Marijuana Under Attack for Causing Memory Problems Marijuana Under Attack for Causing Memory Problems Posted by CN Staff on April 06, 2006 at 22:52:20 PT By Mike Adams, Health Ranger Source: NewsTarget Network USA -- Medical researchers are once again warning about the long-term memory effects of smoking marijuana. Toking on the herb for decades apparently makes your memory, well, dopey. That is, if you believe the study which was based on 40 people found in a drug rehabilitation program who said they only smoked marijuana about 20 times in their entire life. Right. I've never heard of anyone checking into a rehab center after smoking pot only 20 times. And besides, if pot destroys a person's memory as researchers claim it does, how do they know these people haven't smoked pot a thousand times and just can't remember? Let's face it: Basing research on the personal memories of people who scientists claim have had their memories destroyed is not exactly good science. It sounds more like an agenda that uses science to support the War on Drugs and the continued incarceration of thousands of Americans whose only crime is getting high in the basement of their parents' house. I'm no supporter of marijuana or any recreational drug, but if using marijuana to feel better is a crime, then why isn't the same standard applied to prescription drugs? If you think marijuana destroys your memory, you should try statin drugs sometime. They can destroy a person's normal brain function in mere months, leaving them in a drug-induced stupor that makes potheads look downright clever. Or how about the sleeping drug, Ambien, that's causing people to engage in "sleep driving" (sleep walking while driving a car), where they cause major traffic accidents. Here's a paragraph of news about the effects of this drug: Although medical experts, law enforcement agencies, and individual patients have known for some time that the blockbuster sleep medication Ambien has been responsible for the rather bizarre phenomenon referred to as "Ambien sleepwalking," it was just this week that a federal class action was filed in the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York to try to do something about it. For some time now, a significant number of people taking Ambien (zolbidem) have found themselves in a virtual "Twilight Zone" allegedly caused by the drug. A small case study of the unusual effects of the drug on six drivers has caused quite a stir among healthcare professionals and people who use the drug to help them sleep. According to Liddicoat, drivers under the influence of unusually high doses of Ambien have crashed their cars and then had absolutely no memory of the accident. The sleeping pill apparently continued to impair drivers even after they have attempted to sleep off the effects. From Related Article:The Raw and Ugly Truth About The War on Drugs: Even though Ambien is clearly far more dangerous than marijuana, you don't see people being arrested for taking Ambien. You don't see our prisons packed top to bottom with people who possessed Ambien. And you don't see doctors -- who sold the drug to patients -- charged with dealing drugs. That's because when it comes to dangerous drugs, there's a clear double standard: All prescription drugs, no matter how dangerous to individual health or public safety, shall remain legal. All drugs that are not controlled by Big Pharma, on the other hand, shall be made illegal. And that's how the system works. Again, I'm not supporting marijuana. You probably already know that I use absolutely no drugs, not even the psychoactive drug used by 53% of Americans (caffeine). But when I see loony, pseudoscientific attacks on marijuana that demonstrate a clear double standard in our national drug policy, I simply have to point it out. In my view, we should be arresting and locking up the Big Pharma executives and corrupt FDA officials who continue to push dangerous drugs that KILL 100,000 Americans each year. If you really want to protect the public from dangerous drugs, start arresting and prosecuting the truly dangerous drug dealers -- the ones operating under the FDA protection racket. Complete Title: Marijuana Under Attack for Causing Memory Problems, Say Forgetful Drug Researchers (Satire)Source: NewsTarget Network (Taiwan)Author: Mike Adams, Health Ranger Published: Friday, April 07, 2006Copyright: 2006 NewsTarget Network Website: Articles & Web Site:Chronic Cannabis Use Behavior: Marijuana and a Slower Mind and Body Up in Smoke With Long Marijuana Use Pot Doesn't Harm Brain Function Home Comment Email Register Recent Comments Help Comment #31 posted by ldiflucan on January 31, 2012 at 11:40:48 PT: Diflucan Birth Defects lawsuits Marijuana is legal in some country's, and there don't cause memory problems... [ Post Comment ] Comment #30 posted by Hope on April 09, 2006 at 17:00:28 PT Keyboard for big fingers. [ Post Comment ] Comment #29 posted by Hope on April 09, 2006 at 16:08:08 PT Museman The guy on the far right in the movie poster. :o) [ Post Comment ] Comment #28 posted by Hope on April 09, 2006 at 13:57:07 PT Museman I can't imagine the nastiness and vileness and use of weaponry with you...but just the general appearance. I thought "Oh no! That stupid movie is why some people are alarmed at the approach of Museman!"I hate movies like that. [ Post Comment ] Comment #27 posted by Hope on April 09, 2006 at 13:54:51 PT Museman Dear Museman! In a post some time ago you mentioned that because of your long hair and appearance people often seemed alarmed at the sight of you. That made me sad. Then the other day I was passing by as my husband watched a movie. It was a dreadful movie, the kind of movie I can't understand why anyone would watch. But it's apparently quite popular. There are two of them, I think.One of the main characters caught my eye. He's a nasty, ghastly creature, Quentin Tarantino vile...but you might recognize his size, hair (yours is better), build, and grace. [ Post Comment ] Comment #26 posted by FoM on April 09, 2006 at 13:48:01 PT museman I don't know if you know about Rust Radio. A person I believe from Amsterdam puts different live NY concerts on for us to hear. It is only on the weekends. PS: I wanted to mention one other thing I do when posting. Before I press post I right click and copy my comment onto the browser. That way if the post doesn't go thru I don't lose my comment and all I have to do is paste it again in the comment. [ Post Comment ] Comment #25 posted by FoM on April 09, 2006 at 13:31:23 PT museman You know what I do? When I am in the preview screen it is easier for me to read how it will look when I press confirm post. I then fix it before I confirm. If I didn't do that I would make so many more mistakes. That's my trick. [ Post Comment ] Comment #24 posted by museman on April 09, 2006 at 13:14:03 PT time and i apparently can't add or subtract very well either. [ Post Comment ] Comment #23 posted by museman on April 09, 2006 at 13:10:04 PT Max #20 Time in: 12:54 pmWell you know I thought about what you said about using the word processor to correct my mistakes. So I though I’d give it a try. I mean I can type fairly fast except for that problem I m mentioned about hitting more than 1 key at a time, that is really the biggie. When I write I don’t look at the screen, because I have to look at the keyboard to get the right letters. Ok I’ve not really said all that much, but it is an experiment. This is about time. Now I thought about what id said about how much time I spend, and I felt like the guy who claimed that “The sun was in my eyes!” or “The Dog ate my homework kind of thing. So I decided to test my own theory, and the using the word processor to spell check, etc. Ok I’ve been typing for 4 minutes. I will now “correct.” 7 minutes to correct- about eight if you count this sentence. Total time = about 13 minutes.But then I read thru and saw how the spell-grammar check had missed several rather large errors of extra letters and such, so the whole experiment took about 20 minutes, and I didn’t even really stop to think about what I was writing. Time out = 1:05 pm after posting I found at least 2 more mistakes which I didn't correct. I think that I could probably correct my own mistakes faster than the spell checker, since it isn't a question of spelling, but that I need a keyboard with wider spaces between the keys.Almost 30 minutes to complete this. Have I confirmed my theory?lol peace [ Post Comment ] Comment #22 posted by FoM on April 08, 2006 at 12:43:30 PT museman I want you to know that it is a pleasure just having you drop in and saying hello. You're a very likeable person. I find that I must force myself to focus away from news and do other things that I enjoy. We all are that way. Music is your thing. It should stay first for you. That's just my opinion. [ Post Comment ] Comment #21 posted by Max Flowers on April 08, 2006 at 12:38:05 PT Whoops I meant to say, then when you have your post spell checked and cleaned up, copy and paste it into the message field of CNews. [ Post Comment ] Comment #20 posted by Max Flowers on April 08, 2006 at 12:36:44 PT museman A possible solution to your problem: use a word processing app like Word or WordPerfect, or any other that has a spell checker in it. Type your posts at the speed of thought, with little to no regard for mistakes, then just use the spell checker before sending to correct it. It will go much, much faster that way. [ Post Comment ] Comment #19 posted by FoM on April 08, 2006 at 12:11:30 PT museman Please do let us hear it if you get it recorded. I can't find news so we are doing work around the house and I'm listening to Neil again. There is a rumor that Neil is making a new album. I have been following it on the rust list. If it's true it will be a protest type and supposedly anti-bush. I don't like rumors. I want to know if it's true though. My husband took a few pictures today. We planted little shoots in the ground 27 years ago and they grew up to be this big. Forsythia [ Post Comment ] Comment #18 posted by museman on April 08, 2006 at 11:25:39 PT Toker_FoM I will. I check in here almost every day. Believe it or not, so much of it is that I am such a lousy typist, I make so many mistakes (my fingers often hit more than one key at a time) and I have to spend more time than it takes to think of the words and type them, correcting my mistakes, that I end up spending 15-20 minutes on a couple of paragraphs. If I post just once without too much follow up, I can post, and then go do other stuff I have to do. If I follow through, respond to replies etc. or make another comment, the result is hours in front of my computer- that is what I am attempting to discipline myself to not do- my health is truly suffering. If I don't make myself stop, I could be here almost all day.I have no other online place I'd rather be.Today I am going to attempt to record our band practice. If I get anything worthwhile I will post it on my music page.The 'son' you are referring to wrote a rather lengthy post the other day on the WEF forum that I thought was profound and pretty much said it all. you are interested- be warned it is long, but I think worth it.peace [ Post Comment ] Comment #17 posted by Toker00 on April 07, 2006 at 17:22:49 PT High, Museman! Please don't be such a stranger. And don't wait 'til next fall to "get into" something here. I would rather you go off here, than feel lonely not being able to, wherever you are.Tell your son to stop by, too.Jerry will be home before long. I have a hunch.Wage peace on war. END CANNABIS PROHIBITION NOW! [ Post Comment ] Comment #16 posted by charmed quark on April 07, 2006 at 16:45:16 PT Statins and memory loss Weird - I just posted this and it ended up under the Steve Kubby section. Must be teh statins ....That one freaked me out as a statin user - I've never heard it before. I did a quick Google and found it is based on a couple of anecdotal reports and has not be substantiated by formal testing of cognitive function. It has happened in very rarely amount people taking statins. They don't know if it is related to the statins. Whew - had me worried for a minute.However - the "studies" finding various evils in cannabis are not much better. Yet these are splashed on the front pages of papers while the statin ones linger in obscure corners of the internet. Pretty fun except they arrest you for one and sell you the other. [ Post Comment ] Comment #15 posted by FoM on April 07, 2006 at 12:20:31 PT museman I am really happy for you. From the first time I heard your music I knew you had a wonderful gift. I can't sing at all. I sing in my heart though. We all have a special talent and we need to use it because it is ours and ours only. Without music with a message I would feel so lost. Keep up following your Muse as Neil would say. [ Post Comment ] Comment #14 posted by museman on April 07, 2006 at 12:13:00 PT FoM Thanks for listening. I've been focussing in on the music, and creating/finding local venue. Lot of political stirring going on around here, probably going on everywhere. I'ts going to be an active summer for gatherings and such. Watching the fall of the Bush regime.Waiting for new info on Jerry- nothing yet.Got so much music to process I'll never get it all done, my kids will be editing songs for 20 years after I kick the bucket!That's what I am doing, what is taking my time and focus. New music is happening faster than I can record it, which is why I am just recording live from now on- a lot less labor intensive in front of the computer.It has been hard not to just jump in and post my two cents, but I have to restrain myself because I just get into it so much. So I will pop in from time to time. Probably after the fair season is over- next fall, I will spend more focus on it, 'cause this forum, and what everyone here stands for, is like a small field of diamonds in a plain of low grade coal.Peace [ Post Comment ] Comment #13 posted by lombar on April 07, 2006 at 11:28:23 PT They want the utility to spy on residents now. The government of BC is passing a law that gives the consumption of electricity to the police to combat 'grow ops' and the cops are claiming that this will make neighborhoods safer. People who use a non-disclosed level of electricity will get a 48 hour notice of inspection and if they don't allow it, the power is cut off.They even think they can spot the people who bypass the meters by the 'unusally low' consumption. Well I got news for you cops, the people who rig bypasses will do it BEFORE THE METER thus the normal household consumption can be reflected on the bill AND they can use as much electricity as they want. All they will be able to see is that SOMEONE is bypassing on a grid by the differnce between what is billed and what is actually consumed.The other thing is that now there will be far more closet grows and the 'crackdown' will make these small gardens even more lucrative. In effect they have turned the hydro company into a deputy. Rather than just solve the problems this government is on its way to perpetuating them, increasing the levels of income of the big gansters while doing NOTHING about the demand. Legalise the cannabis and the grow ops are GONE overnight. Crack down and just make it more lucrative encouraging MORE grow ops not less. THey STILL cant catch them all even with the power companies help. The monies they have saved by cutting back government services better not be spent on more cops. Link to stories in CC forums. [ Post Comment ] Comment #12 posted by dongenero on April 07, 2006 at 11:24:33 PT museman HaaaHahamuseman you are cracking me up. I love that!"marvelous king monkey and his favorite chimp advisors"That will have a smile on my face for awhile. Thanks. [ Post Comment ] Comment #11 posted by FoM on April 07, 2006 at 11:23:06 PT Hi museman! It's good to see you. I really like your new song To This Moment. My husband likes it too. [ Post Comment ] Comment #10 posted by museman on April 07, 2006 at 11:14:22 PT Houses of Straw Is what they built, what they live in, and what covers their obvious nakedness. Thanks to their marvelous king monkey and his favorite chimp advisors, everybody gets to see, 'cause tho their memory may be good, they have little brains in which to put it in.****** Keep it up guys, tho I haven't posted, I've been checking in. [ Post Comment ] Comment #9 posted by FoM on April 07, 2006 at 09:00:28 PT Selective Memory Cannabis helps many people with selective memory. Here's a Irish expression.REMEMBERAlways remember to forget,The things that made you sad.But never forget to remember,The things that made you glad.Always remember to forget,The friends that proved untrue.But don't forget to remember,Those that have stuck by you.***Always remember to forget,The troubles that passed away.But never forget to remember,The blessings that come each day. [ Post Comment ] Comment #8 posted by whig on April 07, 2006 at 08:20:59 PT Hey What was I going to say? [ Post Comment ] Comment #7 posted by dongenero on April 07, 2006 at 08:15:39 PT My thoughts on the matter....... .........uh.....Darn!!! I had something REALLY good to say!Oh well, back to the drudgery of rocket science. [ Post Comment ] Comment #6 posted by siege on April 07, 2006 at 08:06:57 PT Don't know where this comes from!! I have worked around ever intelligent people; including cannabs user, They have Forgotten more then some will ever learn, maybe 2 or 3 people will ever learn SO whats the big deal... [ Post Comment ] Comment #5 posted by FoM on April 07, 2006 at 07:36:41 PT Wow I forgot I posted this article last night! LOL! [ Post Comment ] Comment #4 posted by GreenJoy on April 07, 2006 at 04:18:50 PT I've forgotten lot's of things But I can't remember what they were. ;-) Sorry, couldn't resist. I can remember getting busted pretty good. Hammerin on the door. No announcement. Face in my floor. Cuffs. My dog crying out. Stuff gettin overturned and broken. Celebrating. The song that was played on my way to jail. Jail. The works. Where's the stuff that will help me forget THAT! Prolly good that I don't...I guess. [ Post Comment ] Comment #3 posted by Toker00 on April 07, 2006 at 03:42:11 PT Debunk, debunk, debunk. That study was so bogus. I just got re-elected unanimously, to serve in a capacity for my team at work, that requires strict attention to detail. It involves time sheets, budget sheets, procurement cards, signatory duties, work orders, team minutes, and various meetings. Then I am a carpenter on top of that. I hope I can remember how to do all that. Thirty-five years of cannabis use can affect my long term memory, I'm told. I just don't remember it ever happening.Wage peace on war. END CANNABIS PROHIBITION NOW! [ Post Comment ] Comment #2 posted by OverwhelmSam on April 07, 2006 at 03:19:38 PT Aging Alone Attributes to Some Memory Loss I can remember life in the womb and I've consumed Cannabis for over thirty years. I will say that passing through the birth canal is a bitter-sweet memory. The ability to forget can be a wonderful blessing, especially when it comes to the way that hateful punishment mongers in our government and law enforcement treat marijuana consumers. [ Post Comment ] Comment #1 posted by lombar on April 07, 2006 at 00:29:39 PT I can remember.. "Right. I've never heard of anyone checking into a rehab center after smoking pot only 20 times. And besides, if pot destroys a person's memory as researchers claim it does, how do they know these people haven't smoked pot a thousand times and just can't remember?"I can remember all the way back to my childhood.. should I be able to recall what I was doing on Arpil 6, 1987 at 3 pm? June 15, 1992 at 12 pm? Who can do that? Only when there is a strong emotional state associated with a memory do we recall it with great detail. It's a good thing because our minds have to filter out gigabytes of data that we ignore or it would drive us insane. Smells, sounds, sights, tastes, feelings, thoughts, sensations, reactions, all occuring in split seconds, our attention jumping from one to another, constantly shifting.The writer has a funny point, it is likely the sample is taken from people in rehab for something other than cannabis. They are in drug rehab but only smoked cannabis 20 times or less?... so they were there for doing meth or something? Not exactly the brightest to begin with.For instance, I have just been teaching myself about HTML and the latest is CSS stylesheets. I remember quite well what I have learned. I have been learning about 'div' and I am making a personal home page. I like the format of this site but when I look at the source I have never seen that before. These comments are just inserted as tables on an editable page. I guess that is some kind of server side live parsing. I want to use php + mysql to make a blog like page that I can add content to the center div. A three column layout.If I am slow to remember something it is simply because I have to sift through so much before I can determine its not actually in there somewhere... ;) [ Post Comment ] Post Comment