Just Say No To Cannabis Candy, Supervisor Says Just Say No To Cannabis Candy, Supervisor Says Posted by CN Staff on April 03, 2006 at 19:59:32 PT By Michele R. Marcucci, Staff Writer Source: Oakland Tribune California -- Alameda County Supervisor Nate Miley wants to protect your kids from Chronic and Hydro and Sticky Icky Buds.All three are part of a line of marijuana- and hemp-flavored candy that Miley wants banned. The Board of Supervisors is set to discuss a ban on the sale of such products today. The candy improperly influences young teens and adults and its only use is to promote illegal behavior, the proposed ordinance says. ``The inappropriate and/or mistaken use of marijuana can have negative health effects,'' a staff report signed by Miley said, and it is a gateway to additional drug use.Miley did not return calls seeking comment Monday. But the owner of Chronic Candy, the Corona-based company that claims to have originated the candy, says Miley is just blowing political smoke.The company's Web site may say ``every lick is like taking a hit,'' but there's nothing illegal in the lollipops, gumdrops or chocolate the company sells, Chronic Candy's owner, Tony Van Pelt, said.Some of the candy has hemp oil in it - which is not illegal - but there's no THC, which is the active ingredient in marijuana. He argued that his candy, like liquor-flavored chocolates, Las Vegas or Playboy magazine, is for adults. His Web site has a disclaimer that it is for adults only.And besides.``People don't go to marijuana for the taste,'' Van Pelt said.Van Pelt started his company in 2000, after finding pot-flavored candy on a trip to Holland with his parents. He sells it all over the country, particularly on concert tours, he said.Pot-loving rapper Snoop Dogg and celebutante Paris Hilton have endorsed the candy, but politicians aren't too high on it. The candy has been banned in Chicago and Suffolk County, N.Y., and is facing a possible ban in Georgia, Van Pelt said. Other states also are reportedly considering bans.Van Pelt said he has changed his Web site and product packaging to make it clear the candy is not for kids. And he said he's happy to talk to parents or politicians who take issue with his product, though he's befuddled as to how anyone in the state that passed a medical marijuana law could be concerned about his product.He said parents could use it as a tool to teach their children about the dangers of drug use.``Use Chronic Candy to have that conversation at home about drugs,'' Van Pelt said. ``Say why this product isn't for us as a family.'' Source: Oakland Tribune, The (CA)Author: Michele R. Marcucci, Staff WriterPublished: April 4, 2006Copyright: 2006 MediaNews Group, Inc. Contact: triblet angnewspapers.comWebsite: -- Cannabis Archives Home Comment Email Register Recent Comments Help Comment #54 posted by FoM on April 05, 2006 at 19:22:55 PT Toker00 I sometimes post an article on the board that I want to keep. I know that having a back up board ready to go makes me feel more secure. I can post uploaded pictures on it. I have a board on my Neil Young page too. I can post good articles that I won't put on the page that way. [ Post Comment ] Comment #53 posted by Toker00 on April 05, 2006 at 19:16:06 PT AAhhh, I remember. I bookmarked it, then titled it like it is on the page, Cannabis News. I confused myself, but I explained to myself what was going on, so I'm fine now. Thank you.Toke. [ Post Comment ] Comment #52 posted by FoM on April 05, 2006 at 19:03:33 PT Toker00 Oh I understand now. That is what I call our emergency board. If CNews would ever go down I made that board so we wouldn't get lost from each other. Luckily it has never needed to be used. [ Post Comment ] Comment #51 posted by Toker00 on April 05, 2006 at 19:00:26 PT Thanks, Max. That is another thing I was wondering. This is the page I am talking about FoM. [ Post Comment ] Comment #50 posted by FoM on April 05, 2006 at 17:21:44 PT charmed quark I agree that the amount of oil is alot. That is only what I use when I have serious congestion. We heat with wood and I have a cast iron pot on top of the woodburner. When it is really cold and the stove is cranked open the water boils. I put orange and lemon or lavender and it permeates thru the house. They have dispensers but I never bought one. I like peppermint oil too. [ Post Comment ] Comment #49 posted by charmed quark on April 05, 2006 at 17:16:41 PT Essential oils and chili Regarding the pepper oil peeling skin - the Sinus Buster stuff is diluted to the the point that it only burns a little bit in the sinuses. I think they may buffer it, too.FoM - that's a lot of essential oil in the bath. Thanks, I may try that. I use essential oils now. For instance, for migraines, I put a few drops of lavender and peppermint oils on a tissue and breath it. It can actually make a mild migraine go away, and makes me feel a little better with moderate ones. I also use ginger for nausea. Works better than any of the prescribed anti-nauseants I've used. Unfortunately essential oils do nothing for my more typcial end-of-the-world migraines. That takes lots of Marinol and Advil, and occasionally trips to the ER for harder stuff. [ Post Comment ] Comment #48 posted by Max Flowers on April 05, 2006 at 15:03:17 PT URLs ...are not case-sensitive :^) [ Post Comment ] Comment #47 posted by FoM on April 05, 2006 at 14:29:55 PT Toker00 I don't understand? They are the same. These point to CNews. [ Post Comment ] Comment #46 posted by Toker00 on April 05, 2006 at 14:18:39 PT Hope/FoM is the alternate site for this site, Right?Toke. [ Post Comment ] Comment #45 posted by FoM on April 05, 2006 at 09:42:03 PT whig I am looking forward to the next season. Weeds was just so good. It makes me want to sing Little Boxes. LOL! [ Post Comment ] Comment #44 posted by whig on April 05, 2006 at 09:36:51 PT FoM Gotta wait 'til July 17. [ Post Comment ] Comment #43 posted by FoM on April 05, 2006 at 09:21:15 PT Weeds -- High on Season 2 I want one and it makes me angry. It's just a plant! [ Post Comment ] Comment #42 posted by whig on April 05, 2006 at 09:10:17 PT So much for free speech in France Here's the full article: [ Post Comment ] Comment #41 posted by Hope on April 05, 2006 at 08:39:41 PT "Non" I didn't take French...but it sounds like "No" to me.What a repressive world we live in. It seems to be getting worse and worse.About pepper. I once handled my contact lenses in the evening after I'd made nachos with jalapenos earlier in the day and handled the peppers with my clean bare hands. I'd washed my hands many times...but not enough. It was an exciting morning the next morning.I've had quite a few memorable experiences with pepper in my lifetime. Maybe my eustation tube would open if I just thought about it enough or gently sniffed a bit of red pepper from a distance of some inches.Think I'll try that.Maybe boil it in a low concentrate and steam bath my sinuses. I'll try it. [ Post Comment ] Comment #40 posted by whig on April 05, 2006 at 08:19:13 PT Hope It's a really low concentration of capsicum, not enough to do any harm. They say even if you get it in your eye it won't do more than sting a little, though you shouldn't try it. [ Post Comment ] Comment #39 posted by FoM on April 05, 2006 at 07:34:08 PT A Question: What Does Non Mean? I think it means no and that is a bummer.Elizabeth Perkins (L) as Celia Hodes and Mary-Louise Parker as Nancy Botwin in a scene from the Showtime Original Series 'Weeds'. French customs agents gave a firm 'non!' Monday to T-shirts and caps bearing the image of a marijuana leaf that were to promote the suburban dope comedy. REUTERS/PRNewsFoto/Showtime Networks Inc. [ Post Comment ] Comment #38 posted by Hope on April 05, 2006 at 07:28:51 PT Mmmmmm Sounds so inviting.I want some of those bathtub markers that little kids use to write on the walls of the enclosure. [ Post Comment ] Comment #37 posted by Hope on April 05, 2006 at 07:25:55 PT Comment 17 Oh my!Glad I didn't take that one and run with it.I figured it was true. I had a strange doubt when I thought "FOX NEWS is writing this?"There's so much to read and so much to do that I can barely read the thing I'm going to read, much less inspect the site. "Inspect the site." That's funny. I still don't know what all is at Cannabis News. This is Cannabis News isn't it? [ Post Comment ] Comment #36 posted by FoM on April 05, 2006 at 07:13:27 PT Hope A little correction I need to make. After you get the suds in the tub then put the oil in and stir with your feet. [ Post Comment ] Comment #35 posted by FoM on April 05, 2006 at 07:10:06 PT Hope It is fun. After I treated myself when I was sick my nose just ran and ran. Gross I know but I could breath again and my head didn't hurt anymore. [ Post Comment ] Comment #34 posted by Hope on April 05, 2006 at 07:09:12 PT Recipe for Delightful Bubble Bath I've got to print, frame and hang that recipe in my bathroom."I would say about 30 or 40 drops. I am very liberal with oil. Make sure you allow water in the tub to fill while showering. Put shampoo in the tub and make suds. The suds help the oil from all being dispersed at one time. Stir the water with your feet to kick up the fumes. Then put the drops in the tub. Keep the bathroom door shut. Stay in the bathroom for as long as you can. Only drain the tub when you are leaving the bathroom. You won't even notice the aroma after the first few minutes. It might burn your eyes a little at first and don't get any of this oil on your body ( only your feet ) or anywhere near your eyes. It is very potent. Inhalation therapy gets up high into your sinuses and helps open them better then a pill or anything."FoM [ Post Comment ] Comment #33 posted by FoM on April 05, 2006 at 07:07:16 PT charmed quark Here's another link that helps explain the uses of essential oils. I keep lavendar, tea tree, lemon, orange, and wintergreen oils on hand too. [ Post Comment ] Comment #32 posted by Hope on April 05, 2006 at 07:04:31 PT Man! That sounds like fun. "Stir the water with your feet to kick up the fumes."Bubble baths are fun. [ Post Comment ] Comment #31 posted by FoM on April 05, 2006 at 06:57:43 PT charmed quark I would say about 30 or 40 drops. I am very liberal with oil. Make sure you allow water in the tub to fill while showering. Put shampoo in the tub and make suds. The suds help the oil from all being dispersed at one time. Stir the water with your feet to kick up the fumes. Then put the drops in the tub. Keep the bathroom door shut. Stay in the bathroom for as long as you can. Only drain the tub when you are leaving the bathroom. You won't even notice the aroma after the first few minutes. It might burn your eyes a little at first and don't get any of this oil on your body ( only your feet ) or anywhere near your eyes. It is very potent. Inhalation therapy gets up high into your sinuses and helps open them better then a pill or anything I have ever used. Let me know if it helps. Bergamot is an anti depressant oil and I used it in the past when I did up a few dishes in the sink before I put them in the dishwasher. Essential oils are truly a wonderful medicine.Bergamot: [ Post Comment ] Comment #30 posted by Hope on April 05, 2006 at 06:46:36 PT %/ Pepper spray up the nose? Doesn't it burn? The skin peeled off my hands from grinding and preparing red pepper to spray grasshoppers with. We had to wear masks to breathe...which I hadn't expected, while the homegrown cayenne was ground in the blender. It permeated the entire room I was in and drove me out to find a breathing device. When it was mixed with water and sprayed on the plants, the solution stopped the horde of grasshoppers in it's tracks. It also completely corroded the lining of my expensive high quality sprayer bottle, meant to handle even powerful chemicals, as well as the nozzle and mechanics of it! My skin peeled where the liquified stuff touched me like it does after exposure to strong chlorine bleach. We all had to wear bandanas covering our mouths, noses, and sometimes eyes... for quite a little while....thirty minutes to an hour.Even the thought of spraying anything, water even... in my nose makes me nearly beserk. Can't do it. Can't do it.It makes me think of an old Three Dog Night tune."That nose spray you're using scares me half to death!""Mama told me not to come!" [ Post Comment ] Comment #29 posted by charmed quark on April 05, 2006 at 06:27:44 PT Sinus Buster I tried that for my migraines. First couple of times you do it it feels VERY strong. They your sinuses gets kinda use to it.Unfortunately, it didn't do much for my migraines. I'd get maybe 5 minutes releif and then the migraine would come back. Didn't really clear my sinuses, either. That was an earlier squeeze bottle version. Maybe the new metered dose bottles work better.Sigh - too bad. I was really looking forward to a non-drug treatment for my migraines. I don't even like using cannabis-like drugs for treatment.FOM - My wife has chronic sinusitis, and I get it on occasion. I'm going to try the eucylipsus (sp?) oil treatement. Sounds like fun even if it doesn't work. How many drops do you typically use int he tub? [ Post Comment ] Comment #28 posted by whig on April 04, 2006 at 21:18:59 PT Hope "Do you have hearing problems because of your eutstacion tube or tubes? Did it help that? If could you tell it opened your eustacion tube...or tubes?"No, my hearing wasn't affected, but I had a feeling of "fullness" that was uncomfortable and I could certainly feel them draining and then a much clearer head earlier today. Unfortunately at the moment my headache is back, but this morning was the best I've felt in a long time."You sprayed a pepper spray into your mouth or throat? Surely not you nose! Is that how it works?"Right up the nose, indeed. How else are you going to get it to the sinuses? Dose Sinus Buster"The MD I have now wanted to prescribe me steroids for what she felt was a eustacion tube problem. I didn't do that."I was prescribed Flonase, which is an intranasal steroid. I prefer to avoid it, especially with my orthopaedic problems, it can really injure bone marrow and mine is bad enough without toxifying things worse. [ Post Comment ] Comment #27 posted by Hope on April 04, 2006 at 20:45:50 PT A good doctor would be intrigued with your experience with the capsacian, Whig. My chiropracter would be, I'm sure.Do you have hearing problems because of your eutstacion tube or tubes? Did it help that? If could you tell it opened your eustacion tube...or tubes?You sprayed a pepper spray into your mouth or throat? Surely not you nose! Is that how it works?The MD I have now wanted to prescribe me steroids for what she felt was a eustacion tube problem. I didn't do that. [ Post Comment ] Comment #26 posted by John Tyler on April 04, 2006 at 18:26:38 PT so-called Cannabis flavored lollypops I found some of the so-called Cannabis flavored lollypops in Spencer’s Gifts in the local mall. I thought it had to be joke to get prohibitionists all riled up and looking foolish and of course to make some money. They were two dollars apiece. This is kind of pricey for one little sucker the size of a tootsie pop. The candy itself was green with a green wrapper. It had a citrus flavor. It could have just as easily been used for St. Patrick’s Day. It was a big nothing. The only people who got excited about it were the drug-crazed prohibitionists. [ Post Comment ] Comment #25 posted by FoM on April 04, 2006 at 10:47:08 PT whig It makes sense to me. [ Post Comment ] Comment #24 posted by whig on April 04, 2006 at 10:30:25 PT FoM I just called and left a message and cancelled today's appointment but I told him I have a sinus infection and it seems to be clearing up and he can call me if he wants to discuss it, and I left my number. Otherwise I was going to go there and be very upset and it was going to charge my insurance for an appointment I didn't need, so this was better. [ Post Comment ] Comment #23 posted by FoM on April 04, 2006 at 10:25:46 PT whig That's very true. Doctor's that are open to their patients can learn from them. I had a doctor but he is now a VA doctor that I wanted to tell him about medical marijuana but I was afraid. I heard he smoked marijuana many years ago. This is a small community and everyone knows everything about just about everyone. I went with my husband when we had to see him and I was nervous but I said Doc can I say something to you privately about medical marijuana. He looked left and right sheepishly and shut the door and said go ahead shoot. I told him and he listened and smiled. [ Post Comment ] Comment #22 posted by whig on April 04, 2006 at 10:18:32 PT FoM Well, I have an appointment anyhow, so if I cancel I should say why, and if I go then I'll have to tell him the headaches are clearing, so I can't really avoid explaining it I think. And maybe it will be something that would penetrate his consciousness so that when he has another patient with a headache like mine, he'll think, hey, pepper spray worked for one of my patients... And if he's not willing to reconsider that, then at least it does no harm and I'll have tried to help him help others. [ Post Comment ] Comment #21 posted by FoM on April 04, 2006 at 09:57:47 PT whig If it was me I wouldn't even mention it. You are figuring out what works for you. You know yourself better then he does. Alternative medicine just isn't known by many doctors. [ Post Comment ] Comment #20 posted by Max Flowers on April 04, 2006 at 09:57:00 PT FoM Call it whatever you want... I was just being "anal", ha ha!Man that burns me up about that Faux news... I REALLY wanted that to be true, it would have been the death blow to the Repugnicans... and I think it's somewhat true anyway. I mean, they may not be issuing "directives" to the news organizations, but the news organizations are doing that (what the faux article says they were ordered to do) anyway. [ Post Comment ] Comment #19 posted by FoM on April 04, 2006 at 09:52:19 PT Max Flowers I stand corrected. You're right it is oil. How about I call it a non greasy oil? [ Post Comment ] Comment #18 posted by whig on April 04, 2006 at 09:48:59 PT Chiro... Wondering if I should go to him today, and what I should say, since he was so discouraging of my using pepper spray and didn't want me to try it at all, and my headaches seem to be getting better now. I'll probably go and just tell him, and he can see for himself, and then maybe he won't want me to come in anymore. I do think he helped at first, I just think he was too closed-minded to consider alternatives. [ Post Comment ] Comment #17 posted by whig on April 04, 2006 at 09:46:53 PT Fox News Yeah, Fox News is biased trash TV, no question about it, which is why the joke site worked, because it was actually believable to some extent, but I don't think most Republicans will really come out and say what they think and it made me suspicious. Anyhow, the page that Runderwo pointed to isn't Fox News, it's a spoof. [ Post Comment ] Comment #16 posted by whig on April 04, 2006 at 09:44:51 PT FoM Yeah, ephedra tea would help same as pseudoephedrine, but I got a ten day supply of the 24-hour timed-release loratadine/pseudoephedrine so I'll at least go through that first. I'm not adverse to using pharms occasionally and in moderation when they help, but I really despise the idea of taking something every day and I think a lot of the drugs they are prescribing for things like cholesterol are toxic as heck and don't really provide a benefit in terms of actual morbidity/mortality anyhow. [ Post Comment ] Comment #15 posted by Max Flowers on April 04, 2006 at 09:44:36 PT FOX news / essential oils Still, you know we have problems when the joke news release is probably really true, and people can't tell the joke from the real situation. To be honest I'm still doing research over here to be sure it really is a joke. Frankly, if it is a joke, it's in bad taste since so many people are really afraid that's true.FoM, this is a bit nitpicky, but wanted to point out that essential oils are still oils, but they're what's known as highly volatile oils. They're oils, but when they evaporate they evaporate fully, leaving no stain (most of them, anyway). [ Post Comment ] Comment #14 posted by FoM on April 04, 2006 at 09:41:45 PT Toker00 I don't know if that is a spoof paper but FOX News is a republican news channel. That's just the way it is. I get news from World Link TV that I feel is fair and balanced. CNN is about the best news channel but it too candy coats everything. I like a show on MSNBC at 8 pm et. It's countdown with Keith Olbermann. He speaks out against O'Reilly and I love that. He plays wonderful music and talks like he is fully aware of our culture. [ Post Comment ] Comment #13 posted by Toker00 on April 04, 2006 at 09:06:16 PT So, whig, is that site like The Onion? I wasted my post?!?Sheesh.Well, at least YOUR headache is clearing...:) Just kidding. I can take a joke. But I am really glad for your headache/sinus relief. Good for you.Toke. [ Post Comment ] Comment #12 posted by FoM on April 04, 2006 at 09:03:37 PT whig Natural treatments take longer then drugs but in the end they work often better then drugs I believe. You can even buy ephedra tea if you want to keep it natural. The tea is called Breathe Easy. [ Post Comment ] Comment #11 posted by whig on April 04, 2006 at 08:48:21 PT FoM Yeah, I can definitely tell you my sinuses were opening up nicely in the shower this morning. But it's been so badly congested for so long that nothing, but nothing was penetrating. I really think I needed the pepper spray. About an hour after using it, my nasal passages are completely clear, and they stay clear for at least two or three hours after that. My ears have been decongesting as well. From what I've read you have to give it a week or so to get through to the frontal sinuses, which is what I think is causing my headaches. [ Post Comment ] Comment #10 posted by FoM on April 04, 2006 at 08:46:13 PT goneposthole I wondered that too. [ Post Comment ] Comment #9 posted by FoM on April 04, 2006 at 08:37:28 PT Whig I have chronic sinus problems. I have for years and this is something I did when I was very sick with this flu I had. I also did this for my Rott when he got kennel cough when we brought our adopted dog home a few years ago from the pound. I shut the bathroom door. Run hot water in the tub and put oil in the bath water while I am taking a shower. The vapor permeates the bathroom and it opens my sinuses and it did the same for my dog. I thought he was going to die he was so sick and it broke it within 24 hours. I use this companies products. I buy 4 ounces not 1 ounce since I use oils so liberally. It cost about $8.00 for 4 ounces. I put Eucalyptus Oil on our pillows every night. When we hear oil we think of oil stains. There is no oil in essential oils so when it evaporates it doesn't leave a stain. [ Post Comment ] Comment #8 posted by goneposthole on April 04, 2006 at 08:33:44 PT Who is he trying to kid? "People don't go to marijuana for the taste"It is the number one criteria. I don't want cannabis that tastes like it has been grown next to the horse barn.El primo bud is el primo bud primarily because of the taste.If you order filet mignon, you don't want it to taste like shoe leather. [ Post Comment ] Comment #7 posted by whig on April 04, 2006 at 08:05:59 PT FoM Still off-and-on, but I took some Loratadine/Pseudoephedrine this AM and my sinuses have been clearing for days from the pepper spray, it just seems to be getting better finally. Couple more days of this and I'll be out of the woods, I hope. [ Post Comment ] Comment #6 posted by FoM on April 04, 2006 at 07:45:58 PT whig I's so glad to read your headache is clearing. [ Post Comment ] Comment #5 posted by whig on April 04, 2006 at 06:45:37 PT Whoa! Headache clearing! [ Post Comment ] Comment #4 posted by whig on April 04, 2006 at 04:37:45 PT Siege That's a spoof. Faux News is not [ Post Comment ] Comment #3 posted by Toker00 on April 04, 2006 at 03:40:07 PT Siege Not all agree, however. Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist took a more defensive stance. "Of course it raises some concerns, but we can't let this issue be blown out of proportion. Of course there have to be media guidelines. Hell, if we want to plant I.D. chips in people and torture their loved ones until they break, we will. I know the idea of governmental control over what the media can or cannot say during wartime may be an uncomfortable topic for some to digest, but it is a necessary fact of life when our enemies are trying to kill us."He's not talking about our enemies killing us. He is talking about our enemies killing THEM. THE ELITE. All laws and all Forces are about protecting the Elite. He could care less about us. WE are the ones he has no problem "torturing our loved ones until they break." He is talking about censoring OUR media. He is talking about torturing US, not our enemies.Frist is now the God Head of the Republican party. He must be removed from office. He is Satan's Representative.Wage peace on war. END CANNABIS PROHIBITION NOW! [ Post Comment ] Comment #2 posted by siege on April 03, 2006 at 21:42:30 PT Bush Administration Media Collusion Memos Surface,3566,190215,00.html [ Post Comment ] Comment #1 posted by runderwo on April 03, 2006 at 21:06:49 PT nice title "Just Say No To Cannabis Candy, Supervisor Says"That about puts this motion in a nutshell. The supervisor wants to just say no FOR you, so you won't have the choice to do so. [ Post Comment ] Post Comment