Report Unintentionally Argues Against Prohibition Report Unintentionally Argues Against Prohibition Posted by CN Staff on June 28, 2006 at 13:32:41 PT Editorial Source: Vancouver Sun Canada -- The 2006 World Drug Report of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime will, no doubt, convince many people that we haven't been diligent enough in prosecuting the war on drugs, that we have to step up our efforts to eradicate illicit drugs, particularly marijuana. But the report actually confirms that the war on drugs has been a dismal failure, that it has failed to decrease marijuana use and it has placed users in greater danger. So great is the threat from marijuana, the UN report authors believe, that they included a separate chapter titled Cannabis -- Why We Should Care, in its annual report. The chapter explains that 162 million people, or four per cent of the world's adult population, use cannabis annually, and that the number of users worldwide has jumped by 10 per cent since the late 1990s -- a larger increase than for any other drug. Further, the report notes two developments that it thinks should cause policy-makers to rethink their position on cannabis. First, marijuana potency has "increased dramatically in the last decade" in "the three countries at the vanguard of cannabis breeding and production technology" -- the United States, Canada and the Netherlands. This first development might be a cause of the second, which is that, according to medical evidence, "there has been an increase in acute health episodes" related to marijuana use. Consequently, the report suggests that many countries have been mistaken in making marijuana a low priority for enforcement. Now let's look at this evidence more closely. Clearly, we can't blame the rise in marijuana use on a laissez faire attitude toward the drug in Canada -- which, according to a Vancouver city council report, saw the cannabis offence rate rise by nearly 80 per cent between 1992 and 2002 -- or in the U.S., whose tough anti-drug measures need no further comment. But we can blame the rise in marijuana potency directly on the war on drugs. As the 2002 Senate report, which was ignored by both the current Conservative government and the former Liberal one, explained, growers produce the strongest pot possible because it's easier to trade. As more draconian laws were passed and enforcement was stepped up, it became more profitable to transport smaller quantities of potent drugs than large amounts of mild ones. The report even admits that "cannabis breeders in North America and Europe have been working to create more potent cannabis," but it seems unaware that this is a direct result of the criminalization of the drug. Since marijuana use and potency have both increased during the all-out war on drugs, it's abundantly clear that the war has been a failure. Indeed, the only way to control the purity of the product -- and thereby protect the health of the user -- is through the regulation of the growth and sale of marijuana. But don't expect to hear that from the UN agency any time soon, because it has been repeatedly bullied by the United States into promoting a prohibitionist ideology toward all recreational drugs. Regardless of what the agency says, its evidence its clear: The war on marijuana has failed to decrease drug use, and has increased the dangers faced by users. Complete Title: UN Drug Report Unintentionally Argues Against ProhibitionNewshawk: AfterburnerSource: Vancouver Sun (CN BC) Published: June 28, 2006Copyright: 2006 The Vancouver Sun Contact: sunletters Website: Related Articles:U.N.: Worldwide Marijuana Use Out of Control CAGW Report Calls Drug Policies a Waste Home Comment Email Register Recent Comments Help Comment #15 posted by afterburner on July 02, 2006 at 07:49:32 PT Public Email from Canadian Senator Larry Campbell From: Campbell, Larry W.: SEN. Sent: Tuesday, June 27, 2006 8:40 AM. Subject: Re: UNODC World Drug Report 2006 full of scientific insults. UNODC Executive Director, Antonio Maria Costa claims that the world is experiencing a devastating “cannabis pandemic”. This gentleman is the same person who said we were putting "cannabis oil" on pasta. It was pointed out that is was hemp oil which is not a sativa product. He didn't know the difference and appeared not to care. Simply another high paid UN stooge. Isn't it amazing that the US only supports the UN when they toe the US "drug war" line.Senator Larry Campbell Ps. Feel free to distribute this email. [ Post Comment ] Comment #14 posted by FoM on June 30, 2006 at 12:08:09 PT Toker00 It is amazing. Check out Neil's Living With War News Page. [ Post Comment ] Comment #13 posted by Toker00 on June 30, 2006 at 12:03:00 PT FoM Don't ya just love the Title of the tour? Is that appropriate for the times, or what? FoS Tour! Toke. [ Post Comment ] Comment #12 posted by FoM on June 30, 2006 at 06:57:39 PT Toker00 Happy Anniversary a few days early. Each day that goes by during these slow summer days of news allows me to dream about the Freedom of Speech Tour. We will have such a good time. [ Post Comment ] Comment #11 posted by Toker00 on June 30, 2006 at 03:22:37 PT BGreen Thank you for expressing exactly what I feel about this country. Actually, the country is fine, it's the government that sucks. They had an early fourth of July celebration at my work yesterday, and I could NOT bring myself to enjoy even one hot dog, or participate in any part of the celebration. I thought how pitiful their little flags that lined the sidewalks and hung on an outside wall looked. I knew that if these people really knew what our government was about, they wouldn't be so joyful. It looked like a strained celebration at best. I had to ask myself: " What, exactly, are they celebrating? The DEAth of the Constitution? Fascism in America? None of the heroes who died fighting to so call ""protect our freedom"" even entered my mind. Just the fact that we as a nation have been bamboozled for decades by Fascists and Capitalist, at the expense of our proud heritage." I'm soooo glad there will be one thing worth celebrating this fourth of July. MY WEDDING ANNIVERSARY.Peace, BG. I feel your grief for our nation.Wage peace on war. END CANNABIS PROHIBITION NOW! [ Post Comment ] Comment #10 posted by Hope on June 29, 2006 at 22:07:09 PT That's right, Wayne! "It still hasn't killed anyone."And it won't...ever. [ Post Comment ] Comment #9 posted by Wayne on June 29, 2006 at 22:01:03 PT read between the lines, people I am getting so sick and tired of hearing these assclowns screaming about how marijuana has become more potent. It still hasn't killed anyone. You have to smoke 40,000 joints in one sitting to overdose on marijuana. So what are they crying about? Do the math... Even if it were 5,000 times stronger than it was 30 years ago, it STILL WOULDN'T KILL YOU!!They've got the right idea up in Alaska. The legislators are trying to criminalize marijuana again. Their big claim to fame is that marijuana is stronger now. The judge said...."Prove it!" [ Post Comment ] Comment #8 posted by afterburner on June 29, 2006 at 10:42:39 PT Two More CN AB: PUB LTE: DARE Program Dangerously Misleading For Kids, St. Albert Gazette, (24 Jun 2006) BC: Editorial: Don't Underestimate Possible Dangers of Marijuana Abuse, The Province, (28 Jun 2006) [ Post Comment ] Comment #7 posted by Hope on June 28, 2006 at 18:46:30 PT Embarrassed...BGreen Don't feel that way, BGreen. Be embarrassed that THEY are Americans. That's the way it should go. [ Post Comment ] Comment #6 posted by Hope on June 28, 2006 at 16:48:19 PT You're right, Sam...comment 2 A reason to celebrate. We're in the top 3 countries! Yay! [ Post Comment ] Comment #5 posted by BGreen on June 28, 2006 at 16:38:03 PT Sam Adams re: post #2 I've changed a lot in the past 6 years, and you can thank the bush administration and it's blind supporters who have turned me around.I'm as embarrassed as heck to be an American. I can't stand the star spangled banner nor that worthless piece of red, white and blue material that is more important to most than even the lives of human beings.I used to get goose bumps whenever I saw "Old Glory," but now I cringe at the sight of "Old Gory," the symbol of lies, occupation of foreign countries, torture and murder.Most of the bush supporters can't even understand why we want to stop this evil which they perceive to be some sort as gift from God, and yet the rest of the world can't even understand why we've let it go on for so long. :(I will never again fly or stand up to honor the flag, pledge allegiance to ANY country EVER AGAIN, and I will never again sing the star spangled banner, which is nothing more than an anthem for prideful, state-sanctioned murder.Thanks, bush ... for absolutely destroying the America I once loved.The Reverend Bud Green [ Post Comment ] Comment #4 posted by billos on June 28, 2006 at 16:20:26 PT just to name a few If Sessenbrenner had his way, it would be a crime not to snitch on pot smokers. If Newt Gingrich had his way, anyone caught smuggling two or more ounces of cannabis into the U.S. would face lethal injection.....Just to name a few [ Post Comment ] Comment #3 posted by mayan on June 28, 2006 at 15:31:51 PT U.N. Criminals So great is the threat from marijuana, the UN report authors believe, that they included a separate chapter titled Cannabis -- Why We Should Care, in its annual report.So great are the lies from the U.N. report, the Italian government believes, that they just said, "To hell with that bogus report!" If the U.N. has failed to do anything about the 9/11 and 7/7 inside jobs or the Iraq war then they are complicit also. Italy relaxes cannabis laws:,,3-2245854,00.htmlTHE WAY OUT IS THE WAY IN...Blink 182 Star Latest Celebrity To Question 9/11: 9/11 Conference Lays Case For Gov Involvement In 9/11: Jim Fetzer on Alan Colmes Radio Show (audio): WAS AN INSIDE JOB - OUR NATION IS IN PERIL: [ Post Comment ] Comment #2 posted by Sam Adams on June 28, 2006 at 13:54:05 PT yeah! First, marijuana potency has "increased dramatically in the last decade" in "the three countries at the vanguard of cannabis breeding and production technology" -- the United States, Canada and the Netherlands.Finally something for which I can be proud of the US! We lead the world in something beside bombing and pollution!(hope no one takes this stuff too seriously, I do like the US, just have major problems with a lot of stuff the government does) [ Post Comment ] Comment #1 posted by Celaya on June 28, 2006 at 13:45:11 PT Sanity Anyone? Finally, a voice of reason to counter the hysterical UNODC ProhibitionSpeak. Too bad this article won't get plastered across every major newspaper like the UNODC pronouncement was.The only point they missed is that more potent pot is actually healthier, since people smoke less of it. [ Post Comment ] Post Comment