Pot Initiative on Ballot Pot Initiative on Ballot Posted by CN Staff on July 27, 2006 at 17:03:26 PT By Hannah Heineman, Mirror Staff Writer Source: Santa Monica Mirror Calif. -- After hearing from the community, Santa Monica’s City Council has decided to place an initiative on the November ballot that would make adult marijuana use the lowest priority for the police department. The Council had limited options regarding the initiative since supporters were able to obtain more than enough signatures for it to qualify for the ballot (7,335 people signed the petition). Either they had to allow the voters to decide or adopt it as an ordinance. Councilmember Kevin McKeown summed up the consensus of the Council that it was better to place the initiative on the ballot since it wasn’t locally generated. “The precise language that was given to us [from the Marijuana Policy Project out of Washington D.C.] creates problems we don’t need and solves problems we don’t have. Our efforts to negotiate a resolution that could be adopted as an ordinance failed.” He also mentioned there would most likely be a “robust public debate.” The Council had initially discussed the issue on June 27, but delayed a decision so City staff could do an analysis on the issue. Santa Monica Police Chief James T. Butts prepared that analysis in the form of an impact report. Butts noted that the proposed initiative “fails to define what quantifiable amount of marijuana would equate to an amount possessed for personal use versus an amount possessed for purposes of sales.”It also “fails to distinguish marijuana from concentrated cannabis, i.e. “hashish” and “hash oil” and “fails to address marijuana cultivation for personal use which under current law are felonies.” He also concluded that the proposed ordinance would cause his department to have to ignore calls about public marijuana use, the smell of marijuana which “often provides the basis of a significant investigation,” strict time consuming reporting requirements for marijuana offenders and “require the police department to ensure that all other requests for police services (including barking dogs, parking violations, construction noise, reports and other non-emergency calls) are handled before a police officer is dispatched to a call involving an adult in possession of marijuana on private property.” Nicki La Rosa from Santa Monicans for Sensible Marijuana Policy (SMSMP) told the Council many of Chief Butts’ assertions about the initiative “are directly at odds with actual text of the initiative.” Vicki Norris also disagreed with the staff report by noting a similar initiative has been successful in Seattle. “While the police were initially against it, they came to appreciate that arrests have gone down, use has not gone up and they can concentrate their time on violent and other serious crimes.” Jack Cole, a retired undercover narcotics police officer, agreed with Norris. “By doing this you can perhaps even save lives. I believe law enforcement could use their time better because now they are spending so much time and energy chasing around marijuana smokers.” Resident Rita Loenthal urged the Council to support the initiative by noting, “The goal in the larger sense is to deal with the criminal justice system and the failed drug policy in this country. Things have to start somewhere. Certainly, Santa Monica can contribute…to the larger scope of this whole problem.” Others spoke about the medical use of marijuana. Luciano Hernandez, also from SMSMP, noted, “Marijuana is not a cause of cancer from the latest research. Medical marijuana is a valid, legally prescribed medicine the State of California has approved.” Tricia Roth M.D., the Chair of the local Substance Abuse Committee of the Academy of Pediatrics, disagreed by stating, “There’s no scientific evidence that says marijuana is not a cancer risk. There is a recent incidence of leukemia in children of parents who smoked marijuana.” Source: Santa Monica Mirror (CA)Author: Hannah Heineman, Mirror Staff WriterPublished: July 27, 2006Copyright: 2006 Santa Monica MirrorContact: Mirror200 aol.comWebsite: Monicans for Sensible MJ Policy -- Cannabis Archives Home Comment Email Register Recent Comments Help Comment #6 posted by FoM on July 28, 2006 at 11:29:08 PT Storm Crow That's OK. That has happened to many people. It's simple for me to fix. [ Post Comment ] Comment #5 posted by Storm Crow on July 28, 2006 at 11:24:27 PT oops! Double posted! My machine was having trouble posting and I tried again! Sorry FOM! [ Post Comment ] Comment #3 posted by Storm Crow on July 28, 2006 at 11:11:54 PT My rebuttal to the cancer/ leukemia lie! --US war on drugs stalling mind blowing research into pot's cancer-healing properties - The endogenouys cannabinoid, anandamide, induces cell death in colorectal carcinoma cells. -Anti-tumor effects of cannabidiol, a non psychotrophic cannabinoid (glioma) - Cannabis may help combat cancer -Hypothesis:Cannabinoid therapy for treatment of gliomas? HempPharm/leukemia01.html - Cannabis induced Cytotoxicity in Leukaemic cell lines - Cannabinoid receptor as a novel target for the treatment of Prostate cancer - Cannabinoids and breast cancer - Cannabinoids and Glioma Cannabinoids induce apoptosis in pancreatic tumor cells THC inhibits cell cycle progression in human breast cancer Cannabinoids inhibit the vascular endothelial growth factor pathway in gliomas Inhibition of glioma growth in vivo by selective activation of CB2 receptor1 Cannabis induced cytotoxicity in leukemic cell lines Antineoplastic activity of cannabinoidsI think that about says it all! [ Post Comment ] Comment #2 posted by Wayne on July 28, 2006 at 05:02:12 PT there they are again... The bloody AAP, spouting propaganda once again..."Tricia Roth M.D., the Chair of the local Substance Abuse Committee of the Academy of Pediatrics disagreed by stating, 'There’s no scientific evidence that says marijuana is not a cancer risk. There is a recent incidence of leukemia in children of parents who smoked marijuana.'”Ummm, you obviously missed the UCLA study saying just that. There IS NO cancer risk! Where did you get that from? Stop telling lies! Oh, and stop dragging the children into it, this is an initiative for adults only! Don't make this into something it is not!Get your grubby government hands out of it and let the adults decide for themselves. We are not children, so stop treating us as such! [ Post Comment ] Comment #1 posted by mayan on July 27, 2006 at 18:19:19 PT What's to Fear? The Council had initially discussed the issue on June 27, but delayed a decision so City staff could do an analysis on the issue. Santa Monica Police Chief James T. Butts prepared that analysis in the form of an impact report.Sure, let's have the Police Chief prepare the analysis He won't be biased!Vicki Norris also disagreed with the staff report by noting a similar initiative has been successful in Seattle. “While the police were initially against it, they came to appreciate that arrests have gone down, use has not gone up and they can concentrate their time on violent and other serious crimes.”What? Seattle hasn't joined Al Qaeda?THE WAY OUT IS THE WAY IN...According to the FBI’s 10 Most Wanted List, Osama Bin Laden is NOT wanted for the crimes of 9/11: Spread it far and wide! [ Post Comment ] Post Comment