Hemp Tied Down By Stupid Laws Hemp Tied Down By Stupid Laws Posted by CN Staff on April 11, 2006 at 07:12:33 PT Editorial Source: Minnesota Daily Minnesota -- Hemp was the plant of choice for the founding fathers of our nation. Presidents George Washington and Thomas Jefferson often praised the plant in their writings and tried to persuade others to grow it as a cash crop. Nonetheless since the passage of the Marijuana Tax Act in 1937, this has not been a possibility for citizens of the United States. A new University study, however, could pave the way to change that. The study, conducted by University researchers George Weiblen and Shannon Datwyler, identified a new and more accurate way to differentiate cannabis drug plants from nondrug plants. The method, called amplified fragment length polymorphism, generates about 100 more genetic markers per unit effort than other research techniques. This genetic “fingerprinting” of cannabis is an important first step to legalizing the growth of hemp in the United States because differentiating cannabis was not as clear in the past. The reasons to legalize the crop are numerous. First, hemp has no drug properties. Hemp would give the United States another important natural resource. No other plant offers the versatility and potential that hemp does. Hemp fiber is stronger and softer than cotton. It is capable of producing significant quantities of paper, textiles, building materials, food, medicine, paint, detergent, varnish, oil, ink and fuel. In Minnesota specifically, a booming economy could be made around the crop because it is frost-resistant and requires little care. Already in Canada and Europe growing hemp is perfecting legal, and this is where the United States gets most of its hemp products. There is no reason U.S. farmers should not be allowed to compete in this market. In fact, the United States had a thriving hemp economy: From 1776 to 1937, hemp was a major American crop, and textiles made from hemp were common. Kudos to Weiblen and Datwyler for adding to the University’s rich history of research and discovery. Let’s hope their findings can be put to good use soon. Note: Hemp is not the same as marijuana and should be legalized. Source: Minnesota Daily (MN Edu)Published: April 10, 2006 Copyright: 2006 Minnesota DailyContact: letters mndaily.comWebsite: Related Article:DNA Technique Separates Hemp from Marijuana -- Hemp Archives Home Comment Email Register Recent Comments Help Comment #11 posted by Toker00 on April 12, 2006 at 14:33:40 PT He could be playing both sides. Testing to see where the most resistance is. He very well could be planting the seed so to speak, for Hemp re-legalization. Someone has to open their mouth. Maybe that is what this guy is doing. I don't support HIM one way or the other, but it is interesting that one of the Elite would be coming around to a "hemp" way of thinking. If they be for us, how can they be against us? Of course they could legalize hemp, and not cannabis. They have improved genetics recently to be able to easily tell the difference between the two. I suppose we wait and see, as usual.Wage peace on war. END CANNABIS PROHIBITION NOW! [ Post Comment ] Comment #10 posted by Darwin on April 12, 2006 at 11:15:49 PT Whig "It's a good question, but it surely cannot be the case that someone who never disavows their old ways and condemns them as wrong can be thought to have converted from them."Let me go back to my college studies in behavioral neuropysch. for a moment. It is extremely rare for human beings to eagerly admit fault in their past thought and actions. Everyone's first instinct is to defend oneself.Typically, a person will reject the truth, then open up to it, but not agree with it outwardly, then accept it, but not discuss it openly (that would be admitting past mistakes), and finally after time passes and the truth becomes more widely accepted, the person will admit that "Years ago" I felt incorrect about such and such.You're qualification of a convert as someone who "disavows their old ways and condemns them as wrong" is not feasible. This is Abu Grahib thinking. If you're not with us, you're a prohib. We are NOT going to get laws changes by turning people into tokers who agree with everything you'd like. We get it changed by getting the truth out. We just need credibility in the public in order to stop the lies. The truth, once allowed to be known will take care of the rest. Woolsey is starting to push ideas to conservatives that are long overdue, don't discourage this, encourage it. [ Post Comment ] Comment #9 posted by darwin on April 12, 2006 at 10:48:34 PT Woolsey Well, I never said he was a model for our reform community. I'm just saying he's helping our agenda by swaying parts of the electorate who flat out will not listen to us. So what's wrong with that. He's not even running for anything as far as I know, nor would I vote for him if he does. But he is helping us and some of his views are good views that the conservatives do not get to hear or refuse to listen to. BTW, according to that article, this event was started and funded by BILL BENNETT! And Woolsey stood up there and honestly said we need hemp. I bet he ticked Bill off with that one.Also, He is right about the war, like it or not. Do you drive a car? Than you are just as guilty as I am (even with my smug little Prius) of adding to the need to have a military presence in the midlle east. Ideally, all the money flowing to Iraq (and back into Haliburton) would be invested in new post oil infrastructure. But not enough people see it that way...yet. Which is why Woolsey states that he drives a Prius to REDUCE the need for a military presence in the middle east. The majority of the public (those who listen to CNN, Fox, etc. and NOT the Cannabis reformers) need to start hearing things like "drive a Prius" and "hemp is good".We cannot as a movement draw lines in the sand and say you are the enemy. We need to inform and embrace, not incite and reject the slow progress we do get. So instead of "you are the enemy", say "I agree with you on that, but..." [ Post Comment ] Comment #8 posted by whig on April 12, 2006 at 09:33:59 PT Toke How do you recognize a convert?It's a good question, but it surely cannot be the case that someone who never disavows their old ways and condemns them as wrong can be thought to have converted from them. [ Post Comment ] Comment #7 posted by whig on April 12, 2006 at 09:32:02 PT darwin Please read this:'m going to call it as I see it. Woolsey is part of the conspiracy of fear, hatred and death. [ Post Comment ] Comment #6 posted by Toker00 on April 12, 2006 at 09:17:28 PT Thank you darwin, may I have another?You are very right. We must learn how to recognize a convert. Aren't most of us? It's just very hard to trust ANYONE who is that powerful. Let's make a point of observing this guy.Toke. [ Post Comment ] Comment #5 posted by darwin on April 12, 2006 at 06:39:03 PT Woolsey I wouldn't be too quick to call him a spook. He turned on Bush. He has called for EVERY means of reducing our dependence on Middle East oil. He drives and advocates The Prius and pushes for the plug in Prius. He endorses Hemp. None of this is bad. It is possible that his CIA position showed him the light. He is largely being ignored by the mainstream media (another sign that he's not on "their" side).We will be seeing a wave of new converts seeing the light, and if this is how we feel about them, we'll push them right back. How's any politician to change their mind on the subject if their then called a "spook" on our side and a traitor from the other?Who cares if he is a "plant". We have nothing to hide, like the prohibs do. For goodness sake, he's preaching our message (at lease some of it) to the other side for us! [ Post Comment ] Comment #4 posted by Toker00 on April 11, 2006 at 18:58:58 PT Very good, whig. Know your enemies.Toke. [ Post Comment ] Comment #3 posted by runderwo on April 11, 2006 at 18:30:33 PT note Note: Hemp is not the same as marijuana ... even though both should be legalized, and regulated in appropriate fashion. [ Post Comment ] Comment #2 posted by whig on April 11, 2006 at 11:47:25 PT James Woolsey Pay attention to this.James Woolsey is a member of the Project for a New American Century (PNAC).He is a spook, and he is not our friend.That he is positioning himself on this issue means that we are winning, and he's chosen (or been directed) to get out in front of the hemp parade. [ Post Comment ] Comment #1 posted by ekim on April 11, 2006 at 11:34:40 PT cellulosic ethanol as an alternative fuel Ethanol Facility to Use Wheat Straw Feedstock August 12, 2005 year's announcement brings to 37 the number of R&D 100 Awards garnered by NREL.Toronto, Canada [] While corn is primarily used to distill ethanol, a new facility in Spain will convert wheat straw as the ethanol's feedstock. Experts agree that it is critical to use technology that extracts fermentable sugars from the whole plant, including wheat straw and corn stalks. SunOpta has signed a 4.7 million Euros (USD $5.8 million) contract to supply its so-called "steam explosion" equipment and process technology to Abener Energia S.A. of Seville, Spain, a wholly owned subsidiary of Abengoa, for a commercial production facility to convert wheat straw into ethanol.Scheduled to be operational in the fall of 2006, the facility will be built adjacent to an existing cereal grain to ethanol plant operated by Abengoa. Ethanol is produced from cereal grain in Europe and corn in North America and it is generally recognized that the cost effective supply of grains and corn will be a limiting factor in meeting the growing demand of ethanol for energy use. Experts agree that it is critical to use technology that extracts fermentable sugars from the whole plant, including wheat straw and corn stalks to meet this growing demand.SunOpta specializes in preparation, pretreatment, steam explosion and extraction of value added compounds from plant biomass material. The company focuses on integrated business models in the natural and organic food markets.The Laboratory's two R&D 100 Awards for 2004 are for an innovative, lower-cost method for transforming plant material into the sugars that can be used to make fuels and chemicals, and a thin-film solar cell that produces electricity directly from sunlight, which has greater efficiency, and is lighter weight and more flexible than previous devices.James Woolsey, Hemp Advocate By Kurt Cobb Monday, April 03, 2006Industrial hemp has an unlikely new champion: former CIA director James Woolsey. Woolsey sees a link between the need to end America's oil addiction and hemp's potential as a source of renewable energy. He said so when he visited my hometown of Kalamazoo, Michigan last weekend as part the 2006 Powershift National Tour. According to its website the tour is "a public education effort designed to engage decision-makers, youth, farmers, media and the general public on energy security."During a question and answer session one audience member broached the subject of hemp. Embarrassed conference organizers tried to move on to another question, but Woolsey insisted on responding. To their surprise he offered a lengthy disquisition on the merits of cellulosic ethanol as an alternative fuel, the myths about industrial hemp and the potential advantages to American farmers. And, he announced that he is a board member of the North American Industrial Hemp Council. [ Post Comment ] Post Comment