Cancer Patient Wants Medicinal Pot Legalized Cancer Patient Wants Medicinal Pot Legalized Posted by CN Staff on July 15, 2006 at 19:04:30 PT By John Michalak, Daily Tribune Staff Writer Source: Daily Tribune Hazel Park, MI -- A city activist undergoing chemotherapy for mantel cell lymphoma is at the forefront of an effort to legalize marijuana for medicinal purposes.Lloyd Sherman, 51, wants the issue put before Hazel Park voters. He received help Tuesday from Councilman Andy LeCureaux who, at a city council meeting, asked the city attorney to research the issue. Ferndale and Detroit voters in recent years have approved similar ballot issues."Lloyd Sherman wanted us to bring up the medical marijuana initiative," LeCureaux said. "I think there is support for that in our community. I'm asking that we look into it and possibly place it on the November ballot."LeCureaux acknowledged police still would have to follow state and federal laws regarding marijuana even if city voters approved the initiative. However, he suggested the laws could be given "low priority" if a ballot initiative is supported by residents."This would be an ordinance to protect those who are ill," LeCureaux said. "This would send a message to elected (state and federal) representatives that there is a groundswell of support."Sherman said he came to support such a question after seeing the pain and suffering of cancer patients his visits to the hospital."I would like to see it on the ballot. I want anything that can help," Sherman said Wednesday from his home. He was unable to attend the council meeting because of the effects of chemotherapy. "I want legislators to get off the dime and do something."Sherman said he hasn't used marijuana during his battle with mantel cell lymphoma.Proponents say marijuana helps ease pain and suffering and aids the appetite of severely ill persons.Opponents say medical marijuana already exists in a prescribed drug called Marinol.It contains THC, an active ingredient in marijuana found to relieve nausea and vomiting associated with chemotherapy in cancer patients and helps with the loss of appetite with AIDS patients, according to a U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration Web site. There are no FDA-approved medications that are smoked.Sherman, like LeCureaux, is a Libertarian Party member. The Libertarians, Sherman said, want to regulate drugs now considered illegal so people can use them legally."The idea isn't to promote drug use," Sherman said. "It's just the opposite. You wouldn't have street and black-market economies."It makes no sense when you can ask a 15-year-old kid for a joint and he can get it in five minutes, then go to a pharmacy and can't get it," Sherman added.Hazel Park Police Chief David Niedermeier views the proposal as "more of a social comment" aimed at legislators in state and federal government."You can't pass a (local) law telling (police) not to enforce state and federal laws," Niedermeier said. "That would be like the city passing a law telling people not pay their state income taxes."Marijuana laws run from misdemeanors for possessing the substance to felonies for delivering and manufacturing it.City Attorney Arnold Shifman said he'll bring back the issue to council members.Sherman has been active in city politics for years and has served on several boards and commissions. He is married, with a daughter and three grandchildren.He was diagnosed with mantel cell lymphoma about three months ago when his neck swelled because of what he thought was an infection from a cat scratch. Following tests, Sherman soon went for his first chemotherapy treatment.Sherman's treatment is covered by his wife's insurance, but the mantel cell lymphoma forced him from his job at First Congregational Church of Royal Oak.LeCureaux, other friends in the city, and the Royal Oak church held a "victory" party Sunday for Sherman at Scout Park in Hazel Park. They raised more than $3,000 for the family's other expenses.Anyone who wants to donate to Lloyd Sherman Victory Fund can send checks to the Royal Oakland Community Credit Union, 3070 Normandy, Royal Oak, MI 48073.Note: Activist wants Hazel Park to follow lead of Ferndale, Detroit.Newshawk: Michael SegestaSource: Daily Tribune, The (Royal Oak, MI)Author: John Michalak, Daily Tribune Staff WriterPublished: July 13, 2006Copyright: 2006 The Daily TribuneContact: editor dailytribune.comWebsite: NORML Medical Marijuana Archives Home Comment Email Register Recent Comments Help Comment #9 posted by FoM on July 16, 2006 at 11:45:32 PT Max Flowers That sounds like what they are trying to do to Canada. [ Post Comment ] Comment #8 posted by Max Flowers on July 16, 2006 at 11:37:18 PT FoM Thanks for the welcome home. Yeah these chickens were funny and entertaining at all times except early in the morning when they were very annoying. Only because we had looked forward to sleeping in every day. No such luck.Kaua'i was beautiful, but not as paradise-like as we had imagined before going. Travel revelations are always such, though. Hawai'i has a sad history that I tried to keep out of my mind while there, but couldn't, unfortunately. A lot of people don't know that the USA basically mugged the Kingdom of Hawai'i for its islands at cannon-point in 1850 or so. It wasn't some sweet deal where everyone was happy. The bastards pointed their ship's cannons at their areas of densest population and their warriors (who only had spears and the like) and told the queen, "sign the annexation treaty or we will destroy you" and the queen, deciding to save her peoples' lives instead of fight a battle they couldn't possibly win, gave it up. And as a result, we have Hawai'i as the 50th state. [ Post Comment ] Comment #7 posted by FoM on July 16, 2006 at 06:30:57 PT Max Flowers Welcome home. That's funny about the psychotic feral chickens. Our closest neighbor has chickens and one of them sounds like it is hoarse when it crows. The chickens are about 800 feet from our house and one day I heard my one dog howling and then she would stop and then start and she kept it up. They sing along to music but I didn't have any music on at the time. I listened closely and when she stopped howling a rooster crowed. Then it stopped and she howled again. It was funny. Howling along to a rooster crowing. Only in the country. [ Post Comment ] Comment #6 posted by mayan on July 16, 2006 at 05:15:28 PT Sorry, But Cindy Speaks She deserves to be heard...Me, Hugo and George: [ Post Comment ] Comment #5 posted by mayan on July 16, 2006 at 04:47:51 PT Greed Sucks It sucks that there are those who feel compelled to create synthetic cannabinoids which don't have the "side-effects" of the real thing. Pharmaceutical drugs don't have side-effects? Golly Gee, Beav! With 100,000 dead Americans a year I'd say DEATH is definitely a side-effect! Pot-like chemical may relieve pain: are some more off-topic links. The pharmaceutical industry is just loaded with folks who have sold their souls for money...Drug Trials With a Dose of Doubt:,1,1542110.story?track=rss&ctrack=1&cset=trueFor those who missed this piece on a previous thread... Medical journal reveals that 70 percent of drug decision-making panel members have financial ties to industry: folks have no morals and play by no rules. The only thing we can do is expose them and hope the truth inspires people to choose wiser alternatives whenever possible.Afterburner, the globalists must have their puppets in place to help usher in the North American Union. [ Post Comment ] Comment #4 posted by Max Flowers on July 16, 2006 at 01:45:44 PT whig & all Welcome to California, whig and Mrs. Whig! I hope your transition is an easy one.I'm back from Kauai now. It was very interesting, especially getting woken up every day at about 5:00 a.m. (and then at 5:30, 5:45, 6:00, 6:30, etc.) by psychotic feral chickens!! [ Post Comment ] Comment #3 posted by afterburner on July 16, 2006 at 01:10:13 PT Wayne & mayan: Check it Out EVER GET THE FEELING YOU’VE BEEN CHEATED? Excerpt: "Harper [Canada], Calderon [Mexico], Bush [USA]: all elected by suspect margins of victory, all stooges for Big Oil, all making conscientious defenders of democracy feel like they’ve been cheated."WHAT MAKES CANADA PLAN B FOR AMERICAN WOMEN? Excerpts: {Next time you find yourself in line at the pharmacy, look around you. That woman requesting Plan B from the pharmacist may just be an American.In Canada, sales of Plan B, a.k.a. the morning after pill, have nearly doubled since being made available over–the–counter last spring. In January of 2005, Canadian pharmacies placed 23,000 orders for Plan B. Just over a year later, that number had risen to 41,000, a staggering jump that has many wondering if those numbers represent more than Canadian women. In fact, some say the barriers to emergency contraception down south have many American women jumping the border to get their hands on the drug.Women below the 49th parallel are increasingly having trouble getting emergency contraception, thanks in part to the Bush Administration’s harsh stance on women’s rights that’s stripped funding from family planning centres and frozen the FDA from reclassifying Plan B as over–the–counter (OTC). Unlike Canada, Plan B in the States is only available by prescription. And even though 60,000–120,000 prescriptions for Plan B are written stateside every year, many drug stores refuse to stock it, and some pharmacists simply won’t give it out citing religious or moral reasons. “One of the things women across the country are facing is people arbitrarily deciding that they don’t want to fill these prescriptions,” says Amy White, Director of Communications at Planned Parenthood in Buffalo.}{Since 2001, the FDA has heard numerous petitions from a number of organizations regarding the status of emergency contraception. Out of the two advisory committees held to discuss this matter, 23 out of 27 committee members recommended the drug for OTC availability, citing its proven safety and effectiveness. However, when it came time to announce their decision, the FDA offered concerns over adolescent use and increased promiscuity as a reason to delay their ruling further.These public morality conclusions are not only out of the jurisdiction of the FDA, studies say they’re just not true.}The US FDA is hopelessly politicized and therefore scientifically useless! [ Post Comment ] Comment #2 posted by Wayne on July 15, 2006 at 22:26:41 PT mayan Painfully, mayan, that is probably the most obvious secret that, oddly enough, seems to stay a secret. I can't for the life of me figure out why.I imagine all those parents out there saying, "Oh it would be so terrible if my kid started smoking pot!" I want to say to them so badly, "No, but it would be so terrible if your kid DIED."Marijuana is just an extreme example of how screwed up Americans' priorities really are. All this is going on, and all our money is being flushed away because of this... and people worry about gay marriage?? What is WITH people?? [ Post Comment ] Comment #1 posted by mayan on July 15, 2006 at 21:45:33 PT FDA Approved = Killer Meds There are no FDA-approved medications that are smoked.FDA approved medications kill 100,000 Americans a year. The dreaded "smoked" cannabis has never killed anyone. And what about VAPORIZORS???THE WAY OUT...WEBSTER TARPLEY INTERVIEWS PROFESSOR STEVE JONES (mp3): denounces Rep. Nass for stance on UW lecturer: Conspiracy In Vanity Fair: 9/11 to WW3: Member on MySpace: WAS AN INSIDE JOB - OUR NATION IS IN PERIL: [ Post Comment ] Post Comment