT Thanks, museman. If people are ever going to "find out", you'll be one of them. Quite a remarkable quest you've been on there. I believe, in the beginning of Humanity, Laws were felt, not imposed. People may have just KNOWN what the right thing to do was, and they did it. When one man's law became the law of the land, it threw us off the Natural Path. Or aliens came here and screwed up our heads with Knowledge. Or God designed it all. Or it's just one big cosmic joke and we are the punch line. What ever it is, we have to deal with it while we are "here". It can be fun at times and it can be hell at times and then all points in between. Thanks for looking at the link.Toke. [ Post Comment ] Comment #21 posted by museman on January 18, 2007 at 16:57:05 PT toke Your link provided me with enough information to fill in what I didn't know.I would roughly and briefly describe "Feng Shui" as "Zen and the art of natural balance in an Urban environment."At least that would be my 'benign' description.Having studied one of the 'root sciences' of eastern healing methods; "Jin Shin Juitzu", and once a closet 'disciple' of the guru known as Rajneesh; having denied Rev. Moon, danced with the Hari Khrishna's, signed my Spirit Name into the "Book Of Armageddon" from the church of the same name, commonly known as "The Love Family," and then extracting my kidnapped family from their cult clutches; having many friends in the "Christ Family" whose leader's name is "Lightning Amen" to watching the infamous "Christ Brotherhood's" leader's pedaphile activity lead to their enmasse exodus to Belize- In the words of John Lennon;"I found out."Truth, both "natural" and "divine" needs no qualifier of persons or ideology, it is universal, and applicable to all, or it is incomplete.I have a hard time giving validity to something that requires following any other human being's way-especially if you have to pay for the priviledge. I recognize that positive projection - in any sense, whether it is the way you arrange your houseplants and furniture, or just exercising a little self control is a good thing, so if it takes a little Feng Shui to put Urban and metropolitan Americans back in touch with a little earth reality - by all means, I am for it. However, you must understand that I touch the earth every day. I actually have more dirt that concrete surrounding me, and more trees than houses (though that is changing fast).I have sought the vision on a Sacred Mountain, and seen my Spirit Guide, and the natural animal spirit which we share with other creatures here.I don't think that the way one landscapes their backyard is really going to give them the actual real nature, or the experience of it. But hey, if it means those folks start to look up and down, Great! [ Post Comment ] Comment #20 posted by FoM on January 18, 2007 at 16:20:34 PT Richard Thank you. [ Post Comment ] Comment #19 posted by FoM on January 18, 2007 at 15:59:03 PT Toker00 Thank you. You know what I wish? I wish that when the time comes for people like me to really need medical care that they don't have to fear losing their home that they have worked hard to have for years. If we didn't have a home I probably could get care. They attached my mother in laws home so I know they do it. If I would need major surgery it could guarantee we won't have anything in the end. This isn't just for me but for so many people who can't get insurance for any number of reasons. I am uninsurable and many people are uninsurable. That needs changed badly. Thank you for the offer but if the need be we will do what we must. [ Post Comment ] Comment #18 posted by Toker00 on January 18, 2007 at 15:52:14 PT Richard, You are blowing through here like a tornado accusing and shouting and getting way off base with most posters here. What's up?Toke. [ Post Comment ] Comment #17 posted by Toker00 on January 18, 2007 at 15:50:22 PT FoM Find out what is wrong from a doctor FoM and we will help any way we can by way of donations. Seriously. Please take care. We need you.Toke. [ Post Comment ] Comment #16 posted by Richard Zuckerman on January 18, 2007 at 15:43:29 PT: VISIT A DOCTOR, PLEASE, FOM? PLEASE VISIT A DOCTOR, AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, FoM? [ Post Comment ] Comment #15 posted by FoM on January 18, 2007 at 15:26:00 PT Toker00 I'm still very sick but have moments when I feel ok and I am trying to figure out what is wrong. I am using google and trying to match my symptoms up with where I am having the pain. So far I think it could be my pancreas or a kidney stone or maybe my liver. The pain is on the wrong side for a gallbladder. I was able to eat a little more tonight. Thanks for asking. [ Post Comment ] Comment #14 posted by Richard Zuckerman on January 18, 2007 at 15:17:48 PT: YOU DESERVE WHAT YOU VOTE FOR!! You and your parents vote for Democrats and Republicans vote for the Freemasons and other globalists to slowly eliminate our individual freedoms!! You get what you vote for, people! You can cry out as loud as you want, write as many letters to Congress and State Legislatures as you can. THE BOTTOM LINE IS THAT UNTIL YOU PEOPLE VOTE FOR 3RD PARTY POLITICAL CANDIDATES, PRIMARILY LIBERTARIAN PARTY, SECONDARILY GREEN PARTY, YOUR FREEDOMS WILL SLOWLY BE EXTINGUISHED! YOU PEOPLE MUST THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX ABOUT GOVERNMENT, ESPECIALLY THE IDEA THAT PUBLIC SCHOOLS MAKE YOU SMART AND "EDUCATED", THAT POLICE ARE YOUR FRIENDS AND ARE THERE TO PROTECT YOU. THE SAD FACT IS THAT AMONG YOUR WORST ENEMY IS THE GOVERNMENT, FEDERAL GOVERNMENT THE MOST, STATE GOVERNMENT THE SECOND WORST ENEMY, AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT YOUR THIRD WORST ENEMY. YOUR WORST ENEMY IS YOURSELVES, BECAUSE YOU BELIEVE THE HYPE FROM CORPORATE GOVERNMENT MANIPULATED MEDIA AND "EDUCATION." PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS ARE NOTHING MORE THAN GLORIFIED BABY SITTERS.;;; etc. YOU DESERVE WHAT YOUR PARENTS AND YOU VOTE FOR OR WHAT YOU DO NOT VOTE FOR, PEOPLE!!!! [ Post Comment ] Comment #13 posted by Toker00 on January 18, 2007 at 15:06:48 PT Here ya go bro./all Are you familiar with this? [ Post Comment ] Comment #12 posted by Toker00 on January 18, 2007 at 15:00:40 PT Thank ya. Thank ya vury much... museman, thanks. The numbers thing, the nazi thing, you're right on with that. They've been slick, we gotta be slicker. And there ain't nothing slicker than the Truth. I have something I want your opinion on. I'll be back in a minute.FoM, thanks. I sure hope you are feeling better. You "sound" like you are. Hope you are not iced in.Toke. [ Post Comment ] Comment #11 posted by museman on January 18, 2007 at 12:22:38 PT tokeOH OH Added my John Henry to the list.11 is half of 22. Is half of a 'magic' number significant in some way, like Hitlers reversal of the swastika?People still to this day do not realize the extent that the methed-up Nazi SS and Hitler's elect delved quite deeply into 'occult sciences.' They also do not realize how much of the Nazi ways and means has been integrated into our intelligence agencies, and our law enforcement. [ Post Comment ] Comment #10 posted by FoM on January 18, 2007 at 12:18:26 PT Toker00 You're sweet James. Toker00 and James are both great names. [ Post Comment ] Comment #9 posted by Toker00 on January 18, 2007 at 12:08:59 PT It's ok FoM. I like my name. JAMES I'm not hiding anything, anyway. I just like the idea of an a.k.a. Toker00. And that's Toker OH OH, or double ought, not like buckaroo. There. I feel better. :)Toke.James [ Post Comment ] Comment #8 posted by museman on January 18, 2007 at 12:06:45 PT Proud 'mericans Lets hear it for the heroic actions of the DEA, whose diligent harassment of old ladies, and people who are trying to help those in pain and great suffering - insures that the pharma-world gets exclusive access to your medical $$$.Three cheers (not) for the 'Patriotic Acts' of holding defenseless, non-violent, harmless, American citizens against their own walls at gunpoint.Another "victory" in the war, the unconstitutional, immoral, unethical, and down right stupid WOD.Cops everywhere are safer tonite, because they now know for sure that their government is more interested in encarcerating pot smokers, than murderers, thieves, or war criminals.Bob Barker Enterprises stock just went up.The donuts are flying today, just like the beer will be guzzled tonite. Lets give out medals [ Post Comment ] Comment #7 posted by Toker00 on January 18, 2007 at 12:00:43 PT museman I could think of about 11 more, but FoM wouldn't let my post stay. lol.Here's another action post. I put the petition link first, if you don't want to read the riff. for a Livable World Dear James,Congressional opposition to President Bush’s plan to escalate the war by sending over 20,000 more troops to Iraq is growing in both parties. Two key Republican Senators joined Democrats yesterday in co-sponsoring a measure criticizing the escalation and more could soon join them.We expect other votes later in the year when Congress considers bills funding the war.It is important to support this measure as a first step in a process to bring the disastrous war in Iraq to an end this year by withdrawing American troops from that country.Public pressure on Senators at this critical juncture is essential.We urge you to take two steps: 1. Sign this petition urging support for the Biden-Levin-Hagel-Snowe resolution. 2. Call your Senators today toll-free at 866-340-9281 and ask them to support this resolution (S.Con.Res.2) criticizing the escalation in Iraq.If you don’t know your Senators’ position on the legislation, click here to find out where they stand.Pressure on undecided Senators is especially important. But if your Senators already support the resolution, don’t forget to thank them!The resolution was introduced by Democratic Senator and Chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee Joseph Biden of Delaware and is co-sponsored by Armed Services Committee Chairman Carl Levin of Michigan and Republicans Chuck Hagel of Nebraska and Olympia Snowe of Maine.We need both Republicans and Democrats speak up vigorously. The White House is working frantically to avoid a bi-partisan vote against the Bush war policy.President Bush fears that a congressional rejection combined with public opposition will mark the beginning of the end of his ruinous war policy.There’s not much time left – a vote on the resolution could come as early as next week or the week after that.Remember: 1. Sign this petition urging support for the Biden-Levin-Hagel-Snowe resolution. 2. Call your Senators today toll-free at 866-340-9281 and ask them to support S.Con.Res.2 criticizing the escalation in Iraq.Sincerely,John Isaacs and Guy StevensP.S. Thank you to all those who called your Senators’ office and provided us with useful information that helped us compile the list of positions on the resolution.Toke. [ Post Comment ] Comment #6 posted by FoM on January 18, 2007 at 11:45:13 PT museman I get it! Yes. [ Post Comment ] Comment #5 posted by museman on January 18, 2007 at 11:42:06 PT FoM He who laughs last, laughs best. :) [ Post Comment ] Comment #4 posted by FoM on January 18, 2007 at 11:29:11 PT museman Wow thanks for the smile. [ Post Comment ] Comment #3 posted by museman on January 18, 2007 at 11:21:35 PT Dead End Assholes Direct Entry Associates.Drunk Enhancement Agency.Dumbest Ever Accessed.Down Every Alley.Don't Ever Ask (why).Driving Everyone to Anarchy.Deliberate Elitists Assumptions.Dread and Encarceration for All.Damned Erroneous Acts.Duped Enforcers of America.That's 11. [ Post Comment ] Comment #2 posted by HempWorld on January 18, 2007 at 11:16:39 PT "The DEA will ... keep our community safe ... Nothing could be further from the truth as that statement made above! DEA is enforcing laws mady by (Pharmaceutical)lobbyists in Washington. Heavyhandedly raiding law abiding dispensaries does NOT make our communities safer, quite the contrary. A clear abuse of power fought over the backs of sick people. When will this waste of taxpayer monies and bad laws end? [ Post Comment ] Comment #1 posted by goneposthole on January 18, 2007 at 10:52:33 PT eleven 11That is a familiar number. [ Post Comment ] Post Comment