ACLU Sues Alaska Over State's New Marijuana Law

ACLU Sues Alaska Over State's New Marijuana Law
Posted by CN Staff on June 05, 2006 at 16:34:58 PT
By Matt Volz, The Associated Press
Source: Associated Press
Juneau, Alaska — The American Civil Liberties Union sued the state of Alaska today over a new law penalizing marijuana possession for personal use in the home.The civil liberties group alleges the new law is an unconstitutional invasion of privacy. "Is marijuana so dangerous that it justifies restricting a fundamental right? The state thinks it's yes, we think it's no," said Michael Macleod-Ball, executive director of the ACLU of Alaska.
The lawsuit also claims the law allows prosecution of people who use marijuana for medical purposes, which the Alaska Department of Law disputes.Along with the lawsuit, the ACLU is asking a Juneau Superior Court judge to block the law. Macleod-Ball said a hearing was not immediately set.The law, which was signed by Gov. Frank Murkowski on Friday, is an attempt to reverse a 30-year-old Alaska Supreme Court decision called Ravin vs. Alaska in which the court ruled the privacy rights of Alaskans trumped the harm the drug could cause.Later court decisions set a legal limit of 4 ounces that an individual can keep in the home.Murkowski for the past two years has been pushing through a bill to counter that ruling, understanding that the final decision would be up to the courts.Under the new law, pot possession of 4 ounces or more is a felony. Possession of 1-4 ounces is a misdemeanor punishable by up to a year in jail; less than 1 ounce is a misdemeanor punishable by up to 90 days in jail."The issue of marijuana appears destined to be resolved by the courts," said Department of Law spokesman Mark Morones. "Now that there's some science behind it, we know a lot more about it now and its potency now than when the Ravin decision was decided." Gearing up for the court fight, Murkowski and the Legislature included in the bill a set of findings meant to prove that marijuana has increased in potency since the original Supreme Court decision, and therefore has become more dangerous.Opponents submitted material supporting their position, but the material was never considered by the Legislature, nor did any of it end up in the findings, according to the lawsuit."There was all this sort of reefer madness stuff coming from the government, saying this is crazy and we've got to restrict this," Macleod-Ball said. "There was misinformation and disinformation because the state was trying to make a point that it's more dangerous."Joining the ACLU as a plaintiff is an anonymous 54-year-old woman referred to as Jane Doe who uses marijuana to treat pain caused by a neurological illness called reflex sympathetic dystrophy, according to the lawsuit.She and another plaintiff, a 42-year-old woman referred to as Jane Roe, won't list their real names because they fear criminal prosecution under the new law, the lawsuit says.Jane Doe and the ACLU claim there is no exception under the new law for medical marijuana patients. Morones said medical marijuana users are protected under the new law and will not be affected.Source: Associated Press (Wire)Author: Matt Volz, The Associated PressPublished: June 5, 2006Copyright: 2006 Associated Press Related Articles & Web Site:ACLU Files Lawsuit to Protect Privacy Rights Bill Becomes Law To Enforce New Marijuana Law
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Comment #48 posted by afterburner on June 07, 2006 at 21:56:27 PT
The Love Project Continues
Love Me Do - The Beatles (Lyrics and Chords) World Without Love - Peter and Gordon I Love Her - The Beatles the World Needs Now Is Love Sweet Love - Burt Bacharach romantic love to familial love to agape. "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind; and love your neighbor as yourself." Luke 10:27 "Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you" Matthew 5:44Pray for the prohibitionists; pray that they may "see the light," like Saul of Tarsus who became the Apostle Paul. Acts 26
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Comment #47 posted by FoM on June 07, 2006 at 12:49:48 PT
I think I can answer that for afterburner incase he is at work. The terrorist incident in Canada will make Canada become a police state like we have here is what I meant.He still lives in Canada unless he moved back recently.
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Comment #46 posted by Hope on June 07, 2006 at 12:42:45 PT
Oh no.... Afterburner
Are you saying you live here now?I thought it odd that one of your posts recently sounded that way.Did I miss something?
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Comment #45 posted by FoM on June 07, 2006 at 12:12:23 PT
I hate to say it but welcome to America.
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Comment #44 posted by afterburner on June 07, 2006 at 12:02:33 PT
RE #41: OT (Not #44 OT)
IN #43 Previous post
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Comment #43 posted by afterburner on June 07, 2006 at 11:58:22 PT
#44 OT
Now, some Members of Parliament are talking about closing Parliament Hill to tourists.MPs raise concerns about Hill security. threats prompt security review on Parliament Hill.
National Post, Canada - 5 hours ago
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Comment #42 posted by global_warming on June 07, 2006 at 05:36:58 PT
The War They Wanted, The Lies They Needed"
From Vanity Fair article
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Comment #41 posted by FoM on June 06, 2006 at 22:12:27 PT
I really felt bad when I saw on the news about the terrorists in Canada. I'm glad they were caught. I wish it would stop. 
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Comment #40 posted by afterburner on June 06, 2006 at 21:32:30 PT
OT: RE Framing Patsies in Toronto #2 & #3 - Voices: Worried by terror half buy the official government cover story and half are skeptical of the government's intentions and the effect on the Muslim community.Of course, we here at CNews know that governments and the media always tell the truth. [/end sarcasm]
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Comment #39 posted by FoM on June 06, 2006 at 17:59:01 PT
Renaissance or a Dark Age
Mayan, I sure agree with you. 
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Comment #38 posted by mayan on June 06, 2006 at 17:54:56 PT
Iran is still in the cross-hairs. The neo-cons are trying to make it look like war is not inevitable but the blueprint has already been drawn and the project(PNAC) is well underway. But even Britain has said it doesn't want anything to do with military intervention in Iran as Blair is incredibly weak right now. The hawks need a reason to go to war but the public is growing more and more suspicious of the events of 9/11 and they already know about Iraq's WMD's. Another staged terror attack might not even work right now.The November elections will go to the Democrats if there isn't some cataclysmic event before then. Rove's tactics of using immigration,gay marriage and other wedge issues won't work this time. If the Democrats win then the PNAC agenda isn't dead but it will be in serious jeopardy. That is not an option for the neo-cons.
They are between a rock and a hard place and diebold,triad and other elecronic voting machines may be their only hope. Even that's slim hope for them as the public's awareness of vote fraud is growing every day, especially with the recent Rolling Stone article. Besides, the polls will likely show Democrats with big leads and it will look awful strange if Republicans win come November.We are on the brink of either a renaissance or a dark age and what happens between now and election day will decide which one we shall enter. 
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Comment #37 posted by FoM on June 06, 2006 at 17:26:36 PT
I really hope that we can fix the way people think about other people. This administration has brought out the worst in people and we need to change directions and hopefully we will be able to do that soon. If not I will not be proud of us at all.
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Comment #36 posted by Sam Adams on June 06, 2006 at 17:10:26 PT
Dell Dude
Remember when he got busted? He got a slap on the wrist, the Latino guy who sold it to him was sent to upstate prison. And no one in the media thought there was anything wrong with that situation.You really have to travel to see what we're doing wrong. If more people in this country were actually forced to go to Europe for a couple months, things would be very different here. Supposedly that is really what spurred the civil rights movement in the 50's - the European WWII experience of so many Americans. When they came home, they weren't provincial bigots anymore.
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Comment #35 posted by FoM on June 06, 2006 at 16:59:58 PT
Thank you. Blacks, Mexicans and any race or group can be turned on so very easily. We turn a blind eye when a white person gets caught with a little coke but most black or mexicans would go to jail. I see hoods and burning crosses in my mind sometimes. 
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Comment #34 posted by Sam Adams on June 06, 2006 at 16:53:05 PT
I agree again - when I was growing up I thought racism was gone in America. Now I know better. It's a critical piece of the ruling elite's plan. I heard a horrible statistic recently: There are more black men in US prisons now than there were slaves at the slavery high-water mark.That pretty much says it all.
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Comment #33 posted by FoM on June 06, 2006 at 16:38:40 PT
Our society doesn't care for poor people black or any other color then white. We are a white supremist group of people and that bothers me a lot. Maybe it isn't that bad but sometimes it feels that way to me. White people think they are better then black people and that is not true and it's wrong. We need to fix ourselves as a country before we can fix anything anywhere.
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Comment #32 posted by Sam Adams on June 06, 2006 at 16:24:29 PT
FOM - couldn't agree more
It took me a long time in life to understand how things work. Like going to Amsterdam - walking the streets, seeing that about 1/3rd of the faces passing by are brown. And realizing that there aren't any ghettos there. The brown people seem to be mixed in everywhere. And there's virtually no violence, either.How can this be explained? It's very, very complicated. Our system is not set up to cure violent crime and poverty, it's designed to maintain it. Interesting example - the city of Boston's latest source of violent crime and gang shootings is Cape Verdean immigrants. These people are a blend of African and European races, living on some islands near northeast Africa.Here's the sad and interesting part - there is almost no crime or violence in Cape Verde. What's been happening is that the immigrants come to Boston from Cape Verde, and within a few years, the young men are in violent gangs (primary purpose: selling illegal drugs to make money).  After many of the young men get out of jail, they are deported back to Cape Verde.What starting happening after a few years ago is that these men would get back to Cape Verde and start causing all sorts of trouble. Killing, attacking people, robbing them, fighting each other, drunkeness, etc. The government of Cape Verde actually started to fight the deportations, it has become a low-lever international dispute.So I read about this in the news, and I'm thinking - what's happening to these guys? It's almost as if our culture and system are a poisonous virus, producing violent crime.  It's not like that Europe! Europe has 1/10th the violent crime of the US, with the same mix of races. This country is the most wealth. It's our system that is poison. The effect is to breed poverty, violent crime, and drug addiction.The Iraq war is an even better example of The Scam. We're paying hundreds of billions per year to rebuild the infrastructrue of a country halfway around the world. Why don't we just rebuild here? What about our poor, decaying cities? Do we have to bomb them before we can rebuild them? Once you grasp the big picture, suddenly everything fits together perfectly.As I've pointed out before, we spend our money on the military abroad and the WOD/prison state at home. Europe's government spend their money on college education and health care.If you're 18 and poor in Europe, the government will pay for you to go to college. In America, they government will pay for your college - after 4 years in the Army. Too poor to pay the rent? They'll pay your rent - in prison! after you've starting selling drugs and had to kill someone to protect your income.Anyone starting to see a pattern yet? Fixing poverty isn't on the agenda.
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Comment #31 posted by FoM on June 06, 2006 at 16:11:05 PT
I don't think about drug issues like most articles say. I want to know how we will fix poverty and drug use will not be as rampant. People who have a chance at a decent life aren't the ones who get caught up in drugs most often. It's the poor black folks stuck in cities with no way out.
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Comment #30 posted by Sam Adams on June 06, 2006 at 16:03:10 PT
My view of the guy's article is that he "gets it". As in the Big Picture. Particularly his repeated references to expensive prisons cells. He's saying that all other things being equal - i.e., as museman said, this country is not solving poverty and despair any time soon - it would be better to legalize and use our limited, finite resources for treatment, education, and prevention. Instead of paying our tax fortunes to corrupt government agencies, with the addicts (and non-addicts) paying their money to drug industry murderers and thugs. What's not to understand? It seems clear enough to me. Am I the one missing something?  Are we saying that we want drugs illegal so that addicts can sell them to earn a living?  I don't like that idea at all. That means that I'm paying a legion of corrupt, violent thugs and criminals huge tax dollars so that a few poor people can make a buck selling drugs to each other? That seems totally crazy to me. Let's give the tax money to social workers and teachers instead.We could use the money we save to pay poor people to do USEFUL work. Like the old CCC program in the 30's. The opportunity cost of bad governement is the tragedy. Every man or woman in a prison cell is costing us $35,000 per year! We could use that money to pay someone to do a productive job, instead of exporting jobs out of the country.
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Comment #29 posted by FoM on June 06, 2006 at 15:30:27 PT
About Sam's Article
I don't understand articles like this because it paints a picture of bad drug users and we'll fix it by legalizing. How will the poor addicted people have any money to live then? To me when I see an area of heavy hard drug use I see an area where people don't have any hope so they pass time and ease pain by doing and selling drugs. What jobs will be created for the poor small time drug dealers so they can have food on their families table if drugs would be legalized? 
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Comment #28 posted by museman on June 06, 2006 at 14:45:43 PT
Thanks for the link.A very good point is made here, and I agree with it as it is, yet there is a distinct lack in a very important area that is hinted at in the phrase; 
"There will be inevitable ``personal" failings all up and down the line. The incentives and despair are too great."The problem is that there is a subtle reference to the real underlying condition which breeds despair and careless behavior, but it seems to me a slight misdirection pointing back to the 'black market' of drugs as the 'cause' of the lack of 'incentives' and the predomincance of 'despair.'The intimation of;"What will our society look like as we transform outlaws into clients?"infers that our 'society' can profit by gaining 'control' of the dispensation of the 'drugs' and also control of the 'clients.'The cause and reasons that create the 'black market' in the first place have very little to do with the use of drugs, but that the drugs provide something that is preferable to some people than the 'reality' they are forced to deal with every day. That is the failing of society, not the individual. True, drug addiction is a dis-ease, and having kicked both tobacco, and opium addiction in my life, I am well aware of the nuances. However, assuming that the government that provides us which such reliable information as WMDs, 9/11 illusions, reefer madness, and the ongoing blah blah of the FDA, DEA, and CIA, and has taken such proper responsibility as rolling back environmental restrictions on corporate exploitation, selective aid to strategic areas, while ignoring the virtual natural and manmade genocides occuring in Africa...assuming that there is any valid possibility of trust is such things at all, the underlying causes are still not being addressed because all that was mentioned above and volumes more are the cause.It's like having the cops investigate themselves.
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Comment #27 posted by Sam Adams on June 06, 2006 at 14:19:23 PT
op-ed article
Wow, one of the best pro-legalization essays ever! The guy has nothing to do with drugs or government, he's manager of a tenant association, out there in the real world. No lobbyists, "experts", self-invested government "workers", etc:
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Comment #26 posted by BGreen on June 06, 2006 at 14:18:47 PT
Peace to you, runruffswife
Give Jerry my love and take care of yourself.The Reverend Bud Green
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Comment #25 posted by FoM on June 06, 2006 at 14:06:20 PT
It's really good to see you. I hope you will get to see Jerry soon.
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Comment #24 posted by runruffswife on June 06, 2006 at 14:00:19 PT:
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Comment #23 posted by FoM on June 06, 2006 at 13:31:50 PT
DPFCA: Upcoming TV Event
DPFCA: VH1/Sundance Jun 12 Chronicle the Rise of Illicit Drug Use in America and Its Impact on Pop Culture ***Dear friends,I thought you would be interested in this documentary series "The Drug Years" that will be premiering on Monday June 12th. I have not seen it, but it looks very interesting!!VH1 in association with Sundance Channel Chronicles the Rise of Illicit Drug Use in America and Its Impact on Pop Culture in a Four-Part Documentary Series, "The Drug Years" Premiering Monday, June 12 at 9 PM*Notable interviews include Peter Coyote, Jackson Browne, Russell Simmons, Chuck D, Ice-T, Liz Phair, Juliette Lewis, Common, Tommy Chong, Henry Rollins, Richard Lewis, John Mellencamp, ?uestlove and numerous othersProduced by Award-Winning Filmmakers, Hart Perry and Dana Heinz Perry of Perry Films Inc.NEW YORK, NY, May 18, 2006 - Prior to the 1960's, very few Americans had ever tried drugs. Today, more than 110 million (nearly half of the U.S. adult population) admit to having used an illicit substance at least once in their lifetime. VH1, in association with Sundance Channel, has produced the original documentary series "The Drug Years," a four-part look at the rise of illicit drug use and its cultural impact in the second half of the twentieth century. Based on the book Can't Find My Way Home: America in the Great Stoned Age, by Martin Torgoff, this latest installment of the "Rock Doc" franchise, "The Drug Years," premieres on VH1 on June 12 at 9 PM* with encore showings on Sundance Channel beginning June 16 at 8 PM*.Spanning the 1950's to the present, "The Drug Years" explores the development of a commercial drug culture in America, using archival footage and interviews to illustrate how popular culture -- including music, movies, comedy, and television - have shaped and reflected public perceptions of illicit drugs. "The Drug Years" also looks at how drugs became part of the nation's political landscape, from the youth rebellions of the 1960's to the War on Drugs and beyond.*All times ET/PTThis epic recounting of American drug culture is told through dozens of exclusive interviews with actors, musicians, journalists, policy advocates, former drug smugglers, and a retired DEA agent. Exclusive interviews include Peter Coyote, Jackson Browne, Ray Manzarek from The Doors, Ice-T, Liz Phair, Juliette Lewis, Rob Thomas, Tommy Chong, Common, Richard Belzer, ?uestlove, Richard Lewis, Chuck D., Russell Simmons, John Mellencamp, Henry Rollins, legendary Rolling Stone writer Anthony DeCurtis, New York Times and Time Magazine journalist John Leland ("Hip: The History"), and renowned psychiatrist/researcher Dr. Julie Holland (author of "Ecstasy: The Complete Guide").The episode lineup for "The Drug Years" is as follows: Episode 1: Break on Through (1950s-1967) - The role played by drugs in the rejection of conformist America, a revolt championed by artistic and social subcultures including the Beats and the Hippies. The rise of marijuana use as a cultural and political statement, the advent of LSD, and other psychedelics, hailed by Timothy Leary and Ken Kesey, and embraced by free-thinkers, musicians and young people eager to expand their consciousness. This episode premieres on June 12 at 9 PM*.Episode 2: Feed Your Head (1967-1971) - Drugs are now part of the schism between traditional America and the youth-fueled sociopolitical rebellions of the era, including the antiwar movement and the sexual revolution. Pot and LSD have arrived in films and on television, and the psychedelic generation expresses its idealism at Woodstock. By 1971, however, the psychedelic era has been eclipsed by death, darkness and Richard Nixon. This episode premieres on June 13 at 9 PM.*Episode 3: Teenage Wasteland (1972-1979) - The Nixon administration continues its battles against the drug culture, linking it to political subversion. But drugs are part of the mainstream landscape and a rite of passage for 70's teens. Pot is more popular than ever, with swashbuckling smugglers, the popularity of High Times magazine, and a new era of drug humor by comedians like George Carlin and the hugely popular stoner duo Cheech & Chong. Disco takes over and cocaine becomes the glamour drug, beloved by celebrities, and spoofed by Woody Allen. This episode premieres on June 14 at 9 PM*.Episode 4: Just Say No (1980-present) - As cocaine culture peaks, the pendulum begins its swing back to a more censorious perspective on drugs. High-profile casualties in sports and entertainment - not to mention the arrival of crack -- contribute to the momentum for the Reagan administration's stepped-up drug war. Rap artists and producers deal with the devastating impact of the crack epidemic. Twelve-step programs are everywhere, but drugs aren't going away, and new favorites arrive with new eras: Ecstasy, Oxycontin, and Methamphetamine. This episode premieres on June 15 at 9 PM*."The Drug Years" is the latest installment of the "VH1 Rock Docs" franchise; an all new slate of high-end feature-length programs. Each of the documentaries will reveal an untold story in the history of rock and hip-hop music, combining never-before-seen footage with a unique and unconventional narrative approach. The documentaries will tell some of the most unique stories of the artists and music from a wide range of genres, styles, and musical perspectives.Viewers can log onto for exclusive VSPOT footage and to learn more about the series."The Drug Years" is produced for VH1 and Sundance Channel by Hart Perry and Dana Heinz Perry of Perry Films, Inc. The series is executive produced by Brad Abramson, Shelly Tatro, and Michael Hirschorn for VH1, and Laura Michalchyshyn and Lynne Kirby for The Sundance Channel.VH1 connects viewers to the music, artists and pop culture that matter to them most with series, specials, live events, exclusive online content and public affairs initiatives. VH1 is available in over 86 million households in the U.S. VH1 also has an array of digital services including VH1 Classic, VH1 Soul and VH Uno. Connect with VH1 at is a registered trademark of MTV Networks, a unit of Viacom International Inc. MTV Networks also operates and offers joint ventures, licensing agreements and syndication deals whereby its programming can be seen worldwide.###-- ---- California NORML (415) 563-5858 // canorml 2215-R Market St. #278, San Francisco CA 94114
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Comment #22 posted by whig on June 06, 2006 at 12:54:15 PT
Montel in NJ Jersey might become the next state to legalize medical marijuana, if Montel Williams has anything to do with it. The talk-show host is scheduled to speak soon at a hearing on the pain-killing herb in Trenton, and he's already been honored by the D.C.-based Marijuana Policy Project. The former Marine, who has multiple sclerosis, will also be on hand Monday at Capitale here for the group's gala emceed by Jackie "The Joke Man" Martling and hosted by Susan Sarandon and Mary-Louise Parker. The most surprising face in the long-haired crowd might be Manhattan DA Robert Morgenthau, a medical marijuana supporter.
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Comment #21 posted by FoM on June 06, 2006 at 12:35:36 PT
It is time to end this war on people. 
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Comment #20 posted by BUDSNAXZ on June 06, 2006 at 12:24:44 PT
Comment # 1 FOM
Not to mention a colossal waste of Taxpayers money to fight against the will of the majority. If that’s not blatant fascism, I don't know what is. He should be ashamed of himself. 
I hope he likes it hot because where he's going after this life, he'll really wish for snowcones. Not that they would last.It's time to end this war on people!!!
Peace all
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Comment #19 posted by Max Flowers on June 06, 2006 at 10:18:42 PT
Hey does anyone know to check the congressional schedule? I had read that they were going to debate the new draft bill today, and I really wanted to watch that. I looked on the C-Span site, but there was no mention of it. 
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Comment #18 posted by FoM on June 06, 2006 at 09:53:47 PT
Max Flowers 
I'm having fun right now. Bush is on tv in his blue shirt and I have the sound muted  and I am blasting Not Ready To Make Nice. Go Dixie Chicks.It feels good inside. LOL!
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Comment #17 posted by Max Flowers on June 06, 2006 at 09:50:16 PT
Ha, yeah I'd like to sing him that song from outside his cell... you know, in that European prison where they incarcerate war criminals. 
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Comment #16 posted by FoM on June 06, 2006 at 09:35:10 PT
Max Flowers
Well then I'll sing a song for Rumsfeld.Here goes.Cry Me a River
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Comment #15 posted by Max Flowers on June 06, 2006 at 09:34:48 PT
Rumsfeld especially
He's never met brown-skinned people he didn't want to bomb into oblivion.
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Comment #14 posted by FoM on June 06, 2006 at 09:33:17 PT
It sure doesn't make sense. I wonder if they have good cannabis over there?
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Comment #13 posted by Max Flowers on June 06, 2006 at 09:33:01 PT
Yeah, probably the whole PNAC crew are bitterly disappointed... Rumsfeld especially.
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Comment #12 posted by FoM on June 06, 2006 at 09:28:30 PT
Max Flowers 
I sure don't understand anything Bush does. I don't want war with Iran. I wonder if there will be people angry because we might not be going to war with Iran? 
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Comment #11 posted by Toker00 on June 06, 2006 at 09:25:56 PT
More potent does not mean more dangerous.
It actually means smaller doses, less dangerous. No one wants to toke till they pass out. I've had one hit stuff that blew me away. I've had one joint smoke that did very little to me. There is no set "potency". It varies. (Unless of course, you live in Cali. or close to Canada.)((Why can't Mexicans learn to grow like Canadian growers? I would think being closer to the equator would make the plants even more potent.))Wage peace on war. END CANNABIS PROHIBITION NOW!
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Comment #10 posted by Max Flowers on June 06, 2006 at 09:19:33 PT
I should add
Of course, it's good news as long as it means we're not doing anything stupid like attacking them. I just feel like he jerked the world around. 
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Comment #9 posted by goneposthole on June 06, 2006 at 09:17:12 PT
you can't smoke cannabis for leisure and enjoyment, but Marines in Iraq can drink booze until they are liquored to the gills, use speed until they're so drugged they don't have any idea what they are doing, and then go out and kill 24 defenseless Iraqi civilians.That's what is happening in this world in 2006. The US government has everything under control... not.Cannabis users are the sane humans in all of this madness.oy
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Comment #8 posted by Max Flowers on June 06, 2006 at 09:16:56 PT
Can you guys believe this? (OT Iran)
After all that saber-rattling, after all the fearmongering...? Bush totally reverses his position, and Iran wins? What a psycho Bush is. If he was going to do this, why scare the world first, why send out aircraft carriers? What an idiot.-----------------------------------------------------Associated Press
AP: U.S. to Give Iran Nuclear Technology
By GEORGE JAHN , 06.06.2006, 11:01 AM A package of incentives presented Tuesday to Iran includes a provision for the United States to supply Tehran with some nuclear technology if it stops enriching uranium - a major concession by Washington, diplomats said.
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Comment #7 posted by FoM on June 06, 2006 at 08:09:09 PT
Related Article from Snipped Source
ACLU Files To Block Marijuana Law ***PRIVACY: Constitutional question raised again; state says this law will survive challenge. By PETER PORCO, Anchorage Daily News Published: June 6, 2006 The American Civil Liberties Union of Alaska filed suit in Juneau Superior Court on Monday challenging the latest effort by Gov. Frank Murkowski and the Republican-led Legislature to outlaw all marijuana use in the state. The lawsuit, which had been expected, targets a newly enacted state law that criminalizes the personal possession by adults of small quantities of marijuana in their homes."With the stroke of a pen, the governor has signed away Alaskans' right to be free from unwarranted government intrusion into the home," Michael Macleod-Ball, the ACLU-Alaska's executive director, said in a written statement.Snipped:Complete Article:
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Comment #6 posted by kaptinemo on June 06, 2006 at 07:31:22 PT:
So, they want to 'prove' it's dangerous?
By now the prohibs, if only from reading here, know that the worst thing they could possibly do is have a court case in which the scientific data concerning cannabis's medicinal utility and safety could be brought in as evidence. For in doing so, one must bring up the origins of the prohibition itself. And that will show, beyond any doubt, the original intentions, lack of scientific evidence, and racial bigotry of the first prohibs. If this were to be brought into open court, and the jury made aware of the facts regarding prohibition, they would have no choice but to acquit anyone charged under the prohibition statutes.I'll keep saying it until it happens: like the Scopes trial of the early 20th century (which made teaching the theory of evolution legal in the face of massive resistance by entrenched special interests) the trial in which cannabis prohibition itself is examined will be a watershed event in American history. If the prohibs want to commit political hara-kiri by forcing the issue onto grounds that are unfavorable to their cause, then so be it. In the words of a certain American President, "Bring it on!" 
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Comment #5 posted by Had Enough on June 06, 2006 at 05:53:41 PT
CAGW Names Gov. Murkowski Porker of the Month
Just a Reminder. the article.Last week, Gov. Murkowski announced a $1.2 billion state budget surplus. He proposed spending part of that windfall to hire a public relations firm to counter the perception that Alaska politicians milk taxpayers.Comment #1, I hope this makes the news too.
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Comment #4 posted by billos on June 06, 2006 at 05:44:37 PT
...........Is Bush.............
and Congress going to 
give them their
"Bridge to Nowhere" now?
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Comment #3 posted by afterburner on June 05, 2006 at 23:23:52 PT
Your link [ Framing Patsies in Toronto and London: ] confirms my gut feeling upon hearing about the GTA (Greater Toronto Area) Muslim "Terrorists" on the local news. 
Once again the Harper government is taking a page out of the George Bush anti-terrorism playbook to induce fear, chaos and powerlessness among the public. Thanks, mayan.
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Comment #2 posted by mayan on June 05, 2006 at 17:53:19 PT
Afraid of the Truth?
Opponents submitted material supporting their position, but the material was never considered by the Legislature, nor did any of it end up in the findings, according to the lawsuit.An honest look at the facts would have sunk the bill without a doubt. It's very telling that our side has nothing to fear from the truth but our opponents do everything in their power to hide the truth. Light or darkness? I'll choose the light.It ought to be entertaining watching this bill go the way of the dinosaur! On an unrelated note, as the global "war on terror" becomes exposed for what it is, the real terrorists in government are getting desperate to maintain it...Framing Patsies in Toronto and London: WAY OUT IS THE WAY IN...Heavyweights At 9/11 Truth Conference "Swing For Fences" At Weekend Chicago Rally:'m Back From Chicago, And It Was Amazing: Conspiracy Buffs Meet to Seek the Truth of 9/11 (online poll!): Convention Update: 2 & Photos From 9/11 Truth Conference in Chicago: Truth – The Key To Stopping World War III: Heard in the Twin Towers:
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Comment #1 posted by FoM on June 05, 2006 at 17:07:56 PT
I sure hope this makes the news channels. This is so wrong what they did in Alaska.
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