NORML E-Zine Volume 2 Issue 8 

NORML E-Zine Volume 2 Issue 8 
Posted by FoM on July 26, 1999 at 19:10:31 PT
July 1999
Source: NORML
 The NORML E-Zine is a free monthly compilation of major news items regarding marijuana policy. Text of full stories is available on NORML's website.
TOP STORIES NORML Calls On Congress To Stop Arresting Marijuana Smokers NORML Executive Director R. Keith Stroup, Esq. testified before Congress on July 13 to advocate for the legalization of marijuana. "Marijuana prohibition is a dismal and costly failure," he said. "The debate over marijuana policy in this country needs to expand beyond our current parameters to include an analysis of (1) decriminalizing the marijuana smoker and (2) legalizing and regulating the sale of marijuana to eliminate the black market." Stroup was one of eight panelists invited to appear before the Committee on Government Reform, Subcommittee on Criminal Justice, Drug Policy and Human Resources.READ NORML'S TESTIMONY ONLINE: Drug War Priorities Shift From Hard Drugs To Marijuana, Arrest Figures Reveal: arrests more than doubled since 1990 while, at the same time, the percentage of arrests for the sale and manufacture of cocaine and heroin fell by over 50 percent, a preliminary analysis of drug arrest statistics by The NORML Foundation found.LEGISLATIVE NEWS Governor Balks As Medical Marijuana Task Force Recommendations Move Forward In California Senate Governor Gray Davis' office announced that he opposes recommendations made by the "Attorney General's Task Force on Medical Marijuana," and would likely veto legislation that seeks to implement them. The 30-member task force recommended the establishment of a voluntary state-run registry that would issue ID cards to qualified medical marijuana patients and caregivers. DOWNLOAD A COPY OF THE BILL FROM THE CALIFORNIA STATE SENATE: MEDICAL MARIJUANA Feds Ease Restrictions On United States' Only Legal Marijuana-Based Drug Federal drug enforcement officials reclassified synthetic THC, marketed as Marinol, as a Schedule III controlled substance. The ruling allows doctors greater flexibility to prescribe the drug.MARINOL FAQS:http://www.marinol.comCanada: Marijuana In AIDS Treatment Study Likely To Begin This Year Canada's federal health agency, Health Canada, has requested a Toronto research group to design the country's first ever clinical trial on marijuana in AIDS treatment. HEMP Hawaii: Gov. Signs Hemp Cultivation Bill, Legislators Anticipate Fall Planting Governor Ben Cayetano (D) signed legislation authorizing hemp cultivation for research purposes. House Bill 32 permits "privately funded ... research on the agronomic potential of industrial hemp." Alterna Applied Research Laboratories, a California company that markets hemp-based hair products, is investing $200,000 to help finance the cultivation project.READ THE BILL ONLINE: To Apply For Federal Permits To Grow Hemp Gov. Jesse Ventura (Reform) signed legislation that mandates state officials to seek federal permission to cultivate hemp. The hemp provision, included in House File 878, the House Omnibus State Government Finance Bill, also establishes a state registry for farmers seeking to grow the crop. Support NORML's efforts to change marijuana policy and educate the public to alternatives to marijuana prohibition. You can donate online at: 
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Comment #1 posted by FoM on July 26, 1999 at 19:19:23 PT
NORML's E-Zine June Issue
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NORML's E-Zine June Issue
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