Toking Up or Taking Pills To Alleviate The Pain

Toking Up or Taking Pills To Alleviate The Pain
Posted by CN Staff on March 23, 2006 at 06:53:42 PT
By M.K. and S.E. Brantseg 
Source: Minnesota Daily
Minnesota -- I am glad to see state Sen. Steve Kelley’s medical marijuana bill is receiving serious consideration by the state Senate. It’s time Minnesota lawmakers put an end to the cruel policy of arresting and incarcerating medical marijuana patients. Now that the Senate Judiciary Committee has passed Kelley’s medical marijuana bill, legislators are one step closer to protecting people with cancer from arrest and imprisonment. This compassionate legislation deserves quick passage, and the recent committee win shows it is gaining momentum.
The bill will protect seriously ill patients from being thrown in jail for using medical marijuana with their doctors’ advice. Medical marijuana is a popular issue. Medical marijuana ballot initiatives have passed in every state that has voted on them, and polls show massive public support. A 2005 statewide Zogby poll found that 60 percent of Minnesotans support medical marijuana legislation. So far, only three state legislatures — Hawaii, Rhode Island and Vermont — have had the courage to stop arresting patients without a drive from voters. Like Hawaii, Rhode Island and Vermont, Minnesota has no voter initiative process for legislation. The Minnesota Legislature must have the courage to pass a bill if patients in the state ever will earn protection. This is not a partisan issue; it is a compassion issue. Many otherwise illegal substances, such as cocaine and morphine, legally can be prescribed. The same should be true for marijuana. Many legal alternatives proposed by opponents of medical marijuana are too expensive, too addictive and have too many side effects. Chemotherapy patients who are too nauseated to eat or swallow a pill should not have to fear arrest if they — and their doctors — find that smoking marijuana is the most effective means of treating their symptoms. Ultimately, the decision of which medicine is best for an illness should be left up to the patient and the doctor, not to the government. When they have their doctors’ approval, patients should be able to use medical marijuana without fear. They also should be able to rely on a safe supply of marijuana, without having to resort to the dangerous criminal market. Tax money should be used to prosecute violent crime, not punish medical marijuana users. Minnesota’s legislature should enact laws that protect patients. Senators should pass Kelley’s medical marijuana bill without delay. M.K. and S.E. Brantseg are residents of Richfield. Note: What medicine is best should be left up to the patient and the doctor. Source: Minnesota Daily (MN Edu)Author: M.K. and S.E. Brantseg Published: March 23, 2006 Copyright: 2006 Minnesota DailyContact: letters mndaily.comWebsite: CannabisNews Medical Marijuana Archives
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Comment #5 posted by jose melendez on March 24, 2006 at 03:54:57 PT
Steve Tuck's work with flavonoids led me to discover a method to make gel sheets that dissolve on your mouth like those mouthwash strips.No more yuck, and the product packaging will come with open source data on how they work and are made, along with quotations from U.S. law and contact numbers for batteries of attorneys from Million Marijuana Lawsuits.-"Answering the client's objection is the key to the sale."-me- Concerned Citizens Coalition to Criminalize
Prohibition was formed to expose collusions and
devices in restraint of legal trade in cannabis, coca
and poppies. - Drug war is crime. We have proof.)
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Comment #4 posted by FoM on March 23, 2006 at 21:43:23 PT
Senate Panel OKs Medical Marijuana
A bill to legalize medical use of marijuana has advanced further than ever before, but it likely will go no further.By Dane Smith, Star Tribune March 23, 2006 After a tough couple of hours testifying in favor of legalization of a certain narcotic for medical purposes, Irvin Rosenfeld stepped outside the state Capitol on Thursday to take his medicine, and smoked a perfectly legal marijuana cigarette.Rosenfeld, a Florida stockbroker with a rare bone disease, said he has smoked 10 to 12 joints a day for 25 years and is one of a handful of people left in a federal program that supplies him regularly with free marijuana.He was expected to die from his disease in his teens, but Rosenfeld said he is alive and well at 53 because marijuana's anti-inflammation properties have prevented tumor growths on his bones. He also joked that if it's any comfort to critics and opponents of marijuana use, it "does nothing" for him in the way of pleasure or getting high.His testimony and that of other former users of medical marijuana won the day in the Senate Crime Prevention and Public Safety Committee, which approved a legalization bill for medicinal use on a straight 6-5 party-line vote, with DFLers in support and Republicans opposed. Snipped:Complete Article:
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Comment #3 posted by Hope on March 23, 2006 at 10:13:01 PT
When you feel bad or are's pretty easy to hold your breath.
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Comment #2 posted by Hope on March 23, 2006 at 10:12:21 PT
I don't like taking pills.
Toking...for an experienced adult doesn't sound too bad.Why not? please you, pills can be made. Dried, cooked herbal powdered into capsules.If you must. Pills are a blessing every now and then...and even every day. vitamins....aspirin....tylenol....whatever ....can all be blessings.Yet...the mind rejects and resents too many pills.Mine does, anyway.A yuck response can start to build quickly against pills.
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Comment #1 posted by Hope on March 23, 2006 at 09:54:50 PT have an effect on people.
Sometimesthere really isPeacein that pipe.
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