Medicinal Marijuana Needs To Be Accepted 

Medicinal Marijuana Needs To Be Accepted 
Posted by CN Staff on July 19, 2006 at 11:29:11 PT
By Zachary T. Eckels, Kansas State Collegian 
Source: Kansas State Collegian
Kansas -- I have long questioned why marijuana isn’t legal for recreational use. Study after study has proven it to be less dangerous than many of the substances we introduce to our bodies on a daily basis. I’ve finally come to terms with the fact that some people will remain close-minded about this plant for the rest of their lives. It’s a horrible thing that many men and women have to spend time in jail for a victimless crime, but I suppose that’s just how things have to be.
What I fail to understand is how a government can deny this plant to people who are using it medicinally. When all the side effects are taken into consideration, even aspirin appears to be a more dangerous drug. Sadly, after originally welcoming the marijuana hubs, San Francisco has shown to the world that there are many people who still don’t understand medicinal marijuana. After hearing concerns from local merchants and residents, the city’s planning commission rejected the green cross permit to add a dispensary to Fisherman’s Wharf. What bothers me the most about their requests, which led to an already built store remaining unused, is that they cited that it would lower their quality of life. And, if you don’t find this totally absurd, you probably have the same false views of what was actually making its way onto the wharf. You see, a marijuana dispensary is much more like a pharmacy than a local bar. Upon entering the store, patients requiring marijuana for medicinal use would have had to show their government-issued marijuana card and a doctor’s note before being served. After they made their selection from the 55 different strains of marijuana that would have been offered, they would have had to make their way out of the store. Unlike many of the San Francisco dispensaries, people would not have been smoking on the premises and security guards would have been in place. Still uncomfortable that dying citizens might actually enjoy their final days too close to the wharf? Well, you can at least be sure that the owners would have been suitable for the job. All owners must first pass criminal and employment background checks before they pay for their permit and business license. But after all of this, people still feared an increase in crime in their neighborhood. It’s almost like America still believes the movie “Reefer Madness” was real. That one inhalation of Satan’s drug of choice will suddenly drive one insane, leading to the murders of thousands. If this were true, I’m pretty sure Woodstock would have had a much different outcome. So, what did people really have to fear? Honestly, after watching five minutes of commercials you are pretty likely to see an advertisement for some new drug with worse side effects. According to -- -- marijuana is even unlikely to cause head, neck or lung cancer, as once popularly believed. It’s impossible to overdose on, non-addictive and does not kill brain cells. As I stated earlier, I’ve come to terms that such a harmless plant can be withheld from recreational use due to the ignorance of those in power. However, there is no reason to let that ignorance lead to the sick suffering any more than they should. Zachary T. Eckels is a senior in print journalism. Newshawk: Mayan Source: Kansas State Collegian (KS Edu)Author: Zachary T. Eckels, Kansas State Collegian Published: Wednesday, July 19, 2006 Copyright: 2006 Kansas State CollegianContact: opinion spub.ksu.eduWebsite: Articles & Web Site:The Green Cross Commission Denies Permit for Wharf Pot Club May Help Combat Cancer Finds No Cancer, Marijuana Connection
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Comment #29 posted by museman on July 21, 2006 at 11:05:10 PT
why do anything?
"i just think it's funny that religious folks feel the need to tell athiest folks that they are wrong or that they won't be saved.."I think it's equally funny that people who value freedom should want to point out the fact that the 'folks' who make, and enforce the marijuana laws might be in error. Why can't we just live and let live?LOl! Just think of all the funnyness involved in the Republican/Corporate wealthy attempting to destroy the planet, us folks who want something to be left for our children in 20 years should be ashamed of ourselves for having anything to say. What right do we have?Error is error whether the erroneous see their error or not. If this new age that is dawning is held hostage to the unbeliever, like an obstinant filibuster in the house, I do think that someone, like maybe G_W or me has more than a right ot point out the error, we have a responsibility. Of course as the saying goes; "you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make 'em drink."
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Comment #28 posted by FoM on July 20, 2006 at 15:47:27 PT
I understand what you mean. I don't like telling even my dog what to do yet another person. I believe what works for me is just for me and no one else. I haven't walked in anyone elses shoes.
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Comment #27 posted by mars on July 20, 2006 at 15:43:26 PT:
I was directing my comment to global_warming who said, if you do not believe in God and the deeper mysteries of soul and the inner whisperings of your chemical existencehope you have a good lawyer, who can argue for your salvationwhich i took to mean if i don't believe in god, i better have a good lawyer so i can still be saved (salvation).. so even though i dont believe in god, there's a chance i could be saved... ?? gee thanks for letting me know. i just think it's funny that religious folks feel the need to tell athiest folks that they are wrong or that they won't be saved.. as if we care lol.. it's akin to fundamentalists telling other religions they are wrong.. how about focusing on yourself and your actions and live and let live!global also says they don't have a clue about salvation, they are so busy making money, they don't have any 'time for salvation... which again to me is funny.. perhaps i don't care about salvation because i do not believe in god or organized religion! it surely isn't because i'm too busy making money as i help run a non-profit and barely make ends meet lolreligion and politics.. ugh
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Comment #26 posted by mayan on July 20, 2006 at 06:09:12 PT
Weed Watch - Goose Creek Police Geese: groups aim to lessen drug penalties: Cruz marijuana ballot measure could face legal challeneges: City Council officials fail to block marijuana:
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Comment #25 posted by afterburner on July 19, 2006 at 23:48:30 PT
"He [God] warned the Jewish people that they would regret their desire to have a human king. He gave them Saul and taxes and all the unhappiness that comes from having a human king. He was usual." So much for the "Divine Right of Kings." God did not intend kings to rule, but judges instead. And not judges with their hands handcuffed behind their backs by mandatory minimums!EuphoriaMain Entry: eu·pho·ria 
Pronunciation: yü-'for-E-&
Function: noun
Etymology: New Latin, from Greek, from euphoros healthy, from eu- + pherein to bear -- more at BEAR
: a feeling of well-being or elationDysphoriaMain Entry: dys·pho·ria 
Pronunciation: dis-'for-E-&
Function: noun
Etymology: New Latin, from Greek, from dysphoros hard to bear, from dys- + pherein to bear -- more at BEAR
: a state of feeling unwell or unhappy "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness" that's what our nation was promised, not slavery and never-ending unhappiness. Wellness not sickness. How dare the arrogant bureaucrats of the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches of government deny us the American Dream.ego destruction (the devolving anti-society of masters and slaves and sickness and unhappiness) and/or ego transcendence (the evolving society of lovers and families and well-being and happiness): it's the choice of a new millennium.
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Comment #24 posted by ekim on July 19, 2006 at 20:30:15 PT
David Garman tell (KS Edu) what 10 fold means.
pleasse Zac give some thought to having Kansas be a energy independant car transportation fuel producer.---first find out what and how much a 10-fold improvement in the economics of breaking down cellulosic material (plant matter) and other complex carbohydrates into fermentable sugars, means in real money. like how much does ethanol cost to make. ---- second invite someone from the National Renewable Energy Lab in Golden Co come to your school and talk about these new Industrial enzymes. Remember this work has been going on for several years it cost 17 million for three year contract between the Gov't and Genencor back in 2000. If you google Genencor --it has been sold to a Danish food com. you might want to ask the NREL rep if this still stands - "The United States is the world's leader in agriculture and biotechnology and the Department's biomass research and development efforts take advantage of that position,"Genencor Meets First Technical Milestone in Biomass to Ethanol Project
Genencor Labs, Palo Alto, California 
Genencor International, Inc. announced that it has achieved its first technical milestone in its three-year contract with the U.S. Department of Energy Biofuels Program. Genencor developed and validated processes for improved cellulase enzymes that meet the intended objective at one-half the cost of currently available technologies. "Advances in molecular biology and functional genomics enable us to push the frontiers of commercial development and we're pleased to be making progress toward developing new enzyme systems to accomplish the goal of this project," said Michael Arbige, Ph.D, Senior Vice President and Chief Technology Officer.
The goal of the program is to develop new enzyme systems for the economic conversion of plant matter into ethanol and other valuable materials. DOE has determined that the cost of converting biomass into useable form is a critical stumbling block to producing biofuels and chemicals from renewable raw materials.Specifically, Genencor and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory are working to deliver enzyme systems enabling a 10-fold improvement in the economics of breaking down cellulosic material (plant matter) and other complex carbohydrates into fermentable sugars. "The United States is the world's leader in agriculture and biotechnology and the Department's biomass research and development efforts take advantage of that position," said David Garman, the U.S. Department of Energy's Assistant Secretary for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy. "The President's Energy Policy promotes the development of renewable energy sources and we look to biomass for significant contributions to reducing America's dependence on foreign oil."
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Comment #23 posted by mayan on July 19, 2006 at 18:22:13 PT
It all boils down to freedom. Are we or aren't we? Who has the right to say what plants can and cannot be used? Before we export democracy maybe we should import some of it...and a whole lot of FREEDOM! THE WAY OUT IS THE WAY IN...Pentagon Papers Author Daniel Ellsberg Says Government May Have Carried Out 9/11: COMMENTATOR THREATENS 9/11 ACTIVIST: O'Reilly suggests he should be "floating in the river": Towers Story (video): Announces 2.3 Trillion Missing on 9/10/01 (video):
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Comment #22 posted by lombar on July 19, 2006 at 17:35:44 PT
Oh Save us!!!
We thought our salvation would come from the courts, we were wrong. We hope our salvation will come from politics but tis politics that damns us to the shadows. Perhaps our saviors ride wheelchairs... OH Save us from the wicked who would cage me for touching, growing, ingesting a non-toxic plant... .. :)Main Entry: sal·va·tion
Pronunciation: sal-'vA-sh&n
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English salvacion, from Anglo-French, from Late Latin salvation-, salvatio, from salvare to save -- more at SAVE3 a : preservation from destruction or failure b : deliverance from danger or difficulty 
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Comment #21 posted by FoM on July 19, 2006 at 17:28:51 PT
I don't have any problems with a person who is an atheist. People are people. We are made differently and we have a right to think about our own spiritual matters ourselves. Most people are set in their ways and I respect that. 
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Comment #20 posted by global_warming on July 19, 2006 at 17:23:00 PT
they don't have a clue about salvation,they are so busy making money,they don't have any 'time for salvation.Yet there is a paradox,for some see a question of salvation,some see their existence in this worldsome see a world that is so busy with consumptionthe atheist and the sinner co-exist
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Comment #19 posted by museman on July 19, 2006 at 17:09:16 PT
i ain't religious
"why do religious people get so weird about atheism?"Better to ask the question; "Why do so many (people) rely on semantic secular categorization of every little piece of the puzzle as some sort of be-all box into which to put their fragmented information, and call it knowledge?"or in terms an "Atheist" might understand;"Pity the fool."
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Comment #18 posted by Hope on July 19, 2006 at 16:43:04 PT
The Cannabis "side effect" that they so hate
is euphoria. What's so wrong with euphoria?I was euphoric at the sight of each of my new born's faces. I was euphoric when my mother's cancer was destroyed. Chocolate or a beautiful pair of new shoes can bring one euphoria. A phone call from the right special person can make one euphoric. Do they need to rip out all our phone lines? What is their problem with a bit of euphoria...if you're lucky or blessed enough to get to enjoy it? If it eases their troubled and fearful minds any, I can tell them that, in fact, one doesn't always experience the effect of euphoria when they use cannabis. Not using now doesn't mean that I haven't used it ever. I have. And I promise them...they don't necessarily get euphoria, joy, or bliss. Sometimes it's just nice or just pleasant. It depends on how you are and how you feel to begin with.But ...oh's nothing to kill or inprison anyone before. 
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Comment #17 posted by museman on July 19, 2006 at 16:41:39 PT
Re Creation
Re-creation is a fine thing. All manner of tools, toys, devices, aids, definitions, and meanings come into play. Assuming however that the root meaning of the word actually means "to create again" than one must take under serious consderation just exactly what is being re-created. As a creative artist, early on I had an aversion to repetitive and redundant musical phrasing (which is one reason why mainstream and I never crossed paths). I had the same aversion to mundane thinking; I reasoned, "why bother thinking at all, if it's just going to be the same pat phrases and rhetoric that pases for conversation in most places." Thus I have had the opportunity to create, and then re-create. Choosing the manner and standards of re-creation is a right and privilege seemingly claimed by few, when the result is such a short and shallow experience as to be had in most American living rooms in front of the tube, or (shudder) a bar! The idea of having to go hang out with a bunch of self-inflicted numb-brains as found in alcoholic lounges in order to complete my necessary acoutrement for 're-creation', is like giving me a choice between Kerry and Bush for president. No thank you.
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Comment #16 posted by mars on July 19, 2006 at 16:29:58 PT
re: a post by global_warming 
"if you do not believe in God, and the deeper mysteries of soul and the inner whisperings of your chemical existence, hope you have a good lawyer, who can argue for your salvation."jesus! (pun intended)
why do religious people get so weird about atheism?if a person doesn't believe in god, why would they care about their "salvation" ??
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Comment #15 posted by Hope on July 19, 2006 at 16:12:58 PT
Release them from this slavery and cruelty and horror they are being subjected to. Let my people be free and healthy and whole!
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Comment #14 posted by Hope on July 19, 2006 at 16:08:58 PT
Those people who are against us and
for prohibition, for whatever reason they might think they have, need to realize they are being manipulated by the system for the sake of money...for the system.It's a fact. It really is and they are being deluded.It's so hard to see all the injustice and cruelty. So hard. The system wants bloodshed and fear and it makes money hand over fist for them. Oh, Lord.I'm glad Keith Richards is being pardoned, but what about the rest of us? What about the man who isn't as talented or beloved as Keith Richards? What about them? What about all of us? What about what the rest of us think of Arkansas? What about what the rest of think is happening to our nation and the world.Don't say to me..."Don't use and you won't be afraid."Expletive! Expletive! Expletive!I don't use and I'm horrified at the effect on everyone, users and non users, alike. Don't they understand? Don't they care about anyone else?No they don't. That's hideously obvious. I'm afraid of what it might take to make the hard hearted, deceived and ignorant come around to the truth.I know that even 1000 innocent people killed won't open their eyes. That's already happened. Power drunk prohibitionists are endangering every living soul on the face of the earth with their dangerous and deadly, and oh so stupid, and TRULY SINFUL obsession. We all have to pay the huge tax on their sin. They are all drunk on power and unreasonable hatred and they so desire to control others and deprive others of life and freedom. They are drunkenly wielding their power to kill, imprison, and terrorize anyone they want.God, Himself is an anarchist. He warned the Jewish people that they would regret their desire to have a human king. He gave them Saul and taxes and all the unhappiness that comes from having a human king. He was usual.Trying to peel loose this pain and sorrow and give it to God. "Set my people free!"
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Comment #13 posted by global_warming on July 19, 2006 at 16:04:07 PT
may you find understanding and peace in your heart and soul.
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Comment #12 posted by global_warming on July 19, 2006 at 15:56:25 PT
The Eternal
Where there is no experts, or Lawyers,Eternity defies explanation,Eternity is IlluminatedIn this writIn all of 'our footpaths
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Comment #11 posted by global_warming on July 19, 2006 at 15:46:35 PT
remember to pay your tax
like good soldiers,and bring flowers to the graves,
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Comment #10 posted by global_warming on July 19, 2006 at 15:31:00 PT
excuse me
a more favorable impression than the arrest,if you 'reader are reading this from your dungeon,Hail, the Prince is walking through our town,Bow ever so deeply, for you can have your head cut off,The many sick and dieing would prefer that the state of ceaser could end this this terminal suffering, as Ceaser has said, the law is the law, and death will be denied in the courts of Ceaser, remember to pay your taxes, that filthy payoff in this GodLess Universe, take your fond memories of this life, into your Eternal, 
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Comment #9 posted by FoM on July 19, 2006 at 15:08:06 PT
A Different Type of Article
Ark. Gov. To Pardon Keith Richards‘ Ticket Staff and agencies July 19, 20062 hours, 46 minutes ago LITTLE ROCK, Ark. - As the bass guitarist for an obscure rock band, Mike Huckabee is unlikely ever to have the pleasure of giving the downbeat to world-famous Keith Richards , lead guitarist for the legendary Rolling Stones. The state Parole Board has approved a pardon application prepared by Huckabee and his chief lawyer. The board posted its official notice Tuesday; within 30 days, the pardon will be forwarded to Huckabee for final action. A Fordyce officer saw the car swerve — Richards said later he bent to adjust the radio — and stopped the vehicle. Police said they smelled the odor of marijuana, and took the foursome to City Hall. On July 3, the state Parole Board approved an application for clemency submitted on Richards‘ behalf. The application form said the request was prepared by "Governor Mike Huckabee — Chief Counsel Milton Fine." A New York publicist for the Stones, Fran Curtis, told the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette newspaper of Little Rock that she knew nothing about the application, the board‘s action, or what Huckabee might plan to do. Messages left at a telephone number listed on the application for Richards‘ manager, Jane Rose of New York City, weren‘t returned, the newspaper said. The governor is clear about his respect for Richards‘ skills. Huckabee, who has said he is considering a run for president in 2008, said he got the idea for a pardon when he realized that Richards‘ impression of Arkansas "was marred by a misdemeanor traffic stop." Huckabee said pardoning Richards might leave a more favorable impression than the arrest. Copyright: 2006 The Associated Press
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Comment #8 posted by FoM on July 19, 2006 at 15:03:49 PT
Someday and I hope soon it will happen like you are saying. I don't like to use the word recreational because it really isn't a party substance to me. It's a social substance that allows people to laugh and talk and share ideas. The word recreational makes me think of people whoopin and a hollerin while under the influence of alcohol.
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Comment #7 posted by whig on July 19, 2006 at 14:53:44 PT
Do you think cannabis is a vice?
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Comment #6 posted by whig on July 19, 2006 at 14:50:52 PT
Nothing wrong with anarchism, properly understood. We shouldn't want chaos, disorder, violence in the streets, but that's just what the PTB want you to think would happen if they didn't "protect" you.The truth is, people can live together peacefully without any of us having legal or political "power" over another. Each of us can be equals, treat one another with mutual respect, and join together for mutual purposes without it ever requiring any of us to subjugate ourselves.
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Comment #5 posted by Its_only_a_plant on July 19, 2006 at 14:42:01 PT
Tax dollars
Just curious, I wonder how many tax $$ holland receives from Amsterdams coffee shops. I wonder why if our country is in such horrible financial shape because of our huge defecit our legislators don't utilize the recreational popularity of MJ and slap users with a sin tax like on alcohol and tobacco. I'm sure most people like myself would more than gladly pay taxes on our vice of choice IF we could go down to the local liquor store and choose from 80 varieties of MJ.
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Comment #4 posted by global_warming on July 19, 2006 at 14:37:08 PT
if you do not believe in God, and the deeper mysteries of soul and the inner whisperings of your chemical existence, hope you have a good lawyer, who can argue for your salvation.
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Comment #3 posted by global_warming on July 19, 2006 at 14:27:09 PT
A-men sista
May God help all of us, 
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Comment #2 posted by Hope on July 19, 2006 at 12:41:18 PT
Republics supposedly protect minorities.
We have neither the benefits in this country of a Republic or a Democracy. Only people who call themselves Republicans and Democrats and are nothing but bought and paid for corporate puppets. It's really a tyranny run by corporate wealth. They treat us not like free people...and with respect, but, quite literally, like slaves, to be controlled and punished at their evil whims. Anarchy looks better every day.I'm being tempted, again, to hate and despise.God help me.
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Comment #1 posted by Wayne on July 19, 2006 at 11:47:57 PT
amen brotha!
Finally, someone who puts it in print. That not only does marijuana have medical benefit, but it is also a RECREATIONAL substance. That is an aspect that, in the media, is too often overlooked. We should be seeing more of this stuff in print, that we shouldn't be afraid to admit that marijuana is a GREAT alternative to alcohol and tobacco, and its viability as a recreational substance. I think the government is in complete denial about its medical usefulness, and I don't see that changing any time soon...simply because it is smokeable.I think we will have more success if people start taking the stance of marijuana being a great RECREATIONAL substance that just happens to have medical opposed to a medical substance that might be used recreationally. It's closer to the truth, anyway...
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