As We See It: Pot Measure a Bad Idea

As We See It: Pot Measure a Bad Idea
Posted by CN Staff on October 26, 2006 at 06:33:43 PT
Source: Santa Cruz Sentinel
Santa Cruz, CA -- Ballot measures often make for bad law, even when the intention is good. Measure K on the Santa Cruz city ballot is bad law, and we're not convinced that the goal makes much sense.Measure K would require the Santa Cruz Police Department to make marijuana laws the "lowest enforcement priority."
Let's say for the sake of argument that such a goal is what the community wants. Reading further, the measure is so loaded with impractical and expensive ideas that even a committed marijuana smoker might vote against it.We should point out that we're not convinced that marijuana is as harmless as some people say. We agree that in some cases medical marijuana makes sense, even though we have differences with the way California law allows for the drug to be dispensed.But we're willing to set aside that argument for another day. The issue at hand is Measure K itself, which would instill outside interference on a police department that functions better without such intrusion.For example, the measure would involve a "community oversight committee" that would "oversee" cases in which a marijuana arrest is made.What a horrible idea. There already are a number of controls on the department. And, more importantly, police officers are sworn to uphold the laws of the state of California. That pledge supersedes any local law.Even if such a committee made sense, another aspect of the measure would only add to a police officer's duty: a "supplemental report form" that would be designed by the overseeing committee that would have to be submitted within seven days of an arrest, citation or property seizure.This measure is impractical at best.And, in all likelihood, aspects of it are probably illegal. In an impartial analysis on the ballot, the City Attorney's Office expresses doubt about the legality of several provisions. The most serious, in our mind, is that the measure would "subject the city and individual police officers to civil litigation for enforcing state marijuana laws."This measure is a non-starter. We'll acknowledge an argument by its proponents: that the federal "war on drugs" is a failure.But that doesn't mean that Santa Cruz should pass such an irresponsible measure. Also, it just looks bad that much of the funding for the bill comes from outside the area.A wealthy Cleveland resident, Peter Lewis, has put forward more than $30,000 to help with the measure.Measure K is not thought through. It's not a good idea for Santa Cruz to embrace. Even those who believe in the legalization of marijuana should realize that imposing unreasonable restrictions on the police would only hurt them as they go about the job.Vote no on Measure K.Source: Santa Cruz Sentinel (CA)Published: October 26, 2006 Copyright: 2006 Santa Cruz SentinelContact: editorial santa-cruz.comWebsite: -- Cannabis Archives
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Comment #5 posted by The GCW on October 27, 2006 at 19:55:35 PT
A sick class of people.
Imagine that, more police want to perpetuate cannabis cagings.... Santa Cruz Police Department ...Cops are one of the biggest cannabis prohibitionists in America. 
People; a whole occupation class, so intent on caging humans for using a plant... A sick class of people.Everywhere cannabis reform goes, cops are there to protect their jobs.Police unions support terrorism by perpetuating the laws of prohibition.
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Comment #4 posted by whig on October 26, 2006 at 10:23:22 PT
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Comment #3 posted by Toker00 on October 26, 2006 at 10:07:32 PT
Surrender the DEA to the People.
"We should point out that we're not convinced that marijuana is as harmless as some people say."Say, you, we're not saying it's harmless! We are saying it is LESS HARMFUL! Learn it, say it. The Facts support it."We agree that in some cases medical marijuana makes sense,..."Then your next step is to agree that Cannabis Prohibition makes No sense."For example, the measure would involve a "community oversight committee" that would "oversee" cases in which a marijuana arrest is made."Worried about cops being busted for crookedness? Worried that you would see, first hand, the corruption we've been printing out and handing you that has always been going on?"Even if such a committee made sense, another aspect of the measure would only add to a police officer's duty: a "supplemental report form"..."And yet you voice no problem with the twisted perverted ever changing ILLEGAL laws and rules the IRS puts us (and our tax preparers) all through each year..."This measure is a non-starter. We'll acknowledge an argument by its proponents: that the federal "war on drugs" is a failure."Now THAT statement is gonna reverberate in DC. Why would the people, or their government, support a continuation of wasted tax dollars on a proven FAILED policy, vs. TREMENDOUS legally taxed revenue? This is a no brain-er, and the WAR ON US is coming to an end.And we, you know us, The People, will acknowledge how long you continue a war on us after PUBLICALLY admitting it is, (and has been for a very long time, my emphasis) a failed DOMESTIC policy. WAR CRIMES. We Won. Wage Peace on war. END CANNABIS PROHIBITION NOW!
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Comment #2 posted by Truth on October 26, 2006 at 08:15:51 PT
Vote YES on K!
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Comment #1 posted by global_warming on October 26, 2006 at 07:21:27 PT
The cannabis prohibition is crumbling, and it's an ugly sight to see grown up drug warriors crying..
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