Question 7: 'Drug Dealer Protection Act'

  Question 7: 'Drug Dealer Protection Act'
Posted by CN Staff on October 29, 2006 at 06:18:29 PT
By Sandy Heverly 
Source: Las Vegas Review-Journal 
Nevada -- No community, state or country is better off with increasing the availability of drugs. We need look no farther than the Netherlands and Alaska to see how Nevada could evolve if it legalizes marijuana through Question 7. Use of marijuana by Alaskan youths is twice the national average. When the Netherlands legalized pot, consumption nearly tripled among 18- to 20-year-olds. These negative impacts have led those governments to revisit and reconsider their liberal drug policies.
Newshawk: MayanSource: Las Vegas Review-Journal (NV)Author: Sandy HeverlyPublished: October 29, 2006Copyright: 2006 Las Vegas Review-JournalContact: letters reviewjournal.comWebsite: Related Articles & Web Site:Regulate and Control Marijuana Bush Official Speaks Against Question 7 Walters Goes To Nevada Supports Effort To Legalize Marijuana 
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Comment #23 posted by whig on October 30, 2006 at 09:59:38 PT
Sinsemilla Jones
Here's another version of the TinyURL creator for Firefox and Mozilla.
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Comment #22 posted by Hope on October 30, 2006 at 07:55:26 PT
HempWorld  Comment 9
Thank you so much for that comment.Please write to this paper what you wrote to us or something similar. Please force them to make a public correction of the lies.
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Comment #21 posted by Hope on October 30, 2006 at 07:52:52 PT
Comment 14 Good advice.
Thank you.Do you think it's possible that people are born that way? Either as liars or thieves or honest people, or kind people, or mean people?There is the outlaw...with the latent goodness.And the dictator with latent meanness.Personalities. Some are so destructive.
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Comment #20 posted by Sinsemilla Jones on October 29, 2006 at 22:48:52 PT
Hemp World #10 - good stats - bad link
And Had Enough #11 - reminded me that I found a tinyurl creation firefox/mozilla extention -
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Comment #19 posted by MikeEEEEE on October 29, 2006 at 11:54:28 PT
Land of the stupids
80% are the herd.I have no faith in the American voter.Welcome, my friend, to the machine...
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Comment #18 posted by observer on October 29, 2006 at 11:30:39 PT
propaganda analysis
Nevada -- No community, state or country is better off with increasing the availability of drugs .
(Sentence 1) re: "community" - The survival of society is assured, -- says the propaganda of prohibition -- as long as drug users are punished (jailed). (Survival of Society (propaganda theme 3) )

Use of marijuana by Alaskan youths is twice the national average .
(Sentence 3) re: "youths" - "Nothing can so excite an adult population as can anything which appears to threaten their own children." [W.White,1979] (Children Corrupted (propaganda theme 5) )

When the Netherlands legalized pot, consumption nearly tripled among 18- to 20-year-olds .
(Sentence 4) re: "legalized" - Onward prohibitionist drug warriors, fighting the epidemic and scourge in the battles of the war against drugs! (Drugs declared evil by politicians, that is.) (Total Prohibition or Access (propaganda theme 7) )

When Drug Czar John Walters recently visited our state, the Review-Journal didn't hesitate to say he should have stayed home -- the same message should be sent to Question 7 advocate Neal Levine, whose sole purpose for locating here was to become the pot legalizer for Nevada .
(Sentence 6) re: "legalizer" - Because they hold differing opinions on drug policy, say prohibitionists, "legalizers" should be silenced or jailed. (Dissent Attacked (propaganda theme 8) )

His lack of testicular fortitude to pursue legalizing marijuana in his home state -- or repealing federal laws against the drug -- speaks volumes about his perception of Nevada .
(Sentence 9) re: "legalizing" - With God on Their Side (prohibitionists assure us), only the continued rooting out of the sinful drug users (total prohibition) will do. All else is portrayed as the slippery slope to total legalization of all drugs for toddlers. (Total Prohibition or Access (propaganda theme 7) )

Attempts to legalize marijuana in Nevada are sought and funded by out-of-state interests .
(Sentence 12) re: "legalize" - Drug policy options are presented as either total prohibition, or as total "legalization." No middle ground is contemplated in the "zero-tolerance" world of prohibition. Absolute prohibition executed with religious fervor and purpose! (Total Prohibition or Access (propaganda theme 7) )

The Marijuana Policy Project, headquartered in Washington, D.C., billionaire George Soros and Peter Lewis, owner of Progressive Insurance Co., have joined Mr .
(Sentence 13) re: "George Soros", "billionaire George Soros and Peter Lewis", "Peter Lewis", "billionaire" - People who step forward in disagreement with prohibition are attacked and sometimes jailed. (Dissent Attacked (propaganda theme 8) )

This begs the question of how many more infants and young children, who have no control over their environment, will be subjected to secondhand pot smoke in the "privacy" of those homes .
(Sentence 20) re: "children" - Prohibitionists forever claim that children are corrupted by drugs, and this is why adult users must be punished harshly. (Children Corrupted (propaganda theme 5) )

Increased risks caused by more marijuana users and impaired drivers equals increased rates .
(Sentence 23) re: "marijuana users" - Prohibition propaganda claims that all use of any "drug" is abuse. (Use is Abuse (propaganda theme 4) )

Pot proponents are misleading voters into thinking our state would realize a financial windfall by taxing marijuana .
(Sentence 25) re: "Pot proponents" - Anyone who disagrees with prohibition is attacked as part of the problem. No dissent is permitted. (Dissent Attacked (propaganda theme 8) )

Alcohol (only) impairs driving and kills and injures 3,000 men, women and children each year on Nevada roadways .
(Sentence 27) re: "children" - Drug war propaganda plays on parental fears for the well being of their kids. If drug users are not jailed, says the prohibitionist, then your children will surely suffer. (Children Corrupted (propaganda theme 5) )

What's more telling than those who are identified as religious leaders who support Question 7, are the religious entities that did not speak in favor of legalizing marijuana, i.e .
(Sentence 29) re: "legalizing" - Any mention of lessening the harshness of drug laws is portrayed as a sinful "legalization". Only total prohibition (or more jailings) will be righteous. (Total Prohibition or Access (propaganda theme 7) )

You don't legalize the drug that's causing the problem to increase DUI penalties .
(Sentence 33) re: "legalize" - With God on Their Side (prohibitionists assure us), only the continued rooting out of the sinful drug users (total prohibition) will do. All else is portrayed as the slippery slope to total legalization of all drugs for toddlers. (Total Prohibition or Access (propaganda theme 7) )

My group, Stop DUI, is not shy about expressing its views and opinions regarding all entities of the criminal justice system including law enforcement .
(Sentence 36) re: "criminal" - Prohibitionist propaganda claims that horrible dangers are caused by "drugs." (Madness,Crime,Violence,Illness (propaganda theme 2) )

As crime victim advocates, if we thought for one nanosecond that police agencies were wasting resources on frivolous matters, we would be voicing those concerns loud and clear .
(Sentence 37) re: "crime" - Drugs, scream prohibitionists, cause all bad things in life: crime, violence, insanity, etc. If not for prohibition (i.e., jailing drug users), then criminality, violence and psychotic behavior would explode upon the land, the prohibitionist assures us. (Madness,Crime,Violence,Illness (propaganda theme 2) )

Legalizing marijuana will eliminate a portion of the adult market, but will certainly create a greater opportunity for drug dealers to focus on our youth to fill the void .
(Sentence 38) re: "drug dealers", "dealers" - Drug users are "those people" -- they are linked with groups that everyone agrees are bad. (Hated Groups (propaganda theme 1) ) re: "youth" - "Since the Harrison Act of 1914, the user and the seller of illicit drugs have both been characterized as evil, criminal, insane, and always in search of new victims, the victims are characterized as young children." [W.White,1979] (Children Corrupted (propaganda theme 5) ) re: "Legalizing" - Onward prohibitionist drug warriors, fighting the epidemic and scourge in the battles of the war against drugs! (Drugs declared evil by politicians, that is.) (Total Prohibition or Access (propaganda theme 7) )

Question 7 allows pot shops in our neighborhoods a mere 500 feet from churches and schools .
(Sentence 39) re: "our neighborhoods" - The health of the "community" (read: government) is assured, prohibitionists explain, because drug users are punished. Jailing drug users is thus painted as upholding society. (Survival of Society (propaganda theme 3) )

We have more than enough problems keeping the taxed, regulated and controlled drug of alcohol out of the hands of our youth .
(Sentence 40) re: "youth" - Being a prohibitionist means you can never shed too many crocodile tears for the "children". (As you lustily jail or kill their parents for using drugs.) (Children Corrupted (propaganda theme 5) )

Legalizing pot will not eliminate use among young people any more than legalizing alcohol eliminated underage drinking .
(Sentence 41) re: "young people" - "The inflaming of this fear about the fate of our own children [makes] it difficult if not impossible for most Americans to take a careful and reasoned look at our drug policies."[W.White,1979] (Children Corrupted (propaganda theme 5) ) re: "Legalizing" - Any mention of lessening the harshness of drug laws is portrayed as a sinful "legalization". Only total prohibition (or more jailings) will be righteous. (Total Prohibition or Access (propaganda theme 7) )

He labeled it "The Drug Dealer Protection Act."
(Sentence 45) re: "Drug Dealer", "Dealer" - Drug war propaganda insinuates drugs are evil, because they are linked with hated groups. (Hated Groups (propaganda theme 1) )

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Comment #17 posted by mayan on October 29, 2006 at 11:26:47 PT
It's the Drug Dealer Creation Act. Drug dealers don't want to see the end of prohibition because they would go out of business.
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Comment #16 posted by FoM on October 29, 2006 at 11:06:03 PT
Had Enough
All done.
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Comment #15 posted by Had Enough on October 29, 2006 at 10:49:32 PT
Would you be kind enough to zap comments #12 & #13. Thanks.I’ll get it right sooner or later. :)
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Comment #14 posted by Had Enough on October 29, 2006 at 10:47:43 PT
Sandy, I Must Say
You are either a BS’er, or you are a lost soul.Probably Both. But!!!I have a saying that I taught “MY CHILDREN” and others.Liars and Thieves go hand and hand, if you are one of these; chances are you are the other also.It helped to teach them not to tell lie and steal, and to beware of those that do. Please check out the next mirror you pass by. Don’t break it now.
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Comment #11 posted by Had Enough on October 29, 2006 at 10:10:01 PT
"The Children"
STUDY LINKS TEEN BINGE DRINKING, ADULT SUCCESS"There's hope for those young party animals in your family. Youthful binge drinkers make more when they grow up - at least if they're guys. That's one of the unorthodox conclusions of a study coauthored by Jeffrey DeSimone, an assistant economics prof at the University of South Florida. He found male workers who had binged in 10th grade earned nearly 6 percent more than those who didn't. However, they also were a bit more likely to be unemployed. The study, published by the National Bureau of Economic Research, suggests that bingers have better social skills that help them advance ……."And the rest of the story…… message to the children Huh?Sandy, do you and your group approve of this?Let’s hear it.
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Comment #10 posted by HempWorld on October 29, 2006 at 09:37:45 PT
Current Cannabis Use, Top 9:
#1  New Zealand 22.23%
#2  Australia 17.93%
#3  United States 12.3%
#4  United Kingdom 9%
#5  Switzerland 8.5%
#6  Ireland 7.91%
#7  Spain 7.58%
#8  Canada 7.41%
#9  Netherlands 5.24%
Lifestyle Statistics > Cannabis use by country 
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Comment #9 posted by HempWorld on October 29, 2006 at 09:26:40 PT
Lies, lies, lies ...
"When the Netherlands legalized pot, consumption nearly tripled among 18- to 20-year-olds."Yeah, right! I'm from Holland and I lived in the bloody country at that time. This is a blatant lie, what is the source for this 'fact' ? I've been studying marijuana use since 1970 starting in the Netherlands.It is really disturbing to me when an American prohibitionist spreads lies about my good country and then gets published in a major newspaper so this lie (and many more) gets printed and multiplied as if true. Then ordinary people (in the USA) start quoting this lie as if truth from the newspaper (rag).This is very disturbing! It is Anslinger/Hearst all over again! Thankfully many newspapers are brought to the brink of existence and big media corporations are scrambling to make money on the internet and compete with better journalism and presentation of FACTS.This is why these times are different and why this time we are really going to legalize and regulate marijuana production, distribution and consumption. Pretty scary huh? But coming from Holland I can assure you that it is much more fun and peaceful than the alcohol drenched scene you find in other parts of town/Amsterdam and that is the norm in most of the world.
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Comment #8 posted by museman on October 29, 2006 at 09:10:30 PT
80 joints
All other lies and misinformation (the only information prohibition agrees upon) aside, 80 joints per ounce of herb is absolutely riduculous.As a tobacco smoker (quit several years ago) for years I 'rolled my own' buying rolling tobacco like bugler, and top. Those packets came in 3/4 ounce packets. The weight of dried marijuana, and dried tobacco are just about equal. Out of one pack of tobacco I could get about 20- 22 thinner than average cigarettes - at the most (about the equivalent to a pack of cigarettes). That means that an ounce of tobacco would render roughly (give or take 2) 28 - 30 'average size' cigarettes. Therefore, an ounce of bud -for example- after the stems are removed, and any other non-smokable material like seeds, can not possibly, not in this universe come anywhere close to "80" cigarettes per ounce!Just one more lie on a heap that though getting rather old and stinking, doesn't seem to be growing very much in proportion to the actual truth being presented. Unfortunately, as we are seeing in our political system, the truth has little comparison to the power of money, and social status. With enough dough, you can hire the best actors, who can render even the most obvious lie into an accepted precedence of the status quo.
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Comment #7 posted by Had Enough on October 29, 2006 at 08:55:38 PT
Sandy needs more info for her group
Excerpt from here"The foremost impression one gains from reviewing the literature is that no clear relationship has ever been demonstrated between marijuana smoking and either seriously impaired driving performance or the risk of accident involvement. The epidemiological evidence, as limited as it is, shows that the combination of THC and alcohol is over-represented in injured and dead drivers and more so in those who actually caused the accidents to occur. Yet there is little if any evidence to indicate that drivers who have used marijuana alone are any more likely to cause serious accidents than drug free drivers.
Of the many psychotropic drugs, licit and illicit, that are available and used by people who subsequently drive, marijuana may well be among the least harmful. Campaigns to discourage the use of marijuana by drivers are certainly warranted. But concentrating a campaign on marijuana alone may not be in proportion to the safety problem it causes." Sandy, tell us the truth, be honest with us now, has your group “Stop DUI”, reviewed this information yet?You said you and your group were not shy about expressing its views and opinions regarding all entities of the criminal justice system including law enforcement. Should you include this information in your spiel?
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Comment #6 posted by John Tyler on October 29, 2006 at 07:40:31 PT
a little bit
This is so funny for Nevada. They have legalized gambling, and prostitution. Nevada even promotes itself as being wide open. They advertise on TV that, “What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas”. But if the question is about lifting the prohibition on a just little bit of cannabis the moralizing prohibitionist cry that it will bring ruin to their state. If all of that drinking, and gambling and prostitution haven’t hurt Nevada yet, a little bit of cannabis won’t hurt it either. 
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Comment #5 posted by Had Enough on October 29, 2006 at 07:27:21 PT
Secondhand Pot Smoke
“One ounce of pot can make approximately 80 average-size marijuana cigarettes. One ounce would be legal for every person 21 years of age and older to use in the "privacy of one's home." This begs the question of how many more infants and young children, who have no control over their environment, will be subjected to secondhand pot smoke in the "privacy" of those homes.”We’el leave the 80 joint per ounce thing alone for now.But the comment about second hand smoke is interesting. Proponents of the Pee Testing Industry say you can’t fail a Pee Test from second hand smoke, and that it is not a defence for failing a required Drug Test. Well now I’m really confused. It must be one way or the other, can you help us out here? Come on Sandy, you seem to have all the answers, explain this to us so we can better understand.And, when did you last take your Pee Test for your job? Or are you not required?
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Comment #4 posted by BGreen on October 29, 2006 at 07:27:00 PT
30 years of proof of success in the Netherlands
The Netherlands has had a successful 30 year experiment regarding cannabis and they haven't changed their tactics because they've found more success than in any other country in the world.There's no mincing words here, people like Sandy Heverly are BOLD FACED LIARS.I wrote the following here at a month ago, but it deserves a reprint:After tolerating cannabis use and possession for over 30 years, and with a coffeeshop system harangued by the world leaders as causing a myriad of problems, how do the Dutch look at the problem of drivers under the influence of booze and cannabis?The thing that people HAVE to remember is that the Dutch are very pragmatic people. They tend to examine a problem based on the problem itself and offer up reasonable solutions to the real problems and ignore the non-problems.I watched the Dutch police set up a DWI checkpoint on a major city street called the Overtoom which brings traffic in and out of Amsterdam.They brought in a small bus load of Police officers and had motorcycle cops ready to chase down any fleeing autos.This is where my jaw dropped to the ground.The police stopped EVERY car, five at a time, pulled a disposable breathalyzer out of a big trash bag, and gave every single driver a breath test for booze. If they tested under the legal limit of .05% (ours is a higher .08%) then they were immediately released. It took about a minute total.This was the most substantial proof I've ever seen that the ONLY problem the Dutch have with substance abuse is with alcohol. They didn't make people stand on one foot, recite the Star Spangled Banner backwards or administer any of the "intoxication" tests that our government whines "aren't accurate for assessing marijuana intoxication."The Dutch have shown that so-called "marijuana intoxication" is a fallacy conjured up by the prohibitionists with the sole intent of frightening the public by extrapolating the effects of cannabis with the toxic poisoning of alcohol.The Reverend Bud Green
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Comment #3 posted by whig on October 29, 2006 at 07:16:07 PT
Stop DUI
Are they in favor of alcohol prohibition?
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Comment #2 posted by Had Enough on October 29, 2006 at 06:58:09 PT
Pull string to hear looped message.
Over and Over, Again my friend.But here is something not always heard.“My group, Stop DUI, is not shy about expressing its views and opinions regarding all entities of the criminal justice system including law enforcement.
 As crime victim advocates, if we thought for one nanosecond that police agencies were wasting resources on frivolous matters, we would be voicing those concerns loud and clear.”Well what are you waiting for? Come on Sandy let’s hear it. How is the violent crime rate in your state?How many people are arrested for pot and then go to jail vs. violent crime offenders?They didn’t program that data into your looped message did they?That string hanging out the side of your neck has been pulled so much, it is getting awfully tangled up.Just wondering. Will people be allowed to smoke in the casinos there if this passes? I think tobacco is allowed isn’t it?
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Comment #1 posted by cannabliss on October 29, 2006 at 06:34:01 PT
Go ahead...say it...
Prohibition (of alcohol) was a great success. Al Capone was a national hero. Ahh, the good old days... 
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